Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1959, p. 3

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point aooNOMrce student Elspeth Cameron lo Grade unis the wound attraction on she serves tea to Kurt lt Sivintoa in Barrie last night to addresntho Codrlngtonllome and School Aisoclalioo Mr Swloton and members oi the Barrie North Collegiate stall bad tea Monday afternoon at the collegiate Left to right Hamilton principalot North Collegiate Kurt Swin tou Elspe viceprincipal Griffin chairman District Collegiate amioer Photo Meet Meat ToChaingeg But Without conformity soft societyf He added With speech that was some times hilarious sometimes ser ious but always incisive Swinton first chairman pl the CanadianNational Conterence on Education highlighted Barrie and District Home and School Councils Month atCodrlngton Public School laetynighln The Vlennabornspealltér ad dressed the meeting for one and half hour period with what he described at the opening of his talk as few exceptionalw well chosen remarks on education His remarks were by no means easy on the average Canadian or Canadian society We are making micelles pro gress as society but we are in the greatest quandary any soc iety hasvever beta in he began we have had constant pre occupation withrthe educational problem in this country and the problems we have had are of at fluence and growth Canada had grown so quickly he continued she had been over wbelmed by sheer numbers We are he pointedmut V9000 tea chersshortby that meanquah ilied teachers Canadas problems were all in the field of snumbcrs and com nomiis Every society has the educa ytional system it deserves he saidlater referring to the con stant criticismin pressand var ious other media of education SOFT SOCIETY Canadiarl society he went on is satisfied with the basic concept of education It is diili cult to impose bar system on Aslon as we live in society where intellectual is described as an egghead what can we dollar our chil dren An egghead he defined was person who alle Marilyn Monroe Mrs Miller He said theaverage Canadian and there was such person could not give list of ten Can adian thinkers Hesaid in this respect Canada was in thesame boatmess he correctedhs the United States This was not how ever true of the Europeans or the English srncrausrs This age of complexity be said as bred in nation ofspcc ialisls who talk only specialists And special not understand specialists become thrifty TOur wholeecon omy was he said based on the instalment plan of buying We are living in modi form of welfare state hesaid and we have admitted respon bility for those who are not so wellequipped vtotake care of themselves Speaking of the tarnished abi ysrnallypoor millions in the worl aid thewaere deter mined either to change to the Western way or change onto their wayrand they were willing to lose blood over it if necéssary We have become wealthy and new CPR Canada Cement Can Cufl Canadian aka this leap into the mtb cen tury But we have to do this not for humanitarianreasons but for essentially pragmatic reasons Mr Swinton also spoke of the dillerent atmosphere into which modern children were growing When his generation was brought up theyhad every reason to be lieve they would live in world similar to that of their parents However the revolution of the worldwhich had come from De troit not Moscowand its indus trial reorganization had drasti callyclianged the framework in which we now lived he wanton For modem children to live in the same kind of world as their parents was impossible year alter person lcit high school his knowledge was obsolete Sci entific and technological know ledge wasdoubling every year Ninetytwo pcr centof all scientlt ists and engineersqtho had ever lived Were living now All these separate facts point ed he said to concepts which would have been totally unac ceptable to the parents at his generation Theroncept of national sover eignty had also disappeared and the ntombomb had caused its disappearancewith the knowled go that another War would des troy victor and vanquished CounCii Names Aldeisey Cit Engineer City Council formally appoint ed Eric Aldersey as city en gineer ata regular meeting last night Ke succeeds Bock ett who resigned after differ cores with her Public Works committee Alderman Lester Cooke puh lic works chairman told coun= cil MrAldersey is wellvrecom mended at Trenton wherebe has been