Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1959, p. 4

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on earth mourned by Canadian Newspapers Ltd is sumo street name gainslo oscn noun BdrrieiHas Notable FRIDAY OCTOBER 30 1M sorrows Hockey HistorylGo Flyersv Barrie Flyers start their 15th season tonight on home ice in the Ontario Hockey Associatoins Junior series in this connection we are publishing to day special section devotedto the riy ers in which congratulatory messages biographies and pictures send them off one successful schedule which we hope will lead to the playoffs Even the Mem crial Cup is not nnattainabie since this same club has reached that goal on two previous occasions This message is addressed not to the Fiyersor their management or their sponsors the Boston Bruins of the Na tional Hockey League but to the citizens of the City of Barrie and the citizens of the wide area for many miles around The OHA Junior league is big league in hockey The majority of pres ent players in the NIH once played in this league This is the league where they got their final schooling from top notch coaches before moving into pro fessional ranks May we bring up some names like Mohns McKenney Labine Topazzini Mechell Bathgate Prentice Howell Fontihato Kelly Morrison Saw chuk Delvecchiofiorton Stewart Ma hovlich Puiford Duff Harris Hull Ar bour Lindsay Miklta Backstrom Bell veau McDonald These are just some of the players familiar toBnrrie hockey fans over the last few years who played here with or against the Flyers No doubt you can name many others Barrie was name in hockey over 50 years ago We sent out players like Steve Vair ErankFoyston Pro Boys the three great Meeklng brothers the Horsfieldsvrexas Whiteinto the big timeWe won hockey championships here in the early 1900s The last homebrelw who made the NHL was Leighton Hap Emms up there with Montreal Detroit and New York about 15 years in all Just coincidentally he happens to be the coach of the current edition ad the Barrie hockey club In foot Hap hasbeen the coach for 16 years It was in 1945 that Hap in association with Howard Nonis Charlie Christie and Archie Marshall decided that their home town Barrie that is was ready to move high the secalied big boysof hockey is Ibronto Oshawa HamiltonSt Catharines etc one first season was rough but yin Other Newspapers aunt mushrooms Montreal Star We hearfrom Germany theta bull escaped from slaughtérhouse and broke into movie theatre Afler scattering the crowd waiting to buy tickets it was eventually cornered by line po lice and shot Our sympathies are with lhebull inhis gal lant dash for freedom but his behavior after entering the ureatre left much to be desired No onsvean barge to the front of 1a theatréuueue andget away with it Anyway his situation was pot improved by his escape it was just another case of out of the frying you into the foyer ON RECOGNIZING CHINA Ottawa Journal The United Nations hasagain thrown out move to recognize Communist China as member of the UN The lournalhas for some years been of the opinion that Communistflbinalshould be admittedlo UN and should be recognized by Can ada Our reasons have been smted repeatedly They rise largely from the basic fact that Com munist China is there whether we recognize it or not Realism even in cold preferable to ostrichism However there are some very impressive roa soos employed by those who are against such relt cognition For consulans weimagine the best reason is thatit difficult for Canada re cognize Communist China so long as the United States isso deterrniuedly against such move This does not imply that Canada must never think or actdifferenlly than the United States but does recognize the very importer fact that we must weigh the value of recognizing Communist China against the harm of seriouslyimpniring CanadianAmerican relatiops That harm could be not only between and within the two countries but it would be an advertised rift on amalor issue warsistous team that barely woua game they packed the than 1200 seat Barrie Arena regularly Second season made the play offs Third season 194748 won the Eastern canada Juniortitle lost for the Memorial Cup to great team Port Ar thur By 1953 the Barrie Fiyers had com piled remarkablerecord uwoMem orial Cup Canadian championships four Ontario and ten Eastern Canada Since then the goinghs not been so good although in Ontario playoffs sev eral times There hasvbcen one reason not connected with the playoffs or man agement Fan support dropped off It was not so in those earlierdays when seats were ata premium in BarrieArena so much that it had to be enlarged to wdslinot nearly enough room At the hockey banquet the other night Bostons chief scout Harold Cotton for mer Toronto Leaf star put it right on the line Barrie is city nowtrue with 4000seats and still for playoffs therh close to 31000citizens butwe are com peting in hockey against Toronto Peter boro Guelph Hamilton st Qatharines This club has got to have public sup port to keepue in the big time or we slide back to or hockey or bush league Its community team community effort There is not in Canada beyond the Nm batter brand of hockey than ores Junior Fast exciting young men playing like collegians show Can adas national game at its best These are players on the way up not down and they have plenty of rewards fame and rinonitm in view if they want to go or