Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Nov 1959, p. 1

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he rumours is mad wmmwm was when number biolira numb new TORONTO CPi Russias economic pusliLtoward its eastern zones and Canadas emphasis on oorthcrndevelopinent are imag ing thetwogcountries closer to gether physically thus strdnglh coing the need for peoeeiui coex istence betweenthcmSovict Am imman Amasasp Aroutuniao said today believe that thetlmo is ripe for much broader contacts be tween our countries in all fields of international cooperation in cultural scientific economic and cven political matters he do clared He called for an agreement on cultural exchanges between the two countries akinlo one on sci cntilic Tsilssigncd recently and offered assurance that any ex Idemn the when pram pnnsionpt Russian troderin world markets holdsnn danger for Can ada At the same forCanadian reflection the re cent Soviet engineering sugges tion that dam across the Ber ing Straits could deice thon sands of Arctic mileso scheme incidentally Which scientists here have described as most unduly optimistic Western ti includ lng Canadians have replied that the plan would raise sea levels for one thing flooding hundreds of world ports Mr Aroutunian was addressing the Empire Club of Canada His remarks were contained in text othis speech issued to the press in advance oi delivery TENSIONS LESSEN international tensions have be gnn to lessen as result of Pre mier Khrushchevs United States visit the ambassador said and the trip has had its impaeton Canada too The visit oi groiip oi Toronto businessmen to Russia last year was good start in building up Soviet Canadian exchanges but what we need nowlis to reach some understanding and agree OTTAWA CPPrime Minis ter Diefenhaker has agiiin put the shudders into some oi his advisA era by talkingpubiicly about Can adaUnited production sharjng Officials believe the more said about it the moreohanee of the program earning apart through Egong objections from us indusj Productions ri is the scheme whereby the US date industry is persuaded and once aged to place more contractsw Canadian companies It was in troduced by the Canadian govern meat 13 months ago and has been supported by the US administra tion There has already been scat tcrcdciiticismin the 15 of the productionsharing program or iginatingin the main with US NEAR MONTREAL Arcii Alf ST CLEOPHAS de BRANDON Que CPtA Wheeler Airlines D04 crashed in flames in farm pasture near here Wednesday night taking five crew members including woman totheir deaths The plane carriedno passen gers Witnesses atlthe north of Montreal sa age was spread one mile area indicating the cratt exploded in flight They sa the cockpit of HIEDISIIE wasfound about 300 yards from the fuselage AWheeierspoliesrnan the allQuebec crew stewardess Anne Marie Remillard Eb ottieerJean Mailrice tBen ardlof Montreal QNJAFFIN amour The spokesman said th fourlt engined cargo plane was y500m nonstop flight from Montreai to Fake Basin Battin Island in consequence it wool carry pretty heavy gas iond Sixteen minutes fatter takeoff crew captai on re and bathe was return time be repeated AMASASP AROUIUhlAN vrixne is Ripe ment on how to handle lurther development Mr Aroutunian also referred toPremicr brushchevs assur hnce in Was ington at willing ness to share Arctic inlermatinn Some exchanglng already is done hcsald and more should follow diminished tensions Suspect 200000 mden In Metro TORONTO CWA hidden pop ulation of 200000 persons is ex pected to be unearthed before the end of the year in Mctropolitnp Toronto Metro Assessment Commis sioner Gray said Wednes day he believes tho population of greater Toronto is nearer to 1700000 thaothe 1407348 figure which shows on the assessmlznt rolls at the end at September Thediffcrence is accounted for by roomers and others not dislt rcportcd the planes umber two engine was closed to assessorsz he said eildvisersShudder AsPM Talks Do Do rice Prod oiibnSliSiW companies whichhave been lin derbid by Canadian firms VETO LIKELY Even itthey had been passed President Eisenhower it would have vetoed them But what of new Congress aad new pre dent Actually Cane has an excel lent replyto any thS criticism of productionsharing This country has more defence materiel from the US than the UShas bought from Canadoi And this is still the case Can ada this ye probably will buy some $150000000 worth of de fence matericlirom the US US defence buying in Canada is an almost infinitesimal part of the entire procurement program of the American ariiied forces Crashi St Cléophasflsaid the plane passed low overhis bousc and crashed into the hayfield ot farm owned by Emilien Cputu ROAD OBJECTIVE The plane crashed near the higthay between St Gabriel and St Cleophas he said an it an No bodiesinlhe cockin were recovered immediately it was an hour efore the other three Were fonad The bodies were spread ov quartermile area The planowasearrying fopd scene early hday Early today police arreste menforvstcaling large