Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Oct 1959, p. 4

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and all Canada was sup 11P Em Emmott Published by Canadian Bewspepemhtd is Reynold street cama Penn soon Building THURSDAY across 22 Industry Elspedts Certain Advantages In 60 Contemporary taste and rising living standards are reriected in the rapiddh cilne in 15$ and twostorey dwellings and the gradual rise in floor space according to the current Commercial Letter pub lished by The Canadian Bank of Com meme lit the same time modern rash ions in housing which permit fewer houses per acre than the older styles plus the trend away from the larger urban centres to the new suburban develop ments pose grave problems in regard to the financing of roads sewers and other services in many municipalities Sustained prosperity and rising income coupled with more liberal mortgagefin ancing terms in the postwar era have been key factors in stimulating housing demand Immigration and high net rate of family formationhave also play ed their part in maintaining the building boom Between 1948 and 1958 more than 11 million new residential units were com pleted and older structures were con verted into some 66000 duplexes and apartments The current years program may see the completion of another 1504 000 structures bringing the post1945 fi gures to nearly 195 million new units During the past 10 years the average cost of onestory dwelling financed under the National Housing Act has ris en from $7379 to $4263 The size of the average house in this category has in creased irom 877 square feet of floor space to 1094 square feet and building costs per square foot have gone up from $782 to $1058 The rising cost of land $570 for the average singlestory house in me to $3463 in 1958 is the third large factor in the increased cost of house 18 There are already signs or changing trends in Canadian housing from the pattern of earlier postwar years accord ing to the Letter Apartments and other tenantoccupied dwellings have taken up an increasing proportion of new housing construction in recent years and stage of rent reduction has now been reached in certain areas However apartment building is on the increase in the nearer suburbsoi some cities where high land priceshave tended to discourage the building of private dwellings The co operative apartment house owned ioint lygby the tenants is relatively new feature which appears to be grbwing in DOWIBHW The birth rate after reaching speak in 1954 shows signs of temporary de cline and with the future oflnimigra tion somewhat uncertain some sources of housing demand mayj slacken How ever net family formation is likely to rise within afew years as result of the high birth rate in the forties and coupl ed with the sustained rise in personal income will probably give underlying strength to the housing construction in dustry The industry the Letter enter the sixties with certain Jdvantagelt es which it lacked in 1946 including im proved housing legislation bettEr plan ning or developments increased skills and the benefits gained from the experience of the most productive 15 years in its history Opinions of Ollier Newspapers mun UNIONS AND rotrrrcs Pittsburgh lress Partisan political Vsllgnmeni organized labor dates from ibeNeW Dealinnd violates fundamental policies established bythe found ens of themovemeni including Sam Gompers Political influence hasbeeh pretty heady medi cine for some union chiefs who have become more politician thanlabpr lead to the he glect of theirJrimary responsibi dean the process union dues money often has been used in highly questionable manner HOCKEY SCANDAL St Thomas TimesJournal It Is not too much to say that the revelations about the Belleviiie McFarlsnds amateur hoclt key team are scandalous There was great enth uasiasm in Believille when they returned from Europe as world champions after they had won all the trophies illey could winin Canada They were feted and hailed as heroes of some kind osed to be proud than But now itx transpires that they got big fees forslgning as players and hey got fat salaries every week ranging from $115to $250 dollars plus payments in lieu oiyvages if they could not get job in or near Belleviile Under such terms few of them looked for ujoh was simpler to just hang around and draw ompensalion Most of the cost seems filo have been home by the municipality although aicw citizens were aware of that and the lakpayers find themselves bewiiy burden Ahock fcesr inLurops gt so me lha raising of peacocks had been suedess at Springwaier Par sing these birds is not easy but the Fore had been very orbmate From one air raised 19 chicks Usually the peahen lays not more an to use in the year Inclrbator and elec ic broader are used hatching and raising irdslln ih they For twoycars the com