muestynna1aasua annular tlon gas they concern every parentnil sdaool hour well as written the canineity Mrs llaalda ls past president of Codrlnglna nameand School wandlatrld orgaalsar oi borne andsnbool associations in bus area for two years incl provincial vlce president for three years lite pteaentV llaa leadership training chairman of Barrie lid Diairlct Home and Schnei donned Man mm childs fullest development is reechcd by securing for him health sanity of Mongerpacify for work and wholesome atti tude toward life Such work is true educationa joint parlnen ship of the home school and oommunity training not at mind alone but nfoyery activ ity of tho rhild To realize this idea the school oanot operate alone unrelated to theborne from which the child comes or to the community into which the child must fit in later life There must be cooperation of home school and community to meet this need They need to plan together and study together how best to help children to grow up To achieve lhlstllern has come Into being an organization which is almost worldwidethat in home and school association or parentteacher associations as our American and British Colum bia friends call them They are not organizations to take out of ihe trustccs hands the running of the school They are not grievance committees Theynre not ladies aidsto the principal They are not social organisa lions They are not community clubs organized to hear address es on wide range of topics They have one purpose and one onlyto promotethe welfare of children and youth in home school and corrununity son an spunrs They are not merely for par ents and school teachers They are for all adults in tiresom rnunlty who will work for the welfare of children They are study and action clubs where parents teachers and other adults con study together what jgrowing up means what children are like and how they may be helped to grow up After study ing various aspects of the prob lem they then take action see thnt the best methods of de velopment are carried out Whoa parents and school teach ers get togetherftheyll be con corned about the childs com munitytoachers These are all the influences in community which affect childrpn the nhurchesthemovie houses the newspape the radio programs nouns sen Bath the bonerad the sidinol haveto be concerned abourtbe The Kerrie and District Home andSchool Council has semen sssodattonrin Reorganisation Anyoinwhetherapanntmmt giving the association in your local sdsool your support Can youth ofanyplace where you could better use your enemy than in seeing to it that thrboys and iris of your com munity and of other commun itias get the best possible thence to grow up During this special month of November which has been set aside to attract attention to the home and school associations lets resolve but every parent take out an active working mem bership in your local associa tion DO YOU KNOW met there are 3064 home and school members in Canada That inOntario there are 144 000 members there are approximately 1500 members That home and school pram bers are voluntary workers That Wple of all races and creeds mayo become members Thai home and school is an educational nonpartisan non commercial and nonsectarlan organization That by paying an annual fee to your local association one be comes member of the provin CHATS Crawfordh Co Ltd so Dunlop at Barrie Question would like to speculate in lowpriced mining stocks Could you please tell me what shnlud look for in select ing oneI Answer General rules to fol low are outlined below but please remember that different circum stances waludalter the facts Ride Consider stock that lavllsted on recognized stock Exchange Rule There should be at least one million shares of stock available for further financing this being the difference between the authorized shares and the shares outstanding Rule The shares outstanding should be less than three million and the smaller number the bet ter Rule The company should have good working capital po inn Rule The management of the company should be known and it should have experience in the mining field The statistical department of any investment broker will be able to furnish you with the stat cial and national home an the Department Sci Education to we anusvn nix periénce in learning the art of living with others inlt in Barrie and district films in education community planning INVESTMENT regular meeting of the West Gwillimbury council Sclufday nitepnodn in their well appointed council room we re ceived acordlel reception councilhandle their meetings in an cxceptinnelyhuslness like way Clerk Lloyd itiplinswho was attending local funeral for the first hour of the meeting was nhly assisted by two of his office staff who read the minutes and the various accounts and cohespondcnce to be dealt with by council items which required mbre detailed information Were left until the return or thecierlr dealth with had the necessary motions written onthe pads ready to he placed before the council by the reeve pony had been given an appoint mentior33llpmnwbren Mr Tupling had returned accomp acted by Miss Davis treasurer of Bradford