ALLOWEEN 181ng in Elmvale as reek solo spear was liallowe Ali week the preoohool age ldren wereth uninsbom mm business pious across the oad taking keys from can oreakinkgarage windows and many other pranks Early on Saturday evening large per centageol the children lined up at the cinnmunity hail led by the Eimvaie trumpet hand they marched up the main street in every description at costume Many oi the children went tram house to house witha container collecting for UNICEF Trent ot coins proceeds amounted to over in dollars They returned to the hall at pm where they were showna movie and each one reccived treat Therewerea law who made the rounds on different streets marking windows and writing with colored pencil on white paint CDNGREGAIION DINNER On Thursday 0ctolgter 29 St Johns United Church held their congregation dinner ln the church parlour with splendid nttendanco of members The tab les looked pretty cactihad vase ot diliercot colored mums Rev MrClapmansaidvgrace and allsat down to bountilul and appctizing supper in great variety or food Traco as chairman made some introduct ory remarks in hlaiown inimit able style The worship period was in charge of Corbett Miss Judy Campbell hnd Fut iong ï¬lm slr was shown Yon Platter This was iollnwnd by mehostess oi each table intro ducing each of her guests The hostesses were Mrs Moll now at Mrs Cue Mrs William Campbell Mrsu Percy Frank corn MrsM Trace Mrs Campbell Mrs Field Elliott Mrs Myrers Mrs Corbett Miss ary Corbett Mrs Jacobs Peter Ciate gave the proposalol business for the coming year at church work Elmer Fieghen the Besourens and Earl it visitation Rev It Chopin the challenge oi the congregation Meeting closed with the hym Churchli One Foundation and benedic tion by Rev Mr Chapman LOOKS LIKE WINTER Rowt attended the Training School ItElmvale This unit it in supperaun succmrun own The haznar oi Presbyterian wa held on Saturdnyou 24 in spite at wet wealher drew good number of ladies Mrs Townes returned home to Oriliia Sunday alter spending the past two weeks with Mr and Mrs Gordon Thompson here Mr and Mrs Ralph Rumhle are visiting their son Don Rum ble and Mrs Rumble at Barrie lOWL suntan At meeting at the Elders cl Presbyterian Church it was de cided the men oi the congress tion will have iowl supper on Nov ii in the hall for the pub llc NEWTON nonlusou Mrs no Rowe is visiting in Toronto for few days BIRTH 01 SON Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bruno Jackson on the birth of son on October 23 MrsaW lt Hnrmcr Mrs Lyons Mrs linrold Jeilen and Mrs Ferguson ol Toron to were visitorswith Mrs Lee son on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Dalton Jackson Eleanor and Irene Mr and Mrs Lawrence Copeland and Mr and Mrs Robert Hamilton intended the HawlonWhltesldes wedding in Benton on Saturday WEEKEND GUESTS Mrs Lack of Willinmshurg was weekend guest of Mr and Mrs VR Rowe Mrs Hermon Lennox and Mrs Good oi Toronto were visitors with Mr and Mrs Earl Lennon on the weekend STEEhES CORNERS Steward McQuarrie and Mrs Earl Dales are coming along line alter surgery in York Coun ty Hospital Newmarket Mr McQuarrie returned home Fri day and Mrs Dales is expected homo Tuesday Mrs Oscar Sutherland is home again alter long illness in Tot onio GeneralHospital We wonder it winter is really here with the around while with th covering of snow and morol falling and coldnorth west wind blowing Many of the resi dents will be thinking of going to their homes in Florida BenAroher son of Mr and Mrs Web Archer had the mis iortuno while playing toothali to fail and iracture some bones in the hack of his hand Mrs Verne Beardsnli returned home at the