ammonoon in emu St Pauls Church St Pauls Anglican Church St Pauls was the scene of the ceremony which trotted in mar riage garst Ellen daughter of Mr Mrs Noon RR Thornton and Douglas Edison Rbynold Barrie The bridegroom lathe son at Mr and Mrs Fred Bhynold Nova Scotiu Rev Rowe oliiclatcd at the Oct to wedding Given to marriage by her oth er Mr Noon the bride wore long white gown with fingertip veil Miss Noon carried son quet of red and white roses The brides sister Anne Foil acted as maid of honor She wore pastel blue cocktail length gown and carried bouquet of white camations Bridesmaid Judy Belton cousin the bride Mr and Mrs Wallace Moncton New Brunsiwck were Thanksgiving guests at Mr and Mrs King St Vincent Square They were accompanied to Ottawa by Dr and Mrs leiiek nee Janet Wallace Lon don England Dr Leftiek will he in government research work and the young couple Will make their home in Ottawa Mrs Green Cumber land Street has retumedliome alter spending week with Mr sails Mrs Hooey Bowman Miss Heather McNahb thought er of Mrs Howard Mid hurst was guest of her parents for the holiday weekend Hea ther is attending Lakesbore Tea chers College Toronto Mr and Mrs Jerriicy Gunn Street have recently return from an extended visit at Vic toria BC Their trip includedvis its with relatives at Vancouverd Seattle and Spokane Washington Past Noble Grands Enjoy Euchre Party The Past Noble Grands of the Rebekah Lodge met fluesday ev ening at the home otMrs Partridge Eugenia Street Mrs Horace Coles was in the chair After the regular business meeting several friends of mem bers were invited to join the group ina euclrre party Prize winners were Mrs Stewart Mrs Partridge Mrs Reg Adams and MissyA Lavery Potlunk refreshments were served The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs ArKendrick VGowan Street some at noun lIllt PROBLEMS to Barries sonar Exelm rive Furrierywho makes and sells turn only mean man 10 canon Plum wrosms runs nnnnrs rosorno 25 humor 512w Repairing Remodelling Cold Storage Cleaning REASONABLE PRICES rerun non ulna no gt wore pastel blue cocktail llcngth gown and canted bou quet oi white oarnntipns Flow uoy Noon cousin of the bride wore long pastel pink dress and carried bouquet of pink and white carnations The groomsman wasHavoloch Rhynold brother of the groom and the ushers were brothers of th bride Billy and Roby Noon The brides mother Mrs Noon received guats at her home in royal blue lace sheath Her corsage was of white roses Out oftown guests canto from Toron to and Nova Scoiin For the wedding trip to Nova Scotia the bride wore blue sheath with white winter occa sorics The newlyweds will re side in Barrie SOCIAL Ann PERSONAL and sightseeing at Minneapolis Madison Chicago and Detroit While in Victoria Mr and Mrs Jermeyatteaded the funeral of Mrs Jermgys brother CONCERT RECEPTION About 75 guests attended re ception held for the Balphwliun ter Dramatic Chorus and Miss Lillian Memik and accompanist at Barrie North Collegiate Wed nesday night alter the Commun ity Concert program MrsJohn Dobson president of Barrie Comlt munity Concert Association as sisted by Mr Dobson greeted the guests Among them were Mayor and MrsWillam Kinzie Dr and Mrs John Andals and MIMItown members and their guests from Elmvale Chur chill and Cookstown Mrs Frankv Taylor Melrose Street spent the holiday weekend ed with her daughter Mrs Zimmer ananthrlingtnnJllass Zimlnerï¬ man is the former Avis Taylor Alderman and Mrs Charles Newton Davidson Street and daughters Carol and Margaret enjoyed boliday motor trip through Northern 0ntario to Sault Ste Marie and returned home via Michigan Port Huron aadSaraian vsnrur wonnsnorr LONDON CWRev Holder Anglican vicar in Peck ham is asking arishioners not to spand their ev gs watching television Next to his Vicarage is workshop equipped with power tools and be invites people to go toys for the church bazaar CANDLE snap foryyonr muses DECORATIVE and PARTY anners choose your simmer snows and WEDDING GIFTS FROMOUR COLLECTION 0F SCANDINAVIAN IMPORTS Incl Sunday If day izttpnnr Onflwy 11 It Snn VBIIFY there in the evenings to make Miles North thnrrle FEW Baskets of bronze and yellow mums bedeclred lirst Baptist Church wben Margaret Peggy Frances lrene daughter of Mr and Mrs David Miller