INNIISPIL NOTESVVT TOWNSHIP WREATHS following the request for the township to participate in the provision of wreath to be plac ed on the Cenotaph at Cookstown motion was passed to allow for the placing of two wreaths on Armistice Day the one at Cooksv town by the Legion there and the Barrie wreath by Exreeve Lock hart on behalf of the township The Poppy Committee apparently had neglected to ask for the us ual donation on behalf of the Barrie monument which has the nlmes of lnnisfil on its southerly face Veterans from the township have the choice of eithEr place to be on hand to pay their minute ofnlencel respect to those com rades who over the years have lived in memory only with their nnmcscarvcd in the granite of the monument The years pass quickly and each year another face ismirsing but the respect of those who stand in silence tclls the world that we want no more wars LefroyBelle Ewart Legion will hold their Armistice service next Sunday when they will parade to St Pcters Church Churchill in the afternoon and place their wreath there inmomory of vet erans of that area CONTRACTOR WILLING TO BEGIN with no guarantee that the do bentures will be sold so that funds can be raised to cover the costs of the propostd renovation of the Stroud Hail Reeve Sproule advised council that the contrae tor was willingto taken chance on getting his money Has any one also agreed to help by huylt ing debentures Councillor Mrs Law enquired Have you the roevo countered The reeve advised the council that hehad sold another $1000 bond and hoped that if these were made in smaller units many more people would agree to buy them BELLE EWART Harry Chappel is still in bos pltal having had relapse fol lowing treatment previously for an injury resulting from fall some time ago LEFROY The Lafroy Welfare Committee has arranged to make canvass on behalf of the Hurler family who lostiheir borne and all their belongings in the fire last Mon day night The committee has appointed canvassers aadgiven them fomrs for signatures from donors who may care to give cash This collectionwill be limited to the area between the 7th and 2rd Lines and east of the way However if any person be yond ibis area dulres to make lllvrsmrllr cums brawronr co Ltd 89 Dlmlop st Barrie Question What is the dif ference between Preferred and Common stock Answer There acre diff ent types of preiarr stock such as redeemable prefer ed cumulative pefmd participatingvprcferred non redeemable preferred and etc MRS VAN VALKENnUItG Iy ans donation he may send it direct to Byron Gross Postrpufsr la troy who Is treasurer of the fund It is felt that until thglfarnlly can decide what they are go ing to do about home gifts would be best confided to cash Mr Hurier warha in Newmarket and has been driving back and forth If the family were to de cide to make their home in an other atlon ncarcr his work their furniture would hes prolr lem The girls tlie youngest of whom is at high school were left with gnly the clothing the were wearing My HurIEr grad purchased new pair of boots just previous to the ï¬re and had never worn them He ar rived home from world just as the firemen werewetting downtpe remains of the fire If the lam ily decide to set up hotuelteep ing to Amy than another ap peal can he made for whatever furniture mightbebeeded The cause of the fire has not yet been determined The LeJroyBelle Ewart wel fare committee includes George Uncles chairman Byron Grose secretarytreasurer Curtisv Edward Jackson Harold King Ken Ferguson cauncanL The Girls Auxiliary of the dis trict attended service at St Pet ers Anglican Churchllast Sun day evening About 70 girls fill ed the centre seats of the church dressed In their white blouses dark tieshskirts and her ctsleaders from the groups took part of the service and sang an anthem The girls name from St James Church Orillia St Pauls ulurch Newmarket St Pauls and St Peters lnnlslil Following the service they ad journed to the parish hall where short program by girh of St Peterls WA was enjoyed then social hour Miss Mary Sloan who has been active with the organization for many years was pleased that her group was drop on to be hostess tthe surround ing hreaWe are sorry group picture taken was washout BELLE EWABT Having heard complaint that dogs were causing annoyance to elderly people in Bellemart we made strip down that way Although we did notaee too many dogs running at large st did so tan large dogs as we drove om leftoy outskirts to the middle of Belle Ewart vil Iago One elderly person towhom we talked said that she was afraid to go out on the street any more as some of the dogs seemed to bevicious Her com plaint was that they not only run on the street but come around people who plained that they have no juris etion over dogs unless they have first made an attack onsomeone Mrs William Van variations formerly Mrs Robert Taylor whose maiden name was Carrie Moore of Belle Ewart was laid to rest in the 5th Line cemetery Saturday afternoon Teslli16i Escapes But characteristically you will find that the peferred shares have fixed