Published PAGE sous notion Neediniegrejied Hid Novnilsm is use balloon ways by musslam lirais Hayfield Street 015wa nonunion Withopuldlion Increasing Almost everyday obe hears or reads gt affairs that is most jealously guarded is forécasls of whatto expect within the next five or ten yeaiswlth respect growth We hear that Bmles popula tion will be up to around 35000lin few years We hear that Ontario will double its population within five years Canadawili not be long in going over the zomimonmark Detroit will become the fourth largestcity in the United States by 1989 and so on The warnings are out almostdally that we must start planning and build ing for the iutureWemust think in terms of civic servicesusuper highways large scale housing and many other things And most at us shudder at the thought of what government at all lev els will be costing us in order to pro vide these essentials or growth says The same Observer Gordon Grundy president of Etude bakerPackard of Canada Limited told Toronto Rotary Club there was aneed in this country for an integrated nation al hi ways system He urged that royal commission be appointed to inves tigate the whole picture of roads Concerning Fund Drives Are charity drives being overdone Is canvassing for funds for this that or the other noble and praiseworthy pur pose gettmgout nfhand to extent that it ls nuisance to the general pub 11c and calculated to defeat its own ends Such questions were raised recently by the callof an OttawaHull group for drastic revlslon of charity and disaster appeal campaigning in Canada central council of 26 Ottawa and null Service clubs hasreleased report pro posing the establishment of municipal licensing commissions to control all char itable and religious appeals Permissive leglslatlon to this and is sought Furthermore the committee advocates that disaster funds be handled solely by the Red cross which has long specialised amour msm cosz vcalgaryHeaald ecént horrifying crashing For and points up anew the bounds oflevel lzrossiugs And it raises the recurring quesiion of whether something cant be done to at least alleviate thisrnenace Theideal ofcourse would be to all ze level crossings altogether through under and overpssses But thisis financial impossibility lt in this country of great distuces Mncbof the bamdof level highways with the installing of crossings has beenelimin ated in and about cities and on major high ways with the installing of the wlg wags and flashingred lights It might well be that the color of tbemod ornday trains is factor This is not to sug gcst tint the recent tragedy at Parkland in any way the fault of file 0am Plicif Rilway but it may be that the or colol of modarn railway cars makes itdifficuit for motorists to see the train under certain slim atic in the eflly morning for ex ample ground Imist and the silver shade might combine to he the train virtually in visible particularly inthe case of short or three coach trains And certainly another factor lobe reckoned with is the high speed at which modern short run trains move It will be some years before the motoring public becomes usedto these high speeds andis something which all driv ers should consign when approaching level crossing it is true there of motorists which persistsln raclnga train to crossing There is nothing much flintcan be done about theseignonmuslsexcept to hope that they dont injure anyone else when the inevildble accidmlt occurs PsragraphiCally Speakingil plhnriingithemburban homelhe bedroomkilchenette and carportwshould bean llnein that order sb that nuclease time andmotionwould be lost creme bling to get wntown to work on schedule pear predicts biologist baseman Yast plus peproam lt acked up with federal lunds Opinionsiol Ollie Newspapers is alwayslbat mules huge Probably the she phase of provincial the matter of highway development In provinces such asOntariolt has become an intricate system of provincial high ways including super expressways county and township roads and urban streets upon which done There is no question that as the pop ulation grows so do automobile and truck registrations thereby lamming streets andjhighwoys Whether the matter of national high ways system is one for the federal gov emment totackle raises some doubt the federal government through the use of Royal Commission can produce in formation to the provinces whichwould grants are paid for work integrate provincial road systems into national network there might be some value But under the British NorthAm erican Act where road administration is vested with the provinces it would seem thot anything the federal authorities do ut roads could only he advisory even in this llne of work and is qualiï¬ed todo ltefflciently Twospeclficsuggestions were as lows That iealth organizations be am algamated andcentralized into one org anization that it stage one fundraising campaign and that the Canadian Med lealAssociation initiate such federa tlon That corporations give serious con sideration to confining their charitable donations to the United Appeal capital fund ldrives cultural organizations of their choice educational appeals and general service club drives Whether or not the complaints are 1u1 ly Justified