Barrie became the bride of William Os carPerigouTbe bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Perigo Collingwood Rev Luck ofï¬ciated at the Oct in wedding ceremony Given in marriage by her fa ther Mr Miller tho bride wore ballerina length gown of silk organza The bodice was Accen tunted by son folds to the Em pire waistline Her shoulder length veil fell from on organza crown beaded withseed pearls Miss Miller carried bouquet of red Sweetheart roses gardenias and some stepbanotis Sisterdnlnw of the bride Mrs Noreen Miller acted as matron of honor She wore ncoral velvet cocktail length dress and match ing feathered bandeau Mr Miller carried bouquet of bronze and white mums Brides maids Mrs June Key sister of the bride and Miss Jeannette Fraser wore identical cocktail length dresses of avacado green velvet They carried identical bouquets of bronze and yellow mums The groomsman was David Miller brother of the bride The usher were Eibmirne and And rew James Lockhart Organist Miss Elsie Clougbley accomp anied the soloist Mrs Ernest Watt To receive hFr guests in the church hall the brides mother Mrs Miller worea cocoa bown dress and dark brown accessor ies The grooms mother Mrs Perigo assisted in navy dress suit with white and navy access ories Both mothers wore cor Girl Guide Mothers Hold Tall Meeting The mothers organization of sixth Barrio Girl Gdide Com pany St Marys Roman Catholic Church held its first meeting Tuesdayat St iinrn President Mr Moore was in the chair hr anelectioa of olticers Mrs Moore was elected other otï¬cers are secretarytreasurer Mrs Clyner phone conveaer Mrs Wilson Plans were made for an annual tea and bake sale to be held Octl 30 to pm at the home of Mrs Merrick Amelia St Mrs McMahon will convene the wanna Mrs Smith as Josephs auditor szsung ELY or qmvmiemnr ExchangépVows Becomes Bride At At First Baptist sages oi pink Sweetheart roses 0atoitown guests came from caningwood Brampton Clark sonSnrnia Nottawa and bet roit For the wedding trip to Ro chester NY the bride wore coffee brown silk roman dress with avocado green accessories The newlyweds will reside in Coilingwood French Hubby Loses Control PARIS AP Senate enli mittee began work today on bill trimming the French bus bpnds control over his wifes property The legislation will modify the community property law oi the Napoleonic Code drawn up in the time the emperor more than century ago ilbe code provides that couples who marrywlthont speciï¬c marriage contract providing oth erwisethe vast majority have to pool their possessions And the Napoleonic law makes the bus band rain and master able to manage or dipose of his wifes property as he sees fit first reform hum let wives keep money they earned The new bill makes lot more changes But the National Council of French Women already is com plaining that it doesnt go enough The husband still has the right to administer the wifes property sent before he takes any major step snmrs snurss MeaniodSunwelthy soahptotnlrong but now she must give her con Cbï¬blé Celebrcrtez mammnInarocrosnnrsss1 59 Married Yeafs mien ulhomsoiMr nndl Mn DWisdom at 49 liaison Street was the settingior the ob oervnnoe of their goldm wedding anniversary last Saturday They MYERSRHODES Miss Bliodes 111 Sept Ceremony St Andrews Presbyterian Church was the scene of the double ring ceremony which unl tcd in marriage Carole Les Rhodes daughter of Mrs oldhnm and the late Sergeant Kenneth Myers The bridegroom Dusty Rhodes oi Barrie and ls the son oiMr and Mrs Gan don Myers Barrie Rev James Ferguson oihclnted Given in marriage by her stepfather Sgt Oldham the bride wore gown oi Chantilly lace and net Her shoulder Icngth veil fell froma sequin crown Miss Rhodes carried red roses and ivy Maid of honor Diane Coulson wore pink chillon dress and oanied nosegay oipink and white carnotions Groomsman was Bill 1th and tho ushers were Archie By ntt and Alex liorvath lha brides mother Mrs Old ham received her guests at her Agnes Street home in apink organza dress with black acces sories Her corsagc was of Associations Meet Together Newton Robinson Womens Missionary Society andWomans Association met at the home oi Mrs Grenville Halbert Oct Mrs West was in the chair and opened the meeting by read ing psalm hymn was sung and