dividend rate and thier dividend will have prior ioy over the dividends on the common stock of the company Usually the preferred shares have on Voting pawn in the company unless the company is invanrearsdn dividends to the preferred shareholders The control of company is usually in bberbantk of the common sbocloh lf the company is in tianhe preferred Veholvera have priority in the assets of the company over the common sharesPrefcrred sham give malady dividend lndome with good safetyfaotor andsome offer growth possibllities ITS TREAT To co ourcn MONTREAL T0 ammo Church and St Athanaslus wrnaliï¬g FardendS 1D amusemesed warm mmumavnnhlamom 111 who responsible for the day over the uncontrolled mwth of Canadian cities over what formerly was farm land isnotsharedinthellamedlst llctiae concern was express ed by Vancouver architect Pratt in testimonybeforc the Royal Architectural Institute committee inun on real dentlal environment in Toronto He is Inth of the con mittee We welcome development says Earle Richardson clerk of Vesprs Township told The Examiner today the township was receiving astetlily grow ingnumber of Inquiries from wouldbe residents Farming land Mr Eduard lon says there is overproduction it mixed farmingtho hypo most common in the township There is no shortage of land for pro luotion of grains and cattle However there was limited KINDLY Moron THINKS or an lPSWlCH England CPl The mayor of Ipswich served notice today that anyone in vitingrhlm to dinner had better lay two extra places at the table Mayor Richard Lewis ex plained his conscience is both cring Every time he went to banquet he was driven there by his chauffeur Hubert Biscoe and attended byhls macebearer Inrnes Berry Then while themayor dug into the turtle soup hlsfaltlr ful chauffeur and macebearer had to make do with sand wich and cup oftea at neighboring cafe her property Police have told Rocket Ship Mishap EDWARDS AIR Fortes BASE oil AP Tesbpllot Scott Cross eld hada harrow escape Thrirsdayin an emergency land mg annex15 racket ship ire scuttled his first and swept down tromvan eightmile altitude after an explosion in the tail The landing was so hard the fuselage of the sofootblack dart was broken six feetth the cockpit The broken section sag Elng two feet below the rest of thehodydrsggedllefore the X15 came to restron thedry lake bed The explosion took place at 000 feet just after the 15s twm engines were ignite as it dropped away from the 352 bomber mother hip vla Holland American Linea ONEWAY TOURIST from unaware banana tramway mi GEORGE DANGERme Auto Dealers Meeting Elects George Dangerï¬eld President Electionof officers and the presentation of report from the provincial president of the Ontario automobile Dealers Alp sociabon were the highlights of Wednesdays meeting of the Sim coe booty Automobile Dealers Association in Barrie George Dangerfield of Barrio was elected president of the county organization his first presidency Iill the last five years and Barrie orne Jackson was balloted in aswsecretarytreasurA EI Bill Clark of Grillia is the new vice president Alvin Gropp Penetarrg second vicepresident 17 Roger Watspn of Stayner and Ralph Hunter of Alliston were chosen directors Attendance at the meeting numbered 35 with representat ives from Sutton Orillia Pene taag Collingwood Stayner Al liston and Bradford President of the Ontario Deal ers Association Graham Snel polling am that you would hlnk it this year with all the rpplca In Simcoe County there were only theBeaver Val lay and Collingwood areas avail able for apple flowing The fruit farming theme was echoed by sandy Couttl chair man BarriePlnnnlnlBoard lhltlllas littla dowith Ban hclaxplalnsd It is provincial rprohlem He said lsvelopment in the Niagara Pen nrula wasot major concern NONE ZONED In Harris the planning board nod land carefully retaining evcl ground for industry and rolling or bltly landfor rel1 deuce No Barrie land ls zoned for agriculturallpurposes It would not be economic to do so ssld Mr Coulis Mr Pratt suggested in his testimony that Prime Min ister Dlefeabaker could order aurvey to determine the ratio of remaining arable land to ur ban land and the life capeétanty of farm soil in the losingTbaftle against ext rnsionof ritias Henry Fliess Toronto archi tect said that in at leasttwo Metropolitan Toronto municipali ties senior offlclala were gradu ates of no planning or architec tural school and plans by compe tent architects wera passed or turned down by high school boys CHECK QUALIFICATIONS He urged the committee to in vestigate qualifications of de velopers and builders since many were former taxi were clothich or clerks who had only entered building for the money Some of the biggest building peopleinvesting millions of dol larsare almost illiterate said llr Fliess These are the pen LORNEJACKSON grove presented resume of what the associa is doing how it is benefitting the dealers and he also reported on recent Montreal conference of dealers which he attended other dignitaries from the pro vincial organization also attend ed tbe meeting Provrdence