Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1959, p. 4

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NEW WARDS are shown on this map oi Barrie Ward One is boundeder the city limits to the east and northKemp cafe Bay to the south and to the west liocldown the cen of SI Vince Highway Lcr rrl worth Streets from 400 to the coy Ward Two lakes in Iory up to monies from there Ward Thrce sweeps round to line down the canl ed each of siwaards cm COMMENTARY Election Picture tre of Brock Street Ward rFour lakes in all the city south 0f Brock Street Three aldermen will be eletced for each ward in the coming election previ otuly two aldermen represent thatifthereiranelectlon wilibe ELECTION huuoas Withtheeettlngnftheodm mum and the possible elec tion data and with unsuggea tloo that there be twoyear term for cotmcils in lnntsfii we have already heard election rumors lbsDeputy Reeve William Campbell is nothesltaatto say he candidate for ree would like to be reeve and re is to be twoyear term tbongoodycartogive rod We agreed wi MrCarnp that what in required for some young men to come for ward and decide that they should start at the bottomnad givejthe ratepayers an opportunity to put them on the council if there must be an election letushopetohayeareelohoiu of candidates any oneaf whom we could be proud to have as lay JIM GARNER Examiner sun nepottcr Changes in Barries electoral system will make the results of this years elecrions more un certain than over And the elec tion will be tth test for two of she cialist consultants hire for the original city status investigations rs months ago the previous six wards have been XBZlOuped to four instead oftwo aldermen to word there will be three Result council members previ oualy allied will find themselves in opposition to each other Next years council ariug for tvvoyeor stretch could hive more new faces yrouod the council table have beenseen in thefliarric chamber for years One Barrie resident appealing to new sectioniof voters Will be former Reeve Murray Mills Mills Was defeated last year mWard Three this year be rplaaseto contési Ward Three but this is the oldWord Fourwhich represented as Einle Petrimoulx expects to contest Ward Two This is the old Ward lwo with parts of former Wards One and Three added He was defeated last year with substantial margin by Aldermen Newton and Wi ems was on mans big quaEEilm mark hangs over Alderman Earle Williams ates over llrlth This year he isrliving in Ward One will definitely be nomin ted for Ward One he said should be nominated to make report to the people as chairman the Fire and Trafficcommit tee dont know whether to he mmmg for alderman and for three minutes or as or and speak for ten min ould not say whether he to run in the election is to who 3rd lbree looks lure having rslnplus of candidates Besides Mr Mills Alderman FredVSmiLh statwifiiwill be nominated for Ward Threeif he decl to stand which to date he hhs not Aldermen Fred Churchill and mo Wl are also gicalcan dldntes for Ward Three although By Smgmbernf the not resides hav ng flames ubhc duties And honors that Alderm tsto try his hand getting too ignore amps eeclors of So Poke bag some new persi to qua for Says the leaudonking lawyer This twoyear term is not all its cracked up to be His point is that new man may run forvcounctl for one year as he can leave ll he doesnt like the job But two years may be long time for disillusioned municipal politician RESERVATIONS lie voted for the twoyear termthe motion went through couple of months ago without dissentbut if it came up again certainly would have re servations Most councillors assumed the twoyear term was on the basis of previous councils commit ment consldtant report to term but the electoratewas fac ed with package deal when erection to city status was put to the popular vote It was purely for or against city with no mention on the bolloLsheet of twoyear term And lot of alderman aroun haplly about it Says Alderman Smith ne thing in favor of two yeer term is the cost Two years would certainly give new mem bers much better chance to educate themselves to their new duties and would also give coun cil much better chance to planahead However it should be remeor bered that if it is matter of dollars and cents by electing poor council for two years it could be costly Also they could be lax in their duties simply because they know you are going to be stuck with them for two years Alderman Smith sees the poss ibilityof interest in municipal elections slacking off with longer period between elections HALF EACHYEAR One way to overcome these objections except for the cost and at the same time have twoyear term is the same way the Public School Board operates that is one half the council comes up each year for two year term Alderman Earle Williams ech oed the latter theme think estaggered election is better he said think there should he an election every year