Pulls can OFFICIALS ms Behind nine bodies covered by white canvas CAB ntlicials suspect what wreckage could Bhoardlho EC1330 cutterwhe they ireshowml mm 1cm Initiative Globe To Canad UNITED NATIONS NY GP Canadas main initiativeI at the United Nations has pulled to gather East and West for global detective job on atomic radiation The azmember 14th General Assembly unanimously nlesdoy night for the worldwide study and Canadian External AiA fairs Minister Howard Green said reflected the concern felt everywhere about the health hen ards of mankindin theatomlc age This was Canadas chief inl tiativ word much loved by diplomatsin the current assem bly said Green and there it was particularly gratilytng that the To Fly ToMexicO support was across the board The showofhands vote was 78 iornone against and no abstan donsfour delegations being ob sent not an unusual occurrence Mikoyari HALIFAX CF One of the worlds most powerful Comrad nists Soviet Deputy Premier An astas Mikoyan slept Tuesday night in this city where Canadians fought for their first responsible government Bathe was up before dawn to resuma his 710omile flight from Moscow to Mexico City His four engine turboprop llyushin air craft took off from the nearby Shearwaterairport at 536 am aftera 141 hour stopoff Across the street from his bed room window Mr Mikoyan could see the bold outline of memoru int to Canadians who died fight ing Russians inthe Crimean War more than 100 years ago Premier Robert Stanfield of Nova Scotia toldMr Mikoyan Tuesday night Istncerely hope thatis the last time sucha thing will happen The Soviet leader said we want only peace among all pee piespeaceful coexistence RECALL sown FIGHT be recovered after an airliner crasth into the Gulf of Max ico apparently lrilling all 42 at the UN Assembly President Victor Belnunde of Peru said that made it unanimous SPEAK IN FAVOR The United States the Soviet Union Britain and France all spoke in favor oi the resolution although none had been asked to be cosponsors in view of Can adns aim to keep the issue from becoming entangled in mid war enmitles Communist Czechoslovakia one of the 11 cosponsors and Russia nuclear task and Green spoke in or vein when he said We are convinced of the need to reach agreement on the cessation under appropriate conA trols of nlinucleer weapons test explosions Wehope that negotia tions to this end and in the gene up Early where Joseph Howe Nova Sco tiasmost famous patriot led the fight for freedom of the press and government responsible only to the people By responsible government the premier said we mean government that changes with the will of the people rather thhn by nomination of the crown We value greatly our freedom and our equalityunder the law Mr Mtuoyan said he appreci ates the respect Canadians have for your traditions your demoe racy and your freedom£ But the Russians were not such evil peo ple as some believedk 81 It Many peop spe on us Russians They say What kind of people are they They demand peace Do they really want peace aning spoon to emphasize his point Mr Mikoyan added We are Marxists Socialists and Socialists havaalwarys spoken for peace But no body seemed to understand us andthe war did not change They spoke at Province House thing SEPARATE miss Young Girls Dié In Flames twoothers Her brother Kenneth ByflHE CANADIAN Passe rFour separate fires in Ontario and Quebec Tuesday took the lives ofthree young girls do stroyed four business establish ments and warehouse and burned three Two of tbegtrls of smoke poisoning alter anapartment fire in northeast Montreal Tuesday night They were Jocelyn Freeh ette and her sister Diane2 Their mother Mrs ArthurFreon one 30 was overcome butis in good condition in hospital The other death was that of RoxanneGreen who was trap ped in Hamilton fire thatrswept through her home and spread to leasresoued viaa ladder but suffered feoialrb ns The iourestablishme ts Iere destroyed when fir on Nthrough twostorey brick hush ness block on Connor Street in downtownflttawa Tuesday night There were no in but 10 ies were en out of their npartment homes