Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1959, p. 4

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mmmm 5llas Federal lGovt Mladeldoney Tight By Psinice NICHOLSON asked by most finance campus vies OTTAWA HM the Dieleni bobs governmental light our Mm lrubusoea royallan moxie aayoeisaueen runner manna use Much For Which To Make ThanksgivingyrDdy Blessing Among the main forces which work to ard decency progress and that measure stability tovwhich the world can lay laim in these trouhlous umeaare charg in its finest meaning and thankfull ass or appreciation of that which has en done for us both by Almighty God by our fellow human beinng Christmas time brings the spirit of harlty to the topmost place in our sea nal thinking This weekend brings that ther great force Ithanlcfulness to mind we observe Thanks ving Day Thanksgiving Day weelnstituted by the grim Fathers after their first harvest this continent The rimary purposeof at first Thanksgivih Day and for that latter of all succeeding Thanksgivingv ays was to give thanks to Almighty God His many blessingsl When we look about us today the bles gs for which thePngim Fathersrgave snks may well seem very humble indeed mpared to the great blessings which round as today The bountifulcrops hich one finds throughoii the country this presentday are beyond the agination of the people pf those early ys blot even the most imaginative of Pilgrim Fathers would conjure up pic turea of health such as our ueas present today even in their most fantssc tic dreams Yet their thankiulness was probably muchgreater than that Which marks Thanksgiving Day at the present time There appears to he danger that the quality or thankfiilness is sinking to very low level Man has more and more leaned to the idea of sellsufficiency not given to viewing that which is so liberalz 1y showered upon him as gift tram flu preme Being but rather of his own ach ievement and but his natural right And in so doing man is losing one of Gods greatest blessings blessing which tends toward world stability and personal peac of mind At the same time there is trend to ward lack of thanks or appreciation on the part of many to their fellow men who help them along the way This is particu larly true in the case of the young Youth hosbeen showered with material things They have come to expect the best with out thought ofwho pays for it Many are going through life taking everything they can get and giving as little as they can Thanksgiving should be can he the richest season of the year ibérdlef Their Part 11 BritishLabor Eclipse The British people havemadevtheir de ion and the Conservative rarity there been returned to power ingreater rength than before While most of the litica pundits agreed that the Tories ould return to power none in the latter ages of the election were prepared to they would sweep back wlthan over eiming majority Nor was this clear inthe earw stages the announcements of the results The through its direct broadcasts from ndon which were remerkablywell done pt interested Canadians in the picture it was confused picture during the hour or so iihen inithe matter of onto the fog cleared and M12Gait ellleader of the labor Party conceded diection cm the point olyiew ofioroign ad irs the result must be pleasing to the stern world Macmillans handhas en strengthened and hecanapproach yawnnit conference with moreoonfid ce Ea real absured that mis headset stjatewill listen more care lly to what he mayhave to say for the sians respect power and Macmillan that power now Opinions of Other Newspapers CHEAP ENERGY FRDMv THE SUN From the Edmonton Journal the moment in Edmonton the prospects erivlng energy from sunlight for cooking lighting and refirigaration do not look but of course solar energy is of limited eat here because we have ample fuel re as from which to draw energy and er It is otherwise in Asia and Africa vmany millions iaregions of lose two eats that lack fuel rose the devel entof gadgets for drawing ergy from suns rays offers the hope of rapid im ement in living conditiom do the nottoo future They have plenty of sunlight its free the only problem is to devise omical means of turning it to useful at problem isunder attack in many partt world One of the leading centres oi arch is Ignidouisinrranee Reporting rations MontLouis theEconomist of on says it has become the focus of the feiragraphicauyspeaking though man hesmore intelligence any other animal there are times it seems hehas less sense Earth Examiner Authorized Iooonnelsu Poet onus naproam 051 nndsyl and summit nanny1mm warms Pflbflahlbjhfl ognuu sums wanes Business Mmger mm Bosnian lhnsnns our season simmegmaunniu Mung sonrv acumencirculation Manager crlllonlritl Laminar daily weekly 14 scwtn amen We baruol nu connexionus new on momma condlen Winslow emf Pm that no such premises and indeed inferred they would make no immediate decision For Canada for whom the British Isles is becoming major trading area it must be comforting Whom the Conservatives are back in the driving seat The phenomena of the British election is the emergence of the Liberal Party as vital force Traditionally Liberal peo ple this must be most heartening to manyof the British voters The Liberal Party has stated that its aim is to sup plant the Socialists as vital political fome judging by the results they have started doing this But what of the Socialist or waor Par ity What will this election mean to them It is probable thatheads will roll it is certainthabtherewillbe some do soulsearching respecting future policies From periodin thexvviiderneas may em erga revitalizedjllalhorrarty certain3capltalistfacqualntance who lives in Simcoe County was depressed by the obvious British trendylnpolitlcs His contention was that thereturn of the Labor Party WOUldhove meant further coolalizatloh oi Great Britain which would havebeen both of benefit to the British taxpayerand eventually to can adians It is worth remembering that no matter how great may be the benefits of socialism it costs money to finalize it work and thdgreater part of that money comes from the capitalists and private enterpriserl