$le LOW FOOD is NowAvAI CITIZENS wrrn radiumnoon LABLE To TH OF BARRIVE namemim in your mmomron YOU can now unveonnor oun i0 VARIETY ALL MEAT PAlsSV RED ORHBLUE BRAND BEEF flamenco TO YOUR noun Unit No to lb prime beet roast porir amen wienars pork sausage sliced bacon pork buttchopc risen pies portvliver minced beet iliwd bologna days at dliterentrucats tor only $849 E5555 snuLnnuu FEE ii you the homsireeur we otter choice root WI lb cut and wrapped Blue Brand ant its Ichr Hind seeIa or youwlah complete food plan on moothrmmat pun PHONE PA 83333 UP TO IPM WEDNESDAY 150R WEEKEND DELIVERY SIcrIESO room mo BANJO PA mu 55161 coucn LIrio hocking cum CInd bottom Chain Hist Lions censorlet Phone PA lam Phon 3606 21Hch Sectional Sum urn mu Mltuuv Train and Ac +41 sunnr lost LIIEOI new cone onto FA nunNsv burner electricJInge automatic oven control dltlon an lloIdIller wili roll reasonable Phon 5606 pm now months old with all Ink also Coal and Wood htqu in good order Cuoutown Jinn 06 in zsm or Skis unit le gt harness ma poles semila so Ilsa are nie nenex Camera with flash hol er attachment 50 Cod thtnh st 13on menusrats Addlnl Maniacs unite nimuu Machines Iodrented epnlred an guarantee Ix terms Eur writer Co woL St Immutle Equipment In cluding typo camera uIl laxgm 35 mm Closets and other scceuodu Alro gum and gun Glblnetr PA soul Hz Wanted to Buy CEDAR POSTS fondant leek mu Lug WRITE MIGETON Jr on Durhsm Ontario PHONE ALLAN PARKZBZZ Husnmras monosdorz with magniï¬cations no PDA power or lens in tan or studentsuse Call om E2 10 Farm Supplies i0A4Livestockrfor Sale puma cent ed in month4 dilly liocihsrtfrlho lflAuM 0941mplements umzssnoo suasuso mm mg mam Sate ow PA 30123 model °°7T tat for Sick Children and two JOE5 away nniter loo5749 102 Pourin Chicks name ro nroot puuethl The choice or better poultrvmen everywhere For top iouvnlnty also ere vrmuw tlon ime ï¬gs Excelient eh llty no more mat over run stmea pulleuusnd doyoio amenable Forrservlce all its POULTRY FARM STROUD 77 lAMorlgaga Loans MORTGAGES mo and bought mo and arranged Commerchl and residential moneys loaned on ort BIrrle Marv 11125 l6larsonol noNBowm win not he rupuns is or any aches incurred in my mm withoutrmy written order Isorthis dot Nov 1959 4oe1oon Bowman 1675662 === 18 Roomen Boord Rooms for Rent runmsaso pom phone rs oulekeein Pinon at am iBIt oi LIGH Hounléehyilng am ultlonly noneEA ama moum BOARD valllblgr In Ginusaï¬ lie DUO mm on Hutu nuriy on Fed Award ironsoot done All Herohlnll Ind Bullnul Flruu of tho CR Barrio In mulled to clone between MM and 1110 IIn on November 1m dullnt the Romemunncl no Jer vlm In memo or more who am their lives in tears at our mum try sntmlmlAN City Clark NOTICE on SALE or CHATTEL58Y AUCTION UNDER THE MECHANICS LEIN ACT The lollowlnl cm will be sold under the Mechsnlu um Au by diocnon Sale at crowns anus an BAYFIELD sr BARRIEONTABIO MONDAY NOVl6 1959 nooAM union chimed rad cuts than to on MercurykScrlIlN oopsiisi lcenc Plate No aom 1m Dodge SerialNo mime Licence Pinto No sum im an mud in ill°nilfilté GRAVES BROS HIBnyiieid St Barrie Ont litW 35000 For Lbsmg Leg TORQNJO CPiStaxilexPap roski and hisvdalughtavGeraldine 20twere awarded $5000 in in settlement approved Monday by the Supreme Court of ontorio The two were log the HospiA doctors William TI Mustng hnd Robert Salter for $75000 Ior the in the settlement approved by Mr Justice Spence at 0s goode ilall the action against the two doctors was dismissed The hospital is to pay MissiPapros $3318 damages and $1682 to father for expenses An ad or solicitor costs dlhe dispute arose from an operation on the Toronto girl for correction of knee bone de tormity Gangrene set in and her leit leg was amputated above the knee aroonth alter the oper tion RelectSiamp Plan WINNIPEGCP7The owners suburban Charleswood gro cery store sa they have been expelled from the independent grocersAlliance for refusing to issue premium coupons in an IGA program which startede had been iriiormed otthe action by hid Mr Codville saidtho theI suing 0t fllestam an 16A policy Andrthereby this the IGA name the pub automaticali HI nine whoopin tyvofvouug had am toollrwil we Five men who pleade Store IslExpelled Iail Americans Attacked Canadian PORT HURON ert While David lionto ton ohl AP guilty to attacking mycarold Canadian and stealing $60 irom him were sentenced to jail Monday by judge who said he wanted to give them chance to associate with criminals1 They pleaded guilty to the os sault and robbery last June at Donald Simpson oi London Ont whoreouired hospital treatment The tive are Thomas Adkins cook Mooth up and stole with knive club in llawer loss of the girls leg from an operation two years tional $1009 11mm the hospital is gt Bruce Codville piesident lotCod tail Siecently decidedto make 21 Ronald Height 22 and Rob and Michael Whalon 22 of my uses ronoua ro rnonn QUEBEC CP nightclub dial ataiephone to call topolicc