and of the week from ljlorth Bay after visiting her son ilbert and Mrs Beard sali and infant David George Miss Isnbell Campbell of Tor onto was at her home here over the weekend Mr and Mrs Lewis Allen and daughter Donna Sitwhet were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Ken Guthrie Mrs Simpson is spending couple of weeks with relatives in Toronto Wh has return ï¬ends at But Mrs Fergus Rowat is spend ing couple of weeks gvlth Mr and Mrs Lloyd Knight of Ori Mrs Bishop spending the week with Mr and Mrs Frank Butcher of Barrie Mr and Mrs Don Currie and two children of Toronto spent theweekend with their parehts Mrs Currie and Mr and Mrs Robert Ritchie Mrs Wallace Bell is with her daughter Mrs usseli DEathe and Mr DEathe Wood hridge MrsDuncan McColernan oi Stnyner is ting with liér mo ther Mrs Rows Mr and Mrs JoeClute oi Col lingwood mnewed friendships here at the end of the week Mr and Mrs Pinnan and baby and Miss Betty SrigleY North Bay spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Mann ing Mrs Ray ï¬rigley returned with them to Visit Mrand Mr Oscar Srigley Mjss Dorothy Draper is visit ing with relatives this week in Oriliia Mr and Mrs Pyhurn of To ronho spent the Weekend with Mr and Mrs rBeardsall The many friends of Miss Judy Beardsall will be sorry to learn she is patientin Penetang Gen ral Hospital 1mian WA MEETING The WA meeting was held at he Manse with Robert Martin presuling Devotional and drayer was given by Mrs Bill lcClung and roll call was ans Iered by Thanksgiving verse lrs McClunggavea report on quet that was held torthe oil al openingof thenewdam at Jrr Lake ooAOct 16 and was suncessAt the next meeting alent saleto l7 held maid in ie Sundayschooi Meeting closédjlith Bone in and dock served lddies Ely lunch iNexl other seasonof friendly compete Mrs John Kneeshaw under went surgery in Toronto West ern Hospital last Friday Her many iriends wish her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs John Rumble Mac and Jackie were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs John Ough Barrie MISSIONARY TALK Six ladies from Ebenezer WM spent an enjoyable evening Monday ol last week when they were guests at Bradiord United iciidwii on Monday Iran visiting her mum and tunuy in van couver The November meeting at the womens Institute will he at the horn of Mrs Jamie on Wed nesday 11th Roll call Where ï¬rst attended school Norman Blaming spent the weekend in Toronto with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Don Smith Mia Home spent last week with Mr and Mrs Melville May at Mitchell Square Mrund Mrs Harold Drury at tended the luneral of Mn Hart in Barrie on Monday Evermo cmcua The Evening Circle held its October meeting at the home at Mrs liliam Clark with 13 pros on The meetingopened with hymn with Mrs Atkinson at the piano Mrs Norval Duns more gave the devotional com paring autumn leaves to our vain Bowman 51L no to Mr and Mnasandy Bowman on the ar rival tonal Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Nov Mi and MnIrnok Hale and daughter Maryanne are staying with Mrs Wortley or few weeks boipro moving into the term house now mnedhy Holden and was owned by Cecil Sutton unms GUILD Tho Ladies Guild held very succesaiul aitrrnoon tea in the hall last Wednesday Oct 28 Mrs Cecil Sutton and Mrs Martin hod charge of the bazaar table Something now was odd ed this venr with hesutiiui Christmas decorations Mrs Brown was in her usual place at the homemado baking table The teatahles uadren Maia Slim Mrs Packard Mrs Wontiny MIL Gordon Ralph Hickliug $1111 Taylor Mrs ngthhoum mm are extendednail who helped make the tea asue 0n Monday evening Nov the