thetop floor Damage as st ed $40 000 whenlthey ran for theirllves as in shower of embers The other iirerwas early Tues day at Kingston wherega down townwarebouse was burned out and an adjoining apartment build ing damaged Damagewas esti mated at $880005Noone was in iured pscr wondrous one wall of the building collapsed in wmsrmn 0w 01 phone and bodies came into port at Guliport Miss Tuesday aboard stern of 054w coast gunrd era licldof disarmament will soon lead toan agreement stop ping further such lesions it was this first time Cana dian initiative had won East West unanimous approval in four years and it was considered sigA niilcantin that it touched on dis armament EXPRESSES TRIBUTE Australian Ambassador JPllm soil said he wanted to extend tribute to the Canadian delega tion and Mr Green especially for Be emphasized the need of ending the way they prepared this item The resolution came lid during debate on progressreport ol the UN scientific committee on the effects of atomic radiation wgiose 15 members inciude Can The report cites the need for further information on numerous speciï¬c prohlenu related to radi ation resulting from fallout med ical application and natural sources Wall 85 for further town genetic and biological studies wicA MEETING TORONTO or Officials oi YWCA branches in 40 centres Tbi Conadn are attending Tu throughout the annual four day meeting which began Monday Also at tending the fourday conference Man are members at the YWCA world council who are touring Canada site the recent council meeting in Mexico SayCanBireweries Lialxciosed lenge Trophy Eailier Geo Vania toured the faith oompanled by Mrs Vani spent most of their times show Jutllog iorihe flowerahow be Judging or dairy cattle brought honor to Peggy AnnJAyisbiro shown by the Staaseli Brothers olAylmerVOnt whojtookzthe senior an grand championships fofemnlehs egy ad some to celebrate Althoung five years old she gave blrthtoher flitb daughter shortly beloretha show opened There were three single births and one set of Picknrd and Clark of Carstnlrs Alta had the grand champloli female llolsteln entry for the year ins rowThere were 260 entries from seven provinces and three states in the division The champion and reserve champion of the junior female Holstein competition was shown by Torelio Puccini King Ont Lochinvar Ruth Fond Hope owned by Brown of Paris Ont was grand and senior re servevwinn Steve Roman of Romandsle Farms Gormley 0nt was named premier breeder premier exhibitor winner at the Holtby Challenge Trophy for the best two Holsteins in the show and won the senior get and sire Chal BEAVERTON WINNER Theprogency of dam special went to Sheffield Farms and Dun robinr and Elmcroft Forms of averton John Lessk 20 of Seagrsve Ont won the Lawara Farmriuninr showmanship and sportsmanship trophy for compe lotion hmong the boys andglrls who assist in the showing of Hob steinNestan cattle Other results included plon stallion LionelR Pincbell Alnoourt reserve ReginaldH Shaw Brantlerd Swine Landrace Grand cham pion boarIJl Best George metro Ernest War atham ï¬end champion BAKING ROBBERY PE TERBOROUGH UP eves made off with $1700 esday in daring Store in downtown Peterborough money was taken from an ofï¬ce desk at the renr of the store Po lice are looking for man and woman 15 Breweriestonirolled By It TORONTO OP The Sult preme Court of Ontario was told Tu Canadian Breweries Limited faciag ges of operating combine closed 10 breweries it acquired in the 1030s and19405 Crown prosecutorR Wilson said that the company has elimi nated five other breweriesover which it had gained control he tween1930 and 1953 Kris Mapp Toronto char tered accountant gave testimony that showed Canadian Breweries had aoquiredcontrol of eight 0n tario ï¬rms and two in Manitoba Mailapp said the Taylor and Bate plant wds cloted in 1936 Welland Breweries in 1934 River side Brewing Corporation in935 Holes BrewingCompany in 1939 EixelBrewidg Limited in 1944 31 1941 Grants Spring Brewery prior to Oct at 1335 Hamilton Brewing Associationpriorrto Oct 31 1942 Empire Brewery priorto 0ct31 1986 and