they are in any event indic ations that generous public is perhaps becoming restlve regarding the repeated appeals to thepocketbook and the tend ency not merely to demand money but to dictate how much an individual should glve If any event rail officials and the Board ofi llmosport Commssioners when considering this problem might well give some thought to rapalnlihgthe silver rail are with aluminoua sbadeof sayrod or yellow which should cer tainly make them more conspicuous It would be shameufrom the aesthetic viewpoint to thus deslzoy the smart appear ance of todays Canadian trains But if it will save alife it should be considered seriously nowmmil mom DECENCY lï¬lcbenerWalerloo Record The way the oncepopular television qidz shows were rigged suggests contempt for the viewing audience which must brand the manipulatorsnot asmere clever persuast but asoulrageoua do celvers In theprocess lbéy corrupted the emotions of both lheyiewers and many of the contestants There was the case of theyoliug man who was told to wear an old illï¬tting suit on tele vision so he could win audience sympathy as struggling exGl He and good number of other contestants evidently were instructed ingatures facial ex pressions and movanenls whichwould height en theidea thatlbeywere groping painfully for INTERPRETING THE NEWS Quercome Pitislls To Peace answers Somo contestants found even their personal re lotions with the quizfillers were on mercurial basis One has declared that while lbeykept him winning they could not have been friendlier As soon it was his time to lose his ffrlends froze in difference Thecallousness underlying this whole approach to otherlhlnnan beings is incredibleto contam plate That anyone who had handin it can say didnt think was doing anything wrong in dicales how for some have travelled downhill hon decency and morality Even if spanking or whipping children only not have beneï¬cial eflecton them parents shouldnt deny themselves the deep satisfaction to he derive Vout or wallong them when they act up Human legs will eve tually 1disap ress report Probably so There are lines even now whenit ems the humanrace is on its last legs year ï¬ght cg BUCK FEVER Qllelï¬egilllonoav Mllllidpalhlelisll ayoouovsmau mammvemmmle alosue seems to be mlmlclpaltoes ipulitiesl They may not have mudlelso but theylhnvs fsuim mm Respect for municipal auton omy is getting to be fetlrhbera Tbéflntslniaour deal eat Find on amvuaovnnoous tht hrlnu this up at lbs par ticular momeutl It is the sovem meolshandllng of the Belleville torpeak Incidan Not am there criticism about of the direct ham dung For the mint part 16th the government did what should be done and what could be done But when you were do lhe scene of the announcement the stress on not interfering with local autonomy was overdone WHICH FIRST In one press interview Mania lpal Affairs Minister Warrender stressed at least boil down times that the province was not interfering in the local scene He emphasized that local re sponsibility was sacred And the trouble was he em llhaslzed it so much one won dered which had been his first consideration What should be dolls or what should not be done Turbines From Toronto Io spark Pakistan Power by nusssu ELMAN Canadian Press Stan Writer Knows East Pakistan cr Turbines from dismantled power station near Toronto are shortly expecled to start gener cling electricity for Pakistans expanding jute industry lifeline of the countrys economy new newsprint factory built by Canadian engineers The compact Siratfordtlle and glass plant is situated on the palmdotted bank of the Bhsirab River tributary of the Ganges 150 miles southwest of Decca As modern asany similar power house in Canada lilo design is After years of storage equip bizarro contrast to the primitive meat from the disusedlplalgeat Scarborough Onl has en shipped to East Pakistan under tbe Colombo plan and recondia tioned for new power station at Gonlpara near the rising in dustrial centre of Khulna With engineering consultanls design steel and equipment prolt videdby Canada at cost of $2 000000 Goalparn was no structed in record 13 mon Final tests now arebeing ried out and engineers hope the 270wharwpowar plant will be in operation before years end IMPORTANT EXPORTS The worlds largest producer jute Pakistan depends on export sales of this staple crop for most of its foreign exchange earnings However when Bengal was par titioned in 1947 all the forlner iute mills concentrated in Cal cutta went tolndia With jute mills urgently needed if her economy was to survive Pakistan began to industrialize jute and ricegrowing East Ben gal beginning has been made and today small industrial com plexes have sprung up inDacc Chittagongand Khulna Goalpara will replelze nearby 12000 horsepower diesel plant now working at capacity to supply power to industries in the Khulna areafllcnew plan is ex pectedlo serve at least urjute mills lbenew Khulna shiplard match factory creospte plant Khulnatownand 1800 horse deer supplementary power to NEw yoax cm11 Asso my be gels fromlAP hills of surrounding village Ethn panted the plant will lcok like million dollars said ALavallee of Elgln cub su perinteodlng cperalicnel engin eer Were making the turbines