border bad bee menace in parts of Simcoeand especl Township As result specialmeghng as held in the Oro Township Hallnnder au ea or me bro Agricultural society with the resident Walker in the chair Agricill al representativestewart Page and Seed tor George Day were present and took cos of Slimmerleafsé appears in have done whatgho likedwiih the team and officials and with ille gale money which amounfed in 27 games to $200000 of whim the Bellevilleclub got only 97000 That is high price in pay for an honor 9fthistkind becausv the Mciarlands 313mm to have Waist fraud on the public by posing as amaleurs We do notsay they imposed fraud on their op poneuLs because wehave no doubt their Europ can opponents were paid also Canadian hockey has long been suspected re garding the status its amateur formal facttkem areilar days games such at Moseplsyed in St Thomas are perfecilyopui profesional bassls and the leagues are not open to challenge But sham ateurisml has become general policy and with professional promoters any kindof hunting is liable to happen CANADA MEDAL AWARD Victoria Times Nineteen yearsago Mr Mackenzie King HIV pounced the creation oftbeCarfidi Medal an award apparently to be madeto someonegwho had rendered outstanding service io this country Since thst time the medal has been de signedand samples shuclcbut in almost two decades it hasbeenawnnledto no one The Ottawa Journal has come forward with the excellent suggestion lhatihe first Canada Medalbe given to the lichen Vincent Mrs orla and leterborough Counties Lillie or no tenimnhad been paid to the outbreak andwrth no cleanupimeasures taken it had devel difer iher ireatlneniwss almost entirely burning all looserooiswhen dry in fall or spring also loose stalks to nsiie all stalks or feedfthem whole shredded cut Borers perish wben est en by cattleEarlyplantingwili also help but it 15 best to make about three plantingssom whatever awe lapsrtn tragicacoi any resi amateurs nowad sunrise rllr lllllCllllr Retreat LONDON CF Pllttlng the Buckingham Palaceimbue be hindtheheavy iron fence in full retreat from touriels seems to be making everyone exiremtly happlrucepi the sendics Newspapers are fully occupied taking credit for first suggesting this lensfblc move Britons are busy writing to editors to con gralulate the war office on its humanity and radio commenta ton are working full time in my it should havenbeen done yeay ago But it seems liooue thought of asking the seniries They only get their names in the paper when they kick someone in the shins or rip the seat outof their pants They are hopping mad th time Pte Tom Gill sixfoot two inch Grenadier 31 small pulled back his shoulders stuck out gt his chest and announced its dead loss AMERICAN BEGAN FUSE The guardsmen feel they have an important task to doguard ing the Queen The fuss began when can woman complained that guardsman kicked her in Jim shins He was sentenced to in days solitary confinement few days later another guardsman tripped his pants and gigglifl INTERPRETING THE an Ameri some BUCKIllGililM pnscr Behind iourlsir milled Iiilllldlfl weal glee vAll Britain mpflblred with the scabies who must stand rigid without moving onsye Fi nally after months of discussions the war olilce decided to move them from the sidewalk safe spot well inside thefenoe The commanding officer of the Grenadier Guards Lt Col Robert Steele is far from happy will the decision Surely an American shin is pendable be BritishOfficers Help To Mold Bars Makes Sentries Unhappy Theyll didntfln any vicet elll And the way theybave feuding down runs and has it was time mecca tool look at ihem Lindsey ll one tbs marligeeved points the co FREIGHFiATII Prompilng it win the formal announcement that the province would be appearing beforethd Mcngue Commission on Trans poriailon The omenistlonmhowu deal mainly with freight nus And the only addition to the ear uer report here is that an omist has been mum to out lie is John Lorne Hmong or McDougcll bu the reputation of being goodman on freight rules He will need to be re rail REPORT mom ll on the incident however seen mulling quilldiffer m3 have unanimwsly ihoy have seenmethingdlcy Him There is strong contrast tween thrubeuls and Lilian anthem approach to reorganize wnun we take in odiside cor An exceptionally large crowd honedontthereforstzsapllle dinner for leader John Winleri mvpr KL Villageslilac Melanin noon Bottle VFor1Church in building which should says He feels the enllrc regi moot ls behind him Guardsman Allan Deakin is even more annoyed We shall feel like caged animals Guardsman Roy Croucher says We are being made to retreat The scntries how will do their marches and snappy turnarounds few feet from the palace wall Policemen will stand at the gates keeping tourists oul its taking the glory out of be ing grenadie says Gill llewest llir Perce