Mr Petrimoulx also wants staggeredcieciio We are no longerasmallto ltcanbe dangeroussibrehonfl be de clared staggered election would ensure there were always experienced men on council and the more expriencc you keep the betteroff you are What of the other elected had ies in the city The Public School Board andPublic Utilities Commission nrevrously elected on staggered basis for two iPearson Raps Way Pay Hikes Rejected OTTAWA GP lberal id Friday nept arrogant ch Finance Minister Fleming rejected civil service commission recommendations for pay increases undermines the position of the commission as an impartial referee Mr Fleming has bungled the salary issue and in the rocess has undermined the vii serv ices morale which so import ant taveffi ent public administra tion lieadded in stateme The government as nod em player had thebasic obligation pay fair and decent salaries notnniywhen ithss budglt ery surpluses but all thetim MUST REGISTER FOR gt Canadiou egg producers Were warned Fri they must beoificially register eficlency council recommended twoyeer year terms must now run en bloc Dr Edwin Wilson chair man ofi theBarrie Public Utili ties Commission declares his opposition to the change To my way of thinking it isnt sen sible he told The Examiner Dr Wilson explained the com mission which be chairs consists of two commissioners and the mayor Continuity is now assur ed by having commissioners pp for reelection alternate years But under the new scheme in troduced by council the three commission members would have to stand for reelection in body It would thus be possible minted out Dr Wilson to have completelynew commission lhat is the weak spot in the whole thing he declared The Public Utiiities Commis sion continued Dr Wilson was big business it look new mem bers some time to learn techni calities although he said the permanent staff undersecretary maueger Salter function ed very successfully Nordoes Dr Wilson approve of councils being elected en bloc He would like to see two alderrnen per ward with onego ing for election each year and the mayor seeking office every year What if you get bad counlt cii he asked The public would then have it for two years gal the same applied to Hie save $1000 By having eiectionmevery two years the taxpayer will save $3000 during the nonetection year stated ll MacLaien chairman oiythe Public School Board The board had six elected members and Mr Maanrln suggested it was unliker con tinuity would be broken But you may get whole new slate and different ideas Asked if the board had been consultedby council as to who ther the present electoral sys tem shall be changed Mr Mac Laren rep We had nothing to say on if We were just in formed by council He hoped biennial elections would provide hetlerjurnnut electors if maniaelected 7tl0 per cen of the people he can speak morefreely The people have said to blrnoK Go ahead it doesnt bother me one way or the other lvdo wish bigger percentage of the electorate would get nutandshow little interest uggested service clubs sponsoring Get out and Vote campaigns would make bigger effort on each Electionif they were only once every two years queried Mr MacLaren Havewe reached the point where if yomdont vote you are fined Should voters get two per cent rebate on taxesto stim ulate interest He said continuity of the boards work would not he seri otrsiy affected by mass reelec hon where the board had an efficient busmess administrator member of the bannertownshipx ASSESSMENT 89742700 With just under 10 million dol lars ot assasmeut in lanlslii we are among the four highest municipalities in the county Assessor Robert Sproule in his report to council advised that he was prepared to start innnd re assess the township which he estimates would take the best part of two years it takes council couple at months to get around to doing business alter the first of the year and in the meantime will go on drawing my salary for very little could get started on reassasment and give 100 per cent return for the pay Mr Sproule suggested feel we got good deal in regards to the blob edioo areas and should be satisfl he added The court of appeal which set by the county assessor for the date he can attend will be held at me Nov at 1000 am EAL DEBENTURE ibe 320000 debenture to be levied on portion of the Stroud area of the township and back ed by the whole township has bad the approval of the Depart ment ofMunicipai Affairs The Hall Board has asked parinle sion to have the contractor start at the renovation of die building which consists of raising it up high enough put basement under installation of plumbing and heating and the necesan fadlitieetobrlngliosstiand ard community hall The eontrataor Mr Bernnu is ready to begin at once Clerk Ireton oold emmcil it would be impossible to borrow fundsfroruthebankforthepro jeet lf lire board was able to arrange the fmaucing by having ratepayers personally agree to take