Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1959, p. 2

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rrd amnion of the 1962 Canadian conference has as in Men Wu notenoughdmeondootmah zijcouniyPamersraeelnses nfld this will certainly be another opicaHhoconlerenoe The hampering at fathers flat on the table as he shouted hed have no teacher telling his Says Distributors Prexy Sim Counv 3555 $2 fight lt iw rs on county was be 510 jihere is no lustiflat ride 3M forcing consumers of one prod all GWHWEL not tozsubeiluze thatcnnsumen of another product saldvldr president 01 He added the present tirade hm just producers had loweost econf on Education in Wingspan largelyon thenwo days hard thinking freewheeling dis cuaslnn now taking place at Guild give1r out son or daughter what thouwould do on leavlo school was or only of farm operatlo lbey should be ailingat the past mm WWW produced iaige quantities of the OntarioMilk Distributors min during the gum mm MMMNCJHMNN lux SEPARATION gt of which be ispm posture which was sold to prcr Friday over 40 distInlulshld Shim limemtmifl uPart outfits gfldankcle problem mire factories for represey um 53 man cheese wdercdmilkan fifimfiflflffimflfifi 1t insuggesléd the confer SuggesllnflTh3mande5u At the convention he Pref mfiwms $5 gmm miwooldiuotoed lrlt were deals The separation of thefast cdopposldontothe scheme in Com be stllitwo yearn WW mike mi indium and troduced by EvcrettBiggs of flémllwd rm atteo butsmall eootighihbe the medium from the slow wan he Dumombarhenl 01 Aw l1 tree tantrum Mmm and 59 efficient and at thread ottne another primary factor thrown lld um 0W 311393 Uninhiblted discussion warmdew Momma Plan Smut culture ldrt lags lhey hadwlnvcs lnliulkhan Pfls $9 dfMwuednuu mpdn my mlble We whole assess the twoday dis smemevwamd provide pool of fimflmtmd mlalgltaln the 39 c1135 bmwgtnm human all GrudeIA lnilrt producers and Sam at da mfield sections an rescinan mbmflu new And separation tilstudents by the price obtained for their pro mg mama ngmcnémmc 33° to mum in my Flea 10 05s 3150 WWW ductswotlldlie averaged out and Di winged opp long me up each farmer receive amounts in Each producer lras inspectfi teehasbeenset upto record anl and mflfl maps Thecoarcreoce thcn is going the proportiancot milk produced wt day by dairy review formulate uwvoplnioos and ltw muk madqu fives mg as 1m all to be mature to SP°IIJSJ1lldTe oswe areasan on $3 intervals during the time than do not matter few of them ihdayslymeum Omar lunue enamel ltir Klnzm expressed leer uhtll the conferencesam atTo This sama group also wm key35W and Wm only 15000 were vGra pro the standards would fall when mto was essultialtheconferenoe nFridnyswidcrange one ducers selllnm totlaineatlbese Inspection passed as proposed mg 40 of the leading educa lorial begin at tbe grass roota log at perhaps the most im received hmwdfih sdFmethufiflwt tlonorspeclatlsts sat around the and there hecollahmtion be paflauttlfing ooynnpjcould spy for the ntoduct which they meet represlelstutlvgs we rectangular thblcal amFrl tween school officials ut local about the conferencerwds sumr sold mm snowlash gimme at in dgfi day chairman George Roberts of levels endtlle provincialrdepart med up by chairman of the re The remaining 35000 were met 15 Oshawa past president of the alerts of education port session Max Swerdlow made induces Wm me are it 050 can Teachers Federation semen ncpos GRADUATE room COURSE After rtlncwcek Senior NCOs course held at the Royal Canadian School of ignnls at Kingston thrce Signals ser cheque passer Gets 20 Robert Morton 20 otNewmnr or area passed forged cheque in Bradfordstore bought him self pair of boots and also got about $45 in change Hc will spend the next 20 montlls in the Data Reformntory You have apparently decided on life of crime Magistrate Barron commented he only realth am not sending you to it the penitentiary is that in an institution called Millbrook they have ways and means of insur ing that you will be kept in line Mortons record read to the outlincdea list of crimes udilig the violation of parole and petty theft lie and an ac compliec Norman Charles of the same address had been together in the cheque affair Charm ad mitted that he had forged the name of his lather on the cheque and on Molint Albert bank cheque form He ciaimmi that he did not get the money that came from the transaction No resti gcnnls from across Cnnadn re cently graduated Seen around cloth model demonstration are two of them Sgt Leo Months nus than little specding and that it might be matter of sus pension or they would lose their Oldfield admitted that his was it truck driver and that he and Dion had becncorhing dowli from district He said he had not no ticed any tight squeezcs and that could see well ahead evdn though there wasn double whit line Dont you pay