Council agreed to accept the offer madeinr their School Area dobentufe and in return received leileri from the firm handiin which assured the fun being available This enables the Area Board to let contracts mun Gnancn ornnsron to get larger in tvday rcqluremeots as is not the answer to suoeesalril family farm unit we stressed the fact that the quality the land and the selection ofuopa to suit the soil and the market opportuni ties for our particular farna were much marr important than actual size in acres Probably should also repent the definitiop rgave of family farm namely fanrr I13 operated in the main by members of one family and on dble of bringing in each year enough revenue to carry the operating expenses and over head of the farm busina with enough left over to support tbo family in reasonable comfort Today ipian to discuss in more detail this question of size in business it is an econ omicfect that farm family of today requires four or five times nos am school federations That wereoelve grants from assist in special courses for our menusers Equality of educational op poltunily Adequate health facilities instruction and school ex Parentteacher partnership wider use of radio and Promotion of study groups Democratic family living Opportunity for youth in Federal aid to education Examiner Visits West Gwinirï¬bury their township had the most lights and it could be presumed that the largest portion of the costs belonged to them manna unarmed That new report will have to be made by theangling on the Marsh drainage and thatthe other municipalities will have to agree on same was pointed out by the Departmental Municipal Affairs it is necessary that this be hurried through as if the work is to bedone thisyear and it is seriously needed should be completed before the river freezes lfresent arrangements da to back to the timeof Hurricane Hazel and have to be revamped if thework is left until alter racesup the oi ice needing to be handledexceeds the amount of muck remnved it is much more efficient to get the work started before tblck ice develops The river bed must be cleaned to keepthe drainage scheme in log order It was also reported that some work and repairs Were needed on the pump Clerk Tupiing was in structed to ascertain if all con cerned would axpeditethelr ap provals so that bylaw could he passed approving new report of the engineer Mr Tupling nyn Paying surprise visit to the who mct Reeve Herbertvliugbes andhis other matters that wants An official of bonding com of 690 the at Mr McGeorge this could be The council was asked to set on hopes that through the assistance How do we getllua greatly increased production and in wine lheru are many posai bilitiu wbidi wish be consid ered and wa its law office mostcommon mars The roost common method is tobuyorrentmorelnndclnse to the home farm if available Many farmersl equipment sufficient to work considerably larger farmle out increasing their overhead costs Buyiag extra land is the method most farmers prefer in enlarging their farm business but there are two snagsfirst nearby form may not be available and second the extra cash necessary to make the deal may not beln hand Govern ment loann may commie the rescue in WWW from op per cent to 75 cent of the purchase price ut the rennin ing 25 per cent to 35 per cent ll often more than young farv nor can ralso unless the seller is willng to take second mort llEG Renting extra land is also possibility which sometimes offers at least temporary sol ution Unforuuiately for tha man whownnts to expand few farms are for rent gd the com mon practice of ting for year at time does not tend toward building up the land or very profitable type oi farming lease that runs at least three years and preferably five would with builtinland im provement clauses in my opin lonbeln the best interest of both landlord and tenant CLEAR FIELDS In addition to increasing the farm business by acquiring more land there are several other ways gondimeny men know have added lo 20 acre Reeve Hughe emphatically ed that he would ban candidate for Reeve next ear Other mem locks of council an no comments to offer Nomination meeting is Nov 2n DEBENTURES PLACED The public school township de benlure gtofr the Wgt Gwill imbury school area has been sold town flrm of brokers who having brokers who having prev previously take an agency were successful in placing the major ity of their debentureat figure of son per cent when figured at par The official of the bond com pany in orderto get his nl through at this figure agreed to sran rungs govmu mum omens The city bylaw readnlinttaxt awnerslatobechnngedtoin eludeleneu hsieitaxiopu aresmrmmwurnï¬nw have power driverstwbom their own vehi cles the diangewllicover such tinn wiser put throiigh separate iaglaistlonupplng speed limits oodty ppmchu to so we no nonlinear anal Barrie will nqtget its local inath monument Victorian WW ray superintendent of the CensdianNationalrltsilways advised council in clatter read last night that the CM buvvno scar UP mm third wlyolincrauinl the volume of farm production and farm income is by stepping up the yield per acre This is be ing done