Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Nov 1959, p. 15

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QImaanatn WASHINGTON AP investi gating congressmen offered little supportntoday for network presidents proposal to mulleltp crime to rig televtslon quiz show They said itdaesnt go far enough Robert Kintaer president of the National Broadcasting Com Palllmade the specific proposal for new lawThursday He said it would backstop the industrys efforts to policeitseli More suggestions were ex pected today from President Frank Stanton of the Columbia Broadcasting System Five members of the House of Representatives subcommittee on Policeman Is Killed As Algerians Shoot PARIS cPiOna policeman was killed and second seriously injured today when group at Algerians suddenly opened fire on them lots Paris street The Algerlan band opened fire near the Place do in Republique The terrorists who were on foot escaped in the crowd It was the most seriousattack on the police in several months Earlier this year Algerian nation allsts stopped making attacks on police and govemrnont officials in France not ran motion Little Support ForTV main NOVEMBERI legislative oversight took issue with the scope of Kintners pm posed new law Any legislation they said should go much farther and should strike at dis hanestyiln every phase of the businm Ktntner said we were just as much victim of the null show frauds as the public but claimed his network has taken vigorous steps to see that it doesnt happen again NBC had setup special department headed by an uFBI man to ierretaut any deception or fraud Already Kintner said NBC has discovered that same personnel on the Treasure Hunt show had been exacting kickbacks from winning contestants These cmn ployees Ware fired and the evi dence turned over tortho New York district attorney Kintner rejected the idea of an allpowerful czar for the broad casting industry it would be no more workable than similar boss of the newspaper or maga zine industry he said and gov ernment control would raise the spector of censorship Kintner said the network did not know until this week the full story of the fraud involving Charles Van Daren who had been hired by NBC at $50000 year on the strength at his quiz show lame ILLEGAL nails BELLEVILLE Continued from page one Commission The team won the world amateur titiein Prague early this year Judge Wilimott presided over 15 days of testimony at Belie ville month in which llluni cipal icias outlined the foulH year history of the citys plunge intothe red Members afthoBellaville oouncll received aopies the 41 page upon Thursday night There was no immediate com ment The report says the citys estl mated deficit at the end of this year wih be $611500 based on figures presented near theclose of the hearing Judge Wilimott says funds were miSapplied according to section of the Ontario Municipal Act which forbids council from borrowing an amount larger than that permitted by the act or from using fonds charged to repay ment of specific loan for any other purpose USES ILLEwa Among the meg expendi tures tfited were $56785 for par ehasa of the citys own deben tures in 1957 $65210 for the fur chase and improvement of an ad street parking lot in 1957 $02631 for advances to the parking com mission in 1958 and $51158 for purchase of debentilresvin 1959 He says auditor John Le wan warned council about these and other items his 1957and 195B reports and cited the penal ties for misapplicatlan of funds by council The auditors reports saldmembers of council could be held personally liable for pay ments made contrary to the On tario Municipal Act CAN WOBK WM GLEN Judge Wiilmott says thereds no reason Belleville cannot over la analin situation and supervision of citys anoial affairs by the on faria department of municipal affaigéshould be avoided it at all possible The generd credit of is sound and the ratepayers ma welLteelthat this had been use mm CONVENIENT lAYsAWAY PLAN homuinépmn uncanny Item manqu nokwwssag hams new an expensive lesson for them but they have it in their control to elect mayor and alderman who will set thodsso tax rate on the basis oltheir auditors report and not on any grounds of politi cal expediency His report details oases of ille gal civic transactions and criti cizes officials for either ignoring or falling to notice them BELLEVILLE HIGHLIGHTS TORONTO or Highlights of the royal commission report into Bellevilia Finances No recommendations are made for legal action in oonnection with misopendin of funds blamed on gross neg genoe by council Beilevittes deficit for the and gothts year is estimated at sen speainl tax law of no mills is proposed for next year to pay about $250000 of die deficit The Ontario lcgislaturefis asked to olnrify whether mu nioipality may legally operate what amounts to professional hockey team tlheoity treasnrw was used as secret source of funds for the Bellevilie McFarlands team which incurred $142000 loss in three years of operation The city auditor knew but did not report to council of hockey salaries paid by the public works department Eelievllie Memorial Apena Gomrnis should be relegated to tho limbo oftbe muhittipal archives and fresh start de pillow Ellstoln llriadiah your feéding has problems come othér to annulusf WWPF Allalt it official Thursday took long secandlook at Soviet nuclear and decided it in not ll badu they first feared theSovtet proposal war made Wednesday at threepowcr talk here an ending nuclear weapons tests At first glance it appeared to impose severorestrictlons on Westernproposed study by eg and British experts of new nierlea data an underground ex plosionsi Watern quarters said then itwas wholly unaccept TOP AWARD Dr Khiiddleton of the National Research Coun cil in Ottawa was awarded the Frederick lves Medal of 0le cat Society otmerlca in tober The