better than new SECOND PAKISTAN 103 An experienced sleam plant cnlt gineer Mr Lavallec is doing his second Colombo plan assignment in PsldsiannInWesl Pakistan be initiated operations of power plant for Canadianaided cfm ent factory at Daud Kbel Lavallee an American turbine icolumhistfsued engineer and young Pakistani worked long hours every day lhrough the sticky unhealthy monsoon period reset the plant in him shape Parts had to be re paired spares found adjustments made and thorough check car ried out before eommlssiollind major difflculw is obtaining trained Pakistanicperatora for the plantSenlol officials of the East Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority are seri ously concerned over this probg lem Finding trained personnel is problem all the world over more so in underdeveloped countries such as ourssoid Khan Mo hammad Azam development commission cbaimlun Wo in tend to lrninas many men as wecon at steam stations we al ready areopernling and if nec essary we will have topay for lbeinexperience of the men we employ There is no shortcut But DidNoiliiolale Press Code ciated Press said in abatement Lhal it is convinced column lst an Boyle has never written line of AP copy for payment of any kind or form except the personal bppearance at bus ness dinner sponsored by dc parlment store owner whose name has since cropped up in congressional invesligalion of TV scandals it snidBoylo has been severely reprimanded And Freedom ilior 0pr By DAVIDROWNTREE Canadian Press Staff Writs Two pitfalls on the watho peace and freedom in Cyprus have been overcome in recent weeksAt the moment the chances are gnuduthat theMed terranean islandcan make the transition from hrltish cblonyjo dependent republic next Febru sry without more bloodshed The first hazard of wasmen George Gr Greek soldier who led the four Bï¬ï¬sh rule and who bassincé returned to Greece tryinE ainly it seems to grab place in lhe sunof cs bapitsl lreds oftbe Greek and Tur ll Cypriots that have not been all He talked of tak logether bur events but at log and ling witll Archbishop Makar gree to dropout pygsented mm nicely circumstances and has been se wanlsd wider voice Consults tion on all matters the came be foreibe president in er wards almost co equal powersnlha Greek Cyprl ts who comprise fourfifths of population re fusedto go along The issue has been resolved with Solomon like wisdom The president who will most probably heMakarios will have preced ence over all persons in tb re public The vice presidelit most certainf lobe lbeTurkish Cypriot leader Dr Fadil Kulchfl wlll take precedence over eve one after thepresident further sop to Turkls vanity the dlplomallc world is The president will be la and the vice pr SOUGHT EUBLICITY managem Boyle was one of alillst of columnists namedflNov5 by public relations man for Max Hess Allentown Pddepartment store owner as having mentioned Hess in their columns Evidence given before House of Representatives subcommittee wasvihat Hess used various nietb ods of gettingplugs for his store including paying to getan em ployee on The 364000 Quetion lIlls publicity agent Max Levine also said that publicity agents and sometimes columnists di recily were paid to get Hess mentioned in the newspapers ii that ï¬melioylewbo is in demand he public speaker apart from his writingsaid that he had some es mentioned Hess on subjects of feature news interest but had written nothing abouts dinner in 1555 at which be was paid to appear In its staleman today torneim bers and stathPsaid Ellle Associated Press has slamd and it repeats it is not enough forus within ï¬le organ lzation loknow that staffer outside interest or sell lies do not adversely affect work for The AP is often question of whetheroulsiders could mlslm derstand or misinterpret his work nor woman Every representative of The Associated Pleisisbares tlle re sponsibill ofsafegusndlng ils reputation for haneslyand dc pendsbillfy What Boyledid vie lated this pollcy He acknowl edges mistake in judgment in accepting the payment in the verely reprimanded eful examination by reveals in satisfaction that the columns HOWEVEillElBldnfler5 are still nervous There was lush culdesaruse progress ould easilybs stalled againz Meanwhile laiksfon loinl de emanla among iioylewrpte in which be men tioned Hessfive times from 1951 through 1559 we of copy forpsyrnentof any kind or form excspt lhsl compensation he re ceives from The AP TheyAPls true and ofilhe loyal staff totlle integrity of is news re Iudgmenl Tbis was only an extreme case of general attitude hero The government and cabinet ministers areso sollclwus about autonomy that one questions if at times it doesnt conflict with effective and proper action in the growth of our govern pipes meat the provhloe was given uln responsibillllupverlbe mn plclpslilies There is geodxcesoo for than And Ihyness or ooyneseln accepting them and canybu them outurleans weskhm rats was And perhaps along this line there lsooefleld in the Bellevillsg matter in which the government should becrltlclxed Mr Warrcnder had nothing to say about the city sollclior whom Judge Wlllmolt knocked so lo verely felt that the solicitor and city solicitors generally were doing their Job He