Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1959, p. 4

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xiith 733W published by Canadian Newspapers Ltd is swam Street whom PAGE POUR There Is Ev Ourvfathers used to quote ari adage to the effect that dress makes the man This caninc lntermetedidmany ways and many of thelnterpretatlons can be discarded with disdain But this does not get awa from the fpct that dress does makeo difference to mans conduct Moreimportant still is the fact that it makes difference to the conduct of youth Sloppin dressed youngsters tend to besloppy minded and without selfdls clpline And if they do not learn self discipline in their youth what canthe world expect of them as theyreech man hood This does not infer in any way that there is not time and place for sloppy fitting Easygoing clothes There is but is that time and place thelclass room of our schools Discipline is part of education andgit would secmthat one of the finest ways 01 teaching this would be for school auth critics to insist on students attending schoo dily cuts it is asserted that this is interfer ing with thechilds freedom of choice let ussay atonce that we consider the necessity to train child in how to dress properly and exert certain self discip line more importaht than an ephemeral freedom Employers have complained often enl ough that they have had applicants for minor ocroaus ressed with proper hair 1159 Properly Jobs arrive in Teeshirts and ieansrhdore often thannot low only because the youngster did not know any betterAfter all whoztookthe trouble to tell hlml sociologist are more and more inclined to the conclusion that there is connec erythiné Right With Dressing tion between delinquencyand clothes ib the casual observer it seems fairly pb vious for how often has one hebivi of tidily dressed youth usu delinquent There has been asuggestion recently that school children should wear uniform This is something which is done hi Public private Schools in England We would not go to proposal for it undoubtedly holds the parent to ransom so far as dressing the child is concerned Usually school uniforms can only be bought atcertnln specified storm and the customer has little choice as to how much mustbe paid for the clothes It can impose hardship on parents and it is unnecessary It really does notmat ter within certain limits what kind of clothes the child wear but how he or she wears them pride in dressis something which comes easy to the female or the species To the majority of males it is something which has to be instilled in them from an early age School be it elementary or secondary would seem to be the logical place to start instilling pride in dress ing properly opinions of Other Newspapers LIFES MEANING Calgary Albertsn Life doesnt illg boauliiul home large income congemal work and good health Happiness and success both are byproducts Life holds nothing for the coward for die person who getsvsour and bitter ahd leans back in dis couragementund wbatstheusef spirit Lt Robert Scott hiindcdby snow and drozen by the cold bitterwind said the soul of man is stronger than anything that can happen to him Thai is true MAN vausus leacr From the Sudbliry Slar The South Saskatchewan River dam hasions been awaited as blesslng for the Pdfnllle pro vince Now that conslruclrion has actually started there are some misgivings The dam will mean miles of irrigation ditches These ditches are the best possible1breedi lug places for the type of mosquitoes that cliny the virus which causes sleeping sicknessg in human beings and horses says Dr at the Univerle chrpell professor of biology sees the trouble of Saskatchewan Dr Rempel arising in about 10 years This is no idle speculation Co over the dangpr isso great that meeting scient ists was called to discuss the problem with medical and Agricultural researchers Theii report should be ready about November The officials call themselves Committee Work ingon Prairie Mosquilou The horse population can be vaccinated againsliiniection but tbere is no known serum to protect human bglngs ls Saskatchewan to OCTOBER 1939 special service was held at st Ihomas Au glican ChurchSbarlly Bay and the organ prac tically rebuilt was dedidétedagain Some lime previously committee consisting of lulssEisie Ranges Mrs Wilson Mrs Tayloraild John Brooks was appointed go into the matter of getting new organ but it wasdecided in stead to rebuild the oidcne Mr Shute To ronto organ builder had been engaged all sum mer and the result was paclicaily llew organ Alrnost the entire amount of $600 had been do naled largely from former inenibersmflhe parish Lying on hospital bed in Waikato New Zea laud Harold Ryder found time heavy on his hands He wanted scheming to keep his milid occupied Finally he got an idea and askedfoli hells egg He kept this carefullyhsomewhere Aloroglophioally people agree that words stupid which is equiva ent to admittingtbat ging warol andongormany Ion weary centuries un vv wanus publisher Anaornenj Manis nuance Business Mnm Navrcnuinnnrzurr Mosuli inauw ROBE some Advertising Manager soon HOLDER Circulation about only corner gm yejnr single copy be sass GC ulna lisiwn Amoclctloplbo cusp burs lira cueuia depend upon environment and hay become the proving ground for the theory that insects will eventually dominate mpn Will leepiug sickness mosquitoesvdrive menoul of Ssslmtchewan Will travellers hedgehop liver the province