amine Gdllllé rInSummit LONDON tRcutersiOne Brit lshrnewspaper has biamedPrl5 ident dc Gnnlle for delay in holdingan East Vest summit meeting and another urges the West to unilyfils policies before negotiating with Premier Khmhcbev Each was commenting on Pres ident nhowers announce ment Wednsday that Western leaders are rcadyto meet to strengthen the Vuts position in negotiations with Russia Del ewe Rescuers To The Rescue But Bennie Beaver Belted PASOOï¬Waah APW all the publicity hugged Bernie the beavuty Hes bohosled out more ben vu bastille which be held him in thefunï¬nlsbcd ice harbor dam for more than month While mans might was being The Scotsman in burgh says summit meeting with Rus sin is being held up by de Gnulles tnsistcnce on putting Mr Khrushchev on further probe tionary period The independent newspaper owned byConadian publisher Roy Thomson adds that dc Gnulios attitude now was the position held by President Eisenhower last December and terms it out of date COULD WASTE nrmnrs The Scoumnn says the French presidents attitude could undo the work of the lost low months which resulth in Eisenhowers meeting with Khrushchev and which should reach fruition in an EasHIest summit CHARLES de GAULLE The London Daily Telegraph Conservative says that delay in holding the summit would disap point Prime Minister Macmillan but declares it would be unthink able for the Western powers to meet with Khrushchev before agreeing on policies Therenre deep and genuine dillorences among the Wutern allies nbouthow best to deal With the Soviet Union in the com ing years Miria Callas Ignores Threats To Bomb Theatre While Singing KANSAS CITY tAPtA bomb hoax interrupted Maria Callas opera concert for 40 minutes Vednesday night but the tempes tuous soprano brushed it off as ridiculous Former president and Mrs Harry Truman were nmong the 3573 persons in Midland stage ailer lime Cniias first number and announced Ladies and gentlemen the management has received call which indicates danger or this nudionce so we are asking you to leave this building for hall hour lhe audience enlmiy walked out while police swarmed through the downtown theatre The concert was ï¬nished with out incident alter the audience returned The orchestra was playing an mnrsbalied Wednesday tarball him outjrom tnmace pool there came this sudden shock no Bennie Turns out now time he was seen was afternoon Bennieeithu blew or is brooding beneath the driitwood in the pool He may be there from choice Game men and dam workers have been ceding him block poplarthe ultimate in the bea ver cuisine Whod want to be rescued leonnrd Esty pro engin eeriortheurmyeneerset the Snake River dam aboutts miles east of here said Wed nesdey Bennie ould have climbed out of his prison on steel supports jutting trom the concrete walls The darker view is that Ben nle might have been sucked rddwn by whirlpools and drowned in the temporarily in the last water filled turbine genernt ing chamber where he was trapped The suction could have carried him to an outlet 60 feet below Jhe waters sur face In any event rescue plans have come to standstill overture when man called the theatre box ofï¬ce and police headquarters He told the police dispatcher fTherea bomb planted in the orchestra pit atthe Midland Theatre thats set to go of at 930 Concert producer Larry Kelly hurried backstage and told Mine Sunday Km OWN PUB8r COIJJBRQOK N31 AP Woman hunter has beer skinto prove theta oolleo hnakcan pay all Mrs Lawrence block of East Herkirner was hunting witl her husband near here hnortheest of Utica Monday to return to camp As she wardrlnking cup of coffee she saw large black bear lumber across neerby swamp grabbed my rifle and opened tire Mrs Mode said ller first shot hit the ani mal Enraged it charged at bar Mrs Mock said she iired two more shoterne