also polnled out the Law Soclew con trols them Mr Warrendar of course is also solicitorandm member of the Law Soclew and one has to wonderact for the first time if perhaps it doesnt have bit too much fconlrol The contra acts as shield and not only for the legal pm lcsslun but for lawyers individu FASEKON My Latest progress report on the minister of energys new cilia The desk is covered in alligator skln Al least if it isnt that it is leather that somebody spilled drinks on highllgbtls an or namenlal iron table with marble top Feature la massive chan ddicr also massive table lamps which and when if he ever sees them Premier Frost is going to wonder what in they are Reportedly the guard at tboC opening will liehula girls in Greek logos playing the bog hour room 11x pride Anti Icy Has Teenage Problems By MclNTYRE noon Special Imam England Corrapondcnt for The BinHe Examiner LONDON The new lawns created in the south of England to relieve housing and industrial congestion are the countrys pride and joyhut their develop ment has brought problem which had not been given much consideration in their planning One of lljlese towns is Slevcnage It is sparkling new commun itywilh no slums no eyesores and no poverty But at the same time it has nothingin the way of amenities to take care of the sac ial and recreational needs of the large and growing population of teenagers That is the finding which forms part of report made by com mittee set up to study life and conditions inthis new town The committee made up of 11 dis tinguished members issues slrodg warning to the authorities of Sicvenage It warns that un less something is done for them lbe towns growing army of teen agers will be in danger of turn inglnlo rabble of discontented gangs sum raver For YOUTH The members of the committee were so alarmed by what they had found that they organized Save the Teenagers Stevenage Ynulil T1315 With Sir David BowesLyon os chasrm an and bank mpnuger as treasurer it in to start Work at once The conclusions reached by lbe committee in its report are blunt and to the point It says The towns newness seems like nothing but void to the increasing number of teenagers from London used in the whirl and bustle of life in the big city Young people the committee talked to complained There is nothing for us to donowhero to go An adult warned We have no songs here yet but greatly fear we may have them GROWING RAPIDLY The problem says the commit tee will be accentuated by the fact that Stevenagea population of young people will show spec tacular increase in lbe next 10 years While at 60 teenagers he tweengls and 21 to the 1000 it is still below the national average of 85 per 1000 by 1975 the pro portion aged 15 lo 21 in Steven age will be 180 per 1000 people The committee has same con creterecommendations to make Tom the emptiness in lhese young peoples lives it advises appointment of full line youlb officer and the boil ing of youth centre in the yetetoheedm veloped town centre The new Youth Trust vdll appeal for funds to carry on these projects as soonas possible £xeloWesmferON Agree on can Issuej1 Is When Municipal elections for lug By Josh swllncnus BRUSSELS AP ricas ir repnessiblo urge for in eperldence from the white man andBel glump caution in letting the Congo go its own way have led to the explosive situation in that Central African territory The gap between the populaf lionsonly 100000 Europeans to 10000300 Africansis widening da by day in lhe rich colony ed by Belgium for half cen tury ManyEuropean solders are leaving the Congo Twice thisyear there has been bloodshedin Leopoldville in Jen uary and in Stanleyville last month ISSUE 15 WIIEN Belgium andthe Congolese agree on the same ultimate pow litical calindependence for the Cong The issue is whEDv ban centres were organized With the of giving the Congoan administrative framework and field of democratic experiment DISCRIMINATION EBBS Trade union activity was aux lborized Slricler rules against racial is imination were brought lnand severely enforced firstslep towardequal pay for Africans and Europeans was made and obstacles to tbefull freedom of expression of Africabs werelifled The most uential Congolese cities have announced theywill boycott the December elections whicbrthe Belgian governmen hoped would lay the foundations of local democracy with sound and durable political sys tern Tribal chiefs have kBelglum thinks that by the might administrative and ed torn policie thoCongolesa should be ready for full independ iï¬llbqkpollflcfll and economicby For the Congolese psrtiesrup to now some 53of themtho gen eral opinion is that theitime is now With neighbo French Africa having gained local selfrule through President dc Gaulles referendum of French territories the BelgianCongo has in the last few months become centraoi inlepse nationalistic pclivlly Belgium had already launche the counlry on tinepath 10 Elm gressivo independence sage on end to powsr Citypoliticlans have ind eatedlhey consider theirs tional tribal system voutmoded andtbe chiefs fear that ithou Eel an protectionthey eliminated from pow BIBLE THOUGHT will hasteniny word to arm ltpuoremlob Gods wordisms gooda Ills bond His character is nice of His promis