attic ath by was amalgam animals strut otter Letters to the editor provide one of the most influential channels by which citizens can express ideas about timely subjects of general concern Most news papers take seriously their responsibil ity to provide for and to encourage the expression of opinion by readers This newspaper iwelcomes such letters Most newspapers findthat abrldgment of letters tends to improve the letters give the text more coherence sharpens the writers opinion and makes the=com munlcation more interesting to the rea der No reputable newspaper will print an anonymousletter but most newSDEPErs receive many of them There are many methodsof handling signatures on let tars Some insist that all letters he sig nedwnh the proper name and address of the writer Some newspapersi sistion this information butwiil permit use or nom de plume The Barrie Examiner at one time ad opted the former policy but few years ago recognizing thatfrequently in smaller city the real name and address of the writer could be ombarraSSlng it changed to the latter policy However this does not mean that the writer most not sign his letter He must or it will not be used We will however permitTa nom deplurne With gaitGin Resttictions no concern welcomé While broadly speaking we accept all types vorletters on all manner or tub ieets there are slow types of letters which this newspaper will not carry Of course at all times it has the right to refuse publication of any letter Includ ed among those letters we do nbt carry areletters which are anonymous blas phemousi written to use letter columns tor free publicity to support candidates for poutlcal office obvious copies as form letter olectloneering grammatical ly incoherent factually inaccurate libe lous carry discussion to the public monotony written in poetry obyiously port of publicity campaign deal with matters other than of local interest re ligious controversy repetitious of points of view already expressed silly directed to public embarrassment of some partic ular person vulgar Most of the letters this newspaper re calves are thoughtfully written byindl viduals of composure and insight and manyare writtenby comparatively obL scure citizens andhave strong ring of sincerity and conviction The Examiner welcomesletters to the editor butthey MUST be signed with your correct name and address How ever should you not desire your name to be published it will be kept confidential and nom de plume used on the pub ished letter BuSirieSs CannOthidnd Loss Unemployment is beginning to spread in areas of the US where industries have been forced to close down because of the growing shortage of steel caused by the strike of the United Steelworkers of America In Pennsylvania alone lack of steel has caused 18 plants to close down already with thousands of workersin no way involved in the steel union dispute deprived of their jobs Understandabiy pressure is mounting in the us fora settlement of this pro longed strike aifecting one of the coun nys basicindustries What is surprising is that the pressure should bedirccted on the Eisenhower Administration vPlesid ent Eisenhower is not responsible for the prolonged steel strike Managements right to manage is being NEW RAILWAY FARES Hamilton Spectator There will be general satisfaction at the an nouncemeot by bDLli Canadian National and adian Pacific Railways of reduced fares on er tain of their services whole new tariff for off seasonthrlit travel and for groupsï¬ twoor more passengers as wellras completelynnwv kind of fare that includes transportation meal and berth should do much to stimulate hey interest in travelling via train This is all to the good for if ever any segment of our economyvneeded greater support is is that of our railways The enormous growth operato mobile traiiicin the past quarteréeatury in ad dition to the more recent impact of massair travel have left the rail services ofNorih Am erica in difï¬cultposition so difficultindeed that many interurban services have had to be sus pended over the lestfour or five years Planning and transportation experts seem agreed that within the next five to tenyears the automobile fight will cease to be pro coronal 21 199 The contract for the sewagedisposdl plhnt in Barrie was awardedto KeystoneCoatr ited of Windsor on basis and on pipe entire outtali jeet to the completion of all necesfary formal ities to enable the municipality to proceed with the work Eight other tenders were éonéideied before the decision was made Figuresgivenwne on completed job with weed stavepipe at $50000 and with iron pipe at $0574845 Editorial comment was that compared with iheestlrnaie of one year ago of avfirstmost at$250000 the Faragrapiiicallyfl Sneakil The average person willrlisten to an ed Ellie Thaitic Authorized tierrenninl Post our nevmenemu holly once Statutory Ants Pabitlhor can wanes Business Munster mp3 comm Mans to calm nonanr enema no naturalistic YJoan EOLVKE rcolatina manger crition sréoatlyp crri Santana giltm emuu hi gar culm35wiNflhplPflPflb er Associatio ra cmcaanu it Williamson and mat untilde uuam reï¬nmlmueia ital may in am no local the of NesvSpaperg ywood stave pipe be accepted silb heed good advice only when hes frighten challenged with increasing frequency by union offlclaison both sides of the bordw er That basically was the issue in the prolonged dispute about the employment or firemen on diesel locomotives on Can adas railways If organized labor through make work rules and related practices insists on preventing management from dis charging its duty tomanage efficiently the labor officials must recognize one simple fact In no economy free or con trolled cpn any business whether priv ater or publiclyownedoperate for long at loss Nor under conditions when the demand lonmoney is highns it is today can any business or industry long con tinue to operate ata profit that is in adequate to attract new capital needed for expansion and