ahareof the debenturfi and could assure the coonActor that funds would be available to pay him as the job progress ed thenitwouidbeellrighlto start The bank has shut down on any further advancement of fluids as already tbelsdiools debentures have to be sold to repay bank loans made by cum all focarry on the contract for building Reeve Sproule asked members loom scnoor ornamentation imminent Tomato psychiatrist 9r Charles Stodgiii will discuss School Performsncein apub iic lecture before the Camp lion den flame and Sfliool tion Monday Nov Drstod gill is chief of child adjustment services for Torontosehools Noscnoonsrrn rm While Alliston Puhlicsdiool raver sum mun pimp scum cmFrank Jackliu 48 father of 10 Friday was committed for trial on charge of rmrrderintheSept bludgeonislaying of his daughter Dorothy 22 He was ed at the Ontario Hospital Peneian to stand trial onean NEEDS YOUR rwounomiu gnarl csor mammary Mei Wendy meridianem forvolunteera tosavd on corona PARTY AND nonma rnn Paocannsm THE NHAVE 1H cultures FUNoIy unto so our soon Anni MEDICINE FOR rnoueAan ornowmmss nuns AND SICK CHILDREN IN KOREA 1N voucherm TAKE some EVENING of the Barriecommittee asks or knit with material provided th fundnlhone Mrs will PA 34178101 who Way PAR7156 for material gt from any Tbeilall Board rnaybe need with the task olscliioz the 379 000 debentures whichwill bear interest at per cent before they have funds available Thia is an excellent opportun ity for holdersof funds to make an investment that for the next 20 years will return per cent Interest and portion of the original investment by township cheque at regular payment dat es RDA runes nwmbrmc The completion of the no side road ready for crushed gravel is reported by road supervisorCow an The engineer is making description of the cutoff com ers and the fencing is under way Wibispicceofroadistoood nect with the West Gwillimhury pavement and that township says itwill take aireoftheiorods across the broken front When topsurfaced thls will moire through road via Belle Ewart and the new Alcoan Beach cut off direct to the north end of the townsz along the summer re sorts The portion north of the lab line has been promised as de velopment road for next year which will complete the link The development road along the west townline north from Highway 27is now being plan ned by an engineer hired by the township This road is lessened to Highway 90 about mile east Highway 90 about mile east REWWW en it the hills Eh guishene and found mentally fit dump and across the swamp WM 10 1901 line it will open road for traffic olf illgh way 27 and leading to Wasaga Beach It is expected that as soon as the engineering is completed the contractors can be busy all win ter cutting the hills and filling The funds for this work are 100 per seat provincial and spent byline township Unless the additional supple mentary bylaw requested ls granted the construction work this year on other township roads will be restricted road supervisor Comm stated He is withholding the purchase of sand and calcium spreader as well as the commencement at work planned for the 9th line west where ratepayers had agreed they would remove and replaoefences if the township desired the fence rows cleared This work is the last planned in the rather elaborate roadi building plan for this year by road committee tilairmen Coch raue The handout of the gas line assasment returned taxes this year that had not come from the pockets of hardyressedtax payers It was good year to get more road work done There is little doubt hutifhat our roads department gets the bat dollar value for the money of any of the tax dollars spent Theyare asking for an additiopalmfitlo admirle ofwhioh would be sub sidized AND GlNERAL board has made dnofier to pur chase site for second school its conditions havéjoot yet been guaranteedrnnd the deal is sun pending it was learned this week About $0000 is involved roucn car cannon After allegedly striking car parked in frontofa Donald St home Walter Collins of 100 Donald St was in gedwith careless driving by Banlo city poiimllrlday Ioto the picture past the present Barrie One does not need to be an no togenariao to recall first ride in gasoline powered launch on the boy or elsewhere Wheu the practical gasoline engine came out for marine power the lader of three to five horsepow er two cycle withno valves just ports Time putputted along fairly well but single cylinder had no reserve for rough or yliaders came These were lydepeodabie if understood Lad trip to Strawberry island Lake Simooe was one objeclivo it had been popular for picnic parties by steamer although in an exposed location with west wind and over 25 miles from Barrie The late George Lawrence with the gas Dutwul yearn later bk launch yes bought by Frank Hughes who had many line tripe else The boat was among those destroyed undamaged beyond repair when thoiarge redboathouse at the