any uttentiou to the double white Vllnesl Crown Attorney Thompson asked him in questioning about his driv ingvhe Oldfield took thestand on his ow behalf Vernon Clark of Toronto the driver of the car forced over to tile shoulder came an the re quest of the officerand c6rrolgt oratcd the evidence given on the incident agreeing that the ac cused were going very fast ConstablcGoodyear resident Gardnor lcltfot Barrie and Sgt Len Ilignum of Calgary jobs if they lost their licences the northlbound for the same to them Nlumow ynonhnlus was quick to explain their task He told them the main aim was not to solve any educational problem neither was it to no and think up problems which oouldbediscussed at the con Natlnnal Defence Pho mace1 but to try to narrow It was necessary rule omit Director of Education Cannd ed awe 3250 and bun spectloo gt public be exposed to tllethink he of the education officials and essential departmental people be come aware of the opinions of theme The thinking of all the groups was extremely generalized at points and it will not be until to tlay that issues and recommenv datlons willbgcomeclear enough to lay down onpaper but many hard points dldJut out at the mess of conversation which en veloped all the groups For instance it was clarified at the end of the session what the whole intention of the conference would be This conference must not be set up to make recommenda tions said an Ottawa delegate but to make statements of policy which it is up tome people them selves to make use of The statements of policy will be made known and naturally the will be brought to the at tantiou or those whose job illsto consider their being used There will be room at the con ference for both condusions and deoisinls Speaking of the governments brings tomind ihe wordsofa Roman Catholic priest from Windsor who saidbe thought noun thing to be considered was the raising of status of teachers and the increasing of their inde pendence fromthe government We do not want our teachers becoming dehydrated civic serv ants he said icncbers auton only wassmelter of great im portance We do business and we do notwant it in educatio ion Labor Congress Chair man oi Executive ommittee of Carlie nceon Eds must be well pre pared and we must he wellin formed Add in answer to plea fro the French Canadian delegates who made up Friday and will make up February 1962 an im portsnt part of the conference the conference will likely be equipped for immediate transla tion drcdweisbtw Under the new asrmnrrs Loss scheme an averageestimated lie estlmnted Ontario milk by one authority at$1tll pet food farmers would lose 514000 hundredweigblwuuld be old 000 per year in revenues This to any farmer who could bring would all go to pr users of his arm on to Grade stand Grade milk of which there if ards now no oversupply luosr phone Also in the scheme is pro Mr Kinzle declared Simcoe posol for lower payments inmq county fannch were largely summer Silncoc County feno Grade Aproduccrs Therefore ers have alwuyo cnioyed en in their returns wotlldfall by as creased market for fluid milE much as $1 per bundredweight during the slimmer months which has been most beneficial to our terms because the cows are out on pasture giv lower production cost he do dared Under the new pro pose the price paid during tll summer months will be consid erably less The governmentsschéme vi not affect the price paid by up dairics or the public But it proposed dairy will pay th $5 per hundmdwclght to go eminent sponsored age which will paytflcnlairy pr dnccrs from $350 to $1 Give Teachers History Seattle Public iglobl teachers Simeoe County to get booklet describing local to oils County council Thursd accepted recommendationt its Education Committee tht the county should provide booklet at total cost of $22 Printing costs are estimated no Dinnerth horn Coucigllvr WW tuliont thestore badzbeen made of Bradford caught along his Three girls one the sister of Charis visited the lads in Court Two of tllerrmvere sent out of court when they would not be quiet during the proceedings Charles 18 vwasremanded an other week they had spent last week in tailonirérnnnd in order to get report from the Proba tion officer He will appear next week for sentence UNDAY NIGHT CHASE No youths of the Noblcton area will not be driving their cars for otherpurpesa titan to get back and forth to work and if their duty requires it while at mk If you are picked up while driving at any other time you are to behrought before me here and will suspend your driving until you will have for gotten how car operat Mag istrate Barron told the two Roy OsterlvDinn 20rand George Old field 19 both from the Bolton Nobleton area who had been in separate cars coming south on Highway 27 one Sunday evening Se 27 They apparentlylwere having lot of fun endeavoring to pass each