This is fine bunch of boys Hap Emms and his Boston associates have gathered together this seasonpA clean out group of lads the biggest team in some years who wont have to be pushed around by the likes of Marlboros or st Catharines as in recent seasons They aredeserving of good solid Barrie fan support The brightest thing on the local hor icon in years was the late season ap pearance of the Barrie Flyers Booster Club last winter It may have saved hack ey in Canadas newest city Lets pack the arena tonight and all seasonto show and the Boston Bruins that Barrie is more than ever able to appreciate hockey at its best ofiniernational politics that Soviet Russian and Raina would make great propaganda out of Moreover recent Chinese action in Laosmakes this particularly bad time for UNvtobe reaching out to include Red China But there are otherreasons ably cited by on ponean of recognition most of which are im pressively stated in recent speech in the Aust ralian parliament by Mr Casey the Aus tralian Ministerfor External Affairs We say these reasons are impressive but we still hold loner earlier position thoughperbaps with some grave doubts as to timing In the interest of in formeddlscussion we present Mr ceseys argu ments elsewhere on this page iodayandcom¢ mend for them wide reading urnuaumu coran Hamiton Spectatory Apparently ed not as thick=as might have beenexpecied Mr Khrushchev has the heart of politician No one willbzye any desire to iobhim of the human side be displayed in granting the re quest of Lithuanian couple inDes Maine for the release oftbeir twochlldrem Neither can anyone miss the question of why the chil dren should have beenunable to leave Liohuw anis in themsf place or why Mr Khrushchev the Russian dictator and imperialist should have had any any in the matter ENTIRE GARDEN STOLEN EksirablndetCopenhagénl Johan Soorlum had the surprise of his life one morning recently when he stepped oubide to look at his garden his favourite hobby Tiiegan den had completely disappeared During the nightunknuwolhieves had stolen every plant tree shrub and flower in theplsce The only dung they left behind was some outdoor statuary Paagapocaiosienna In many case IndianSum er lan guor makes person as law as spring fever Ellis Earns Examiner Assam as none sub honomepjnepnmmxmuwa mm Sundays ma simian nousy mmu want Publisher InaVaranasi bunhul soon Business Manager Nnvruybhflsfl nunm Editor nosmvc sauna AdvertisingManager soars downs irculnllon Mansex Subucriptlon mns by crrier ans year Single will re By mo in YeaF31 woo nor sun six months not three moo minim Outl Canada 59m year Toronto an and may Ghoul or the Canadian omy Nsw or an Association is Cmsdinn cfrefisuou cmm an sorcmigdiiceuo the incleast pu nah republiclion ed pp onsetvan It niight be said that anatneis is person suffering from skeptic poisoning Do you have tired blood Catch line of anadvertisement Probably itis thus been running around dayand night forryeore without eveisfopplng forre Definition while you wait Amegghead Is person who km great deal more than youdo hutdoesnthave half as much sense No womanought to turn loose and al low herself to beenmelso fatshefhas four miles from Flamb KHRUS scams 0r SIX In orrsws more meteorsmi Thai Money 93 mawsassmmnum of thought modernlend fha ttwomootbsarebelog consistent pattern sperms plots aboutflee nmrnurarimyur tb rollodoutlblredcnrpetior merely client who his my But is summer this year the bead offices several banks evidently sent Iiiunlice to the tellinl em to do lb lid on loans but also outlinio ibsislktobegivenfoibedil oppoluiedborrowen There was remarkable sinin azin between many the pitches heard in banks north south east bank managers began in to their clients what were in and west Those head offices evli denily set out to sflmulate nationwide lobby of disappointed borrowers in prus their demands for more credit and higher later at rates And with remarkable unanimity and simultaneously deliver feet political speeches In turning down wouldbe bor rowers they rderred io amm mcnt regulations as the reason This of course is nonsense No government regulation told the acnrvis ALLEY rassing oversupply year Physical Education This Is our Heritage By DAVE KEYED Dir PE Supervisor of Physical Education to Barrie PS Beard FooflhMSuda In the years prior to the 1939 45 war England was in the grip of great wave of enthusiasm for physical fibress andrecren don Strangely enough this enth usiasm began in the National Crisis the slump years of the early 30s in camps for unem ployed youths and men They used to exercise and play games to keep themselves oc cupied In 1934 Miss Reid went to Denmark and Sweden and was very impressed by the voluntary mass physical exer cise done to music and particul arly by the Folk High Schools in Denmark and by the work of Niels Bukh in gymnastics Professor Lindhard in Copen hagenhad contributed he by research into bodily fitness and the physiology of movement and the people of England were justripe for fresh development in Physical Education So in the 1930s we find many organiza lions being formed to encourage physical recrear and administer tioo Organizations sucli as the meps League of Health and Beauty withits unherlying peace movement tbe Ling Physical Education Association and Cen FindRoyalGiave tralCouncii for Physical Rec reation and Training and the Na tional Association of Organizers