KleWEl Brew Company after Oct 31 1535 Mr Wilson said previous evi deuce had shownthst the Lon don0nt brewery of the Carling company was sold bylaw Tbe Crownadded that Bud weiserhrewing Company of Can ada Limited Reinhardt Brewery Company LimitedCiiy Club someonesMusic By spousein son his time and modern 01 Pattenden orehestr hospices 003 NoSiaoks Jeans Permitt Breweries Limited Walkerville Breweries Limited and Tecumseh Brewery Lilnlbed allin Ontario were eliminated after Canadian Breweries gained control llocjuit Man litter serving Months MONTREAL or Jordanov 35 mesoay by the Quebec Court of Appeal nfa charge of armed robberyfoi which he had sis ready served six months of threeryear term sole groundsvfor hisuconviction Shetland ponies Grand cham daylight theft train the Walkwel Shoelma dumraervetllenGould motorized golf calt ac ba 40 ton machine duellcd with Raymond Clemson one 154m bulldotcr over possession of pilsvof sand July so road construction site in west end 7Tbls lstha strangat case have dealt with in my years on the bench said Mayanate Joachim Saulo aftereonvict log the operatorbf the iniger machine of deliberately isinusing pro damage sns was rempaeddyed to Nov 23 for ten tence Susln W8 worklngon storm sewer installation and Glenlent of rival construction com iohn slain as oo ran 55 Atlmdlaï¬ie Juerve Ill Rotor Ont mod champion sow Glen Guild Florence 03L nole mu theroadsur leactywhen themargumcnt broke After verbal exchange the tangle of the titans hogan with ire monsters mï¬oeuveh an charging angry atmored bulls Susln slammed his tootanner lntotbe side of Clements mn cblnc Clement backed nfi then pmsed home brief advan tage into Susins tnount There was 11angfltércfhsin of sinus in and grinding trends until weight began to es sut itself Suslns charga tookeom mandb Clement said he was forced to jump for my life as his mount was rolled un ceremoniously into aditch Ho escaped unhurt Is canolaionoger manure or Here is picture of the average Canadian as given by those who grant him credi Helsagoodmanagernfhls own atlstrs be iswell able to look after obligations which he takes on and he shows little tendency to commit himself be yond his ability to pay The picture comes from otfi clals of the Federated Council of Salm Finance Companlos as given at press conference fol lowing the organlzations annual day Backing up their view saythat lessthan one per cent of credit handled byrsul ï¬nance companies is mole than so days oarrears Evenln lnrtanoeaof long strikes the record is good Man Acquitted rumba Trial iimcsrdn or Kingston businessmanArthur Mason Tues meeting here Monday and luee $666000 Bales ï¬nance Companies il nance sales made on cledit both in the retail and wholesale fields In defect they take over the am coon CARS BIG PERCENTAGE In the year Sales FinanceColu ads extended an estimated $1 400000000 in wholesale credit to dinable goods dealers olwhirh $1250000000 was for wholesale financing of new motor vehicles lathe retail field they granted total of3120il000000 of which 000 was for automobiles $142000000 for micro buses and commercial trailers $102000000 for industrial and commercial equipment and $200000000 for household appliances and other typu of durable goods At Sept 80 the total amount of their outstanding crodit was $1 135000000 of which asslnning the current good payment record 7o per centrwlil have been paid within 12months 8611 cent with 18 months and 95 per cent thinnmmtim rr Tile average termsrioi which credit is granted ponies in Can day was acquitted at his second and on charge of attempting ageij Clark said the Luborntr was acquitted The court ruled statement Jordanov made to police the Defence lawyer Myer Gross appealed the conviction on the grounds he could present new evidenceto show police obtained the statement through physical violence and threats of violen in an 00ml Mlclllfl might not have been made yolun Dominion Brewery prior to Oct tardy to bribe former city mayor in connection with gas franchise county court jury delibuaied threeshours before freeing Mr Masonioq charge of offering $10000 to