hopes of solar energy enthusiasteibroughout the world and the nervecentre of constant interchange of information In iix files are reports of experiments and projects in more than dozen countries Altogether sub stantial progress has been vmade Cooking stoves kilns coldstorage units distilling and coon news room THE Weeks news Chant Exquisite Music WNW moral leaderLester Pearson bu durged that the government has no policy but has created light money Prime Minister Diel eoiwker asserts that here is no tight money policy Yet the householder or the little business msnwlioiflesinviilntoobioin loan from his heal has learned that money is veryllgbt What thetrulh Tho chartered bunks now have more money on deposit lmm their clients then over beioro So they have record sums available for lending But paradoxitu they cannot accommodate tbe wouldbe borrower today This is because fending Canadian buslf nmes so freespending hotne bolders havcoiroady borrowed every available nickel in the banks Thus you sad and the plant down the street have made money light not the government EM SPEAKS TRUTH So the prime minister is cor rect when he tells us There has been no government tight money policy anthers was in 1955 and 1956 when tight money was thepollcy of the Liberal govern moat There is no such policy to day What has happened in con sequcnce of natural economic forces resulting lrcm the do vmuuds of the phenomenal eco InEdrs Oi PM Macmillan losers MocSWEEN Canadian Prees sun wooi We want liiocl This chant was exquisite mel ody in the ears of Prime Minlt ister Harold Macmillan as Tory supporters cred ouislde party headquarters in London hailing his victory in the British general election Thursday Macroiiians smashing win wasVihe third Conservative vic tory in row buthis first as leader of the party and it marked solid mandate forhis elfortson behalf of summit ail meeting and new toplevel diplt iomacy between East and West Tory leaders tried hard to maintain the British tradition of understatement it has gone all rather well said Macmillan in an early statement have no reason to feel dis contented said Viscount Hail sbam party chairman who was celebrating his 52nd birthday among other things Labor Leader Hugh Gaitskell stuck equally to form this timeju the stiffupperlip tradi tionwhen be declared lt is the will of the people and we accept it smarter View Britains underdog Liberal party stronglyinaeased its popular voie and promptly claimed it is leading the coun try to political system similar totbatof Canada This is our firstsiage io ward replacing the Labor party steamgenerating plants using solar energy have been designed for communal and small scale industrial use and for institutions such as hospitals in fuelstarved areas An Israeli firm has been marketing solar water heaters The Japanese are now ready to export small solar ovenvforr laboratory or industrial use So in part reports the Economist and it notes that initial costs the running costs are negligibleare being slashed by the develop mentof cheap mirrors for coufliingthe sun light and standard parts for theéppsratus Much has yet to be done to bring solar energy within the economic reach ofpoor Asian and African peoples Man thinks hats mighty smart in dl81 covering and making use of radara principle the bat has been using forages Tell called the Middle East because its almost always in the middle of had blame As non xistenlt asaubtlety in television commercial only about per cent as many peopi play golf as play at it this Wondered what lauddry operators thinkristhe caning of lilo not starch Avperson is childish tovheexactexten its the official Opposition and gctling Britainioo to the some basis as exists in Canada where tli reol light is between Conserve ves and Liberals spokesman said think we are heading for the Canadian system Can servative government with Lib lerei opposition foilowedlby Liberal govemmcntwith Con servative opposition SOME REACTION Washington reaction to Mac millans victory was discredit huttheras no doubt the Rev publican administration of President Eisenhower was pleased Political leaders had been watching the campaign closely for trends that might be rele vent to the 05 presidential election at 1960 lo Ottawa reaction ran ac cording in political sentiment quiet satisfaction in the Pro gressive Conservative camp disappointment in the CCF Neither PrlmeyMlnister Diet enbaker nor Opposition Leader Pearson commented but Carl Hamilton CCF national secre tary said party members will fee just as disappointed as when our own party fails to make gains CANUCK DIET The basic items of Canadian diet are few and simple Pots loes homemade bread and ma pie syrup PostmasterGeneral Hamilton savoured this quotation with rel ish when rheaddlessed an nuoi meeting at the Canadian Tourist Association in Edmon ton Wednesday He was quoting from US authors Roundthe Worid Cookbook which says Canadians eat enormous quan tities of potatoes Even citydwellers it adds will eat nothing but country style brondfind Qtnadiaos use maple syrup for sweetening practically everything This was good new for pc totogrowing provinces partic ularly but Hamilton and other authorities felt the book was morel than slightly outof dotel UN oceans The l4lh assembly of the United Naiions completed its period of general debate in which diplomats from around the world outline the policies of their countriesand got down to specific issues the first being disarmament The Soviet Union won fight for priority of discussion 01 pre mier Khrushchevs proposal for total disarmament The politi cal committee decided to take up the project as its first busi ness and also to comply with Soviel demand that the com mltiee give separate considera tion to the Khrushchev proposal instead of discussing it along with four other items relating to disarmament NEW snotan The Soviet Union sent new satellite into the heavens this nomio recovery The capacity of the chartered banks to lend money is ruled chiefly by the amount of money deposited with them by their clients This time last year de posits wcre surging to record heights harassing faster