Lead Cut To 2Pornls ny ran assocrarno mass The big lead Providencedea uilt at thastart of the Ameri canHockey League season is down to two points today after Springfield Indians whipped the leaders in their first clash of tho campalgn The Indians turned back the Beds 74 at Providence Wednes crcstioh of our environment DrE Feludi of IVAWn Plum ping lonnlltlnls Lhnilsd critl cited the Ontario system whereby all subdivirion plana must go to the rnlnlrtcr of plan ngg and development for lppmv His menare civil caveats sold Dr Feludixï¬Not all of them are designers Most of them are Diureaucrata who have set regula mu srx YEARS our The Oritlla Packet and Times celebrated its sixth anniversary as daily newspaper Thursday START PARï¬DE PLANNING Slayner Business and Profes sional Association membas be ganpreparations lat night for their annual Santa Claus par rade scheduled for Saturday Dec LEGION SERVICE Legion Service sponsored by the Midhurst Branch of theCsn adian Legion will be held at Min esing United Church Sunday Nov The parade which be gins at was orn will be ledby Stayner Citizens Band All ox scrvlcemen in the area have been invited NEW TOWN ENGINEER Newmarkot council this week appointed Casimir Flis as new town engineer and building in spector NEW MEMBER George OConnorr Barrie be came Barrio Rotary Club Slat Russians Prepare or Anniversary Moscow ReutnralThe aux aians rolled thanksgiving holiv day and rocketry display into one today as they prepared for the biggest data on tho Commu nistcalelldar Saturdays anni versary of the 1917 Soviet revolu tion Markets are glutted with food at cutrate prices while slogans plaster the streets proclaiming the auperlority of Soviet sciénce Bountiful farm produce and rocket achievements have been tied in this year as never before with the traditional parade of Russian military might in Red Squarp Through the bustle of prepara tions however the Soviet news papers have been maintaining the peaceful spirits of Camp David produced in talks between Presi dent Elsenbower and Premier Khrushchev their first to games have been on the short end of the score in their last threestarts The vicA tory boosted Springfield info sec ond place The Indians scoring was handled by Art Stratum Harry Pidhirny Floyd Smith lBill Moe Creary Bruce Clinex Jim Ander son and Bill Sweeney Paul Lariveo scored twice for the Reds Larry Hillman and Dutch Relbel got singles FAST ruoro SERVICE PORTRAITS FOR CHRISTMAS For Your Portrait Gift Certiï¬cate Call Us Today ownsroom as pure ps Milt day night and Cleveland Barons beat Hershey Hearse1 The Reds who won eight of our Hursts Fonmr om EXTRA1N SERVICE marina MOTORS 145 Bradford st ills99 Toronro ro AMSTERDAM Via Royal mm Airlines unawav noonom Automobile franchise in this lluslllrss OPPllltTlllillY beanie fofll Vroyoluiionnry imported Ip available area or In proven best seller in thefioid of imported car Highlyré order throughout Euro car hostalroady broken sales records wherever iflrns bean in troducedin corrode You couldvbe the rightmon 1h handlel profitable frnndt sq in your territory vA liberola rongemant isoffered hockedbysfrong mommies lblrd list of prize vouchers hwnst Barrio Exhibition from the Elna quiz contest gotohe billowing Williarn MCChesnéyl Barrie Mrs Giltenlhfloe ting Mrs Molloy Rosernont Mrs Coulter Weston Mrs Terry Barrie Mrs Hodgsan Barrie Mrs Margaret Pratt Sellingwood Bella lchurdy Scbomber Alex Sheard Sing iarnpton Mrs Saunders Mll liaga PD The remaining no names drawn will be contacted by Elna Sew ing Centre Barrie within short time IiND scram member Thursday Ha was the third member to be brought into thd club ainco President John Stevenson took office this sum mer Re ï¬lls the classification of cleaning services ROTARY GUESTS Guests at the regular meeting of Barrie Rotary club Thursday at Community House were MalDonald Barrie Lin Scarborough Wilson Mcllfann Toronto at Rcvie Barrie Stew art Keycs Orillin Cooper Orillia Ken Curtis Orillia VISIT RANGE After touring the Dental Corps facilities and the Army School of Physical Training at Camp Borden this morning the visit lag party from the Staff College at Kingston boarded abus to witness weapons demonstra tlon and student firing program at Springbok Range near Mea ford An informal dining night at the Service Corps school will greet the Staff College visitors tonight after hard day of rn vcstigating the firing ranges GYMNASTS Mm Camp Borden gymnasts meet the Harmonie Club at the new gymnasrum Saturday at pm team of six will be an or from Toronto for the competition HOLD DEMONSTRATION The Royal Canadian Army Medical corps held demonstrn uonltlris morning of National survrval methods and equipment pertaining to the new training as used In theArctic Theyalso drsplayed rescue procedures in simulated bomb attack LAD MISSING 14yearold boy who has been missing from his home at Oro Station since early Thursday morning isistlll being sought by Barrie OPP City Police and Ianistil Municipal PD He is Leonard McKay INEW INDUSTRY Progress is being madein no goliations for large new lndus