formermayor Frank Boyce in 1957 to have Kings tons natural gas awarded to thaCousumen 63 Company Ajury failedln reach Ver dict at theifirst trial year ago At that time MrMason was no quilted on another charge of at tempting to bribe Andre former public utilities commis sioner PAS4427 vs iileoparda NIGEL PATRICKYVONNE Mlfcllfll CMIGPAUL MASSIE mucusnun industrial eqbllllplltellt 27 months other do goods savmonths franchise ending Sept 30 denan TORONTO copra Gaylord ï¬tilenoontiliégtglending hem per uthackln Canadian team mutiny night thinksltwiilhelargdyamattcr dlthanadn inter us on arse iump comm lion atthe Royal Winter Fair have to break right for the eryearnld Toronto nth said Rub polo oneway one time and it stays next time it comes all It came oneness night After taking first place lnindl vldllal events Saturday and Main day angled riding Blue Bear flash rough two eases take second03am berih Flrat position went to Argen lines captaln Pedro Mayorsa who swept over tightoornered wlulnp course with Stromboli tor the evenlngsonly clear rouodvScoringgon the fastest time riders were penalized six serious Mikoyan onion TV Sport Queries torisovieibewiy Premier Aaastas Mikey lot from pm Daudny for his deft parry of relating to sport and television Would heroic to predict that Canada will beat Russia again in the next world hockey champion ship cant give answers so far in advance without fear of making nilstak haniliiilaelliargovr what wmppe to years pionn Bellevllle McFarlands Frankly dont follow the sport tob much Mysonsdre great hockey fans Operationofthe McFarland recently brought about an invey tigation into Beiieviiles ï¬nances What was the reaction in Bus lla about the United States tele vision quiz future am not awareloi this but when was askedqucstions on Amcrl can TV didor didnt seconds for every fault know Roberts Raps Big Car Makers For Vehicles TooWideFor0nt TORONTO UP Attorney General Roberts and Transport Minister Yateka criticized Tilesdw the Big automo bile makers for unding cars wider than the Winch limit pro vided by Onturlo regulations If they exceed that width the onus is on the driver to place is green or amber light at the front leit top of the vehicle and red light at the left rear top Mr Roberts who said width was problem not only of safety but for road space said its up to the manufacturers to give good explanation and make changes in their assembly lines Wetrie going to alert them pretty as Mr Yaranko said it would be imfslr to penalize drivers andhis department wasseriously con sidering recommending changa to put the onus on the manu facturer and the vendors tocut down the size or put onthe re qulrcd lightsv Nine 19 models produced by the big three companies exceed the limit by ainoimts ranging from fraction ofnn inch to more than an inch Edwin Walker president of General Motorsol Canada said there had been an oversight which would be corrected in the 1901 models Frank Hogan vice president at stntt for Chrysler of Cahada said his company would have to get back in line unless the law was changed Soviet Plans Sallie ï¬s Chalk Rivers ONTE CARLO Monaco uiers Canada and Russia Tuesday dmcrlbed to on interna tional conference similar meth ods of storing radioactive waste Marks of class to get rid of it without causing contamination Altken of Atomic Energy of Cghsda leitcdChnlk River Ont said éhei waste thine was incorporate the hooks of The blocks then were buried where there could be no danger of contamination ASo viet scientist later outlined similar method They wereépealdng at the sec and day at alnntion meeting of experts an atomic encry qceanogrophic geology fisheries and ngriculhiro to exchange ideas on disposal of atomic waste producu November mu 1959 Notice of Posting of Veterr Lists Kindly take Notice that have posted ppm my Office or Thornton on the 1th Day or November 1059 it not of allpersonsliotitled to Vote at Monti oipnl Elections and Legislative Assembly and herebyoat upon persons the said Listfind idnny errors foundvtdihavevthem iieorreeted according toLaw Noam ooxvionmfoierir moons PWERS manor IisYoulve