immuneIM 17th on uni no telepho nnmherlo collections canons mansion OFTOWNG SeekChangeover Damnncasscus or mick Home Alfonso Woodali 36 life jacketed man at lower left shown rescuing Louis Fobri so from Lake Eries rhugh waters Fabris outboard mo torboot capsized about 20 feet iromshore near Cleveland He and cpmpauion Eugene hlnrsh 20 who was drowned were duck hunting Note de coy ducks bebindlabrl and gasoline container floatingvat left Rope around Wondalls waist is held by persons ashore who pulledthe men to safety Russians Supportikes Bid For Summit Talk This Yedr PARIS AP The Soviet am bassador to Paris said today that President Eisenhower has pro dndnf this year mam Vinogradov would add nothing posed summit conference at the to reports that Premier Khrush end of this year and that the So chev will visit Pr viet government is in agreement Gaulls soon esident de The statement was made by cant say your n0 he said with Foreign Minister Maur lce Couve deMurville reporter asked the ambassa Sergei Vinogradov after an hours witha big smile informed Allied circles said France has already xnotilied its Western Alliesof such visit dor about the Soviet position on sAyg ACngTED summit conference Vinogradov lepfled President Eisenhower has pro posed asummlt conference at th AUGUSTA Ga AP Pres ident Eisenhower told press cooference today he is willing to go to an EastWest summit con ferenee whenever the Western Ale ages have coordinated their posi on enhoiver cont Edema he respondence With the Western leadersfor an EastWest sum mit meeting with Premier Khrushchev as early as Deeem her But the presidentsaid he has no strong feelings regarding the timeout any sucbsessi uTherimpormnt thing is thatrthe West get together and presents uinited front at any summit ses nn Thepresidents views on high level meetings had already been lselosed in an announcement ent Ha rty said inrespons toquestion is ing in tavo of ouldbe Worth wail to Western summit meeting with our llies gt spring West summit They said the invitation has been accepted and that Khrush ohev will come to France either late this yearor earlynext Ike Conï¬rms Urging Leaders For Early Meeting With Mr He is ready to attend such meeting any time from new on FRENCH STATEMENT The announcement that Eisen hower is willing and ready to go to Western toplevel meeting any time came inrespbnse to re quests for comment on state ment by thejafrench cabinet Wed nesday That statemant with signs that de Gaulle was the author was that France agrees in prin ciple to an EastWest summit meeting but not until next The statement also specified there must he an easing of world tensions prior to assesslon th Khrushchev The French government added that an East West conference should be preceded by leisurely meetings of the Western leaders OTHERS VIEWS Macmillan has been the most eager of theWestern¢leadersfor summit meeting and appara ently has seen no real eedfor prehimin ry session Adenauer there arentiaumeI nut concess ns to lflirushchev on Weathean De Gaullc hashad deep reser vationsabout toan East PRESS TIME FEASHES day astu drawn mthe autumn Taylor might have since 1951 mews for Canadas export Member rising16 per 3457500 000the omen fstn tics sol wa the highest export iigur or any September vSatnr run nngfthe $60000 Canadian Championship received ironing setback at noon today when New Pro deuce was elarssicg New Providence owned beenlthe anbred horse Goldbergi ade pickedup steam in year earlier to total day in an advance We are in agree for the Eisenhower of the sonnet that set the regulations five weeksat the coil steel workers The French government res malned silent but it was gener ally felt that an official announce mcnt would be made when dates are firm General diplomatic pin leaned toward an early date be cause it would permit personal contact between the French pres ident andthe Soviet leader prior to an EastWest summit meeting In London Downing Street spokesman confirmed today that Prime Minister Macmillan has been informedof de Gaulles in vigith tojgh shchev TELL ALLIES Paris sources said similar noti fications have gone out to other Western Allies The invitation plus de Gaulles desire for spring rather than preChristmas summit meeting clearly disappointed the Briï¬sh government officials reacted to the developments however with out criticism Britain wanted summit meet ing called for Dec to take ad vantage ofthemomentum Lon don now believes exists for an easing ol EastWest tensions British headlines reflect disap pointment at de Gaulles goslow attitude toward the summit De Gaulle rocks summit says The Daily Mail Dont let him dictate urges The Daily Herald Defends Obese Student OAKVILLE ca chefOak vdle ublic school board Wednes luyearold James Babinetz dis missedfrom Long Branch Teach ers College becausehellï¬re 0V pintESted the dismissalas arbitrary and un fair and requested theftudents reinstatement gt Trustee Gotten told the