other in the south bound traffic and scaring the ers inythe line by their an tics This went on until one of the cars they cut in on was that oc cupied by Constable Goodyear or the OPP otf duty and accompan ied by his wife The cement in iust ahead othimandat the same time that another vehicle was turning left onto sideroad causing the officer to take to the shoulde time in getting niter the two driversvand was awitness to their several inendout manoeu vres and crossing double linger peeds of overls miles an hour lhey pass endrotherxand other cars on til curve at Hig way27 ontoNumber and again when 27 turns south from Number may wore broadside each other Oldfield was operating small Geirnanmakeo car and Finally rrapassing stunt on the double curve atBeils Lnke theyleft the highway near anbleton and th officer who had stopped to namcbf another driver who hadbeen put given tdthecookin llowever he lost no Wife who was passenger in his car However her evidence was not required though sbe told some spectators afterwards that her feet were pushing the floor boards on the wild ride The can stablesaid would not have bothered them had thcy not cut in front of me when it was mentioned that he had done service to go to so much trouble while not on duty Magistrate Barron felt that there was not sufficient evidence to convict Dionon careless dri ing but accepted plea of im proper passing on which he reg isteled convictionand placed him on the same probation rul ing as Oldfield which is to be in forcefor six months and their licences to be endorsed Speeding chargesmalso pending in the cases were withdrawn George Glen Moore of Toronto charged with speeding at so mph on Highway doondid not appear He should be brought into court the Magistrate stated but decided to fine him in his ab sence $50 and costs Three persons whose cases were before the court asked re mand as their solicitors could not be present Gone hunting presume the magistrate re marked wheuaskcd forrerrlands chell ldoran of Qucbhsvifle wasfined $1 dndcosts or eight day on three chnrgesnf viola tion of the flight Act pendedlHe rwasu driving while under the influeneeof liquor and he drovexdrelesslyh He had courtLHis family are working but he di notiwant toer them help rhea Teena bay TERM Charles Drooly reported and in Newmarket cracking Birchmelé Hotel in Orillia last night with Art Harris of Bar rie irst vicepresident of Cent ral butario Ad and Sales Club Examiner Photo Denis ratchdm left presh dent of the Federation of Cana dian Advcflising and Sales Clubs goes over the program for theirdirectnrs meetingat liltllleitéftfiiielifl Driver Rims Into Brewers Retail The nominations for next years council will be held in the town warned motorist navigating hnll Bradford on the evening of into nfyklngspdqt in Lgnaw Names with the elections where 155M121 rame In nor nebessary Dec From mm her the Broch Retallfiore merits being heard on the street ifi $300 agaseb en it is likely that an electionwill 30 be me outmme of nominarfims land into another vehicle causing Clerk MissDavis has postponed if nagmdésmmdom meeting between the Bradford $55 dmgg am everyan Council and the Districtiligh was straightened School Board mfilDec follow Yvonne Payne 39 of ore is 8011011 inngils pulled to stop in front of the retail store and felt some hrigrmdiriihhiiets impe epa a1 car so she stepped on the gas ardirentrer EaglurdlnflleflalF sone joting 631th wood andglass corner of the gage hangsbnlghersmrecelving Pfidedgwormney 42ml carats ave lsuig rou mailsr need not wonder when they Lsee rmmgdmegrréhfiagglmw tll aterial isnot stampe its all legitimaletsinee itspard or um um mm by 2G1ven 10 Years cash system the advertiser brings his mailing pieces into The Charges the post office where they are WALKEth CPLTwo men counted and he pays the reguv were seniénced to 10 years in lar stamp price penitentiary when they appeared Thls saves the trouble of here before Magistrate stamme alarge quanitw McClevis on charges of hr go of entering and them this servtce the advertiser mush JohnButlerad of Windsor and ELECTION LLKELY lyrvalld largehulk quan tothe charges in connection with Cr thefts the RnyCramm general Syfilemrt according store Pinkertpn and Silver Pilimaste Thomas Woods ice cam plant at Luck streamlines th mails since or saves the trouble of stamping thousands of pieces the theft of afoot in Cargill They both pleaded guilty tobrenking andentering aservice at on at Saltfordnearfiaderich Athirdirnan al llKIlllfl of Kitchener held po ce on im liar charges in con thetheits was notes ed to plead Snowrcovered roads were hlnrn ed for $300 mishap half emlle north of cooksioivn on llighwey 21 inwhidlacar driven by Tordnto man kidded into ditch telephone poleon the wall Georg Kovnch 32 of Lak sho lload come out of the applyto the Poshoifice fdr DonoldvAntoneg 