Mrs Gordon Halbert and Mrs Copeland took the worship service Scripture read ings by Mrs Meher Mrs Chant ier and Mrs connelL Read ings by Mrs Andrews and Mr Gren Halbert were enjoyed Prayer was given hyMrs Rowe Mrs Lawrence Copeland gave splendid paper on the study hook Roll was called and col lection takenand dedicated The WA president Mrs Gordon Halbert iurnlshed several items of business and minutes of last byall meeting were read Benediction was given byMrs West The social hour was enjoyed wrcxs aneurysms HAIR STYLING rs Dunlap at PAL ozsso Permanents Specialty $500 up to 32000 No Appointmenrllecesury Wideconned purliivlnnviaom on loss than $000 Doepastas Wallpaper5 VWALLPAPER ISNT EXPENSIVE It Just LOOKS IIIAT WAY white carnations The grooms mother Mrs Myers assisted in navy blue dress with rose ac cessories She wore pink and white corsage Out town guests came Irom Midland and Guelph Forth wedding lriptha bride wore meloncolored suit with white accessories Her carnage was of white carnations The newlyweds will reside in Barrio Women Climbers Beaten By Blizzard KATMANDU Nepal APlflhe women trying to climb 23867efoot Cbo 0yu Big Head Peak have been beaten back by bllzzards Neapals foreign office reported Tuesday male guide was re ported killed by an avalanche 2le women were in the oc iglnal party but it was not known how many took part in the actual climb attempt The climbers from Britain Belgium Switzerland and India retreated from Camp No high on the side of the Rim alayan molmtain to their base camp They will start back to Kat rmrndu within fortnight the re port added but it was not clear whether this meanthelr attempt has been abandoned Cho Oyu is in northeastern Nepal about so miles west or lidjount Everest received more than 150 callers in the altemoon and evening lovely flutters dccoratui their home For the alteran Mrs Fleeibam and Mrs Fisher poured tea and in the evening Mrs Poucher and Mrs Don Roshorough oi Ottnwntook over that pleasant duty Assisting in the dining room with rotruhmcnts were Mrs Bell Mrs Lloyd Morrison ibornhill Mrs Jamieson Tor onto and Mrs Jackson For the evening in charge were Mrs Margaret Little Miss Eleanor Harris and Miss Gull Sinclair Ob Iawa and Miss Margo Kclcey Al on assisting were Mrs Douglas Ear Union Man WI Speaker Churchill Womens Institute bad as their speaker Win chester Urillla former Charo hill boy at the October mun in the community ball full attendance was on hand to hear the guest speak on the Farm Union Mr Winchester in his own quiet way impressed his audience with the achievements and history of this group since its formationin x552 Mist Ellen Fiiulmlninl Ne ented Churchill teenlager prim winner at the ONE and winner of the amateur night at Cooks town fairr played two selections on the accordion Mrs John Donnelly and Mn ChainAer Plath oonvonerl or agriculture and Canadlan lnduslt trier arranged the interesting gigolo withtbo latter as are The rod oall answered safety hint on the farm and in the home brought out many helpful comments An invitation from tho ï¬lliord branch to beer Miss aan 513ml on the ACWW was acceptt in made roi nar community hall Out 31 PINE be held by thalnstitnte Nov in the Churchill hall Todd delegates to the area eon vention in Orililn Oct 67 gave detailed reports socialde was inland at the dose Jones Mrs Allsopp and Mn III Pratt gilt for the happy inn more than sixty ol neighbors was handmne cote ice table and steam iron novel Money Tree nr um spruce all decorated with Am erlcan one dollar bills was sent from Spokaneby Mr Win doms brother yA beautilul paint lag was also among the gifu Members of the family are two married daughters Mrs Kelcey husband Albert Barri with sons Ronald and Paul an daughters Margo and Manila and Mrs Sinclair husband John Ottawa and their two sons Douglas and Allan andtwo dnu ghtcrs Gail and Jennifer Guests prucnt were irom Ot tawa Peterborough Toronto tbornhlll Colllngwood and Stay oer MODE WNNER ST Gamma Ont CF When Joyce Hull won the grape festival beauty queen contest red cently she announced she would not enter any more contests She ï¬brin friend put his foot ANOTHERDAY NOTYOUR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY loween party for children in the MrsABonneyenersA bQJounsou 51 17125 orIAR