hdrshlcruyn5liohlelapenitlaht mam WMAY NOVEMBER Partner bids One Heart next ordinarily range mm to DWI playcr passes both sides vulner poiots while suit rapoose in wwwwflim 1mm able What would you now bid the one level may have lrom mom am an 5pm with each of the lotiontog our to 16 lots but it is noteworthy the latter parents Mr and Mr hands that ther response can have as and um Doha Fm cw as pains The oppode WW gr is mm 1qu on 4753 to show livecard mayor should In at 35am aflaam 491643 OKQJS 4964 =9 be massed mm mm aim with ligarrmmnuitinn was Qm the suit ls weakï¬lnajolxlugtnam mass an at 98 SOCIALJIVENING can 35 may b° mo my social evening was spent lt Wigmkrausgï¬m Two hearts The principle ol missed it player does not Mina playing my in the Community LTFLE WHILE anticipation plays on important tivecard molar whcnhe has mm mm yearning 39 in part in tho strategy at hidding onc how and wmnd 5m Baillie making hid Flnyfl Fm hem3 Game wart who were recently married should look ahcad to see wheth be bid directly The reasonable Hinger called ML mum er or not he may be creating prospect that the GWEN 9° Stewart to the tronl ot the hall future bidding problem or him made Is combined in one bld and Mm Noble ads mes 58m WM the Manage WSSMY cage otgood wishes irom friends Suppose for example you rc hlocklog the opponents out at tho and neighbor and asked mm sound to the heart bid with bidding There is substantial amepl the swivel chair and tri spade and your parlner bids two danger that the opponents can light which Elsi1 Gilmore and no hearts What now If you pass make our Spades 01 V9 dla land Corner carried down rural DONALD oucx BLONDIE you have tailed to show tho mantis or at least have good we Emu Mr Stem thanked hcart support it you old thr sacriï¬ce at either contract The everyone and received we hearts you do show the twig leap to our hearts may succeed round applause of may an support but the act is that you in silencing the enemy jam good Idlows was dogst have the values for two 4hree hEBrliThlbld lorc served to ï¬nish me evening bi ng ogarne rcpresen an open This solicrentcd problcm pan ing bid facing an opening hid Mr Mrs Elingtlt vlsiitcdulrn be avoided by raising directly to The highcard point count is usu gï¬gntglflvlt 123133113 atn two hearts indicating to ally 12 to 15 points but where 10 atell Quar cl ca points and trump lit The de distributional actors aro presA ANNE ADAMS 33 fvlgxlliinigoner Tomato Fri cision of whether to continue is ant the jump raise may be made then right where it belongsto with less points lgoulr1y or more Dug BURNED Partners laP rump are pruc co cuarnnv Retard Hurlers home was bur one spade One of the hard teed Qumfms MD and my nod to the ground Monday even est things to sell many playors It would not be particularly de aprons Whip up one tor your mg Naming was 53 Canvas including even the more expel sirable to name either the dlaa self VHVthsT sers are making the rounds anti icncod ones is the idea that moods or clubs neither suit bc PM my pm plans or bone euchre spam suit response in the one level ingJivc cards in length The dlr TEBHW sored by the up is plaï¬ned or does not necessarily show great cct method is best The strong VPrInted Puller 4911i ML€C Monday at 830 pm sharp in the er strength than notrurnp rc heart support is idcntlheddm Slzcs Small lo 12 Medium Community 1131 spouse mediately 14 16gt Large 1820 Medium one notrump rcsponsa will Tomorrow dlllloillt hand lakes ztt yards 35inch iehrlc Piinted directions on each pat tern art Easier accura VCanadlaanorn Publishers Pace Sendprom ems ml cents in coins stamps cannot be ncc noted for this pattern Please BQDESMAIPIS mates erate am an nun sun on masses rs DRESS STYLE NUMBER LONDONllcmlitn extiranrdln PROPER By ALAN mmvav As it is he now controls in Send order to ANNE ADAMS 9m ShtFE annual pres sum Writ numhers of papers although not care of Plattcm Dept The Bar rï¬Ã©dï¬gzdaï¬ alps 13 cllllanglng in circulation the lingual con rie Examinernm PM St 1d ewslfl LONDON CPlCanndianvborn glomeralion oidaily evening and Toronto Onlnlln 9165 9m New publishcrjtoy Thomsons pace on Sunday newspapers in thc chun 75 Fleet Street may he that of try And because fair number The ï¬nal seal mus was 59¢ on moderate turnin man one ex or his prnvlncinl papers enjoy Panama Head Raps the dealthatbrings me big news pert suggests local monopnllcs or nearmonop papcr empire of Viscount Kcms Francis Williams something of 91ml llfll 11B does the can Ann Vlolence icy Under control of Canadian latter day Bosivcllvto Fleet illnsnme Wayihllave more dlletdii publisher Roy Thomson DIDNT KNbWTDUGH streetTimed twoh trends gggugmgnma genyï¬fggggam PANAMA cm 12 in mm ilizmeaural some the 0mm 199mm gum um mums President Ernesto de la Guardia among other things that the aAcKlNnllswcmlrv He