medal awarded for distinguished work in optics is one of the highest awards in the field Dr Middleton was head of the research councils photometry and optical instru meat section of the division of applied science Wasp Bugs Driver Woman 72 Killed WILLIAMSPORT Pa AP An automobile its Ontario driver plagued by wasp plunged over 30foot embankment Thursday killing Mrs Annie Lister 72 at Hamilton out She was passengerlin the our operated by John Ctegry 55 of Petcrhorough He was admitted to hospitalin critical condition with chest and internal injuries Police said the wasp got inth Highway 16 10 milesnorth of here ran mam nnram worm Ftttitttttt MOTORS mull DODGE ii DEBOIO DEALER Bradford St PHONE PA 85971 Cloarys car as he travelled on able They said Ihlnsday that this description little harsh and US SubiCargo Ship Hit InSuezCanal LONDON Reuters An American submarine and cargo ship collided Thursday night in the Suez Canal the United States Navy announced here today spokesman added that there were no casualties among the crew of the submarine Thread fin and damage in the vessel was not believed tobe serious The ship involved was the Greek owned Nicoloos hlichalos 7206 tons gt DIES FROM BURNS SUDBURY JCP Mrs Bessie Merow 61 dled Thursday night from burns suffered Monday in her home at Massey 65 miles west of here llllllllnlllll pnlluos WLIFETED BEStlthTltttts run lan or TUSSY commcs ESSA Roan we DELIVER Pti 82823 storeclam sat no pun ash PRICE SALE WtiEtIYOIJBlttf moclnlolls mints BEGINS ORANGE wholhbnccepuble LONDON solllama Redio said ram night the Sovei Union has launched new world wide appealiln supportvof Prem ler Khrusbehcva total disarma ment plan broadcast monitored here said Soviet foreign ministry sentnotes onatllp suyiectto all foreign embassiesand legatlons In Moscow lhESbVlet delegation at the UnitedNations forwarded similar documean to represen tives of countries which donot maintain diplomatic missions in lavRussian capita ATO TECO Portable Jlg Saws Cuts dressed lumber at 00 1s in steel Sole plate ad justs up to 45 31 amp mot Qx noload speed 3000 rprrl 0ilite bearings EATON Price 1995 each mac or Ih 20 Accessories Plllllslan GIRLS M03 CANADIAN PARIS neurals no wfe called to tho Etoile lbulre here Thursday night to rescue Canadian ringer PaulAnkh from dozens of teen age French girlswllo rushed him ontho stage The Ottawahom Ankawel mobbed ashe aanga new song at his olvn composition The Glrtsaf Parls Are the Hamth waid wal bécause of the newflagr Police had to be called again to cleartllc theatre at the end of the show So Practical as the Home Workshop Efficient Eiideniifiy comm no National Flag OVer Berlin HEW AP Feud with the possibility of retaliation from the West East Gennany backed down Thursday on Berlins el Ploalve flag issue The official Communist party organ Neues Deuuchland nounoed that party followers will make no attempt to hoist East Germanys new national flag aver West Berlinuthi weekend The paper said EastGennnny does notswlshtn provoke civil Earlier ullmmk the Western Aliis France Britain and the United Sulawarned the Gennuu to raise their new flag above Western territory again no humans were told um Western troops would act it necessary to preserve law and order in West Berlin The East Germans flew the flags above West Berlins elevated railway stations Last month andso provoked abattie between Communist railway workers and West Berlin police who tried to tear down the flags Five policemen were injured The Allies feared the Common nists might try to raise thatlau overrthc stations Saturd 015 42nd anniversary of the Bolo shcvtk Revolution stanchion PA as9ss Iv PA 85984 PA 85985 TECO Portable Saws Lightweight easy to handicl Well made with builtin safety and precision features of higherpriced lineal Combination blade cuts up to zlllfat 00 degrees fill at 45 degrees has Vi hp univcrsal motor no load speed 8000 rpm selflubricating hearings retractable blade guard and SafetySlipolutch to prevent kickback hazard EATDNPrlco eneh TECQ oralcalzmu Sanders Sands quickly Cast aluminlt um housing thumb switch 18 amp motor ballhearings Complete with Carbigrit sanding sheet EATON Price redo GeneralDuty 3I3 Drills Splendid to drive screwdriver attachment masonry bits hole saws etcDrilis 11s in steel in WDDd3 amp universal motor noload speed 9251mm 2995 each TECO Powerful Versatile Drill Kits l4LDrill polishingbonnet 10 sandi full load15 mam of distinction you place your fingers on the keysl Eultltstiote Keyboard as in some all Includeso chromeVanadium bits in sizes unto Fracticaifor most attachments diam steel paint stlrr 4gtbacking pad Dims up Wain hardwwd disks it adapter and TECO drill with ca city up to ll steel 1A in hardwood adoadapced 2400 rpm usical happiness FunpandtRelaxation for superbly styled for th found only inthe mast expens elnrge cpMoleSA the toneris heauLiful fullness and depth all arecombinedvin the Cedlian deep lam With Muslcl in steel25 amp universal mot or Ill Jacobsstypa chuck with key to give you deep rah use fills geared 249 iwill electric drills with one slotted and one Ind Mien wrench at Remarkable Low Price ITECORevflerstble iIZ Drllls Switch reverses drive foreas lng out screws drill bits etc Turns la bit in steel bit in hardwood Noland speed 550 rpm 65 ampmotor EATON rice Screwdriver ortilECo Jig Saw Attachments rlg saw out Ilp to wood la in metall saws mll ht lines rcroi patterrll or clrcieJ ms drills was hit Frill each 459 tl as HAND auaasn SATIN FlleH wALNurvsussa MATEHINGjhENCtl szsooyfl amongs nasal and titul MAY BEjAak the entir famllyiChoose Cecilian the piano litluxury look with theflair and dash customarily instantaneous response to your slightest touch enjoyment and satisfaction from the momon TONSBUDGETPLNNTERM are cream on BARRIEERANH EATON écecillianPlAuosi

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