amen mountain costly ways ofllleun be romwar diplomatic col ï¬end gem 33 mm on cnnn flu muum on soda life centred chiefly inurh gciherwilh their no oxidants other mum is mph ind mm and meant de Room ears have seen great valibe both innthe publies general und stabbing or that group or children called Mil loosely retarded andin the aim we suchchildrea in make use their potentialities Barrie has been one ol th commuuitlea where considerable ad haa been made in special training facilities rho results have been most meme dgréat Vdealjeinains to be done how ever Anion other things isthe need for suchtrainlng coats to come out or the general treasury rather than being dir e¢tcharge against the parents oilthe children Such parents have already paid very high price in extra costs as well as in thosospeclal problems they must meet Another great and growing need is ior providing opportunity or such children in their adulture Mental retardation is conditionnot disease=or impaired incomplete or in adequate meptol development dating from beforélor during birth or early in life Itmeots about of the population an estimated 500000 throughout Cun ada Ofali the cripplers of children it exacts the heaviest tall The incidence of mental retardation is about times that bl polio at ltshelght and abouti5 times that or blindness An estimated 30 outol every 1000 children aromentaily retarded these all one will require constant supervision throughout lile butviour can be taught Opinions of Other Newspapers Now nus rqusou noose TorontorTethi new niinnges along Fleet Street which has go centre of British and world Journalism century have had lho drama and extra hrdlnary inlerestof the change oi nameplales lheother day on the big newspaper property long known as Kemslcy House it has become Var change has been made at big cwspa plant at Manchester key production litre of the lormer Kemsley empire of the prose In London most of the newspapers are publish edin uirnear Fleet Street The decision early year olrlmrdK€msley to sell his newspaper in dings to the Canadian publisher RoyThom son not onlyl marked tbecnd of an era in which the Barry brothersLord Kemsley and the late dCamrose had been for half century lea ng publishers oflhe United Kingdom It be ded themrival at new name and new pg personality at the publishing peak of Brit bomson of Toronto owner of admin of anadlan papersmf the Edinburgh Scotsman and of vate television in Seannd now ran along witbsucli menas the late Harmsworlh broiber LordNorlhelillc and Lord Rollie ere the can adi Lord Beaverbronk and Ce Barmsworib theDaiiy Mirror group hghlenln toplelnihe itaan prof pars godaheading Conserya uCan Needed with itemby Prol pity insole immediate program save supply olessor of biology in onto University he urged an imm late lorest Wale conservatibrischemeUs charts he illuslraied the losby runoff and erosional water andwiod per acre and one chantshowed thal under certain cond ops the topsfoot oi soilywould sappearjn elfyears tilnelhe speaker illuer ated bow hundreds of little streams ape dry upon he also declared that man str ewspap Theremnay be such thing as broadminded py or repair bed poem beatnik poem youmaywiah toput inyoursqapbook 1you areway out oandlosingou marbles Canlever of Kemsloy shareholders tense Funnies atï¬miths Falls in 1916 Following amalgamation ing provided they receive special cduc ation The Dependant group will have mental age or three years or less and will require special carede constant cu The SemiDependent groupde velop at less than hall the retro char gt tmayhave tha capacity lorlearningsellcare and doing uselui work under sheltered conditions The Marginal Independent childrenthe larg est gmup heel Bpecially dwgnedcouu es oistudy and when youngsadults re quire voentlonattraining and counseng Mést or these become sellsupporting adults capable or managing their own airs provided their living conditionsareI lavourab All mentally retarded children have some potentialities lor growth The re tarded child isduicli to respond tolove and allectlon He sdoelle an trusting and is not proneto isddee lietakes pride in his simple accomplis ents Mental retardation is cradle to grave problem which requires cradle to grave programin order todevelop mentally retarded persons to the limit of their capabilities Such program vin eludes diagnostic treatment and on selling clinics for the retarded child nd his family preschool playgrounds day schools vocational training centres and sheltered workshops loathe youngaduit retarded social and recreationaipro grams and expanded accommodation and services in provincial hospital schools earlier mouth approved the Lransler