Mucous 13°93 Coop TORONTO CHTho provin cial government was urged today to give farmcontrolled cooper atives and marketing organiza lions authority to employ produ tion adjustment and control tech oloues to boost farmincome and welfare The proposal roscontaincd in brief presented to the cabinet by the Ontario Federation of Ag riculture which represents 47 county federations of agriculture 24 farm commodity marketing groups five eoopcrotivo organ Italiansand seven service and educational organizations Arï¬ong the most signiï¬cant problems in agriculture is the gearing of production to de mand the brief Said The far mers propensity to over produce in the aggregate is well known Producer marketing boards suitably empowered by legisla lion could work toward an ef fective solution of the problem in PoWerlullUS Rocket Fizzles Maiden Flight Moon Ruined above Dunlap Street East is core chNAvEnAL Fla AP The mostipowerfui rocket ever developed by the United States failed on itsmaiden flight early today and ruined the American attempt to put the first satellite their own particular sphere They would try to do this without lips duly obstructing progress toward more cffmleatproductian 10 LOCAL BOARDS resolution forwardcdlc the government proposes that the 9n tario Farm Products Marketing Board extend to local boards the authority to exercise production Cl lrol so as to have production in relation to demand for the product estimated by thelocal board This entension of authorlty would be granted only whenap proved by majority of the pro ducers concerned The brief also asked the gov crnment to make available addi tional financial aid for market research by agricultural colleges and agricultural economic de partmcats Special courses in markoling and farm management should be given to county agri cultural representatives The failure was bitter blow to 115 hopes of jumping back into the space race with Russia which in recent months has scored spectacularly with its Luaik Ii and lit rockets Ono Si sewa Pressed random around the moon ireached the moon the other The giant AtlanAble rocket whirled into wide orbit around thundered aloft at 2226 am the moon and earth and took the Perched atop was 312pound first pictures of the moons darkl payload designed for the lunar side orbitt There is no backupvvehicle for An hour after the launching ladaysshot go itprnhbly will the National Aeronautics ond be several months belorethe Space Administra aireported 115 can make another at mpt that secondstagc signals were Thc fiery launchingwas lost 70 seconds alter blastoff and he ed by hundreds of cheering that it pres ed the second stage persons who jammed Incorb did not berï¬hes They watched With awe 0bs€rvers saw fiery chunk as 58foot threestage vehicle break loose from therocket about climbed into the sky driven by the 360009 flames created by poundsof thrust stated at Hashim seconds after the launching nd spiral into the Atlantic 0c For Closing Faces April Strike OTTAWA CP The St LawvStec Marie Ont is eing VinA rcnce Seaway Authority already lvestigated by labor department under pressure from westemcoocilistion officer The umoarex grain noon to extend the schedipectsra conciliation board will be uled Nov 30closing date for the appointéd soon inland waterway now faces the Earlier Wednesdaythe Ihreatof strike when it relpers and Exporters Association opens next April of theWinnipeg Groin Eitchanga spokesman for tbeCana an sea telegram to Prime Minis Brotherhood ofRaflwayEmplo noimced WednesdayJ ter Diefenbake protestingrtho ees and other Transport Workers said Wednesday night negotia tloasover newwage contract have broken down We have run into refusal to bargain at all said the spokes plan to closenav ation on Seaway Nov 30 The closing data was announced in Halifax Weds nesday by Transport ster Hess Seaway President JJRolJerts roan whose uoionrepreseats the said Wednesdayathatrtbeauthor Seaways Majoperational and fly hadno intention of getting Sen remainedjriveted on thessame maintenance employee ifithe authoritys at bulde doesnt change there willbe astrike Jiowever the spokesman theunion hopes settlement Will be reachedbefore the scheduled opening Seaway navigation next April The dispute involving employ ees from Lachine Queto Sauit era Hail Mesh LONDON CPtTh familiar tigure appearedat therrear of the House of Commons and stmd glaring balefully at an occupied seat just below the gangway on the scrvative side Th members at lisflessly the young Labor MP wh was senior opposition spokesm stare from the back of the House spot Suddenly they governmentvbenches Mem bers nudged one another and hastily pushedalong tomake room for thc newcomer Slowly without smile orgesture of cimowledgement Sir Winston urchill proceeded in trimnph occupy flteseat that istocitly acknowledged to be his era PWFETW there was stir on complete disgust ta gled up again in the pie reezeup rash that costthou adds dollars last year when num er of