quantities meat froin thetangiedwreck ago One was caught with 75 pounds of loaded up latemod lear not disclose the aways bought The other had some ONTARIO CANADN THURSDAYNEVEMBER new Prize speakers on disarmament parliament on international affairs industrialist ists here may have is ox odiuatweek filifiiiy was bitten puthisarm into the hole it was pulled annals la in ate Briton wane DirPeace Prize $41 50 Valu OSLO neuterslPhilip Noell Boker British Labor member of Parliament was namcdtoday as winner of thisyears Nobel Peace NoelEither former Labor so rotary for Goiiimonwenlih rel lionsis one of thopattys chief whithho hos written book The award worth$42600 was announcedby the Nobel commit tee at the Norwegian Starling He held several ministerial posts in the postwar Labor gov ernment lie is armor chair man of the Labor party and one of the loadihg Socialist experts would to the The spare and asceticlooking NoelBaker marked his 70th birthday four days ago and lsthe son of Canadianborn Quaker NoelBakerwill come to Oslo to receive the prize at the cus tomary ceremony Dec 10 Vanni versary of the death of Alfred Nobel Swedish chemist and en gineer who left the money for the five prizes awarded annually Weeksiliter Bite Young Boy Is Dead TORONTO CPThe death of sevenyearold boy who con ttactcd his fatal illness three weeksalter he was bitten by skunk is under study by patholngg Richard Knight son of Mr Mrs HaroldKpight of Port Perry otrabies re port on the pathological findings skunk Sarah19 while walking in the woods near his home with two young friends Teddy Wil liams also7 potted the ahimal and ran into hole Richard it grabbed Rickys fingers and holding on when he handout saidMar cia Williams 12 Teddy grabbed its head and lrtoreed its ja eAioiit ustice Rene IA Danis was to ule today one the odmlssahilily of stalemcnlsmode to police by two youths charged with murder in connection with Ihodunc l7 slaying of two nxidrivcrs on Wednesday during argument on the statements Contents and tes timony in connection with the statements have been mthhcid from publication If the judge rules in favor of adiiiitting the statements they will be pre jury asevidenee charged are Marvin Makes 20 and Wayne Sluman be of Huntsville The taxi drivers alsovfrom Huntsville Were Francis Grosso 25 rind Bruee Spiers 22 whose decomposed bodies were founddi days after they were through the head and robbed near gravel pit in miles east of Huntsville FOUND LICENCES Wednesday that she lound ve hicle licences bearing the names of Qrosso and Spitrs in jacket worn by her nephew Marvin June 18 Theiaekethad been left and poksiblevinvestigation bythe at today folio ng riotous Ha parttime police officer AttorneyGeneral Roberts Wed nesday asked provincial poliee for iull report on hoodlumisrri in ion canines capsqu Little Joe rocketirroais kyword from the NASA lau at Wallopc Va carrying Mob of marinainn on in jury left the our room Mrs Sarah McKee testified make out CP frwa provincial puiieeotfieers and generals department loween night one threats against west of London the border dispute Judges On Bays anocaaniaonwci Mr shot took Marvin and two of friends on hing tripat Pigeon Lake 220 milcsnortb of here Mrs Melfecisaidshe called po ice Slumnn was along on theafish in this village at 400 population 40mins northwest of London And twa OFPVofficers moved in from Sarnia to attempt to find the ringleaders ot Halloween disturbance in which police were cited byeggs and stones wh After Cmisei=Hif TORONTG QPlTAttomeyGen eral Roberts today ordered pros ecution of alithose who bomb arded police cruiser ith stones eggs and potatoes during an out break oi Halloween hooliganism in Arkana age miles orth People who think they can flout law and order in Ontario are mistaken no said Mr Roberts ordered complete cleanup in the villageafter study ing atoppriori portoES urA fracas The police werewpclted when they were called in from Sarniato quell rawdyism git the main treat Inhis rcpnrtth tor said the fr as by gang whoar townspeople Hoe however that the reluctanceof people to name the hooligans was duenot to fear of reprisals but todisliko of tellingtales They considered the incident Halloween prank that acciden tally got out of control port said inspec as inspired Zing the Ruling fiStatexfieats MONTREAL CPtWase de mands worth humans of dollars have been submitted to adas majorrauJays by 15 oos rcp resenting 110000 railway workers acrosstho notion rlho dcmands were served to ddy on six railwaysincluding th CPR and Chmand an ex press agency There was no comment from eithcr the railways or the unions on the specific details of the do mands However it was loomed that tho unions iiskcd for wageincrcases of more than 20 cents an hour spread over twoycar contract If this is the case the demands willrcost the railways more than $50000000 scrlbed him as perfectgentle man He was quiet all the iiineg asked noguestions and si ply went along with the group MeKees girl friend Ann Young 17 testified that she had accompaniendKee and Slumnn at her