board that the only obes ity in this case was inthir heads 11 servicatype of per Bebinetz was dismissed latter ecause what college offi rmed gross besity Theslxftone pounds 3flldjges Grant 351991 Strike te stay of an the striking of tliree federal ju granted an indef injunction against The unions lawyer Arthur repeated his ergult ments that the strike has created Inanational emergencyi that the economy is booming deep is some unemployment and bus ess daywhen he ruled that the steel strike threatened thssnational eo onomy Judge35taley stayed the th iiuunc terwards As long as our industrial as sessment continues to increase asrapidly as it ha there will be little if anymaior tax in gt crease for Barrie Mayor WillardKinzie was com mentlng ode remark made to day by the president ol tiieiCsna dian Federation of Mayors and Muhiclpalilies that tax rates in most municipalities are hound to increase as aresult of high interest rates on municipal borlt rowing Mayor Kbizia pointed ï¬ll that the spiraling industrial assess ment tendszto balance other fac tors andtkeep Barries residen tial tax rate more steady than in many other communities lle commench on statement made by new industry in Bar rie UniversalCooler that one reason for shifting to this city was that of lower taxes fThere is no question that the high interest rates are an extra cost factor he continued and if our borrowings were sufficient it could cause hikein the tax ratelle added thatBarrie how ever has adopted pay as we go systemto absorb the cost of public works particidfliy on UNlTEDNATlONS NY GP The United Nations has indirectly condemned Red on for violat ing thbasic hts of Tibetans but the rnove left without im portant support from nearly ohe third of the General Assembly The assembly Wednesday voted 45 to No approve an Irish Malayan resolution urgi re spectfor efundamental rights of the Ti tan people to determ ine their own way of life But 26 countries abstained from the hal loting including Britain France and Belgium Thesethree Wes tern Allias voiced strong sym pathy for Tibetsplight but sisted that Tibet is part of Red China and that the UN has no right to interfere in internal af fairs Canada voted alongwith the majority and India ablt stained rams counsa ear in advance that it willdisregard the resolution We will canyon the revolution in Tibet to the end no matter how madly the imperv ialists how declared the Pan chen Lama the Communist ap inted ruler of Tibet in speech in the Chinese capital Wednes day Only the Soviet bloc voted against the mildlyworded did not mention Red China or the charges that it crushed an Communist uprising inthe Him alayair laud last spring But the tVoday debate that preceded the vote resounded with condg tionofPekingyv with the Tibetan su outrot day to the disarmament de ate in the assemblya main oil cal committee Informed diplomats reported that outside the committee the Sol Iiï¬unciion Stay 11$ COntinues The union says that part ofthe law under which thegovernm brough its injunctionapetition is iileg argues that this sec tion pernu the courts what ight to strike informed sources Whatever happened today it seemed certain that Phlladelphip would only been in between ifliinth clause of this legal Spokesmen for both anagament in determlnéticn The Peking regimesnade clear backed resolution The resolution the way interest shiftedhackto Sore36 such items as the waterfront parks program Iicnrnsr souanziz In an address in Toronto to day Mayor Robert hf Simpson of Arnprior pointcdout that muni cipal governman ncmss Can odnare caught iii thotightest experienced the press in advance of conference here The present situation is even worse thnn the tightmoney years immediately following theFirst World Wpr when yields on long term Dominion of Canada bonds were rudnlng at per cent with class municipal issues at aboutoia per cent Any municipality that can bor row nt 055 per cent today is lucky some cannot borrow at all press of the money marketfhecause of the exorbitantinterest costs messagian The preseutresuitjs bearing downheavily hefiuanclui structure of pol govern ments and inevitablywill involve higher tax rates on property vietUniongaud iheUS were try ing toagree on resolution on disarmament that they could sponsor jointly CanadaWednesday outlined proposalto be backed with cold cashfor worldwide study of atomic radi Lotee tDoily Mariwurm bluea ed fivefootden bl money squeeze that theyevcr Hisstatement was released to and others are virtually ruled out the mast Mayor owners Already the pioperty owner l1 carrying an unfair pro wrtion the costs of municipal government To add to that burlt den is notonly manifestly un fair it coiild also have digisuous effects widescctiens oi the economy Italian Is Nebel Winner STOCKHOLM Reuters 4118 ion poet Salvatore Qunslmodoi 58little known outside his own country today was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature The award