improvement means of personal inansport in and around the great urban concentrations of population Many feelvil certain that rapid transit will then come into its own Any move today that can save our huge capital investment in the railways for tomor rows use is well worth exploration PREVENT PEPTIC ULCERS iHalile ChroniclelIeraldi The American Chemical Society was told by Wishingion medicalresearcher at its recent Atlantic City convention of the possibility of pre venting pcpticulcers with an inexpensive dried seaweed extract called carrageenin it has worked well in experiments with ani mals and it is believed similar results will he achieved with humans by consan daily four glssses of die mixtureof the marine substance in water If the furihr research is successful the new drug should find an eagermarkeL For the Mari time provinces the economic outlook appears brighter awesome it present proposition was an eirceediri ly attrac tive one conciseand interesting article by Lloyd Mer rill who was the efficient secretary of the Al laadale Railway CA which was organized in 1008 gave some of the place wh that in stitution filled in the life of the wayunen away from home GTE Superintendent nf fia had much to do witha1 Subscribers some from other parts of the di gave $7115 and the GTE $5500 Secretaries who did excellent work there in years past were lenThompsoo James Mercer Bean Ed McMillan Seitz and Lloyd Merrill Ecopie who are Iwellbaianced dont throw their weight around Selalt WprnenlalrerHere totay Title of book This is no doubt true women or notoriously persistehtereatures Nowyand the you see womanw is trying ogei7 rid double chin by wagginggltoiif The person who follows the line of lieast resistancealways winds up at low er layel They say theres no Joollike an old ys 01d Sorehead but see some yoangiodis these days that would be mlghtly hard to top riniitiye emands in modemman are in sharp Iconilict wit earnings arising from théd seatisfaction thevhigher and compared elyaecen caita flibiieédfo ho an the largest underg ord of 187 touoon battle at tenement Piiiisiiiiirlines Jewrave noon which by caesiumJen odet F0 deï¬nes up romeo the biases airlines was in an diort toward the luccesdul Atlantic economy cldufarestoAfrlca the Far East and across thoPacific Some of the smaller airiinu arltkli airlines backed by the ivhich have not yet ocmiired Ministryof Truman for cheap er fared iswellhn the way to amulet aitmo edbutag compromise is complete success They report hoped for by the BOAC 93 LONGRANGE PLANNING Engineering enrolment Declines rIn UniVersities ny MARK NICHOLS Canadian Prcrsl Staff Writer Engineering favorite course with thousands of students since the Second World War is not so popularin Canadian universities this fall At the University of Manitoba where firstyear engineering eni roiment dropped to 607 from last years 837 some sources sug gested the shutdown of the Avro alrcrzift plant at Toronto may have discouraged prospective en gincers Others blamed gen eral lag in the Canodlon econ omy whatever the reason univer sity official said he knew of eight other engineering colleges which enrolment had declined He said isunfartunote because gineers will con iinue and an interruption in the flaw could result in shortage DROP INJQRONTO The University of Toronto which in previousyears had to limit the number of engineering freshmen to 725 and refuse to take back thosewho failed for their second year has only 600 enrolled this year new course in nuclear engineering drew only score of students University of Alberta also reg istered decrease in engineers as didMaGill in Montreal The University of Montreal ever reported an increase the Universityof New ick and the University of Bra Brlllsh Columbic engineering is still ionegof the most popular course crossCanada survey by The Canadian Press shows that uni versity enrolment is generally with number of colleges breaks ingv nrolrnent records Others have to match the bulging registf ion oflhe earlyposiwar versizéy Stlohn Newfound landsonlf degreegranting col legeis expected to reach 1200 the statutory maximum laid down for its as Nova Sc la St Francis Xavier Anhgonish JuniorCollege Sydne make up uate enrol he Atlantic provinces Universityf Halifax largestuniverslty in imes It registered 14 728 this year compared to last years 625 But belowlhe rec 1104748 andofii cials say it isnt crowded We have enough rotessors and enough space sai one pro fossor MOUNT ALLISON RECORD Mount Allison SackvilleN as recordaltendaaca of more an 1160 Added facilities made it possible to increase the enrol ment above last ars 1061 The University New Bran wick Fredericton is up 500 for record v1000plus with increases in aits business administration and phy cal education McGill bursting at the seams managing nicely Altendonca this year willbe about 5100 an in reuse of about 350 over last 9Montieal is crowded beyond paclty Registrar Dongle Clarke says registratlomhss cen ince 1950 but new facilities have Xavier added Some 9600 students regis lered this year compared to last years 0341 There is no hope of more space in the foreseeable fu ture dont know what is going to happen to the Montreal children says Mr Clarke Next year it will be even worse end the com munity is making no provisions to improve conditions 14400 AT TORONTO The University of Tomato Can adas largest will probably equal last years 14400 to dance total The rpcordfigure was in 1048 when morethan i7000 stu dents packed the lecture rooms Officials say Toronto has moo aged through long range plan ning To maintain reasonable ratio ofrinstruetors to students course is traditionally the most popular But education is becom ing favorite portly becauso of policy in some provinces of pro vidlng help for prospective teacli crs LIKED NEWFOUNDLAND In Newfoundlands Memorial University education is far the most popular course with the pro vincial sovcroment giving $000 yearly grant to qualified