byaircnft to escape lhebilo of mosquito that might be carrying the sleeping sickness virus the length ofAuphoiding such SIS lliis Borrowers By FATE NICHOLSON OTTAWA Monev is light ordlflicultandexpenrlyelobor row To understand the reasons bind this shortage of money wbldi directly conhudlcls the he tent pHM federal swerumenl ll is necessary to WWUIC cornplox operaldlm ofour banking and monetary Kym Thisdc tail is normally Wood the ken of most of us and is perhaps mat lot of complete indifference to you and me until pinches VVbeil we read that we on so tenng from credit crisis this means that wouldbe borrowers find it hard if not llnposslble to borrow through the normal than pals gt The businessman who wants in finance expansion of his oper lions the mimicipality wbi wants to build needed cxlcn slon to hospital the cuss holder who wanLl to buy wash log machine Calling for more Willii EVERYBODY lilis ll snail Elis Tllrsl lille Juvenile Delinquency Dbes Not Happen Overnight wasmuorou Aplrliero is no easy way to tell in advance which youngsters are bendedfor trouble and which arent If there were half tile battle against juvenile delinquency wopld be won Delinquency isnt 24 ilour sickness says research study Walcb for the next thrilling installmenllnjust published here It rarely hop this story of Milli vs Insect in 1969 gt wonun WANDEEERS Dr Eric Euuin on the BBC The Asiatic golden plover and somaof the other waders breeding in Arctic Siberia get as far south as Australia and New Zealand Waders are tremendous Wanderers We caught and ringed pens overnight Habitual and ser ious misbehavior takes fairly long time to develop and many Youngsters givehian or signs well before the pattern is firmly established The report issued by the Na tional Education Association at some sanderlings all sandy boy on Holy Island the end of year kiong study all the Northumberlandrcoast one September morning and exactly one monlli afterwards one of them was recovered on the farthest corner of the Black Sea To get there in that times its lowest possible average speed must have been 10 miles day OFTEN HARD TO PICK BOYS FROM GIRLS Manchester Guardian The two old gentlemen onllle promenade seal contemplated in absorbed silence the two teenag ers inslacks and gay shirts who sauntered past Its got me licked declared one old gentleman at length Their hair is long for boy and short for girl so cant decidewlietber theyre two boys with long hair two girls with short hair or longhaired boy with shorlbeiredv girl And if its one of each dont know which is whim Your making it much too difficult replied his companion Its really quite simple Its boi and girl And the onesmokinga cigarette and doingall the talking is the gir willows oi Fonhererarsfl under his lady for 25 days Sure enough it pip md and batched out healthy White Leghorn ck At meeting of the Barrie Hockey Club held in the police court chambers the 1938 president Sam Strausman was returned to office without dissenting voice as were Ralph Robinson and Doug Hedger as treasurer andsecretary Frank Rayner was returhed to office as Vicepresident Executive committee members were Bibby Wes Allsopp Harry Payne Dixie Corbett Charles Lowe and Alvin Bowen The appointment of manager this was understood by all it cost $2300 torlin the club in 19 President Stransman moved pole of thanks to all the Barrie people who stood behindthe club during the preseason practices and the SPA series peaking many believe itwili beat least mills after man has travelled from the earth to gt people are stupid asthey have heen themoonbeforehetraveisfrom the moon to the earth ifsomebody had your problems you could easily tell him how to solve them xaminrr so why dont you just imagine you re somebody else and tellvyourseir how solvethem iv reassembled on maids rem Pim Headllne Maybe they be nge to somabody who Went all to plec It gems that paradoxically the cold thestotlis quo mit meeting and coach was leltto the executive The modal statement showed deficit but emphasized the importance of early identification of the pnlen tie delinquent BEAT POLICE The school and the community should not wait until youngster is on his way tocourt it said It is possible throughearly idens lification and action to forestall the developmentof many juvenile delinquen All youngsters at onetime or another violate some minor or major rules and regulations How then doesl the classroom teacher sort them nutf There are no simple rule thumb methodsltllatcan be used said the report The teacher musl weigh all the imownfaclors The pupils personal makeup the gang he runs with or plays with his famfly background These fac tors must be viewed against the pupils social status and the neighborhood in whichbe lives TREATMENT IMPORTANT The teacher must underst that discipline is important but that it is no cure for delinquency unddoes not take the place of treatment Correction or adjust mentnot revengemustbc the aim of discipline teacher should never belittle humiliate or ridicule pupil especially in the presence of other pupils In areas where juvenile de linquency is perennial problem sub as large industrial cilies extra effort should be made to 093 Practice To Women Indians lire Shocked BOMBAY CEIndians have been shocked by recent tragedies resulting from torture ordeois of womenbelongiog to sacred bindu orders Several leading religious heads now Want steps taken to prevent women from attempting 