allover the county by good farming practices Hy growing lots of clovers by wise use of barnyard manure and by balancing up soil deficien cies by the use ofomnmarclal fertilisers andlirns if noceuA cry know good far mers who have increased their production by to per cent in the past ten year or so by good farming and at minimum cost Choice olcrops is fourth way of stepping up revenue and sometimes volume of pro duciion as wait it is well known that if we can maintain good balance of eleven and grasses in both her hay and pasture crops our yield of hay and pea ture will be up our feed hula will be downand our live stock will be more productive and more profitable choice of pea rooted gras ses and flavors enables us to form deeper as does good drainage program where need ed on if we can term the sub soil In wall as the topsoil our farm acres will be deep aswall as wide and farm revenue in lid the belle bentures which are shared by WestrqulimbIny and lnnlsfil had 850000 to place and this may be exceeded by so to 70 thousandwhen the bids are re calved this coming week owing to the additional costs placed on mates were made Davis treasurer of Bradford that subject to continuation dur ing the coming week he could place the debenture at if markets were similarto present West Gwlliimbury has 318000 in tailollsds whichle be offered loci building since the original estl ltlr Willie theofficialofule brokerage firm assured Miss suitable sportine oojwblcb said locomotive can be parked until council can afford suitable place to putlt WILL MK REFILL Barrie Chamber of Commerce in to send delegation to the to meeting of city council wlth briefrecotnmendlng lake fill treatment on the waterfront seat of the railway station previously subiect of adverse comment from among others The Barrie manun ar TO HOLD HEARING The Ontario Municipal Board will conduct hearing at pm Thursday at the County Council chambers lnto Barrles zoning bylaw included controversial legislation reou ngmow chord buildings to uncludo parking space for one car for each nix seats in the building wnvs snow consular Sidewalks in Ward One this winter will be snnwplnwcd last year by George Holloway no contractor bid $2550 for the not public works chairman Alderman Leslerv Cooke toid council last night the job may not go out to contract much longer The city had acquired new machinery which was high ly eifectivator this job He had learned the city of Ottawa had purchased similar machine experimentally and had now ordered 75 of them In year or two he dflfaronthearlded T0 SUPPLY SAND Dennis Moran has received thetender from city council for supplying sand in the city for the winter Price 85c per ton cacao WAEE ECONTitOL Barrie City council doesnt ex pect to strike on in Kunpepfelt Bayr But nevertheless council members last night voted to support Snrnla resolution cali ing for better control of water pollution Sarnin has been trou bledby offshore all drilling yards council considers the pollution problem The traffic committal suggested Oakley Park Home and School Association start safety Patrol under the mom of db polite Cornnuttee will meet the associatlms execu tive to discuss other matters relating to students safelyibe association wrote to council ex pressing concern over dangers to children on their way to no land the school ï¬cOUNCiL BUY LOT City Council will purchase two lots onBnrczy Street owned by thaPubiic UtilitiesComma ion for silothe sum headmis slon paid when seeking water Council will hold the landnlor development if Sophia Street East is opened cm ArnequsstnN Fuluro developments by the Kinsmen Club It the industrial Park will be underwritten by thcclty The city will pay for the iniprovemonts receive grants from the provincialgov emment and be reimbursed by the club as the necessary money is raised Balance required to complete the pnrkouidoorswlrn ming pool snuskating rink estimated at $8500 TERM EXPIRES Burries Committee of Ad iuetment term wllicxpira at the and of this year councils 1860 Stnblng Committee will appoint new members 10 THANK LEGION Members ofthe Canadian Lei glon who cleaned the Cenotaph last Saturday are to be formally thanked at city council meeting next Monday lnnlaiilnnd Vu pra townships be cheap invited to Send represen tives to join city council in think the L25 gion Alderman Ai suMorrow finance chairman pointed Zout to city council last night the Cenotaph still does not carry the names of the fallen of World War ll lie suggestedtwo the Cenotaph one for the names of the dead of each war Polio Rehabilitate Plan For Quebec QUEBEC CPlA programflof rehabilitation for paralytic pol cases in Quebec province was an nouncedMondey by Dr ll Foley chief epidemiologist of the province small monuments each side of forfeit portion of his arranged commission ith thehopa that thetownshl would accept this belancerbetween that price and an offer of oils to be the sale pricehewaa to receive Large blocks of Ontario and Quebec government bonds on the mar kethad influenced the offer and WeatGwillimbury Counc was told it is the backer of the ebe ures Another factor on the ratewas the fact that the township