students until they finisbjihelr course Education is the most popular course in Alberta and it ranks with engineering in popularity at UBC There is some experimenting in courses this year Besides the nu clear engineering at Toronto muslc course has been added at UBC and Ottawa isodding an Alberta and Saskqicheivan have honors bachelor ofiaris in Fr nch the most students everwiih 675 and 4404 respectivelnyith linal figures still to come in Man itoha was more than i0ocabove last eors enrolment of 5558 iUB registered record 10400 up 450 from last year Ofï¬cials said there would probably have been an additional 400 this fall except forlung strikes which kept students from raising enough money Inmcst colleges general arts the first Ontario Uni ersity do so Carleton Universl in Ottawa is taking candidates for doctorate degrees in geology andmathe mntlcs There is waiting list across thecauntry for unrampus living accommodation during the year Chief exception is Alberta where board and room on the campus costs $70 for double room and $75 for single In most centres university accommodation Vbe that their representatives attend ing the ratenah meeting at the emotional Air Transport As iailon nowbeing held are of their bailie to have paleo fares drasticaliyreduced in order to open up air travel to much larger clientele They see in increased air travel on lar 19 scale this only hope of mm able operation for their aircraft Ooe of the most comforting agreements reached according imthc iafonnatioo nothing here is that cuts in fares from the United Kingdom to European countries will come into force next April These are likely to be general on many British Europ Sean Airways routes throughout Europe and In the Middle East and will moan considerable sav Tbil campaianlor laws air farm has been given leadership by the British airlines for tho past year Their stand baa been given staunch support by Harold Wilkinson Minister of Transport Russ Eyes Afghanistan lBOMBAY CPileefism ported lobe tryiugto consolidth and expand is influence in strai cgic Afghanistan This has been causing some concern among diplomaticob seerrs hcre against thcbsclo ground of growing Chinese mlll tary activity along the Binis logs to Canadian touristsplann my log flights to these Paints Spcc lal concession fares at least 20 cr cent lower than the present gourlst roles are exoectcd DRAMATIC CUTS Deals for even more drastic reductions in fares to some points are being negotiated in dependently between BEA and some European airlines One of those deals is with Greece Off peak Comet jet flights from Lon don io Athens will be offered for as little as 240 return as com pared with the present tourist farc of £100 meaty per cent this onsuch routes as London to Rome and London to Paris will bring the presenttourlst farta of £55 and £1610 £44 and £13 It is also hoped to extend th pregnt 25 per cent cheaper night for now operating on some of the busy European routes it is also proposed that these special farce should be offered through outthe day for periods of two months at the beginning and end of the summer to try to extend the holidayseason boom traffic LONG RANGE FARES The British Overseas Airways Corporation is also yery hopeful of success in its fight for reduc ed fares on longrange flights It has been successful in lining sides being more convenient to an average of $10 month cheaper than living downtown Board and room downtown in most citiesranges from $60 to $75 month At UBC residence living can cost as little as $425 at Acadia Camp and Fort Campwartime mllitarycamps This is one of the lowest university living rates in the country Other rates ecu trc around tha ismsyear mark with Toronto going up to $050 and Mcculssas as gt it has been one of the Soviet Unions longierm ambitions lo gala direct access to tho ladlan Oconn one way she can do this is through Afghanistan Observers hero believe that of late Afghanistan has been quietly rcsisling Soviet attempts to in crease Communist hillucncoln tho Country nussmvs hear cams However some significant delt velopments have been noted Unlt dcr recentlyconcluded Kabul liioscuw agreement Soviet lech nicians will assist tho Afghanis tangovernment in building brldzos in the sensitive tribal area adjoining the Pakistan hon den This follow ran earlier agreement under which Russia was to construct 500mm road from the Russian border to Kane dahor in southern Afghanistan It was reported Soviet techni cians would also help build an airfield in western Afghanistan There now are about 1000 So vlct technicians in Afghanistan and Mosc is renortcd to have informed bul of its readiness to send more to assist in the de velopment of backward country areas particularly in opening up conununicationsi Soviet loons and credits to Afghanistan already total some $230000000 half of Afghanistans foreign trade now is reported to he with the Soviet Union under long term hatter deals compared with only 10 per cent adecade ago BIBLE THOUGHT The Spirit of the Lord carol upon David from ihat do for wardI Samuel 10 The Day of Decision to be Gods person and indefflls will canhe the turning point toward blessing and happiness The mineral requirements of your hogsand cattle mustbe satisfied if you areto expect topperformanca and afoot health The needed theimiividual animal svvary not only from animal to animal but also according to the basic seed theyvare eating Conse zbalanced supplement gisfkered ond guaranteed miner ed by your livestocle Wm saucer ai mixtures containing ii an issseanAt mmcrrats quéntlyit is impossible to satisfy each individuals mineral need with any one nIy those minerals presently known You need notiiay slot 01 money for avgoodhiiineml mhrtur mineralsare thebcst money so satiety mineral needsthejEDON in Mill loi either Hogsor Cattle can buy Anywhere and it takes lot less panorama buy SHIURH GAIN that most other minerals orvrioaa way with moans ESSENTIAL Minerals vmiiwrtson WN