ment the TWO wellvlrnown tourist at tractions are the Elle Tower in Paris above and Londons eilouiisti Operators mu thanla 1950 butnld uio alaxcrou oreapeople Reg wit Beduse or the goodwe inel which prevailed throughout the summer it warm good season bluineaswiae didnt hear any morphine all Mr Welham said he thought the volume of tourlst trafï¬c had heat up from 1958 when dillpart of the province saw poorer weaflier CANADXANS lhem were goodlynum ber at Canadians travelling in the area thlseuinmer he added Mn Ray Osborne or the WhiteToWers Motel said they had noted gradual mcre as in the volume og bluinesa but no more tin oni other years She added howeverthn had been busy summer yoln June to September with the latter part at July and nugust extrémely busy months Mrsï¬sbdnne also noted great many Canadian tourists BUSIER SEASON The Queens Hotel in Barrie reported much busier sum Canadian Students WlNNlPEG CF Canadian university students will continue to pressfor complete informa tion about Hungarian students re ported awaiting execution lfres ldehl Jacquescerin of the Na Piccadilly Circus left Ontario Tourist Revenue In AstronOmicql Figures Tourist spendinggin Ontario readies astronomical figures an nually it is of clause impossible to estimate what visitors from oth er parts of Canada or Ontario ridents spend on vacation sore ties But according to Hon Bryan Cathcart Minister oi travel and Publicity some 300000 US motor parties aver aging about four visitors each spend iron $250 to $300 millions annuallygfor clothing Sllnrts equipment and tackle hunting and fishing licences gas oil and other transportation services and and lodging boat rentals uldm groceries cosmetics camera film entertainment bev rerages and other incidentals throughout the province From this standpoint alone then the tourist industry isfilth in importance in the provincial economy It is obviously worthwhile thereiore licize and advertise0ntario as Canadas finest allround variety vacation province on large scale But is it woruiwhile for the in dividual community to supple provincial govern ments travel publicity with some of its own 0F TOURISTS easure the impact of tour ist visitor spending on com munity determinethe proportion of resident to nonresidentvspend ing in season and record the charaoteristics of visitors their origin length of stay type of accommodation desired purpose of trip eth three surveys at Lekefleld Bracebridge and on were undertaken re cently by the Ontario Depart ment of rrnvel and Publicity in each case at the request and with the cooperation of the rel evant municipal authorities chambers of commerce and min ist promotion associations the ministerstated to continuously pubg Questionnaires he said also asked for comments opinions and impressions of facilitiessen vices and attractions what prompted visitors to seek the relevant areas what vacation activities they like best had they been here before and would Ilmydikely return In the Bracabridgo survey more than 45000 nonresident motor parties were tallied enter ing them from various routm during the sixday survey 0i these 6300 were interviewed Thus the opinions experiencm activities and spending of some 10250 individual visitors were obtained origin of 9713 overnightvie itors at Braeehridge was found to be 874 per cent from Ontario and other provinces but 126 per cent were from the USA Incidentally it has been fouiid that 71 of 500 tourist operators in certain area spend $48639 on tourist promotion either to advertise their own resorts or in oiloperation with the areas tour ist association The districts businessman who gained equal beneï¬t spent only $14000 Thus although the all Ontari average of tourist response to vertisiog is about 30 per centgof all vis itors the response in thisarea as it affected the commercial centre was only six per cent conclusion to be drawn thereforeisthat more advertis ing might perhaps he done by owners of local commercial en terprises to invite tourists to stop visit and shop in the town Why Well for instance it the 45137 nonresident motor parties entering Bracebridge dur ingthe week spread around only the conservatively estimated av erage Ontario visitors expend iture of $10 thetotal would be $451370 But if the 126 per cent US visitors could alone be in creased to the 33 13 per cent ail Ontario resort occupationvaver age thisde mean an addi Canada To Develop Attractions By DUN anneal Canadian Press Stall Writer arrows cwCanaan must develop tourist attractions if she wants to drawmor visitor Di given Monday night at dinner for delegates attending thean nual federal praviï¬cial tourist conference ï¬ltered to be that Canadians could sit back and watch tourist money porn inha said the last nine years Cnnadians were spending their holidaya abroad in increasing numbers The countrys tobristlt dollar deficit hadgriiwu to mnny millions ayear APIDLY LOSING We have been rap dly losing money This is somethi coup try can go broke onr The minister recalled that 110 loo nndinns visitedfunly inn year and the suggestion of omcone that the answer wasgtto bring Pope toCaiind the st ry has been different If1ourist InduSiIY TOG answer need tinns Picni grounds and camp sites we good attractions fInrny the two provinces doing oh on these are On Columbia WILL meaninn The dinner meetingalsoheard Joseph Horan president of the United States NationalAssw ciatlon of Travel Organizations report