try in Orillia but the name is to be withheld until the deal is com pleted says the Orillia Industrial Commission 111331 ill fFuturey ijrllre Farm fr Family By STEWART PAGE North Elmo MVP Today plan to start series of articles on topical major interest and importance to at whether we live in town or in he country The Future of the Family Furor The rem for this wide spread interest and concern about the farm family arevnot hard to find as hardly month goes by but what someone gets out report to the effect that the farm family is damned to disappear and be replaced by huge commercial organizations like the chain stores or by ver tidal Integration whereby the farmer works on contract for some powerful commotion There have even been iilln formed articles in some of the larger daily papers suggesting that it was time farmers wolra upand copied big businesses on the assumption that bigness was another word for Isuccess These reporte articles and motors rclnlorccd by some at ual moves to turn landing into business over which thefarm or has little or no control have been disturbing to many of our farmers partlcularly young farmers who wonder if there is any longer future for them in farming or if they should make the move now to get job in own Personally think the family farm with necessary changes and modifiutions will Always be here and that farmer who is really interested in his job and willing to adjust to changing conditions should not be discoure aged In my articles plan to dis cuss the prchlcms of the family farm and some of the things we need to do and steps we need to take to maintain the family farm unit as going concern an think we should de fine the family farm In my book satisfactory family form is farm unit operated in the main by members of one family which each year brings in enough revenue to carry the op erating expenses and overhead of the farm business with enough left overlto support thefamily in reasonable comfort 0n the basis of this definition family farm is not necessarily large farm in terms of sore age or very small farm It is farm of the size and type to earn the necessary ievenué to support family and might be 50 acres or less for rather spec ialized high value production or 300 to 500 acres for more general type of farming of course the actual size of farm does enter the picture and do present trend is toward larg 1mm Whichwe will discus in more detail at later time Neelylive to soacres may be quite large enough for good lnllt and vegetable farm and loft acres of good land may atlll bringin verygood living for afarmer with satisfactory whole milk contract but for the more general type of mixed fanning the trend istoward macro farm or even larger in many cases For combin ation forestry and grazing farm 14000 acresmay he needed The quality at the land and the Imoflnrminx are momlm portant to farmer than this number ofaerea In North Sim coe probably not more than 26 per cedt of our tillagepacreagc could be classed as first class land Probably 50 per cent is second class and inmaoy cases two or three acres of this asc ond class land would be required to bring in the same revenue sa one acre of top quality land The remaining 15 per oentof our tillable land would plus as thlrd class or marginal and of ten five acres or more of such land would be needed to equal one acre of top land Them fore in considering the size of form it is more importantto consider the quality of the soil than the total acreage lncnnsldcring thequallty of the land on our forms we need to measure its productive capac ity in terms of the kind of crop we plan to grow For example an acre of good welldrained clayloam may produce more wheat and decidedly more prov lit than to acres of very sandy land and poorly drained muck soilmay not produce any whcat at all although with the addi Lion of mineral fertilizers this same muck soil may grow excelV tent vegetables or very produc tiveand nutritious pasture or boy 0n the other hand an acre of sandy soil if lots of wa ter is available forirrigation an acreof strawberries may bring in more net revenue than to acres of good clay loarlrsown to wheat all of this suggests that both the acreage of our farm and the crops we grow should begovern ed to consid rable degree by the qualityan adaptability of the soil on our particular form along with the marketability of the product which of course is another story This report is the first of series planned to discussvarious factorsthat have bearing on the future of the family farm in the hope that such suggestions may be of some help in clarify ing the rather confused picture of farming which faces most of us today we Pretty bu but jreflsiill iC From now on throughout the Winter well be glad to take orders for your jobs of renovation res decoration maintenance repair and cleanup Plan now to have thoaeijobs done during the cold weather lull when men and materials are more readin gt Lavailable It will payyou Plan to help yourself and help your community to lncraasovelnploy meal this winter Cnli yourl Nellionul men Officefor ad It