had nearly double rate of arrehra than the investigator allowed as good businessmetbodsTbia had BRADFORD FINANCIAL STANDING HIGH The official of the bond agency who visited the West Gwillim bury Council said that the investY igators who madethereports on the stan ing of municipalities gave Bra ford very favorable placing They haven small amount of arrears of taxes They have fairly large cnnunercial Assess ment and their records are good for past ymethnda of handling their financial matters He nsJ mind the groupihgt he would be Willing to place the Bradford de the mac of mug bidders Penn9 at 31° 0U away from the little known West gaithen MP on West Grimm Gwillimbury Township which ury gt has notlbeenselllngsts debentur WE comLmENT comcm es in public markets recently Commehcing at 1pm sharp He can limit 1931 the west Giannampy Council rears hebrougbt up too percent under the guidance of Reave F89 Pf 1109 lesium $3 Per Halpm Hughes med 20 it its Asked about tax salenthere businessk ingude two dew was no one who could remember lions in quick and efficient man when the township had taken her When we left atï¬ prn they fall Paxlinieio ï¬llet gig were rea for an ad ere magi hmmsm March thetownehip treasurer We congratulate fthis council aiidid bond flicm and hope that their nominations The Villageof Bradfor hack bring tb credit for efficiency eronitheDlstyict High School de the pool ha the dance balk the recreation facilities or the lack of them boys and girls olnbe street advertising the street scenes and the street gossip Only as parents teachers and others are concerned about these can something be done lhebourly rate of pay and the amount of time that would he as sured the new employee Robert wesley who had been hired by Road Supervisor llulsc as se cond operatorto have man trained to operate the newgrad lstical information that you may requirefa assist you in mnkin such an investment Some brokers make it point to have small nunlng booklets available without for ï¬gï¬ï¬‚gflmd in pm er nrderedat the last meeting Mr Wesley pointed out that he was not expecting to he paid for 1°C AND GENERAL we winter time but did want with If filo roadifo poverty can be paved with goodlnfenflonsil Most people periodicallyresolve to put part of each pay cheque away for their old age or the proverbial rdiny claybut for too few evérleave thr savings intact to accumulate dip into savings for Instéad of saying N0 successful businessman once sai since was twenty Iveputaround 10 of my net income into lifeinsuranceand then Ive been able to span all the rest really enjoying life Every youngimanIand career woman £001 shouldconside havn lots of permanent parsonnl life urance inclnding longterm endowment ns many ofrwhich later on show an increas in value each year of morethan that years premium gt ascension urnM 70 yeozsof service loCanddilons gt ient to makethe job worth keepln would be willing to do any type of town work available even brush or heconld handle any of the othe equip cnt including snowplow He said he could find work around home for some part time and asked that week lat seed ing lime and two weeks at her vestbe allowedhirn to attend to this worknt home He intends to give up the custnmwwork he has been doing as soon asit can be arranged He felt that until he had the experience ofthe present operatorshe was notcntltled to equal pay and agreed to accept somewhat lowerhourly rate Bylnotion oLcouncii it was re commended that the road super visor be empowered to hire Mr Wesley land nrrangeliis wo ing N0 appease lure For the libe consecutiive year truth the ewece no appeals assess moist when Cteemore municipal itegmtgï¬fvï¬dfl 0d week arrived at its destination in Avg any isarrie yesterday Nov Car rierypfgeon service ll awaun cdnrnacr Officers Mess The BellTelephonehaa randy odd Kennedy Construclt Plan Function tion of Barrie ayconiract to Win Active officers ofklieadquarter oneatorey extension to the Squadron Grey and Sirncoe For esters iachArmnuredgllegiment are meeting after the park ade tonightatBarrie Armoury to plan several roclnl functions Theselnormally include open contalning the word Penela gt sequi moat it is to house will into operation in 1960 TO RUN AGAIN Reeve 1enGillespie of Oro Township shes announced that he intends to run for township reeve again next yenrNomin ations are to be held after Ch times riveronce noon thief made off with $200 at Go unit Centre Arena in Saturday night after unior exhibition hockey game lhe money was taken from the eketnffice ram calcium uc onionsice0pe one ll most pkominent lawyers ul Copeland QCdied Mon Hoslptnl in 80 Jammie work that in toybe beach near Gifford Deparï¬nént or sent an agreement to the West Gwilllmburyjcouncii will which the township would assume all damages on responsibility fnr the userof agras ond near Branch Manager elected president of the mess committee with Lt Harris Steele ns secretary and 2lt George Galnble as treasurer Officer onfmanding the squad act lIfoward Johnston and 2Lt Wayne ew art new rfaidents of the ciw Ce Boselurnbull la the unit medical officer was Land Anfficer Capt Rllodges so nested in Barr Ab