and Lecturers in Physical Edu cation The Keep Fit classes will be well remembered by readers vho lived in the UK be fore the war GET OUT AND GET UNDER Germany too for reasons of national health and fitness de veloped very efficient system of physical recreation the Strength Through Joy meat which introduced city dwellers to the country and span sored physical activities for all ages with badges for achieve ment There were hikes tours and expeditions to encourage folk to get out of doors The idea was to encourage the people to be nation of doers rather than thinkers good for them to think too deep ly at thatjime WWW ran 33 STEPS It is indeedan ill wind that blows nobody any good the war was no exception for out of the war has developed the pres ent elementary school Physical Education system in England system which has set trend that must be taken seriously You may remember that im mediately prior lo the war Eng lands Physical Education ayst espoar room ILK under that hide which has prov dialYorkshire by Mglucmmrnnoon ates that this was the cemetery Special London Engl Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner is believed we royal grave over lwoyeers old had ciowned upefnlhed were those ofa rather Ianexciting season of archeolo dlmmllflVe people very few of Lonoou Discovery what emu moons of some as yet undiscovered se tlement and was not gravep from battle The skeletonswhich have been gnu excavations which havaWhomapproacbedlhe stature of been under way this summer at the modern Englishman 0f the Sewérby near Bridlington in earlier skeletons only one am Yorkshire The ancient grave cueded five feetsix lnchesdn believed foarcheologists to be heightllound them was buried that of need or princess who wealthof grave goods the King of the Outstanding among them was lda on his invasion the royal grave marked by 47 found micro The discovery agrave made by Philip Rahtz on behalf of the ministry of worksis re garded as find it the utmost importance it was made on flat low ridge withintwomiles Mtbe sea in Bridlingtoo Bay Head It5ls ied in with ancient history because of the in Bede the hostoriau left it on cord that King Ida and his fore °°h FOUND imsrynsn cairn of chalk blocks it contain ed adadult probably female who was buriedin bronzelined wooden coffin Traces of thevcofu fin were found The wealth of jewelry and other articles buried with the grsves occupant indi ates ih tbls person hour rough nedrlaceof mabeads With the bones were Large blended gilded broochj uare1gilded hr of gilded wrist clas arms bronze cauldron apair oi triangular bronze pen Encavaiions were undertaken ants and in wood and shale after seven skeletons obviously threadbox Otliergravesvyielded tvinfage were found mor broothes of anclen lastyearet fills sit during the building of farmhouse The lice Were nforme themioistry of beads and girdle ds are now beinggiven sreslilt careful scrutiny in the ishy orks Lliisyear of works anci excavi isionl old firshed Rahtz isoonvlnced ih scrutiny co th cen uryidaung sovm the see move Maybe it wasnt orpore sane em wasan amalgam of German Scandinavian and native English work The secondary school sym nasium differed basically very little from those of Sweden Ger many and Demnsrk in the early 1900s The walls were lined with wallbars SWedlsh bebms were swung down from the ceiling cllmblng ropes swung out on rails from nichelin the walls and gymnastic coats benches vaulting boxes horses bucks and springboards filledthe up parslus room along with balls songs skipping ropes and Indian The elementary school with gymnasium was however ra ritysnd work in these chools based on the 1983 Sy abus oi Physical Training ed mainly of calisthenlcs and activ ities with small Rhysp bags rubber hoops and skipping ropes games and swimming where possible The less Syllabus was gen nine attempt to broaden the field and scope of Phy5icnl Educa tion It appreciated the need for revision and was in many waysfar ahead of its time This is provenby the fact that it was the standard reference bookrfor schools for over 20 years it was replaced in 1953 by the syllabus Moving and Grow ing and its second part Flam ping tbePrngramrne The 33 Syllabus used the fermPhysi cal Education as webs Pityk aical Training This was in it self step forward lmplyingfthai physical work was part and pap eel of general education andthai iPbysicai framing was but part of that education 0fcoursa since then the word ainIng has itself been dropped The aims of Physical Educa Hones set outin the 1933 Sylla bus wsre to help in the pro ductionand maintenance of bee llougterm workin banks to halt smallloans the banks are not controlled by such ukases just by the Bank Act passed by Parliament THE RICH GOT RICHIE But meanwhile where bad the money gone which was in embar can lier Theemmer may lie largely in interlocking directorship bo twecn banks and big business which make for facile operation of The Old Pnls Ac The banks so short of borrowers year earlier moved heavily into field where they dont belong namely providing medium to usle for big business Cases are being mentioned here of big companies each with di rector who also sits on the board of its bank borrowing 5250000130 or 335000 or 0000000 this from which then hirned are refused Farmer Can QUEENS PARK lo tervim and book keeping tries and hence boosted wof lie believe three banks have lmtpaid extra dividends WHERE