27 of no fixed he neeto usethls system This address pleadedguilty last week Aniline dismpleaded grimy to gectlon with man development The position of school trllsteés be discussed with view to its ev entuttlelevation What generally came out of the conference olinterest to par ents in locality such as Barrie hangs on proposal of one group it said briefly the conference should show the Canadian public the importance of education and with that too goes the purpo JOB llclmr Too many people the seminar has decided think of education as ticket to ob All Canadians arestriving for when they go through school it would seem is the almighty doliar The dollar has become our criterion Inf whether persons education is successful or not But the aim of education when it isdiscussed by the conference in two years timcwill certainly not be stated to be to gate good job gain fat bank book lh of education invfac looks like being one of the lar est and most important topics that will be cussed And few of the commens made Friday are an interesting preview of what will be said when the con ference really gets itsteeth into things First ls tllcteaay aim Said one delegate too many coursesrare being taken today vothnothlng insight at the end loiythem tudents are aimless NEE MYSTIle What atleast threemembers of theseminar said thw admired so much about Russian students as they hadsame thing to aim for Wettoo have got to have our education munlst litopia to strive for and thls Working for the state brought higher standards because it was fn our democracy wehave sued over too far backwards opined oneof 0o os leading education expertsand there is place lot this type of thing in this country he added referring the an prooccupation with tilepstnte Canodas mystique target forii the nationr students could bathe democracy in which they liveorlho digntyacf hu Closely allied to this motivation for students Was another problom guidance in schools One speaks er said he was sick of theiden of just twoor three teachers seeing every pup during the Secretary Mrs Living stone of Van Vlack WI is shown receiving cheque for $35 from Examiner Advertising Manager Robert Shrier which is combined first prize of $25 and $10 for rnost prize recipes llauFAxlcrl Jack wit ares public relations director for the Canadian Labor Con gressn says there is cause for concern in what he describedas the trend toward consolidation of ownership oivnvews media iThe incredsling centrallzed control of newspapers andtlie ex to the radio and tele CHURCH BRIEFS KYMN FE ar The old traditionof hymn sing ing will he brought back Sunday night as st odd Fresh lenan Church features Hymn Festival at oclock in the church Thé genera ublic is invited to join in the ginning with the junior and senior choirs nnhorln SUMMER construction on themirisnsn Education Wing of Burton Ave United Church began Friday on behind the church jibe pro posed date of completion is set for early summer Members of Cdllier Street in Young Peoples Union will conduct the 11 am serviceio recognition of National YFll Sunday Pastor Skelly will deliver Enaddl€55 specially aim ed at theiyouthofthe church Pencler 30 pnd ll emser Recto of Trinity hurch he now St The bilildiug is going nicrlvli Cheques rannrclpss submitted for the recent Bar rie Examiner Cookbook Edié gtion Centreisjdrs William Lengrnan of Van Vleck Wom ens Institute Other prize winl ning groupwas StPeters Womens Institutewith $15 VI3110 PROVTlEltpiesses concern Trend To Consblidate Media which Canadians should becon corned he told labor institute said Canada hasifour major publishers who own andoperate 37 of the cow tryjs 9= Englishlanguage dailiu Three the were deeply involved in telcv ion andrradio and would steels new television outlet franchises as they be came available Mr Williams said he wasnol suggesting there isacooldinated plan to control public opinion but added that machine is being created that could be used for thatpurpose part of the public lle editors urvey showed that in the and October mosteditorials in Canadian newspapers were to of labor while few concen trated on unemploymen Mr Williams said this appearplannéd butrather wasa result of circtnnstnnces mclud recent pollsbowed trend lowardantidabor opinion onithe months of August September ing theliuited States steel strike riton and the exposure of corru bor leadelrs in the hunter 51 Toilets and cloakroom Sh remaining $1000 would he pa as honorarium to the autho Patterson retired pt fmor of historye The committee pNDOSE have 1000 copies publish Thebooklet would be Ibo 150 pages LUMBE ZZWDODJUPPI SPACEF0 RENT 1260 SQ FT NOnTllsloe andwnencnaprnecon Arm nsrs 2nd floor street entrimce by wide steirway partitioned tosuit any business Large wind flontand res Heated and fluorescent Jgh

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