oceanbound vessels barely squeezed through to the open sea ch saidtbe Nov 30 date was set after consideration had been given to the general As the date was final It las month dit is evident in fr quent public utterances usu allyon international affairs that thqre has been little slackening his inenï¬al powers or his ability to keep abreast of events other eehoesof the old Church Llllpersist Making acampaign speech at Woodford Town Hall for gthe recent general election he fiddled in growing irritation withapair of spectacles as he glanced at his notes letting them slide down his loose be tween co ultation oft altogether As the speech at on it suddenly dawned on him no he omforta ed my spectacles have ing them ye FIRST IN 159 YEARS Wosmucro or ha tales and Franco Wad lgned their first treaty of commercesincejaoo The 1800 ganda in favor of LIGHTING snares was The lightszaresheginning to go up all overAEarcierT el ectriciaav perched here high arrows cmA Common wealth lnstitulc Social Re search first of its nd tackling mans basic behavior man div uni and in society wits ao One as explained Wednesday by Senator MarkDrouiaL Senate Speaker and honorary presdeot of the board of sponsors ldfl create new centre of advanced research in fields of studyrcl lson its way again The lights are installed by Jordan Aber cromble on al of the Chamber of Commerce and public utilities truck was bor rowed for the in garded now as lagging badlybe hindthe physicalvseieoqes The other purpose Senator Drcuin told press conference attended by Commonwealth high commissioners is to provide centre web Commonwealth Pischolars students and adminis trators can discuss mu tual rab lems against 15Vpdwerlul railwaynun ionsmeg in cordial atmos phere for about90 minutes Wed nesday to explore the situan Observers expectthe hassle Canadas biggest single lab dis puteto go throngha long cm plicated process ofconfere conciliation and erisis and then eodupasapto emf oral government extye The unioasfwant pay increases amounting toahout 25 cents an hour in twoyear cop rejected Hus proposal yet but have publicly said their worker are alreadyas wall pad their eounterparts in industry The nonoperatingworRErHo called because theyvdo not ope Wasamcron me The RomnnCatholic hierarchy of the United States says the term population explosion is tter rar technique phrase used as vehicle for whatit called propa artiï¬cialbir control The paras indeed alerts all to the attention that must be given to population pressures said statement formulated by Catholic bishop ut dt also provlda alsmake screen behin which amoral evil may foisted on theipubllc aodforzobV scoriogrnany factors that must be considered treaty Asaxpired nation brief period this vital quesV WAS FIRST vLOCKMASIER PORT SEVERN lCPJoseph White first lockmasterlat the Trent aterways te to here when it was opened in 1915 died Wednesday Frith now tated thevchief prétences charge va no contest Wardd Two Allaadnlemep announced this afternoon they will 33nd as candidates for Ward Four in the municipal elecbons for which nominations will be held tonight at the Barrie Central Collegiate They are Michaelfwcidcr to and Jack Jebb33 Neither man has stood for council be fore Already annonnced astctcr mined to run for the tlircovseats are Alderman Morsellus Mrs Dorian Parker and Clifford Nominatioh sumup is engage three Warns About Deaf Faker Earrla City Police Chief EdA ward Tschirhnrt said today citi zensshlld be on the lookout for man posing as deafmute in communities in this area He is making al iogout of Chief Tschtrbart rasked peopIo to ignore anyone posing as deafmute and if theywere ac coated by such alperscatocon tactilhe pclice immediately The man In question ppeared in urtiWednesdoy bu he is ordered toJeave issusoected howe MONTREALCPAn explo sioa shook St Luke Hospital Wednesday night frac ring the skull of one doctor and injuring anotherandxan orderly One man died half an hour after tbecxpiosioa but hospital offieials snidbis death could not be directly attributed blast The blast apparently in the basement of the hospitals south 19 9h west wing shattered equipment tricians mach ists track repair crews cler freight hondiers porters sta oirk er and £500 seasonaltrac workerstwho get straight ti at present for stood seeking changes inttbé un ioachcekoffa system whereby the ompanies it dues front the payroll for ions Theurailways say the dispute could cost them about $91000000 ifthetwo grou gotthe fullvbene fit of 25406 hour wage ln crease because it could affect othercmployeas wage mind in firstfiooc emergency rooms ceilings as far awayas thevfourth floor of the wing DruMarcel Dusserault 43 surg was taken to Montreal Neurological Institute with fractured skull Ilis conditionywas repopted arserious Dr Louis Bernard 57 surgeon inchiefandEmile Quinta 55 rd suffered elativel nab landward charged today moo Bandaranaike lit Trees two HALIFAX top class Rebate EST The and shook down plaster