SHOULD WE GM solution to the tight money crisis as the banks would be for the government to remove the ceilingof six cm ppm the interest which they may charge on loans Prime Minister Diefcnbakeris set against ralsinglbe cost of borrowing for the small business man who is the bedrbonis of our commercelikswise he is deter mined not to undermine by crib idem our faith in and friendship for the chartered banks who have made possible the develop ment of nearly every small busi ness achieving success compromise solution heard hero is the seemingly brilliant suggestion of twotiered inter est rats on bank loans Say six per cent would be charged onthe first $10000 borrowed and sev or even eight per cent would be charged on the excesi amount of icon above $10000 This would not penalize the little man it would not hit the private bor rower it would not ruin big busi ness and it would encourage big ger business iogolothe snicker bond mnrket rather than to its bank to get pennanenl working capth There seem to be no insuper fllhilldim of proposal which in its basic form is said to be the braincth of Lhefar frominsignificant baby of the cabinet Associate Defence Min later Pierre Sevlgay Belkvilie Chse Net Exceptional By non oeran ronoNro Windup develop claim heal mean in the Bellevllls council of fair will be watched closely They could be good for munic ipal government in the province The test will be what reprh mand council members and offi cials suffer Nobody will Want to see it too severe those concerned were aftersll serving the public But also it would help if it were strong enougbto be lesson NOT RARE The Belleville case is an ex frame one but it is by no means exceptional In recent years can of munic ipal councils overriding the law have been very frequent They have involved it tr both large and small llton Port Hope and Eestview for just few and circum stances equally large and small And they have indicated wide spread lack of regard for at least the force of the law ARE LAW The prnvmcial controls over municipalities may be too en frame as some saythough Bella ville would not show this John Locke in iheleims Physical Education saithe Syllabus includes all activiiles liker tomlnister to physical health notably gym nestles games warming and dancing but sports free play nzzi walking tours scvbool journeys camps and all forms of occupation and exercise likely torcreate love of open aidand healthy way ofilvlng it took many years for the full effect of this book to be realized butout othe pistlence of teaclp er rand Iheyleadership andyexlt am le of suyervlsors lecturers antiJ spec elist teachers has grown the present wide con cent and practiceof physical ed ucdtion gt The me with which will appeai on Mondaydeols with what has buppéned to make modern English ele mentary school Physical Ed ucdtfon so valuable an example IBLE THOUGHT up as child in Train should go andwhen he is hid will not deport fro up oi ii if parachutes ill the rd shades of rroebel and Pestah of districts But eitherneer but they are the law and must have respect The way to handle bad law is to change it not disobey it ontario Brew roaoNro CP Supreme Court bearing wosgtoid Thursday first the Liquor Conhvl Board of Ontario ordered group of breweries to stop price cutting in 1935 The court as told the action followed request from the Brewers Warehousing Company Limited gt Associate CrownCounsel Robinson indicated this when he road letters circulars and memo randaiat the trial of Canadian Breweries Limited which has leaded not guiltva charge of avlng formed oroperated combine by merger trust monopoly Mr Robinson said tar bearing the typewritten HUB was written by Bell secretary of Brewers Ware housing in 1935 to the chief commissioner of the liquor board PRICECUTE GEOWING The letter said in no price cuttingiof draught beeris area but has exte ed toather drastic action Is Unless some on imme din exampla to enforcement icyihas swung too far And there is unlidpglike good bringiabout obe dlence AVOID FORCE legitimate question is why has the government permitted the laxity that it hssl Why did it not step in There are two main reasons One isy that the inclination of the present administration has always been to avoid force wher ever possible The second is that the general ille in our law governm mum ipalitié is that control is left in local bands In most casesif any corrective actionistobetakenitmustbu started by local people And even where way it is only in Ham GET roucar Despite tbemerlls of local tonomy there will be fewhrdlb agree that this handsoff pol it also will be reviewed now and tougher ouilook may evolve ltwouldbea great smorlse however if there were anysub standalcbange This government has the ap proach it is desirable for every eriesiloldiTOStop Pride Clot 1111935 CourtT Hears pected that real price will develop before the en of the present wee Referencewas made to pr vrous letter that asked theboard is tell all brewerstbatprices op proved by the board mustbe ad hered to and any evidence price cutting wouldgesult in dby Mr Robinson said that McGeachle boardjcorhpoller then advised SIsard men ag of Brewers Warehousing telegram had been brewery letter from log out chief commissioners the linutonlyconiiued toviheIWindsor hoard whichsai thelboard as theipower to fix The lettler wrlt addressedfohrp who

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