In Malaya KUALA LUMJPURJReutelsi Young Malayans are taking to the skies in the worlds newest air force which Britain is mold ing forfthis strategic nation in Southeast Asia The Royal Malayan Air Force formed in illneJilSe is the latest branch of the countrys fastgrow ing armed services British officersand iuslrnciors are helping the air force born in an age of supersonic leis reacbthe high est possible standards The Federation of Malaya whicdcelebraied its second year of independence from Britain in Costly Steel Strike involves sensation MoanrsoN annsdian Precs sun waver it may seem inconceivable that Management ControlsDeinand in practice management said it found the grievance committee sometimes took two or three years to reach decision in the took place on betaber is countrys economy can chlmblli meaning there was ferment and M9 whenCyril WilllarnGuest28yearold contend fall on the question of how mug among Lhegwmken be of MrsuEilim Guest and the late Frederick much time amen should spend cause management hsdeougbt Guest Toronto form éé fly of Innisfil andBanIe met aih byvdrowmns withihreegoiher young meninLake Dssserat is mlleshvest of Room Que Theiother wereStanle Moore 75 Cyril of were millennium coghelIAiz Rouyn and Henry Lyon 31 of or an washing his hands ondflrinklns coffee Yet these have become import ant issues in the current United States steel strike the longest and cosiiiestin history ForJibe changes In one plant management folmd employees were taking ext cessive time for coffee breaks This slowedproduction August has as yet nolet or oiher military aircraft But this preservedbecause of itehlslorb cal background estimate the mm coltofrecionllon ammo Sevonl parishioners gave ovi LONDON Th hmmi deoce quid pleased met their un ilon of the Somerset village saw mflhmd be plum withlellTlorey with the creep tion of two semis no behind an mdmwducflgflm babysitters appeared at izcon sblory court to wage bottle 13 mm mum at st the Venerable Archdeacon Tauniou Cause of the bottle PEOPLE UPBELD was petition to the court by the The Chancellor of the Consis Archdeacon to bavedielroolb loryCourtW Wigglesworth yearold Church St Mary de tooklhe unusual course of an molishcd They presented naming his decision at once counter ition for its rulora Re rejected the Ardldeacon lion andretenti as their place petition demolilinn and ask nf worshipln tilevillage Their ed for ow peiitlomglving uii petition was successful details of the proposed restolz The register of ihls oldchureh alien in remarked that the doles from 1697 but ll holding church we of mu century origin itself is over 150 yearsolder ina remote part of thenreudon Sealing 100 people it has low Hills and that if at all possible spoon um 1m Correspondent he ingstaudards of its people by tropical penlsule where Com Embattled 10W WWI 11°6191 munistbandiis are still waging Last Year the services of jungle revolt is heavily guarded dime we Emmid from the air Begis the henliiceswere united BIG cranium FORCE and the Witbiel may church Flights of let bombers and dosed During the winter bo fishters belonging tolhe air cause ihefchurch lulu mar forces of Britain Australia and heaung amen were heldrin New Zealand are linked hereine Vmggg hm mi this rm fled mum and powerful striking force to guard rgemed by some of the may of Malaya slon CA defencael treaty with onunonwe th nations enables Malaya Io concentrate on the Chum urgenttask of improving the live SMALL POPULATION On behalf of the Archdeacon using for that purpose money of Taunlon who wishes the which would otherwise have to go church demolished it was sui inlo heavy defence bndget chhat the villagehad popula Malaya also is developing an lieu of only 40 of whom six were army navy and air force to the nonconformisis Nearlyrii the point at which they will some people wished the church retain day have on deterrent ed but it wouldcostmmo for strength its restoration It was amid Yr its air force is much younger that all but two of lrlahion brother to the countrys other ers owned cars and wildcat servrces the Royal Malayan veniently travel ihefi miiuvto Regiment the Royal Malayan Bramptonfiegis The Arcbdea fl°m lemal 5355 of the parish in August the vicar lied but theipeopie decid neighboring village of Brampton itshmddbersiained It lnTibei clifmmf°sitiifit betwua the Chinese administra iionin Tibet and thezPsnchen 959 ed to fight for the retention Luna who stepped into thevshoés of the Dali Lama soon after the flatter flight to no ifhue reports indicate relations betweoatho Paacheo Lama and the Chine have become con xi eubly strained indecent wceli Th ave been at least two cabinet crises resulting in the dimduel and arrest by the Chi Punchen Lamas line of two of advlsers But as yet there is nothing in Crisis Erisisj Sikkim indicate friction mats confirm reports publlshedabroad