Can dawill benefit from ravc Ye pro ponsored his organiza said Mr Hamilt more special attrae gram tiohu He said thisshnuld not be con strued as see Amerjcafirst plan but as drive toattract lsitors ntinent in 1960 Mariyiwolild visit Cari ado as the because ofthe ease with which they can Harnlitongav opinion earlier in thedn when he said the program is likely to cut into overseas jilniretinghy US tizens andrechonnel it throughout North amerlca in doeir lndlce tholcludlng Callada hhv non 15000 rvisitors and $150000 more innew money in single week in this one community anANcn areal To assist communities and area authorities and organizations to conduct local tourist surveys the Minister of Travel and Pub licity for Ontario is pleased to announce that the development branch of the department is pre pared to cooperate at any time as rapidiyasstafl and commit meats permit lnaddltion the devélopment and historical branches of the iepartmeot are equipped with personnel and data mpable of rendering valuable advice and assistance in developing tourist services facilities attractions historic and scenic sites rnus eums etc andthus improving die areas tourist draw Moreover Mr Cathcart stated the departments publicity divis lon Will be pleased to provide in 19 gt Builders Lending MONTREAL CF theCana dian building industry tears as severe crisis in mortgage len is shaping up for 1960 dmg The industrys views are out lined the current issue of the Canadian Builder magazine dealing with various phases of the construction trade The magazine said Mortgage lending in Canada is heading for severe crisis which will probably come to head in the early months of 4960Nationnl Housing Act mortgage lending has been stagnant for three months and conventional lending while taking up lot of the slack is in danger of pricing itsellout oi the homebuyer market with interest rates at per cent in major cities and shooting for per cent LITTLE PLANNING Normally lenders would be planning 1960 springhousehuild ingprograms atvthis time but with the NBA rates lixedlittla planning is beingjdone Fear that few major lenders will ens large NRA portfolionwhen they canget bigger return from conventional lending or even go emmentbonds Inlormed sources said recently it seems ine table that the government will have to increase the siXpercent main mum interest rate for National on meatwill likely reduce its par ticipation rect fiending to builders throughCentral Mort gage and rising Corporation ThejCiina to keep him ng atlzspoo 1960 the government would to atleast per cent and iiiraise NBAinterest increase rather then decrease its direct lelldin us builders The industrysays it know how discr buyers will react to higher sonogram may tional Federation of Canadian University students said Monday lie said in an interview that NFCUS has encouraged circula tion of petition at universitiu protesting the rumored execu tioml in Hungary However the federation will do nothing offi cinliy until further information is available he said sort operatorswith copies of its 1960 spring advertising schedule both Canadian and US when codipleted Commercial organizations will then be able toplnn in time to place advertising in the same is sues as the tourist operators and department displays=and undemnre yisitorato stop visitand shop in their common ltlea for clothing sports wear equip ment and tackle gas oil ï¬nd other services food tand odsmg groceries cosine camera film entertainment bev eijagrn and other inoldentals Iricreased advertising may in iactheaverygood thin gtodo view of the tremendous stay at paignthat about to he launch ed in the USA and will continue throughout the year Fear Crisis essmoneyconscious buyers said onemortgage official lnelely ask what the monthly payments will be and decide ec cordinsly ran srviunme stock The magazine sai Stumbling block for many builders is the longterm rate Home buyers taking outamort gage nowwill have to pay high ercent rate each month for 20ltyear period To overcome this difficulty mortgageecono from men hines Seek Hungary Data authorities organizations and re in 1960 the minister warns in home and see America cam estnumherol Igorimp lulhflrmnthluldm Igor Edvard Marshall who said halelt the lam was due to warmer nnnrner than usual Mr and MriGrantMayor Mayors Motel have inst re turned from the OTCA ventiao in Windsor Brian cart minister of tha Ontario Department of lnvel and llcity who spoke at the pn veatioa dtedl rurvey which showed there had been van increase in tourism inthie area tnveUlng in their own mun added the minister Developfnhine Witll Pans NEWYORK AP Curtis erght Corpor reported Monday the development of an internal combustion engine with only twomoving parts The engine was developed Cultisserght with NSUWérke or West Germany Full details will not be disclosed untiijthe power plant is in production next vigor company spokesman said the compact lightweight engine with 100 to 700 horsepower rahge requires no Vldves springs cam shafts pistons or munccting rods rotor inside theenglne amber and thacranlrshait are the two moving parts The spokesman said an auto motive carburetor supplies gas olinehir mixture to the engine and as the rotor turns the mix ture is compressed and fired by single spark plug Minding gas delivers power to the crank shaft through the rotor with ex haust fumes acaping through port lnthe chamber wall stood at 37000 on Oct 17 up 14000 