4spirlt ual liari ldri tra west India two while practising samad 3000 year old method of breathcontrol which has astounded Western scientists non belonging to the Jain order went into sealed pit promising to come out in good shape after 48 hours When the savour iriloli UK snail Joins Immigrants Quest By Mémra noon erecisi unison EngJ Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner LONDON Canada Auslr in and ew Zealand are now fac and keen competition securing immigrants from the British Isles This competition is coming from an unexpected source from South Africa Co pared thtbe three maiop rit lillldolnlnlollfi very IewBritlsb ets haveybeen migrating to South Africa in recent years drive hasnow been started try to sell to prospective fadvantages and grams at fractions Union The man who is heading up the newdrive for migrants has arrived in London and has est oblishedJii headquarters in lilis cityJHe is John Foggltt Job annesburg businesso man who Sarnorgan according he hi mute migrants Buth by th South African soulb The average sgeof the adults in this pluneioad was 27 They included eleclri ans draughts men liurses teachers clerks and shorthand typis as stenc grapllers are railed over here All of them said Mr Foggill weregoing out to assured jobs in South Africa am avbcnmsrluas Interviewed at the airport Mr Fuggitt said fAnotber aircraft load put before the endof this month We hope to send out 300 more settlers before Christmas And we hope that will only be the beginningrof steady increase in the uumb going gt lg leIerelisrlen Africa and no one need have any fearsbe cpntirlued eLmantoll types butespec lslly people th tra fesploua quolif slio standard of living in the setters for South Afric ous considerable nlerest in the Uniled sanctum ThEr has ostroug fee in th tliatllhere was anti ritish 1eeling This has deterred migranls gtollha country hls hers In recent in th sffledtvu many Britons have been return in homeffromSoulbAfrica be use oithis Foggitt ho ever denies ere is nullBritish Iecling sisiS that alifled ill find got only the besttrained and bcsl mama tauhes And little more than half as big part added that teachertraining institutions must branded their programs so that prospective teachers can acquire knowledge and skills lo deal with maladjus ted youngsters Teachers are advised After the potential delinquenl is identified refer him to the best source of help But use extrema cure Doll send him for help he doesntrculiy need and avoid the other extreme of holding on to him beyond the time when he may profit by that help auSes Tragedies pit was opened at the end of that period she was found dead In the second inslailce 68 yearold min was drowned while trying to mhster the brealllcoli trol technique under water She let herself down into well an nouncing she wanted to remain under water for Jix hours At the end of three hours and 40 min utes her body floated to the sur fape KILLED BY SNAKE In Tajhtban central India woman belonging to the ole lremely religious Vaishnav group died from snake bite Hedi no ersvwere so great that she ha earlier survived as many as 14 snake bites But in the lath demonstration the cobra venom proved too powerful for her self genersted spiritual antidotes Some stale governments have tried toenaot legislation to pre vent dangerous yoga practices The gavernment of Bombay has just enacted laws prohibiting samadliiand other extreme forms of Yoga without permis sionfiogl police In actualpractice however several states have found that legislation is largely ineffective lf some people want to die in spectaclilar way there isprec ous little government can do7said one official If you prevent them from sealing themselves under ground then they try to dlsa pear under water The beads of many reli ous in stitutions my are awaking to the dangers of permitting their fol lowers to kill themselves for nothing PBEACEING NUN Sisler Nandila vDevl aldeeply venerated sanyasni woman as cetic touringthe country to tell her sisters about the true ing or yoga Oneof her own pl died in is wb tiring samadll BIBLE ruducfi South Af Hereln my Fatb orl Ilcal much fruit so shall yo be my1 disciples John He who said am the vine years the branches us lobeprirllit justifies existent Some of the fruits expectedof us are holy living neigbborliuess and her cosh than lie has all these may under normal condition borrow the money from bank Tbo cbiri source of money available for borrowers in hin sda is the chartered banks namely the private enterprise banks which operate branches in all our communities such as the Royal Bank of Canada the Book of Montreal and others These banks of course have asscLs representing the mills capitol subscribed by their share holders most of which is invested in the bank buildings rind the furnishings in them They also have reserves of undislribuled profits But this is oil peanuts compared to their Iotolopers thin The great poolpi cash which the baliks have available to bor rowers comes from you and me when we deposit money in our personal savings accounts as this pool of personal savings the total of other monies de posited with our banks by nesscs rind by the wealthier zelis who maintain ii balance in their current accounls It will be obvious tha when QUEENS PARK Development you and your neighbors ucbda posit money in yoiirrcum tea counts or even in swim lac counts at your louibook the manager eannotatynoc lead out