to Mr Thomson of properties that include the famed Sunday Times among hi newsgapars companies that include book pu lisbcrs and re laled eslabllshmenls The Manchester printing plant ls claimed as the largest in the world Completion ol the complicated merger ol Thompson and Kernsley interests coincided with the retirement from the business or four sons of Lord Kemsley Lionel Dennis Neville and Anflmny Berry Few careers in the newspaper business in Brit ain or anywhereelse compare with that aflloy Thomson now an undisputed giantol FleetStretch the ciladel oi the modern popular press SAY IT ISNT SO Monkeal Star lts probably great medical achievement to be able to replant knocked out toothpin small boys mouth but if the practice becomes general its goingto take lot of the joy but of lilo Apsper read at the MonheaLDental Club advises picking up both boy and tooth and taking them to dentist whowili put thetoolh back in This denies the small boy the triumph of showing his lriends what happened to him And what becomes of that engaging gap that appears hen boy who has had tooth knocked out smiles uv which flowed 501075 yelars snarenow nly ireshets Johnston who succeeded of the Barrie branch ol the vRoyal Bank of orn at Forfarin Beeds County Eastern 1898 he atteilded Athens Scbool and then entered the service of the unionBank of the Union Bank Zwit ï¬reRoyal Bank 111195 successively served in Toronto Hamilton and other Ontario pains cluding the management of Portland branch entavio Five years ago he rulenislo Monlreal asvaslstant manager in the allow Street biannhiand came from toer arrle Paragraphically Cold weather éausesan improvement in the appearanceol man1in that the more of his anatomy thats covered the better he looks It is reported that son is widespread As was oftendoheori rural party lines some 50 years ago people may soonbe answering thevphone by saying fHelio Everybody Dueto press or other and ï¬iny wor ries we rind thatwa can allothnlytwo mlnutes day to Worrying about the future if any or whoppingo he fLonelinessis the lot of aperaon who makes $100000 year says biglbusie nesaexecutiiIa tshlsown Iault iIhels its we Idaline Anew immune up on emulation Mani lonely as and 39 and Smeltei smvnvur hisanransv 1mm Hl wsexsuews Canadcichirs pcoduls Thk diplomatic uambassddors high commie mm lmlnislcr and charges affaircar high wmmissloner from allow natlon la the Com monwealth Canadas diplomatic prestige lands or higher than would be 41090000 population Our im menu foreign trade coupled JEDT ifIvelevision Quiz Shows lay my ownrigors Canadian Press stnn erllcr Summary of the week Can ada banned rifled television quiz show Britain andWcst Gergnnyrcached agreement on summit agenda Lillie hope was held for lower lnlcr eat rates in Canada TELEVISION RULES TheBoard oi BroadcastGov crnors announced Wednesday than sion broadcasters would have until April 1962 to incet requirement thatSS per cent of their programs be Canadian in content Regulations drawn up by BBC set no minimum at pres ent but stations willhave to broadcast Canadlan content progroms or 45 per cent ol the time between April irloal and March 31 1062 in prepar atlans for the shatcent level Dr Andrew Stewart chairl man of the BEG said there was no evidencelbat any coniest ants have been given answers in advance on Canadian quiz shows The rule is designed as precaution and Stewart said the boardwuuld keep an eye on the quiz shows Anolher rule permits televi sion broadcasting between am and noon when programs have been submitted for ap proval by the EEG MINEMILL vorn Don Gillis was returned ol the International Mine llnd in an smack in the cycle the Reds was the way Gilllsde scribed the vote of 722110 5963 vlbat kept him in ollice Hisopponentwgs Nels Thi hault As measure of the 1m parlance of the election Thi bauit resigned as presidenl oi the Mine llunions national body to tryinimockoutflfllis in the key area The nations union was throwu out of the Canadian Oongress of Latin 194 because of Com st domination RELATIONS immoqu Chancellor Adenauer arrl ed in London Tuesdays No cheered and the generai recep lion from Londoners was on the chilly side The ugmg German leader lelt Victoria Station on his way home Thursday night But the atmosphere hadchangedlhree bundred people gave him full atedrendltion of For Hes Jolly Good Fellow The changewas apparent in diplomatic quarters too where there was cunvicilon thgat AngloG an rela us had un rovedconsiderably pln talks with Psi sle Macmillan Adenauer Onceded that summit oonlerenca would future of Tova statesmen both claims Workers Union portantelection at the Omar nickel city lite Banknl Canad One