lu Ddys Of is anunusuaLbook urnol of young man who chargedfrom theBCAF fatal disease th doctors opinion only eelrstoli Th young man Martin Roher was the son of Harry Roher who for many Wars was bookseller on 131er Street in Toronto Martin helped with commando training audit is thought that long spite of severe discomforts ol Knnrmn coonnnan IN assures 1mm LIBRARY iving determined that he would live and he did live for over nine years Moreover in mind and body he was far more active than many healthy people As he himself says Days of living are better thanyears of lifel goodneal of his life was spent in spiritual quest which had its ups and downs but ended on anote oi aitirma tioh One at the struggles Martin had was against lanaiiuess but be defeated this and was able to help other patients who were sutfiring from deep mental de pression He had lively mind wit andswilt perception and was able to express himself in very etfectiveway To read his journal is to meet vivr stimulating and courageou per sonality who will lingerin the mind for long time JUST ADD WATER AND STIR by Pierre Berton random collection oflively comments onthe phenomena of onetimes in the form of satin ical essays ruderemarks used mmgrshome city Here anecdotes thumbnail sketches and doggerel by the wellknown Canadian writer and TV erso 3mm PSYCHE Young This is ï¬rst noilei by Can by Phyllis Brett adianautborPhyllis Brett Young and is an excellently told ahd Esmryofalridnoppingand mo it tarreaching consequences lated 7mlning com munity She is rescuedby miner and hls wife who look alter her instead up to the aumoritim At the agent 17 world and W1 littl education she becomes involved with some saw on momma sensitively in what is altogether very readable noveL one cnmcse moon by Tuzo Wilson Dr Wilson an eminent Cad ndian scientist hasvrecorded his observations of the ancient and beautiful kingdom of China as it while in Wilson was going to meeting in Mosriow in mnnection with the International Geophysical Year thathe decid it the interior of China Because of his scientiï¬c standing he gained areas to people and places that most travellers in china would never seeandirom his impresslnusvhe has written lively and shrewd ccount of Bed China ooh FELLOWS ham Collier Street Saturday night danch starts its on Pleasure Viskatingfrnm 934 at 1030 lcnhlanket somneient brain cclls cards are pinned across thetop the help of Mrs Daines was en stand up to laodegree Fahren the skin which might aid the Lure bothers hair cut llllGHEs Ijin ï¬rlifétiiasl His ï¬rst Show By MARY Moirear Examiner Womens Editor Warm fuzzy consciousness flowed into my body as song glcd deeper under the rose wool mzr coy ulnar Gallery Moos the lnvltatlon read 169 Avenue Madat Davenport cordially invites you to preview or new Toronto artist Nov 141mm pm tolo pm and afterwards to DEcJ Jack Reppen Jack thoughthnd arrived But delight athis successrand Bideslre to see more or his work werent the only reasons went to Toronto Saturday lit in hlte uciretsl knï¬ Valium ï¬lm Temembe was curious to know what show waslike how clearly every step of the gem it came shunt who it meant to the artist mrguzhstopgglfopmï¬qï¬ Entering the gallery met owner Walter Moos we endusm himself relative newcomer to the Canadian art Its Monday lm cold lm tir World although hlsjamlly owns galleries ln Geneva ed2ndto moire it wose Im at and Zurich gt This mm 11 you win Months ago anotherartist recommendeti Reï¬ned have Sauna and massage to him and he phoned Jack asking him to bring some they said pfhls work to the gallery Moos expressed interest in Grabbing my cats Mpg1 the palntlngs but wanted to see more in 1month or 15 mm new sorhls began series of vlslts inspections criticism Biiiï¬SilissigamiadsÃ©ï¬ and Elmumgemenfu 131118 to do more paintings PREPARATIONS Dalnes Massage and Rock Steam Bath and masseur Basil Dairies met uneauwith aéelhaadéhaléeletggt Finally Moos said he was ready and set date ffffjwjmmmw Palntlngs hadtohe chosen and hung publicity arranged and refreshments obtained With his inti mate knowledge of critics and collectors the owner wasiluvaiuabla iiihelpingswlth thelnvltntlon1lst Agreements had to bereochedon pricesand commisi sldns expenses and rent Thoughts seeped slowly idlo my The walls are blue