wasfor his lyrical poetrywhich with classical fire expresses the tragic experience of life in our times Along with the honor the poet will receive cash award of $42000 Quasimodo his name means falmost in the mood+h writ ten only five volumesof poems Among his most recent is one praising the ï¬rst Soviet Sputnllr professor of literature at the Conservatory of Music in Milan he has also translated Shakes peare and the Greek andvRoinan classics on Will Slash 80 works Program TORONTO CP Metropoli tan Toronto Chairman Fréd Gar diner said today the 1960 capital works program for Metro will be slashed by at least $8000000 lleblamedthe tight mnney Sit uation and the resulung high in terest rates on loans for the need to cutting $100000000 capital pro gram now on the books for next year down to $100000000 He said the province of On terest on $50000000 it had bor ropolitan Toronto will be lucky to get as good rate when it tries to gtborrow$75000000 Mr Gardiner said the cuts will prbably bemade all along the item Indications were so far that none of Metropolitan Toron tos 13 municipalities can hope for any reductionin the Metro tax levy next year Flames interrupt heading OifBible NJAGARA FALLS Ont CF An asyearold womans highth Bible reading was interrupted Wednesday night where she was carriedout of her house in wheelchair after fire broke out nlrsMarjorie Lawson waited calmly as firemen extinguished of trength to threatyet to tario bad to pay six per cent in rowed this week He added Mets lineinstead offal any Shitlilies Bradfords appllcallon for town status will be approved it was decidedat an Ontario Municipal Board bearing in Bradford Coim cll Chambers this morning now 19 for the icgal department oftheBoard to issue an order to the townspecifying the con stltution of the governing body ltwas the wish of the council that this order he recelvcd by November so the nomination night can be held as scheduled with names being put uprfor ayor reeve deputy reeve and council and Bradford could officially become town Jan cduncicpons it was also auggesled by coun cil that the number of coun cillors remain the same at four the two other additions being puty reeve No objections to the move were voiced at the sparseLvab tended meeting In presenting the case for town status remarked that the planning board had already approved ford When askedby the board how these homeswould beser viced he answerd that an agree ment had heenimade with the subdivider that the subdivider would provide the services and pay the town $500 per lot WATER AVAILABLE ReeverEvans addedtbat sew ers were coming in and that water was available for the sub di ision IDENTIFY BODY CORNWALL CPIA mangled body found beside the ONE tracks nar lnglcside Saturday has been identiï¬ed as that of Er nest Glen Rushton 37 native he no ilfrom freight West Germany was granted permissi tore guided anti ireraft defence The Western Euro an Union European ommunist de fence alignmcnt announced this deci on reached by the WEU the NATOsupreme commander The degsian was unapiinous council sourcess The announeemantwas made the councils headquarters here and attended by London ambas hadurs of member states Britain France The Netherlands Be14 gium LuXembourgtGerm Italy The union rga cludes standing miame committee and an armaments control Theamendment anuo need to4 11L day will not creasethe types sad Ono 73mm alliteration flicicill All that remains to bedode thevnddition of mayor and de of Hazletun NB Policerbelieva in couuc alter recommendation by Jan Bradford Clerk Margaret Da vey revealed that the industrial assessment of the town was 5835 of the total assessment Members of the Board remark cd that this vay away aboVe average and was intact higher than per cent of the munici palities in the county They also added that in view oftbis high percentage thr townhas no worries in respect to paying for services for the residential areas Reeve Arthur Evans plans of new subdivision of 137 hornu withinthe limits of Brad innuendo spring Charge NEW YORK APRusell Longeile v5 diplomatic official expelled by Russia on espionage charges airived home Vednes day night and said he believed he was abducted by Soviet agents because he was in charge of classified documents and codes at the American Embassy He denied that he participate any espionage activityas charged by the Russians But rocketweapons already in cluded in West Germain army equipment were manufactured abroad BRITISE MISSILE Oneweapnn expected to be ma ctured in Germany undertlie arrangement is the British awk agguided weapon for use against enemy bombers It does not caray an atomic warhead German industry already is producing jet engine and plans to build the new Stadighter which the eEe ministry has selected as the basic jet fighter plane for tho newLiift watfe The Germaus remain barred from producing nuclear wes as and bacteriological weapons and other almSiflCllld ing large naval craftV