from intone Men noos Walnuts Idiot Box TillMay Be Harlin PoOLDIdFido Too In Britain altoNEON ReuterslA leie Vision or rn raised its shaggy had here today Breaktasting Britons already concerned aboutvvidtos effects ontheir tots picked up their morning aewsplparaand startedJrettiag about what the idiot box may be doing to poor old Fido as well Tjhepress of thisdogdoving nation broke out highegdiincs in reporting House of lzords debate on thealiimportant sub joet ofeanlaes Wednesd One paper spok out editori as weil Lord Ailwyn 72 leader of the Royal Society for the Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals argued in the upper House for iboost the ahnuol dog 1i cence tee He is would in crease the owners scdse of responsibility and stark pictures of Fidos life in atellyhappy ham He the lrrespons in dog owner and his family like to sit glued to the television sqreen hour after hourand the dog longing for human com panionship is forgotten and re mains tied up uncared for no exerclsed or isturned out in the streets becoming menace tintraffic causing endless road gaceldeats prp in the country chasing andwo ry live stock He said his foe boost idea was aimed at discouraging the man or woman who just thinks it would befun to have dog but has no real conception of how to look afterit andreally care forit chaps Setsé Record gasp flyer Max day éndiag flight for smalliphines Haftook off from Casablanca Morocc The FederalAviation uthority reported his landing at 1127 am tance was 911 io interview thK conï¬de E1 peso Conrad said he still all plenty of fuel Qnebec began an immediate investiga hospital used natural gas in its kitchen and the spokesman said that earlierrin the day some work had been done on gas pipes there Odor of gas had been re ported earlier on thathird floor he said It was miracle no one else med Abbe Rene Morrisette hosp chaplain All 178 patients in the wing were evacuated to nursing homesprtheir ow homes and otherparts of the hospital brick building in the heart of Montreal is the citys public emergency hospital LONDON Retuers Th Supreme Sovret of theRussian federation the SovietUnions biggest parliamentary body by unanimous vote today eved Nikolai fgoatovfrom thefpostof chairman of its praesidium Moscoeradi Murder COLOMBO Ccyloaneutetsl with the murder of former Pol Say Gun NEW YORK APlPovl Bang Jensen former Danish diplomat was found dead of gunshot wound in New York City ark today Police tentatively ted the deathras suicide Detectives said gun was found in his band Bang Jensen 50 had been missing from his nearby Lake Success home since Monday When he first disappeared correspondent for the Copenha gen newspaperinformatioo out ted friends as saying they feared he might have been kidnapped byRed agents and perhaps slain The body was found in clamp of trees about 500 feet inside Alley Pond Park inQucensbor oughu Bangflenscn fervent antl Communist was fired by the united Nations lastyear because he refused to surrendera list of refugeesme Hungary after the 1955 uprisingvtbere gm of radio sta tion to determine the cause The and had cocounteiï¬dfnol particu He saidhe just didnt wantito Conrad had indicated earlier he might extead his flight to ltha west coast Conrad 55 father from onaMinn took coca Morocco 99 mark of 957 miles glow past Floridallate Wedneslt HY The record Conrad has for planes weighing between 2204 and 3358 pounds UN barons vom UNlTED NATIONS NY CP The United Nations General Assembly Wedn day voted in effect to def hill the 1960 sesion furitherjcoo sideration of increased mono disappojntthepeoplebf El Peso smashedth late Bangalensen left his home Monday morning to go to work at the Manhattan office of CARE whichnprovidos various types of aid to needy areas abroad wit telephoned police ndt return homo gt In Icy oads claimed life in lMedonte Township Wednesday when 62yEpIold farmerwas pinned uader his tractor alter skid down steep hill Alfred Spence RR Coldc water was drivinthhe tractor home towing wagon load of tire wood The accident occurred on Coa cessions Mcdonte about miles west of Orillia bership of the powsï¬uiysecur ity Council Victoria Harbour OPl Coast Tamblyn investigated Abdul 340 Homes St Luke sbcstoreyyellowJ TEXARKANA Tex AP Flames speeded by fierce winds raced through grass and brush in northeast Texas Wednesday destroyiagabout 40 homes and threatening small towns Fires buroéd today wide presd section and remained alert Texas forest who counted the groundwe had all kindsof fire lighting equipment butlwc just couldnt top it said Henry Fink or the pertinent ea ius He said The fire settled down in the swamps today where we cant get at itsnot threat to theeity bu his threatening some farni homes was garfrom house burn the grass out go the fire would bypass thehomes iWedidv itto doiens ofhouses The peo ple could seetheflre coming and som left their mes Bubtbere oarural areas the northeast portio bf Texas Others dhtted the countryside as