and post ot pcekaboo window We never been in this room before Were In matter at minuta with cased in sheet and spread condorlably on an evated wood enplatiorm feeling somewhat likea Finnish version of Cleo patra wearing the latestcold wet headcloth style Mrs Dain or turned on the tap to spray cold water over pile of rocks in the turner then sat on tho floorio talk gt Now lve been bathing alone for simply years but the th ught ofgt taking such hot bath amp erature appr ater 30 de grees Fahrenheitlet mevcold it was later learned that some veteran saunabathersin Finland can stand the temperature at or artistic exprésslon morethanmodeyees Itis possible recreate things asthey are both th fr mffmfhï¬imï¬ï¬ 11952331 through realism and abstractionlsm Both require inrtably when mere 85 degree talent but Itheahstraotlonlst oftenAshows more in summer dayigltmganguiddaud slghtiby strikingto the heart of the matter subju uncommunlca ve wor gating unimportant aspects and distorting others to mm The may 935 concentra on the paintings true message Fiamlngthezl pamtmgsand13gtdrewings cost $200 alone Easy to aeewhy an prtist is considered to bedolng1welllr he breaks evenjon his first show And there is always some relative or friend who cheapens the work by asking the artist to put one aside so he can bargain cutrate prlce Afor it after the show But one pays for abstract art that as any good art demands good price Even in sluggish TorontoI axrrosrou brim Out of an explosion of paint mg calls flhe Musician emerges an arched hacka shining horn and njazzmans joy at afhlghtrue note One white figure stands outltruina sardlné1tln lineup of elongated tanned bathers inra wbrlr called heit in dry air Shuttingone eye in the manner of one accustomedlosiirveying saunas surveyed the sun immediately recognized the plements There was water tap and abucket Later after long hours rot pamphlet reading learned thatthis enclosure was almost identical to the traditional Finnish sauna platform closer tothe roof pileof rocks heat ed by stove and cold waterto pour on these rocks arerthe has elements in this type otbntla mg the rocks are kept hot enough to jelimiï¬uatealmostvall air tools ture The history ofpe piration halt thing respected custom in Fin laugh and sympathize In another care ssly old dark fstrokes ve created the battered hulk oilantioxerwon his knees arm hooked over the ropes andface upturnedtoward his antagonist etermlned to rise again VThlsVsame mil tznntchedibytn1ent and um mo energy has already brought Reppen into the ranks of Canadas top cnrtoonlsts and caricaturists laud maybe traced back about you his dedication is toimooetn painting Whilé gigggï¬ Eh ï¬nilzrgzjfe we relaxed at party after the show with sherry and aebflumjnd dandngwmch lnoonseinequalitiesr Jack was sltting crosslegged plagued some Europeanbath on hiledloordlscusslng paintinglwlthMoos on he way home Irreflecte the Jack hddtome hug way iron painting white lines on the roads of MetropolitanTorohto Yet as surprisedto find neither he nor his wife seemed to regard he show as 91 turningpoint or an indicationthathe had arrlved began to understandearly the next mom By theltilne wasawakehe hadrpalnted giant 01 Iramewas preparing to hang the paintingand ha massage no the size of an Minimum math made arrangementsto goto his parentsh which was draped with pictures of musclebouhd ï¬gures inscent of ï¬lth form yzoblog 355 the uplifting morale building attributes of the sauna it has eep deansingeflecton crowsfeet battle shacked into reality by cold shower in and thesauuas often hear shake to allow CEMENTSCULPTURE There Iidiscovered had become interested in The pm my 600 mus sflpture lncement Insteadog making wood molds clesworepummelled moms Iotherough shape hevwmdigglng3holesfln on seized Already bmming suite clay pouring in thecement and digging it up whé 5159 might have dropped off had been immmi gyms hard so be dug and minted cement all hat onlyhy the mosseursexplnna mommg tions of increasing muscle reflex and portal circul on byrlnass age but also hyhia Yul Brynner item typ ter slavas dream to havoal1wlhches re moved mm the neck muscles tin reassuredl thought its much that these were stret chedoulby 17 pound weight Then was toldgto résL And ats thestoly or hotel came to Maire