after four armed men tied him Claude Martin told police the men two with pistols and two kitchen oi the Bar cash from the till Called 117111361 TQRONTO CWVA federal lll monument on the stretchout at medium contracts was described Monday by Nels Ththault na lions prsidentnf the 1mm tional Union at MipéMilt and Smelter Workerstlndt as dis stronsf for Canadian uranium mine workers liesaid it was another tragic example at Canada depending on exports of raw materials to the United States and at buildinglup production inlendedJol smiled defence in It olmceiul uses Mr constitution tor mater eitorts by the government to de velop pciaceiul uses ot atomic en ergy as the union had repeatedly uged NewPolio vaccine May Be Gatthingf TORONTO CmA new type ot polio vaccination which can be caught just as the disease camwill be available in Canada ior limited cl cnl trials next spring Dr Ferguson director of the U11 orsity of Torontos Coonaugh Medical Research La boratories said Monday it will be at least year before the we cine will he in general use The new Vaccine differs in sev eral respects from Salk vaccine he sold it can be taken by mouth it gives tectlon within two weeksand ioct can be transmitted from one person to mother all oi Port Hum oi Cincinnati uscdhls tongue to more than $3000 camc into the dHuitres town and stole the lTMillllilll homeowner on naughty Loesiglhun Sometime they Eolicunan will get you Beq let or 111 put on alone ihadlrk room and ut the door HIv you ever heard mothentalkiag like this in an ettort tososro her child into being goodtlv ihreats are poor way to cniorce discipline Children should look on policeman Is Mead and shouldbe helped to be un airzid oldukness Parents should lessen not dd to childs fears Fear my seen to work in the immediate nation But the parent who is comtantly resorting to ear is harming theyoungsters development The goal of child training is healthy happyweiladjustcd useful cltilen who can one his fears and accept responsibility for his own actions Our mental hospitals and medical cliuior are filled to overflowing with tearful wor ried adulk Much of their lack of mental balance can be traced back to an insecure unhappy childhood Fear was used too alien to make them coniorm to certain standards othehavior Everyone from the earliest days experie some tear newbzby cxhi is iear of loud sharp noises and is tearful ot tailing Children fear gettinfl zoo FRENGH tightened of animal and ot burglars 1heyr dread being alone being left inthe dark Strange sights startling events Ind strange noises also scare them hmordinsry natural ovénts such as thunder and lightning sometimes trighten them Children Is wall as Idultr cutter ho had dreams lna home where punishment is very in or where the mother is iilvtempered or the lather drinks childmsy live in constant fear The older child drudslailurg Parents someth place child in an impossible situation by expect ing him to excel ln sports or make high marks beyond his ability What fdoes oar do to childs hody Sometimes it is accompanied by In carcass ot energy and child makes quit flight Theath may be so grant from an overwhelm lug ear that the child is al moét paralyzed An anxious child is one in poor mental health certain amount of car is necessary or scltprflervatio child should fear the dan gers of tnflic sufficiently to stop andiook both ways heiore crossing street Parents should encourage I1chlld to face any fear and make an RDiEOUfIPMENl taxiuus than mudice mother who is terriï¬ed to thunder urns is houndflto meet her child She should help him understand with nausea lightning sndthnnder 1f the cm calm horse own poise vriilxruuur child it is helptul ii parent child to anticipate might be tenprovoking nation such as dentisti vi The child who is prepared less apt to be Illlid Porch should never deceive child about the cause otieIr Nel ther should they shuns hlmor silence him when he expresses his fear Repressing tearjust drives it under groundf into the subconscious mind Talking over situation which frightens him with 111 understanding adult helps child to face his fear and understand it child who ll teartul ot dogs may gradually be encouraged to get to know and love one particular gentls dog Unnecessary ear is terrible handicap Help your child to be free oi useless tears and cultivate his coursge to ace necessary fears SELL ESKIMO GOPEIJ LONDON CF copy oi the Gospels translated into Es kimo was sold at auction at Sothebys lilonday iorm The slim hailinchthick volume in mottled call with gilt spine was lt printed in Copenhagen in 17 The Gospels were translated into Eskimo by Paul Egede mis sionary The buyer was Messrs Quaritch London bookdealer nanosraotsl suspensmn vuosystemoi cushions ddded to the prescntReneults pemionsysle The rings injhissysteni are extremely tie givmg eso greater rangebf flexibility and Sin ity tinder ich kj RENAULT 15911 load condition over