Guild will serve dinner to the Simcoe Deanery which will he held in the community hall necamv mass the marriage oi Miss Jean Eakia daughter at Mr and Mrs Joseph Enkin toRoss Kerridge Edgar took place in Barrie last Saturday Congratulations Jean and Ron LIKE TRAVEL SASKATQONt CPI Nurses Marlon Bronsoh Jacqui Dutruit and Lorraine Bertrand believe money isnt everything They lelt their moomonth jobs here to take jobs in Englnnd at for lower wages and hope to travel Europe no to ruhufflcnuaonhq warwanna Anson IPlanto use Zellerl worlde nasorimenio or rnrutméea wetweather Footwear as are lamliy at prices that are tuned to Familys pungent Shiiafnction Gnmnteedl sim to Lo and 31 ï¬le style Exceptional Valnel inns animus 18 human suit Plastic overshoos with loop fasteners Choice misc charcoal or beige Just agntor web weather wenrl Dinable Fractionit Church ladies and heard Mrs Grnham missionary from In dia give most interesting talk on her work which she started over forty years ago Thursdny evening visitors at Ernest and Earl Dales Rev and Mrs Johnson Seashore ugh Sunday visitors with Mr MrsErnest Dales were Mr and Mrs Dales Toronto and Mn and Mrs Ed MooreBarri Mr and AllanBrowniand lioys ht Dalston were Sunday tors with Mrs Browns par ents Mr And Mrs ErnesLKnee show and Bob aouoWs Mr and Mrs Alan Lawson at Toronto Mr and Mr Gordon Smith of Weston were Sunday guestsof Mr and Mrs Roy Smith Mr and Mrs C4 Bowden spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Allen Bowden and Kevin at Shanty Bay IITOPIil EUCHRE PARTY Thursday night was much like old Home week assplayers for twentyooe tables arrived at the community halite start off an ition playing euchre Prizes were awarded to Mary Lou Weistra Mrs Pearl North Camp Borden Mrs BridgingAngus Tam Mc Fadden George Catt AllanMil ler an lgay Canipsall Mr motored to Stratiord to spend the ltweekend with relatives Mr and Mrs attParksnnd daughter Dorothy Toronto and Ted Heinrichs lillsonburg were visitors of Mr and Mrs Allen Miller over the weekend ErvinMiiier is spending few days with MrsBen sutclitie in Barrie mownnu DANcs The dance Saturday night was well attended with laughs galore for everyone The Rhythmaires will play again tor dance Fri day nighnyov in the hall SHOP as am Bond nd Mrs Hector Turnbull across from mandala mime silonoun suns 49 24 971 LADIES saunas snow aoorrs in hie attractive style as sketched Warm ny lonThermopil andcomfyl Choose now in Black or brown Winterrigth Grand ZellenVaiuel with snugoiti let6 ThrifMrlcesi CHILDS Size 812 YOUTES Sizes BOYS Sims1gt5 133 98 449 549 pomWARM These brown rubber Overshoes little feet warm and dry even on coldest dayseFleeceiined sheariing cuffs Exceptional Value at hel flatworm thlPPEllS Chflda 612 3298 Youtha sizes in 349 WARM OVERBOOTS withcomfy eariingcufls any size 15 98 Just right or active youngsters Exceptionally well made of brown rquer Grand ZellerValue snannvsmnn white rubber Qverhoots that are sure to please YoimgMissi Attractive oantw sol cuffs Misses es 49 mo vows manna Qomsom nunanns lopuiar type with stayon Grand ZellerValuel locking feature Black Sizes 7s Longlasting Prac missst 1113 249 BOYSSiees is 298 BIG zntosn any ahle hiackr Ru ur ornnrnrnav mourjmsoo BLADE R0 nxrna Lam man onousm Fans 71va aanr smw wnn Swifts lVlaclnt FRESH cur SWETS BONE 0111 A51 MINCED BEEF JUICY anon on ROAST STDRE SLICED Breakfa5t9 BthN Ktzruax onn Mm SYRUF KETCHUP 245 KELLOGGS can 15 CORNFLAKES SPEClAL Lsquk SMACKS com Pops likes Ion noon MORNING MARMALADE iw47 FEATURESI own on warn inc oar ran BREEZE MARGA Save lo save 16 savers RINE Iisaveto BRODUCE icnisr omanro snow can It Yellow Ohions No Largo FROZEN rooos