slip on the summit can be much more dangerous than cab in the valley lee Acheson he blamed the trend toward summit dl lomacy on Soviet pressure and ictalon lai methods SUFFICIENT REASON Amaneallcdasajurorina murder case In Olympia Wash was excused from duly Sherlock Holmes civil serv nnt cxplained that hes read about the case in the newsp porn and made some dedu lions aonbnn DISPUTE PrimeMinister Nehru re jected Monday proposal of Premier Chou Envlai ihut the two leaders meet to discuss the lndlaChinahorden dispute 1And Nehru saidChoufs sug gestion that bathsslde withn draw lhelrtroops 12V fromtheir present frontier po sitions was impractical On Friday Nehru announced his conditions for an end to the border tenslon All Chinese and Indian troops should withdraw from Ladakh province of Kashmlrtthe In dians to wluloraw behind the boundary on China claims and the Chinese to pull back to hehind the frontier India ll this works then the time might borigllt for meeting with Chou resident of the Sudbury local axons new canonws The Pope will create eight neWcardinals at secret con sistory Dealt The member ship of the sacred college will then he 79 the largest ever 0tlhenew appointments thrcearc Italians two Ameri can one is German one Span lsb and one Scottish INTEREST pares Don pect interest rates to come doivn loreilong time That was fha word from In Unemployment James oyne governor of at Montreal Manda Under brospernus condiuons in airee society Cayun saidrthere will always be sh rage of capital for allthe pro table in veslrnentsthat are Should not this for complaint he asked it iiiinevitable that thede mend for capital will press on the supply newsavings for yoarsto comeas far ahead as it isworlhou while AlG7B air laer on flight am Mamito New Orleans ion in fog shortly night Sunday What caused satisfaction rather than THE ivnex diorama provincial order joining Sudbury with its builtunsub urbs will make the Northern Ontario mining clty the sixth Wllh Mir dose rclallonship with Britainrand Ule United Sales rats us as one of the leaders of the mlddlepowcrsuihua Ottawa is regarded as favored diplo mane centre to which foreigners are very gladto be posted CANADIAN mam The dimalebcro is pleasan inconirasl lolhc Intolerable lion and humidity nl some troplcnl diplomatic centres ihave lmown nl ioreiaa diplomats bot posie here or the good of their health There is of course much his dl rccl diplomatic activity here than in the dapitalmitlcs of lheblg powers so the stalls at foreign cellmi llstcningpost and clear cenlle for information ream elsewhere For their private life dlplon mals see great advantages and somepdisadvantag isnot so lingo city of it the countryside skat érc easily accessible in win icrp fishing in summe But city wlth such small justified by nation of umere unbassics hero are nol ovcr worked But still Ottawa is an negea hcrc iiiawo hat it stale largo cocklall party 16 say nolhln ol ionnu dinner lorlzooo Someolthelarger embassies have great dillicully in maintaining even modat stall of domeslleholp And the junior members Aol diplomatic tails manageWith alien no mo cleaning woman one We week plus ono Eoverumcnt employees In inn liter ofllce hours in lemme rolc as butler Elosses and passing around ol snacks CHEAP wnnovrraxes It is in home entertaining that His diplomatic privileges really pay all Authorized members of plomallc stalls may buy Cane dlanproducls rec ol faxes an may import goods from the homelapd or other foreign rlis recd duly and tax Thus or example ordi lgarc cost diplomat on ccoiso peck lie canbuy rye whisky at bottle and gm $115 rnrdco ounce bottle it is cheaper for diplomat to feed his guests double scolchos than it is fora Caua dian to give his friends doll drink At these prices It is not surprislng to find that the cock loll pnrty alwllich nobody drinks cocktails but all sip highballs the recognized basis of diplo matic life here The privileged lorcign colony canalso of course go shopping across the border whence they can and do bring back purchases free of duty or tax And flnaily they euloy luxur ious Canadian cars for less than largest lntho province behind geographic sin pquauy has in we can boy he little European Hamilton Ottawa mm markeg something in CZflSk For xample diplomat Windsor and London The On ms of qunrler million res can buya Biscayne Chevrolet iario Municipal Board order cllcollve Jan illns Sudbnry McKlm township and part of Noclon township The merger will Increase the Silent the city to 20000 acres from 1000 acres Kingston businessman Arthur Mason won acquittal Tuesday at his second trial on charge of attempting to bribe former city mayor Frank Boyce in