all that money because of you might come in the nextdsy oodoskloexerciseyourrlditto Withdraw your damn RESERVES 0F CASII So the banks always keep certain amount cash inimch nlcly available Thisr is sound banking practice Further to pro tout the depositors slid censors smooth working of our booking machinery our Parliamentwpz ululcd in the BankAct but chartered bank must maintaina cash reserve ratio in cash and on deposit with the Bank of Con sda totalling not less than eight per centof all lbe moneyde posited with it gt in prudence bank alsolire vesls some of that deposited money in very shortterm refini ilies which can if necessary be converted into cash very quit Such aredoyloday loans and Treasury Bills Government so by cans carrying owr of interests Banks like to hold substantial amounts of government bonds which have traditionally been re garded as being as good as gold and am sometimcs called glltedgud securilic Bulw cent unhappy experiences have shown the banks lllst hurried or illtimed sales even of govern ment bonds canreslllt inserious losses During the last five years the banks have also invested appre clablc sums ill governmentgush anlecd 20 your housing mortlt sages Such an unattractive sc curilies for chartered bank and have been accepted only at urgent government request With what is left of the dam its of lbcir clients perhaps 40 per cent of tbe balance in personal sayings accounts and current ac counts the banks will make loans to their business clients and prlvnte individuals Today record deposits have been absorbed by record loans That is the reason why moneyi is tight Sees Real Enthusiasm by non OEEARN MQRRISEURG Acouple of old cadgers here are having ball Its good ball however One that will pay off for the province George Cballies ex cabinet minister and longtime member of GrenvilleBundles and Dr Carroll equally long limo fiory big wig in Brockville are Chairman and ViceChaiimao of the Ontariost Lawrence Devel opment Commission And ver has development seen su enthusiasm THE TEAM There are nine othermembers on the Commission including ypllng limlAuld the PC meme her for Leeds But one has good idea they are only beucbrwarmers The active team is Challles and Carroll not only cherv and catcher but outfield infield and water boy They are giving the new St Lawrence Parks system the charge of the Commission llle loving devotion of an aging spinA sterf her cat 196i limo Estimates are that some $4 000000 has gone into this new park system to date Messrs Chsliies Carroll are cautious about how much they will still spend But good guessis there will be another $4000000 initially The way filings are shaping up it will be goodvalue The shaping up is still Ivery much under ay of coins The system wont be formally ill oili clul operation until 1961 One of the formalities being entrance charges But already enough has been done to give good clue as to what it will be like SHOWPIECE In the system which stretches intermittently for more than on miles along the river half dozen recreational parks have al ready been established These have beaches mostly man adepicnie and camping facilities paved parking etc They have had more than 800 000 users this year Then tll the Parkway new ile road that winds through 11 created when the dammed riveria touchy word but you know damn well what we mean flooded out the former farm lan And finally there showpiece lobe the Crysler farm memorial and model vil age The memorial will be speclac lar but the village is going to be outstanding When restoration is finished it wdl have some so buildings and will be absolutely toprank As an attraction itwill be onaparwithWiIiiamsbur and similarUS projects In visitor appeal the parks velopment probably never rank with Niagara an sonmil lion investment But it will at tract great many people It is already giving Eastern On Nasser Prepare To gllccepigt Commission EWith Prayiso Lcamo APlsPresidentNasserJresS and The Christian clan SBijlie iSready to accept United Nations commission thal would implement all United LNa lions resolutions relating to Is rael and the Arabsincluding the 1951 Security Council resolution calling for freedom of shipping illtlle Suez Canal Nasser emphasizes howev that resolulfiioos applying to I54 and us on our side will carted outalong affecting the United Arab Republic2 ese include tlle plan to vo Palestine Arab refugees the right eturn toftbeicformor homes in srael or accept compensation the 4947 plan for partition of Phlesllne and international status for Jerusalem which Israel has consistently lected sswell as to resolutiolnordsrlog Egypt to allow Israeli ship ing through the Fruitbearing lotions we will accept lbs lty council resolulio is Nassersaid in joi day with The Associated Monitor Asked whether be bad co cretc proposal for carrying out the resolutions the UARI leader Ireplie can say we are ready to ao cept aUoited Nations board or cOmmissioa to put tbcseresol lions inlo effect for bothlsrael srael discs at implement those on her Nasser said such board migh dilation new body Although the Arabs havedo manded imple allon of UN resolutions in ill post this is the firsttirno Nas he proposed the use of co mi There is no dlcution Israel would agree to the piali Thflils realis have repeatedly liturned down Lbcllsfl partitions opnsnl whicbwould alosso rllory they occupicd the eslt lino of 1948

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