Navy and the Royal Federation con said he did not thinlr the of Malaya Police church council will position to It is developing skills and lecb maintain the church nioues which were shown on restored gt full scale for the first time when me mg of Malaya reviewed the OPPDSES ARCHDEACON force recently It has increased The De GIWW tenfold in little more than year began with one 33mm the care of churches backedlm Mn Pioneer its strength today the relation of he parishioner chem man of the Central Colored forq mm iltwm disbendedby ibeVChlneso follow log the discovery oraplot against sdnllnlsfrgtioli rinses manor1 Refugee lamsstm the Na orpe and Shwemonasteries in Buisonizewheresloug the line is 10 aircraft to officers Vandover and Wilma the 90 itbecame apart practice andimmenv While thechurch hudno great rm pmchelmév gagimckdwltb Neulyf half fire oiflcers are atrghlmlufllrtilzlflflmh 1mourningglchanrhdtsncn company sians mm aye Thousands was we =55 V9113 havilyguor and admissinnir Fl young Chinese building and should be retain coud huntingparty onshorea mile mnldbilliondoliar strike involves acres the lake beard shouts about530 pm more than labor demands for went across butiben theyreachedlhe vie higher wages it involves man unity it was dark hnd flashlights were noton agernentdemandsforgieatcon mdiscusslon Chief Speaker was Prof or who stated that weather conditions had favorable for tire borer that summer and of Malayans restricted to pass holders They outbreak had been bad across Simcoe Vict laragraphicolly Speaking The reason women pile up scmuch cushiiéht and nayruns nothing uol over working conditions in themills lothis case it ismoi so question of tethnologicsl reg clut on or automation replacing me but of company complaints that workers show reluctance 10 break long5 established working perch who range mileage is that they take many ejau you toiwonder he doesnft get habits that they refuse to co in autonomous nuou ome Department mm more between two given points Put It may all right to fight firewit lire insome circumstances but before burn heingintherniils setting outato do so he ittingrwhat mightzbeire leagainst blowtorc gardc no cani operate to increase production ef ficlency ens ENsLAVEMENr CHARGED Management argues thcre is featherbedding going on slackness in producing steel clous David McDonald using sun Workers presidenichsrgesj ihe ¢0mpnnles are me to auto rud Cooper proposes tht the Managerlien also complain thatworkers left their iobs 10 minutes before quitting lime and spent this lilacwashing up or leaving the plant Why shouldnt man clean up on company time unnion offi cial retorted its done in ry other industry COOPERATIOIflr MUG gt These and other company com plaints of inefficiency in working conditions has shown heavy nanclal costs management main lewd lt it wants Imere com ative attitude by labor but when charges management wan should spend on lunch the Management liegoiiatpr Coll washroom and hundrodeothern eyes detallLthat cannot be master Maisys ludians and Eurasians crowd recruiting offices when ever applications are being ac cepted Foreign industrial Competition worries limeric Europe and Japanis worrying American businessmen They see lhelis supply mate individuals and enslave the called experts to dictate bow ard rdropllng4with signs that the sis and acl man should work how long he lus of the American dollar is be ing weakened in the worlds They see us exports dropping qiiesiionof working eondi he be mindsd by anybody in advance and imports rising creasingly placed before an arbitration for thousands nfmen These de Theysee American comps ids board Overirny dead b6dY tailscanv boworkedout wcr over working conditions cirin 1547 management agreed to work contract clause which Di building planisiabroad to sell not only in their host countries where They see sometr marketsshroad shrin 13 take Col Bertrand Show an hority on ancient churches call all by the parishioners aid mamas activities feel most small Li There ve been reports that mertfiim severe restrictions known einturbulent spiritl Buddhlstmonksarrivingins an Busmessmen We we beft is mm that 40 ave orced odomanual market and that rising prodllo or tion costshere unionism Im lllney so go creasul gt at it will to the regime have 1355 For some we in rent to lndooirinltion schools the siiuatlonslresdy seeml crit lfior others it irregst growing threat Any weakening ofthe us nationalstanding woul pride but Lilnu snipeetéd of you Thatvye love one Thanloved you that also love one another John number of Teshi Lbilnpo monks work Many have been lit to are pricing themselvesoui of the workto repair the daring done earn place which gasshelled ensues uring the nunmun cvlbeen placed on the Pancben menhbctwientheegerofitand III commandment Live

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