connection with gas franchise county court reed Mr Mason at olferiog$l0000 to Mr Boyce when he was mayor in 1057 to have Kingstons inahiraL gas Lranchisc awarded to theCon aumcrs Gas company Mr Ma son was acquitted year ago when the jury failed to reach verdict at the first trial on another charge of attempting to bribe Andre former public utih commissioner Ninetytwo ear old philan thropist Dr Sigmund Samuel has made gift of his $35000 Toronto estate to the Ontaho government as residence for future lieutenanligcvernors Municipal Affairs Minister Warrender has promised to do all he can to help 32 Ontario municipalities lelt without municipal auditorbecause the municipal licence ol Maciadden and Icompany was suspended Suspension of the licence followed an inquiry into the ï¬nancial alfairs of Belle noon ROM nhmn noon nl Lndon England Correspondent for The Barrie Enmlnu LONDON There are soln sirangeparadoxes in the unem ploymenLsliuation in the Uniie Kingdom There are thedcpre sed areas suchras in some sec tions at Scotland and and in the Lancashire cotlo fields in these areas the unern ploymentis three or fouritimes ashigh as the national average of 19 per cent They are causing bothlhe cal aulhp onceln ut there are some other areaswhere the situation actly hammockswhere the de mand for workers is muchgrea mnnue vailable supply an servant He has worked with var ous led blade redundant by of the dockyal ex 53Ys dean in Ottawahnd suburb no liveontcrtalnmenL In contrast with theimmense choice of stores restaurants theatres and night clubs ol Par and London Gt lnwa is something of nh town But at the same time this means that Ottawa is not tywhe 832 while cVCanadianp This is reflected in restricted szooslor the same car at Osb wu Md Mlnc choice of stores and practically awn While is at fair to make quips about diplomacy by the glass it is lhc fact that beret severywhero else diplomats cn oylbe privileges of buying the inolsoliheir trade atvvery reas onable prices TORONTO Energy Minister Macaulay has secured promis ing deputy for his deparlmen The man Stuart Clarkso economist who has spent lizedin the may lields Perhaps more portant he is anuiperienced young oral departments and as well has on an lhe staff commission Inn of Atomic erybl Canada lhls means he doesnt he to face th highurdle of most out siders He knows the way govcrnm wui Mann rnousalvos little further away 1mm Lon don at 3Whilstable large in dustrial estate is now in the pro cessof developmen It being The industries which are going to it will absorb thousands more of skilled workmen when 1hey are all lolly established andno one at the momentknmvs where th or mg 10 he found One oflhu infill isle ccrncdf dresses difï¬culties in stalling the new indusirles lie industries Will ab sub 11 the local unemployed very many as over and men villi have he from somewhere An ther which ill add to roblom is the el inflection of ailways sy stem intbls par ol the country of Ken Trains nowhaveiso quick lyihat be hieto trav The lei ove 53 If ihnun re and law lob beCauate neésol common much better the IQordnn the closing booster around here of business is done Particularly that of necessity political consid eratlons get in the wayof elln cieney thnone isdoing the peoples business this of course and must he so romiime to And men who come directly ro induslry and the universities in high positions in the service sel dom get used to it GOOD GROUP Mr Macaulay despite his high flying taste in offices that leather his dullisnt alli game he says It is turtle and synthetic It still looks as though drin is had been spilled on it probably will end up with crackerjack department He is assemblinga young and aggressive crew And in ad in he looks as though he personally could de velop into the best administrator in the government He has keen and quick mind he already can discuss energy problems more knowledgeany the former ministers combined lawyers knack for organization and the capacity to mack the whip when necessary Along with this hehas strong Lake Erie he notes JS come paratively undeveloped If prop ticai means of expl ing working without in with the righls be worked out substantial suppli And beyond his there is still lhepos hllity of development lar Northern Ontari Kelly as the astbig gas and oilinlhe north For while be we Moose Pasturo Kelley Exploration has never borne out favorable geological arma called ï¬nd them newvhcavgna ncwearth loathe first he omand the first earth palacifawuyx and there more real liovelatlon Some daï¬ all barriers to achleiIemon iiJuans hlghe disappear and albulldlng of Go house ot made with ha sense of his obligation to the pub lic