Elk Lake homewhen shc ipg trip and Mrs McKee de on an outing that lasted 12 days dejriéz new they attempted tostop teenagers from setting fires in the main street THREATS MADE Sgt John Clegg Royal Canaw dian Regiment in rru at nearby Camp ipperwash has sent his pregnant wife and their four children toioronto to visitrelaa tives as the result of veiled threats against his fami So farthrecof four teen agers charged with ereatjnga distur bance have pleaded guilty and weré fined $25 this week The other youth is awaiting trial Sgt Clegg who has lived in Arkona for two years who teored to zctras parttime un paid policemen after he became enraged by een agers racing their carsdowa the street late at night Sgt Gleggsaid middleaged man came tiLhis house Sunday and declared The hestqthing for you and yourfamily do is get outof town Reeve Bernard Bartlett says mostLofthe villagers are shocked and ashamed over thc incidents atthelastfweek OPP SgtKAllan Campbell said Wednesday that vi agersirefuse to give evidence against the per sons involved iiithe rowdyism last vieeliend Wednesdaynight Reeve Bart lett said lve never seen the village so quiet ltwas as it the villagers were waiting toseewht Wouldliapfl pen against Corhmu St China duately nd etli tly if Nehruteld monuflyt press conference that hi firm policyis till to seek peaeelulysettlemeut Pelii justas it also gt to fightif necessary He expressed the dispute would intowar aboutiihe kesrnaii for espresso the Frank ii Hall of Mont ai chairman th no op beg MONTREAL CF private company today offered to buud Montreal aneight mile subway for $163000000 Marcel Picbe presidentof the Veto dmpanslon Metropolih aloe Metropolitan Ex pansion Corporation made the otter in speech beforetho Montreal Chamber of Commerce may gt He proposed subwayisystem using curs running on pneumatic tires Thisqu quiter faster and cheaper than the traditional sub way system using earsbnrails Pichu sn yste syndicate of investment firms to finance the project Work could start as soon as the city acquired the money and the legislative au thority to operate subway START iii NORTHEAST The proposed trunkline would follow ithe recommendations of WASHI GTON AWA former executive Re lne testified today thattbe ging ot the Rev 4000 television ct of despera tion to rescue the programs from poor viewer ratings At the same time Abrams indicated that Martin Revson former executive vice presidentof Revlon may not have been aware that the destiny of contestants was decided inoffA prodult Abrams was called asa wit pass before the House of Repre sentatives legislative oversight committ in aneffort to reconA cile Earlier conflicting statements made by him Martin Revsonaad the shows Revson phatieally Wednesday that Revlon eos ineueswproducer bad dea any deceptionwas occurring on the quiz programs ninnianaivr sionY lowever Abrams in sworn statement introduced at the heap ings bada different storyas did the show producers Abrams said he and kiiew controlling ha Ganada in is ledlo hi moodsfihg he mfg porters ato press conference Fats day at 10 am MAY an muniis Theromay be other issues int volved in the nonop proposals but the wage demand was in the limelight tither proposed contract revis ions iry apply to severance pay holiday and vacatinn allowances vruloehangcs and contractlngo railway method of letting side contractors told on vmrk tho unions regard as within their Jur isdiction The railways are expected to askfor time to study the union proposals before setting up me ling between company and union ncgotinto Ifoters TO Build Montreal SifibWaYl 195 subway whorl ltjwouidatarl in the northeastend at Gremazio Bou ardl drop south uiider St red tnrii west to amps Mars andPlaco dAr mes in theheart oithe financial district turn north again to the intersection of Reel and St Catli erinn Streets and west under St Catharinefs tr to Atwater where thelilontraai Forum stands Brunch lines would be built lateri Mr Eiehe said the pneiimatic tire system has been tried in ris for five years onjone line with steep slopes and numero lcurves it worked out sowcll that Parisvliasbeguri toput tbeliét cars on other lines They accelerate and decelerata faster than rail cars so trains can be run cioser togeth with safety They can thereforomove 16 per centmore passengers dur ing rush hoursand 23 no out more during normalbo on George nestly be eduivalent rail cars hinged Qizliz Desperéhoh Ex Revlon Oflidal Testifies Question and the Challenge Abrams said was an act of des peration to to save the shows It was resorted to attertbe shows had dropped from dizzy ing height ofpopuiarify to almost an alsoran believe theproducers re acted to thispressure with andri Sale 0i JibRights Is Planned Brno TORONTOZ Thevlnionlo iice building wayof Torontos eas est sublt way along Bloor Street and Dan said in an revenue from the sale of air the construction ofthe sub wry Theiqwillbe schemefron1 cityplanners said Lampnrt but ll via dis pie rights would pay large share of

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