It month earlier on burelnu ofsta tistirsvreported all of the de chna iin employment mom mist suggests adopdo oi the English system where long tam rateswould fluctuate with the niarke Lenders ware reported fairing sharp innlr at none for Montreal and oronto where lihey feel therehas been some overbuildipg of apartment houses aim United Kingdom 20 per oentto by Holland and the balance of ten Unemployment in Canada fnrm debs where there was it lasyuracgmntedlorthem minattonbaettocreatkï¬tain moretpeoplewilllvahi said have travelled abroad by six tromBanietblsyerthanlastnwamdtraelvb year 1111950 no damage minerMe pounce robe car when ranwnicn licked have beer sold from on travel ofï¬ce ar ulawayo outh Atria end Sidney Austral in Finnes altotedybynirrie DrivaCar and Travel Stfvtee loam that residmtr um people travelled on the North At lantie manna solo onthe Southern Atlantic routias Gross amounted to $91 For the tint ten months this year gross booking with this travel agenw arnunt to $9172 and in deartth this dollar figure by the end of the year willbewelllnexoessoflast year For the first ten months 51434 domestic ghts were booked 11450 persons flewthe Atlantic services and 10401 have taken the routbem route Breaking down thesellgures still further Harris Siddal Im ages states that 70 per cent at the Atlantic flights are to the room Bulge naéileienalbréoglle Barrie or lecture or locally established may be soul to have contributed in the growing havei deficit Canadas delicltnn the Mars natlonal travel trade accumt readied new highinlsso ac cording to the latest report of the Dominion Bumu at Statistics on travel between Canada and other countries fliedde $193 million showed an increase of tapercenturfll millionover on we deli Caï¬adlansemharked on ree ord spending spree in United States andahroed in 1958 Total Canadian spending outslde the eolnltry on the travel account amounted 03542 million some iiinlm it Siam spent 1957 in the us watt million more per cent go to Eranoe Gennany and Austria SHIP TRAVEL Comparison ot figum for steamshlpbookings at this Babt rie calico for 1958 and for the first len months of this year anDSEWnPaRd £01957 111 totaloflorelgp spendinginCans ada inflict down from record $325 tnillloo nl17 GthEr foreign visitors however left $40 million in the coimhyflve per cent or an million more than in 157 spent Am in Canada miss my resents slightly over 14 percent of the total or US foreign travu ï¬tmng million in In r957 can spent near 17 per cent of their total of $1950 mil hon in Canada Americans madeeome 2115 mil lion visits to Canada in 1053 decrease of 88000 or nper cent US spending during theTLame period fell by nearly five per cent Canadians during 1958 made sorrie 214 million vis United Statesv than the 273 seems to indicate that many travellers turn to the steamship routes in recession years In 1053 there were 47 steam ship passengers and 34 of these troyelled to the United Kingdom 13 to Rotterdam The dollar value of the booldngs came to $2400 In 1059 to data 26 steamship passages hodheen booked 10 of these to the United Kingdom and 16 to Bowman Gross value of the booking came to $5000 believe the recession scare than the record of $403 million in 1957 at $413 million for 1950 ilORONlO CPJ The Crown has finished filingdocuments in the combines trial of Canadian Breweries Limited Those submitted Monday brought to 957 the number of documents entered since the trial began before Chief Jnstiee McRuer of the Supreme Courtoi Ontario Oct 13 More than 900 are Crown exhibits Defence counsel Care son and Robinetteareex pected to outline the course of their efence today Canadian Brewer on has pleaded notguilty to charge of having fornied or operated merger that operated or wasilikely to operate to the detriment or against the public interest The Crown filed the directors report ofliuclq Lagerhreweriea 24000 drop of 52000 The October ï¬gure was considerablybetter than year ago when 313000 were out of work News map IMPERIAL Lasr SHOWING TONIGHT apartment projects particularly apartments are in their infancy are the best investments in the apartment house markets 15 ukeioints Booze lldk Youre go to weatia FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Uotll the trials over youre going to be little hous wife in hornrimmed spectacles you come along mam LIFE Mlleom JAMES STEWA LEE REMiCK BEN GAZZAiw ARTHUR EVE RDEl KATHRYN corded in 1957 Canadian spend log in the duringnssnIa creased nearly per cent Will OutlineiDefence Today Vi For Breweries Combine Trial Vancouver lor the fiscal year ended Jun 30 1938 Signed by board chairman George Non gen and dealing with the pur chase of controlling interest in gt the firm by John Labatt Limited of London Ont SAID COSTS UP The report said ting coals had risen due to in as log cpmpetiticfn from no al hreweries which are maki more and more difficultf tn dependentbrewers to urvive It rec mmeoded acceptalloe of Labatt generous offer to buy the companys shares Other evidence showed anlq Lager and its snhsidiarieshad net profit of $1023053 for that year and 145percent return on investment ouslllrss 1uod rnorrssmulll gt NOW in samples ofjour diflelentkllnes of Christniasrqard Blanks for 1959 foulown personal Christ as message imprinted on the ham or your chute NEE STOCKS Dm ORDER now an The Barrie Examiner Commercial Printing Department rnonnnmnm ensom snowmewee rllue rlr Sttfl ng am at has