of them hitthe bear and it reeled over CURVES IN COMMONS LONDON tReutorsJayne Mnnslioids ï¬gured unexpectedly in parliamen tary debate on economics Wednesday Labor member Harold Wil son urging bigger appropria tlons toldthe House of Comv monsz The Sovtcis photographed the reversa side at tbemoon The summit of Western achievement seems to be to photographthe reverse side of Jayne Mansï¬eld Wilson was referring to widziy published photos of tho Hollywood actress now mak ing movie here as she emerged backwards from automobile Callas few minutes before oclock what time is it supposed to go oltlf she asked Told that it was 930 she replied ihcn will go out and sing and let the people know am here if dont theywill say Weil that Maria Callas Ill take the llS hIhdusfttY Appeal wesnntolon AP ignited State Supreme Court rc iueca border the Steelworkeu Union to speed up lte appeal at backdowork injunction that would halt at iepst temporarily the 1W rteel strike The government made strong pm to the amt Wednesday to telltho union to get going on the mine go no at least then mum olneanIlgcolenegotin ï¬llinittdznrghbct thélmim neon and the big steel companies mm cm1mm 82nlaSleelCmonlynlCu year working MamieWed been W111 Wedneedunintwheohenppar dlnnls and thetnlematlonnl mad rear eotiytoochcdnEMvoltwlre WholWRedWm while working on money 514WMllmal33l3 power nation Denim nnnotmoedswflnudax trunnion YOU NEED THEN DONT DELAYV CALL 1200 ION mgPHoNEIooAy appeal by noon today Without commentr the court denied the justice department request That leaves the union until Monday to appeal the ruling 01 Philadelphia appeals court thnt upheld the injunction laid under the TaitHartley labor law But union lawyer Arthur Goldberg said he expects to ï¬le the urinal appeal notice withthe high tribunal Friday and present complete briet tor the union case by Monday This mead the bout probably ham linens to or more TakonpfoSOmonths torephyonawide eelectxo nofloanplana Fnsboourteoneeervioa Dillth sneer PHONE PA HM SPECIAL Bokcdln Ps Own Bakeryay Mattl Blle imprm RAISIN ROE HAVE In gt PIE 69 Stock unï¬t runr At no how Prml sr tools31931 some has mmminnnwnns norm noon Allmet MleoSAVER MARGARINE gt 2lins3u In Chili Sauéo tin MAVEJWQ cLAnKsPonxanrnns 3m49r Aen flouplop MAVE 14 amen IEA Bias My Produce Featheres MLLDWEEN FAVOURlTE snow APPLES packed In Our Own elm Quick 43 is gt PM HoSAVE Be dwsslï¬o Atrium co FOR WELL OUTS FANCY GRADE SNOW°APPIES manhï¬45 ALLANs announce use Is 29 Palm neequFt seesweet llQliiD FLOORWAX évafué65e Coloured the It evesave NEwu ONTARIO CHEESE mess 2Ib525¢ 53 ï¬ne aSeSAVE no PEAtttll Butter gt295 em Rialfrom wth ale rollrlrssinouunsrrlltnolsr PORTERHOIISE orSlRlolN ROAST 3° BONELESSRUMPROAST oeesseztseee BONE£55 5mm ROAST rightthrough the fibre The origin inur stay of light washing or stemremoving agents New Standard cause Because of its unusually high meme lobmnrhty and moisture its quickdrying properties and its CQ liben the ones you dread most inkfruit juices coin and by other beverage stains sponge off easily with little soap or detergent and warm water Oil and other greasy spots disa gt pearwithordinary enningfluidAll Dvltanltlm Youritriian CQ carpet will stay luxuriously newlooking becausey of its builtin resistance to soiling its life if time colour clarity and because it is so wonderfully easyrto care for new Standard of soil RESISTANCE Because tits revolutionary mirr Right would BACK BACON swanu stony SMOKED nuns mas remarkable resilicncy Triian Cins less susceptible to wishing than many higher priced carpets sore amour Showrohms FRYING cutean VzIzi Box Mou lees wise 11 Booadv ï¬n WHOLE KrkNu Cm or no uteri SAurrItkilur CnpenfM 3335 Mï¬choiu QnIW FISH aCHIP nationt Brand Turkey chicken or Hntibnt marries SPECIAL 3MYSONLY as UprMurkéf an MIANS brleDAaIllVV