than requests for loans could absorb them So the banks began to de velop new outletsior loans Home improvement loans were are pended and several banks en tered into the new field of un secured personal loans These offered to householders who looked suificlent ready cash the means of buying durable con sumor goods such as major aloe irical appliances and cars at in ierest roles lower than those QUEENS PARK be an mmyefinymdm VI In lbeirleoding to meimil retail merchants other hoaxes Oral meipmtliilramhmsrmd epos is banks have risen by $14biiiion to appronmstely sins blilloou the past nine months banks have releasedmnre cub by selling nearly monotone of government bonds These two de velopmeots bavo pr lded mart money for loans on spring of last year ibo banke lending to junior governments bushesses fenders builders and private individuals has increased hyf$1619000000 This cannot be described as lightrmoney situation NO TIGHT MONEY LAWS gt Furtber we must recognize that the federal government can irols the operations oi the chain iered banks mainly through the Bank Act The government can not force those banks in adopi any specific poilcy except by asking Parliament to pass law to that elfect We all know that the Dieienhakcr government has not ilnls propoundcd law to make money tight llowcver says Finance Miois ier Fleming there has been some rostriciioumi the books lending capacity through Book of Can ada policydallng back to 1955 which the government is power loss iovnry We also know that the government has itself ah sorhod some money by selling silicotiio bonds to pay for the necessary emergency measures to mitigate the hardships of the recent re cession But the government esIMr Fleming has stated has sought to bring about an easing of the shortage of loans avoilableIor wouldbe borrowers Money lids in many cases been loaned to the less worthy borrowers Here the fault lies with the lack of leader ship and initiative on the party the government and the Bank of Canada who do not appear to have been able to work in close harmony OltavIaAQueens Park Relations lire or nomoneanu TORONTO Tliere is lot 01 headscratching about the erect feeling at the momenbbelween Prime Ministerrmflenbakei and Premier Frost There is no question that on the terial level OttawaQueens Pork relations are getting sick This is easily confirmed one designed to peek attbe perpetuallyhidden side ofthe moon more than 40 per cent of which has never been studied by man Moscow announced Thursday night that the satellite had rounded the moon and now would fly in orbit twice around the earth each month Whether the paths of the moon and the sateiliie will ever cross again was not immediately apparent The satellite will be farthest from the earth today Solari day when it late be 31870 miles away It will need more than week to reach its closest point to the eorihziaio miles NE COMMENT ln Montreal Soviet Ambas sador asp Arountupiaa bad whimsical space com ment in the course ofa speech saying his counnysmoon rock etry is not prelude to moon ward migration of Russians We are notgoing to leave the terrestlalglobe for capital ism and move to some celestial globe sold tbeambassador Ks mum Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush ebe meanwhile was complet ing hisnwo orbita political orbit that took him around the world floating onmillions of words anoingaiaveoay visit to Red China last Sunday Khrush chev declared thiat ltustflmn mmunisis codsi er eir geared dutyfyio liquidate the cold war Kluushciiev saidthat his earl ler visit totbe United Slates bad convinced himmore than ever ihaticormnumsm is the correct system En route back lo Moscow Khrushchev stopped at Vladl vostok and modifiedin n1 tiues day speech at Hsumm con ferenco may be this fall or winter As wehave opportunitylet us dogood ullmeo fiaie tlensfizlo It is ilierfunoilon of Gods plein work with Himin bus log better world This can be donrby disseminating and living thefwlll oi God in aiiour contacts how would you feel hack into silica Sick But the personal score between liar Dleieobsker and Mr Frost is another matter woaumo rocernam There must be dillerences But also there have been signs that despite these the two are trying to work together Tight money is the outstanding example When Mr Frost made his speech at Silver Falls on an ad visory council to theBaok of Canada it had the appearance at wellcooked eilort Both federal people and The Globe and Mail here were so quick on the gun it seemed they must have had advance notice This one afternoon lest vieeli the premier came out for revision of the Bank of Canada Act few hours later on television that same night Mr wash the identical groove He pointed out the of Act was subject to change by parliament It looked like fix On the loweolevels there are two main causes of bad feeling One is that big heads have grown in the federoiPCnrahksv The little men of few yearn gt7 ago are now the fbig shots And they are making this felt with their countrycousinsJ The second is that as hhppénl with littlemanbigshota the fedr eral ministersmreggolng slap happy about details ltsibe old situation of Vityou dont know wbat the1 means talk about how it should be crossed This has caused ourmen trying to do business with the govern ment both washed time andfrus tration DROP SUPPORT Our crowd of ministers here may not be geniuses but at less for the most part their bat sizes srenomiaLJ They have gone through the ropes and prettyweil know what cabinet minister should be doing and should not be doing When they get the ritz treat meat from meb who in many cases few years agowere hark ing atilieir heels they dont And when along with this they see them firmbling their jobs and wasting time with lot of petty discussion ofdeteils Well And thats the way they feeling Old party men on the proiy side of the to cera They feel were is fed erai election to slought today there would be lltic help coming fromrthese ran The provinl probably retu its standoff policy of to range and lo the federalsec ion try to float share the com party would mousse

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