Aliandale wharf wasdcstrvyed by fire together with ab or sev enhoats in at the Van ago BEMIWOLE CRAFT One of the finest oralt there was the heamhul Seminole owned then by Frank Goodwin whohad with his father Harry Goodwin bought out the meat market of Moo Marshall who built and owned the boat which was used in the business for iakeshore delivery on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon for most oflthe summers Also in the boathouee was another fine omit the largest there the Ev augcllnc also owned by Mr Goodwin powered with horiz gntnl engine with opposcd cylin ers time over 30 GTR engineer was pioneer The writer ha smaller buti unch and mommy craft bought from Garrett good see boot but not fast and dubbed Peuletre meaning peran or maybe All of these were burned beyond repair Harold Webb wasfor tunate in being out on trip at the time of the fire with his Dispm but louuu no boothouse stall on returning Probably the largest gasol powered craft of this end oi the batheil was the Edna owned and built by Art Thomas boat buiider The big and sturdy hull was almost like houseboat but was forced along at fair pace an engine which Arthad himself assembled on model of which behad built and sold number of engines One of her long trips was with deer hunting clulfromBurrie to Collins Hay Well up on the north shore of Georgian Bay Over in Barrie was Ciiii Car ley still in the husinessand the late William Mitchell anoth er outstanding hoot bu der at ollenda on Lovrra Creek the grmsr Tmsrnvlcs NURSING OilICEHSflCOUBSE Gwendolyn Flying Officer MargaretD Mercer RCAF and Lieut Pauline Gauthlt icr RCAMC are welcomed by Colonel iieman Com mandant of the HOMO thonl Camp Borden ton four weeks orientation course to acquaint Nuraing Officers with the new triservice aspect of the armed forces medical ork This is the first course for Nursing Otficers to be held in Camp Borden at the Canadian ces MedicalService Tr Centre National Defence Photo Torontoan Will Lay on 1000 Since NHA Fund Dry TORONTO CP Toronto building iiim said Friday it will probably have to lay off more than 1000 meubecause of the ex haustion of National Housing Act mortgage money Wan Bagon spokesman for Consoheated building Carports tion Limited said Winter build ing plansmay he cuthy as much as onethird in the flrrnsflor ontoarea subdivisions He said his company would not raise prices on its NBA houses and would continue selling lots on an ownHapplicant basis in the hope the federal government will make more money available next year Gavt Has No Data 150 To BeIExecuted OTTAWA CF The alfoirs department said Friday the government has informa tion to corroborate the charge that 150 Hlmgarianrstudentsare being held for execution in con nection with the 1956 Hungarian antiCommunist uprising The statement followed reports that student groups at the Uni versity of British Columbia and the University of Toronto are circulating petitions protesting the executions The ement said the govern ent at in possession of firsthand information because it has no diplomaticlmission in Hungary but every effort is be ing made to explore the matter through other channels STARTINGMenu THE EDMED ROMANCEWITH TE ACEENTflNLYflUTHl um emsmom lion our more you om Spokesman for the National House Builders Association and the Toronto Metropolitan Home Builders Association said tawas announlnment that the 31000000000 housebuilding fund has run dry is serious de velopment ALREADY BEHIND Clemson of TMHEA said housing starts in the Tar onto aren are already aspereenl behind last year and further drop canbe expected after the government announcement Emuas Ontario regional ififormation for Central ortgage on Housing Gorpora tion said NBAmoney has been committed forebout 4500 houses in the Torontorarea Hesnid there are more com pleta and unoccupied NHA nauced houses in Metropolitan Toronto than at any time since 1945 Even if money were avail able the on would hesi tate beforemaking loans in some areas gt He disagreed wi claims that winteremriloymentwould be seriously aif ted by the as nouncement Work will go ahead on the 12500 unfinished homes across Canada which received rect NRA loans Lou files at Rice Construction Company Limited said thei would be loopercent shut in new house construction as as new commitment are eo corned Vitamin Claims Vi Branded is false WASHINGTON APlThe us Food and Drug Administrati here has branded as false claimsthat vitamin diet so plcmenis combat such diseas as sterility heart ailmenisan musculardystrophy re the daily provr more than adequate amounhi vitamin for the average viduoi it sai supplemen is isvnotne nanny Hum oNLY rWowrrks LEFT iFall Time Is Picture gt Withevery colourvaad block land white film bought and devel oped here you mayenter your favourite snapshot Vlst Prize Argus 300 Projector 2nd Prize Single Lens Movi Camera 3rd Prise Camera

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