will neutralize politics has condemned and dis nameplate outside hig new AENN Sensuin political topics Will be approved violent demonstrations per plants in London and an treated in it way that offends no by Pan amanian nationalists chem wm he cmmged from one sausage Rolls against United States control or Kemsiey Hm Thomson His papers will go in for cosy the Canal Zone House familystyle reading eschewing 13 cu rd 5d ml sensationallsm and dazzling tcch attaecks Monltlay zlinsllllg En TheLlltlme Thzmson Novspa not minimum 5ininSuirihhéii an on one ice at bor rtglgfggwggflggflmm 0r alter 75 11 prises cams not nrities at country 3°Chcnmgéiy 111 Sun WEST snoutIi England which has with us vital and expiggï¬gggfgsjmy3 asyuisilizhlllsm one mm CPw9flï¬bl° Fred Jessa mmualinmmsi in mercanal saic purchase nudJnergEE EM Thémsongnw Graphic msg53515 palm AntiAmericafllecling stiliran makes lite 65yearoldCanadian has Slightly dutmmï¬sï¬ The 75 ycm 01d baker em high Demonstrators stoned the one of the leadingpublishers in is we like the papers middle Wee just cauldn cinch aiiiccs of the Aineriean owned Fleet Street along with Lord rlsss parents uscd to read gen himselt to the lmsightly hits or giitlafnglgxgggaCDIï¬gnlélt Ehe Begvgbrgulï¬ also Canadian rs oration agowhlchlndced many overhanging pastry that emerged Sr itlmswor King of Canadian papers still are train the oven as thc sausage mm the DH Mm Emup It the Thomson touch looks crinkled and shrank from ex little like mediocrity writ pnsureln heat large Williams writes the pub Jessop ponderedand came up lishermay nevertheless be in step with formula Thhn he bur with the reading public rowed some scrap pastry from Mr Thomson is the mod the bakery to experiment with at crateiamily man in journalism home Em Nov hTï¬Tlignalre Being so has paid all handsomely As he leit the plant lhe one sï¬innpaiifï¬i Tennesm Ernie Fara in Canada Will it pay Off here pound parcel of scrap slipped out Popeye and Pals Dennis The Menu of his trouserleg just as he was ï¬gvh WNW Adam and E1 them BPUGHT KEMSLEY mmP passlng company policeman llniiie Topper 11 Trip Sena Hllrlt The analySIs appears in Questions were asked Jossop 0P8 gown s71 nSEEMSTDMEIVE mummoment Tiriiyw DEENONTMSROND FATHERSOLDFARM Mt til all PX HE vegv 2001s OF HIS MANLY JULIET JONES JTS ALSO PROPER F012 rM NOT LETTING Bu1 MOMITHE me BBIDESMAIDS PARENTS lM THINK we Boises FATHER 11 pm FOE THEM CANT AFFORD GRAN DMA sasss PFsflrlsmwv an NHL Hockey Kl weekiycolumn aboutFleetStrect was tired likeninsnnw yogï¬nfgfggcggow written by Williams for The New He also ap cared in court to Popeye and Fall CBC TV news Moo you Wearauéue summit 119ac5 answer chgrge uf stealing Hilféminm tug55 MYFHBNOANOIWEEEEEM mwggrféwge ï¬aqugmgwrm amuswrtosrsanmmc If sons recent activities including shillings worth of company prop Mlghtyltause Toronto Wrestltnz scantycity A5 conout Wu PULLA oleamscu IN ma TRANSLATION the expansron of his newspaper any and won an acquittalun pay Three stooges NW NW WMOMEN LL If 501 go maugRSnpiow empire in the United Kingdom by merit of court costs after explain 5239 mm 1115 Test ratisrn comp HOW ABOUT ANW EESOFAR OutINYEt the purchase of Viscount Kems ing that he intended to take back weather BF 91 Eagle gt El lIKZ OFF THE 555N5153N3 leys group of papers and says Lhe gesult oi hisyetiorts to show fggvrgnm We 5031 Thine BBINé PUG llll MtdgtC Igzzollhilaormslflllllismhgrs aï¬lï¬ome 0f iieoalzsrlrilavgon lecture from his Ezfihligmllloedowa Wimpy hind my with If hed taken the trouble to it éiriiéï¬sy3rini kick around the kitchensne told phi gï¬iim 3ng im he could have found all the pastry he wanted 33 9mggwsl N237 Magzrlnn Em rlhcayltvmtheman gï¬fï¬tfl 60 SFm aob Cummings PEQPLET DO tea maintenance Mugging gap and Men mskmgs Best SMA OGNE Norway co gilt Ed Sullivan of $1000 hasrbeen sent to the ffmï¬ï¬yï¬m 35533 LADYIFVOU nonrnum ADS Sogno church where his son lziss Nswsrarl 55 or gan gt DONT MlNV THE PIANO 553 was married ADM 100 an Fourpistons cac TV News LOOKSBETTER FFSSPFEMQMW 853$$=S$$ haub one mdsysgyminwwn €€S$BSS3=8 Fe 330121 de cn la ta MarlEVRasmussenIastAuaustby 400 VntlsliemalhllovlearTlrne noiiglnonvlfarssvsnl Ynu ARE Governor NelsonrRMkeielier of New York State TELEllslqrii mum NEWS lluv wimslflmm mmwgmmmm WEMHWS nslalzromvstsumslus Minimumst EE EUEFME Ellips MADMEN Cl OF WORLP WAR Mil WE CAN HANDLE HEW EllESlAN MCIEK FEEDS AND llama mm ltiE NEWER mug coll amount sues KEASOtt taut sua TO an REM flmï¬iï¬gw AVAELE or MAKVNG WEMADEAWMUS WELL ERIEFJIND names Wm Wm iing WEEK ANUCLEAK aim thllE suaMrKazm Is BLIND mm alll DEAF may CAN tltvro IMlcKEY Mouse ClliililliltflMlss llllnlllllllroli 75 If your carrierlhas not arrived hy pan noz svacn And Go kwill Dpiiltercd To Your Home 1230 VALLEYTAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS ANï¬jTRUCKd