invthisflittlerroom with blue walls and Postcards gt Rem 121m wleh anlexhlbltlo attire Toron Art of in wfhopeyfll provuie JIM rhdthlorEarrle mhasldents lfhe Music Comriilsciisslng various kinds of ironic the shin KW6 or weekmddom book reviews fromBarrla Plio uc lerary thoéohunn y¢l 531 $1 fatiguenu there are more to come in addition which for more interesting feature stories pic tures and en news in esteem Ind scones av unseen Still Seeking City Bandsmen The erecutiva of nine City Road under the presiqu of Harm Cauthers is stillanxious tosecure more and better in strumentalists for the rteformed pity bond Inthls regard special notes havebeen torwnrdod tothe na tionwide publication of the Can adian Handmasters Association which is circulated all over North Ameuca lromicoastzto coast sotthat prospective new residentsmay be able taxon tact the secretary shoirld they be keen to join thebalid group The executive have iotfered to help faoyi such prospective new bandsmen in such fmatters as accommodation andeven to the extehtotirying toplsce th insnltnble employmsh At the same flmewth such High School ConcertBand city there is every hope that graduates will acceptthe New Girl on Beach Viewers inï¬bntlyiundeï¬t gt And please pleas Vwritlng on ion in Bariiris not rparticnluly euylob iha Barrie rjmrocene ls vino1k nonexistent mun functlo ogdn this uea they are cortainlyhnrdfo find mnyho they hole up for their thlrQINIDY curious in hollow pipes or backwoods and if some place there no any people in this fair city who enjoy listening to lmï¬ havent met them Perhaps Im being do criti cal but do notice beer two mags The Matures here do notstock Sm records us one copy at Downbeat in the magazine stores every week and huylt Im not telling anyonolvelsoawhm get it either want to con lt for jazz music 00 dent case moon is raiding this would like to point out briefly what larzls itls NorthAmerlcas own art form the only one we can claim developed this side of the Atlantic It is serious music seriously performed andicoinblnes nmong otheri elementsof harmony lmpro vlzatlon and swing Lllre any an it can be sod orhappygslm pie or confusing obvious or obscure well or badly done has nothing to do senable cxcusev for music bedlam rock and lasttwovorhs will JAZZ SCORES hvo movies this week show ing in Barrie had as their background musiciscores writ ten by leadipg Jazz artists on Englishandrone The score of anatomy Murder which havent seen ores and still not said halt yet was written and performed by the perennial ane Ellinglt ton Dulres reputation as jazzman is not worth elaborat ylng onhere too many people have already tried to assess him in large hooks andfeat DE can be as proudoflts pity band as it now is of thehigh sclrool hand says dlpï¬ctoroxen Homer ave been changed temporarily to Tues days so that those who nttend and sometlmes highlenlp thls and la racial Marinades Aslhobrcklngmsamooldg pennedcore Ii saxophonist teeng nominationhand band Johnnyb Johnny Dankworth either tn while alt rater behind Jay Dukes bunt Bulael Rogue anglihyurd Parson onl is still wlyup In thlitop have the Twoddaffjau hands It received3 ï¬ctitious Son 33 atNEnwporthi in Futival yelr justgna poin or tothogflet us otAa douoo have complete ruprem hr 122 APPROPRIATE hut tuck the movie it is particularly appropriate he should have wrltte the score forSapphlre ssh ism mu enthuslntslc tlsemgatlouist nndLhat ndï¬rctlvely Works against any format racialprei indies no has beenprominent lnmanysoclotlu and Iciivltle in England rs workorloxulnst axiinn enample the colorbllnd itu which jazz Imuslclansi profess to have no waste havevlslted south Africa recently where therace problem is violent bu refuse to tnkehisband the heard he wouldhavn segregated concertggran for the ole mstndo weekfhls Visit here for even nd leke Ml chell that multiitalénted no recentlyback from Russia and Eddie Heywood and Mary Lou William were recently ILrlayï¬it Theatrepither at 830m 10 for pnelgagemhow which cludesDaVe Brubeck Lambert Hendrick $3053 andhoe ed curling bowling and service clubs on Mondays may avail themselves of the opportunitwa good practices Nobodyis so good that they can afford to invitation atain on abstractionismgls now accepted as legitimate form miss rehearsals snidng Holl