residing He has pre vious municipal experience We think all this man has to offer is an asset to the cityr he said He was by far the best inour opinion ofrtbe ten applicants One Hour Only Retail Merchants Retail Merchants Com mitee of thel3arrie Chamber of Commerce has suggested to City Councilthat local stores should notbeflaskcd to close lor more than one hour in ob Servance of Remembrance Day since Wednesday is normally halfday holiday anyway The hour from 10 arm to 11 in has been suggested UST COMPLY SOON Resrdents in pam oftbercity recently annexed mustcomply by next July with the citys we have assumed the res Tomiiifsisriick Pillars bylaw req modern sanita tion nua Royal an at La Co iUnlon Wukuqtlssxw new on matAmm mounti nan ll down no utilities mos Arm manna iisibillty to help poorer nations der today this evening becoming colder We will have to teach our child adaptation to change wilhou conlormity he advised Byt the last remark of his talk sounded probably the most om inous Wh at impresses me most about Russia is their con quering lust for cduentlonuThls is something which cahootbe rculcatcd from above but has to come also from below Russian society rcverberates with this dc sirn forknowledge Until the west catches fire like this we shall feel insecure Mr Swinton who claimsto be local resident and taxpayer bee cause of his lnnisfil cottage and who refers to Toronto as not googra lcallocation but state of was introduced by Mackiin who said he had scour ed Canada to find its best speak or for the evening Final shaft for Torontolovers was Col swintons remar have many friends who have gone to Toronto to die In lor onto the transition froin lit to death is not noticeable on Will Fire Department Bariie raenepaximeni iato be asked to burn down house The building to get this trent meal is the old house formerly occupied by Smith at $2 Penetang Strc boughtrecent ly by city counc to make way fora new street Local contractors Stan Excl and Sons quoted $500 for demoa ishing the structure motion toaccept the offer was before city councilwhen Alderman Hambly spoke up Get the fi brigade out there and set it en tire he said It wouldnt cost $500 to burn it The brick would fill up th semenl As the resulting chuckle sub sided aldermen began to think maybe it would work How far is it from another house in quired Alderman Man sellus Why pay $500 to tear it down Alderman Williaihs chairman of the ir and Light Bring In ew Contractois To Do Work on Johnson St City Council has brought in new contractor tn perform work previouslyalloeated to the Lor enzo Construction Company on Johnson Street City comptroller Walter Gigg has been instructed Synopsis In advance of ah eastward moving storm Zcentred in Minnesota this morning south erly wmds have brought milder weather to Catario Northern Georgian Bay North Bay Sudbu Cloudy and mile rain beginning Wednesdalmorning with rain changing tovsnow Winds south as becoming no St Catharinea Hamiitbn accessions boardEn with daily newspaper which In last it in tthree tiroés daily is dialleaglng one with which mint be handled by trainedgnieu Sold Novlue Barnett manag lngeditorolllieExamlnerthls involve months ag to provide the people 1e and Simeon County wouldpjve the local natiooal and international news That was the purpose to which thainewnnen origin staff were dedicated but ltwasnt easy For all of us here producing daily newspaper was new experiencehe said fand our growing pains were many During the ensuing months we havestrived to produce paper which would give the com munity news and the story be hind the newsna well as keep readers up todalerith all that going or in the rest of the world The success oi our of MORE STREET LIGHTS Members of City Council lasi night volediv for more street ljghts Location of new lights are Queen Street Izod and stir oleii west of St Vincent pole at MfDownsview Drive every other pole on the north side of Stocks act from Duekwortb to Vancouver every other pole on Napier from Puget to Johnson one pole south of Steel and Downsvicw relocated from the corner and thapole onthe north side of SterlStreet opposv te Downsvie Strabane Ave nu opposite MclroSe Avenue opposite 06 and 72 01d Residence Committe suggested he check with the fire chicl His father Alderman Williams vsugv gested it was legal in fire the house providingdho root was first removed brief argument liowed about whether to give away first the materialslnthe house Alderman AithurMorrow was in favor Mayor Willard Kinzie whosaid he ahhorred waste was in favor Alderman Marseb lus was in favor but gloornily noted he had tried for two years to give away three good doors and failed Comptroller Walter Gigg de flated the discussion when he suggested thecity would be lia ble for anyaccideiits whicho curred whilstthe timbers were being removed if thefire chief does not like the ideapExells will demolish ther lengthy work Yet the sew endwas cfimDiete the house for $500 It be ives the OKthe bonfire will ely be this bythe Public Works Committee to haveJohnsoo St graded and gravelled the cost to be charg ed back toLorcnz Lastmonth counc received letters from lawyer Gordoh Mc Tlurk on behalf of two clients in thelareanemanding redress for inconvenience which Mr Mclnrk alleged had been caus edbythe contractors Grading is now going on re ported Aldeirnan Lester Cooke pub works cbahmamralld gra veliinge illproceed day or two This would check the worst condition on Johnson explained work had beenat the bottom of the sire Tber had been delay in obtaining per mission from CanadianNational Railst to dig under the rail bridge The outlet required tur ers farther up the stretcould not be connected until th lower The ea being graded is be Blake Street Nov 10 1958 when bier went daily committee Bar Laidlaw residence tween fShenty Bay Road and 43 Buttho blg change came on the vExam Barrie Postmmter Tom Kerr announced today that the Post Otfioe Collier Street will be open Wednesday from son to noon only It willbe closed in the afternoon No money order or saving bank business will be transact ed at the post attics during the hours of opening tomorrow Letter carrier and rural do iiveria will be as per normal sobedule Mails will be re oeived and dcspstched ur ual ProminentlnCity Activities HA Hancock Le Harry Hanhoeknmnagen of the 13 ie branch at the Bank of Nova Scotla will be leaving at the latter part of next week to tak¢ up bew appointment as manager of tbe banks Swift Current branch in Saskatchewan llis placrhcre will be takenby Harry Nut ter of Renlrew Mr Hancock tookover the Barrie brandivin May 154 Dur ing his stay her he has been closely associated with agricul ture in the county Heis also treasurer oKempentelt Maso nic Lodge and the yChill local He is member of Trinity Anglican Church directorlof the mwanis Club ot member oi tho Barrie amber of Commerce and her of the Oilicers Mess at Mr Hancock will be taking the place at Swift Current of Calder who is moving to Trur Mr Hancock is mer ried no he one son Gerald fleshed Negotiations he still going mi behind the scenes to clear up the tangle caused by Royal Victoria Hospital Boards expropriation or property to the north or the Wellington Street The hospital expropriated the land from JudgeVCarl Stewart twoinonths ag At the time city council he an agreement with Village Developments Ltd the farm developing the Barrie Shopping Plaza tliat Wellington Street West be extended to en able customers at tlieprospec tive stores to driye throu from the eastern part of the The hospitals exprop tion bylaw was passed iwithnut city councils knowledge whileficoun oils representative Mayor Wil lard Kinrie was absent from board meeting Mayor Kinzie eycr told reporterat the evhe was absent fromonly one regular meeting He was not present at any meeting when the board authorized lawyér GordonMcTurk to draw up the bylaw he said jA letter from the developers lawyers addressed to Boys Sca gram and Rowe was read last night teeny council it asked anewsuedeuiy in Torontn 1159 arson1y ot 99 Dundounld none runmi lerviceTucsdny Interment Proepect Come nindltloiapl Tim as max damage the mid gilauria Wednudsy morning but with two additions to the minima endure the Barrie Collegiate Band will head the macho and the North Collegiate Girls Choir will sing at the Cell otapb The marchesa will assemble at tire rm oi the Legion Hall on Collier street atlo am The paraded scheduled to begin at 1015 After mm on Collier Street the parade wllix adveore east toMuleastrr then turn south to Dunlop Street continuing west on Dunlop to the cenotapb where the service will take Place The parade then goes west on clapperton north to Collier and east past the Federal building where the Legion Padre Lt Col Rev Sher ring will take the salute aiiilgzsom ranéeDdyr barrie Collegiate will play the Cenotaph and the North Collegiate iris Choir will Ilnli The units in orderd their marelzingxwiil be the I47 iBranch of the VLadlos Allle dilthewetenns Anny Caanv BurdqoAlrlierce Camp Borden Sea Cadets Navy league Army Cadets of central Collegla 102 squadron Dayservlcel will begin at 1030 am when the Legion psrade led byptb ECAF Pipe Build will start it atWalker Hall andproceed tothe Memorial Arena The so we will be conduct ed byliev Bridle and be wil be asiistedbyztbe Alliston Min istérlal Assoc itlon Banting emorinl High Choir willtake part the servico cm manna Camp Borden will inarktbe day with aolemnity as the or ganizers of the parade have sentxodt special request to all parents to inform tbcircbil drcn of the solemnity offthe occasion They askedctbat the goonems marked by 11 AI nANéoex now Working at the television station at London ontario CitYf Still Negotiating for news of progress of negotia tions ance chairman Alderman Morrow toldlicouncil last nlghthis committee met ItVH representativeshriday We he iieve it can be rcaolvedall he said They promls cooperation and we Alderman Morrow possible compromise Village developments ceased rk on their site during the summer but later announced the project was not abandoned hospital spokesmanlold The Examiner at the time at the ex propriation the action hadbean taken to provide recreation areas for staff and to safeguard the in lerestsof the hospital for any future expansion He said the Ontario Hospital Commission which had to approvethe bylaw had been advised Hiecity wish edtoacdutre the properly es and they should ened Churchscrvicesrwill beheld at theGariisort Theatre for the Roman Catholics andxat the Almiander Dunnfiublie School fonthaxPrMestanls Both ser viceshegin at930 Grosswa lB rovmcra 6513 George Jobnitoh mixer ol the Legislature for Simcoe Cen treisto be asked by Barrie City Counciltnsupport the es tablishment ot uniform cross walks el basis Traffic Committee the crosswalk problem for the last two year We havebeen told by the tario Government therejs goingrto be sniiiething province wide We have in our bylaw crossover It in note good bylaw Alderman Lester Cooliecom mended hte committee on its timely action There had been may near incidents in the last summer he said To ontonians who vacationed in Barrie Were being trained to walk on crosswaliis The committee recommended crosswalk on Penetang Street at Bemy Street and sidering request from the Barrie District Colegiate Board for double crosswalk over Dunlap Street outside Geotral Collegiate NOW in Maria IvElmvale clergy will the church for the vice trample door Gladstm Oatd ammo me Cenotaph guarded which representatives troin the three services andpthe Gentile lan Legion will lay wrclthn will take placeatthe Armour ed Corps School Cenotaph STAYNEB Stlyner is also marking the day with public service in the Anglican Church conduct ed bylnembela ot the Stlynor Ministerial Association Following the eeva In pniade will proceed totha staynei Memorial Recreation Centre The annual Armistice Milli family dinner otthe Legion will belpEmIrk the day The dinner begins at pain ELMVALE Elmwle Canadian Legion hoping for large turnout for the parade which is toconvcne at the Legion Hail at 1030 ash for its match to the Common ity Hallwhere special service will be held Tbe three members of he conduct atbevservlce Marchers wll represent the Legion the Womenfa Military members of the town council the nearby township coun Legion President Harold Barnes expects large turnout for theparade CRESMORE if The First Baptist Churchill Creemnre Will be the site 02 tha Greeniore Canadian hegion Service Ladies Auxiliary local Scouts Brownies Legionmembere para Tbejlaying wreaths sttbe Cenotaph at 1030 am will start tbe Remembrance 13w observance WednEsday basbeen pro claimed public holi in the town The Creemore Legionwill hold its annual Ladies Night banquetin the town hall 630pm onnnrono iBradionl held its Be brahce obseer our Sunday witha special wreath la in ceremony committee had been aware oi Most of the clergyman throughout the town conducted spécial Remembrance Day ee vices INGLES PAVING 140Vlctorlavvstv Harlln PA 08905 okwswavn PAltlthG or saecmusrs insures no nominal or own personal message imprinted on the card of your choice ORDER NOWBB Gonnnereisl Pr tingrbepartment enorm BARR PA 86537 Guides and

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