ROSTIA PITT president of Barrie North Collegiate Glee Club will take the soprano lead in the clubs production of lolantha next February North LoseS But spirits Up comma McNABB Barrie North Come on you can do it If you get first you can ride homeln the bank seat of the bus These words were spoken by the spectators wearing green and gold ribbons to contestants in green gym suits The occas ion oicourse was the Tudhopc held in Midland But regardless oi the back seat bribe and encouraging cheers we didnt do it LOST CUP That is we lost the hidhope cup to Barrie Central and the Thompson cup to Coilingwood However these facts didnt dampen the spirits of our stud ents We still sang our school song with gusto shouted out school cheers as loud as we po5lt sihiy could and argued with olhlt er studean as to whose school was the best Thursday our football teams played their first home game versus Banting Memorial Also on Thursday we held our campaign assembly in this assembly the presiden tial candidates for the students council gave thcir speeches and promises BEATNIK TREND Following the speeches were two skits put on by the com paign managers Jane Mnan rens skit was rendition oi the hitparade song lm Mumw aHigh Jinks Amusing lintics my while Jim Wilgars as satire The Sneiph Rnlgrove Hidden Talent Show Both followed the Beatnik trend and both were as hilarious as their names infer Friday we went to the polls our elections are held as demo craticaiiy and as true to life as possible and voted for the peo ple of our choice We learned Monday Jim Wil garn is our new president Con gratulation Jim Did you know that the phrase all of sudden is the incor rect way saying suddenly Banting Memorial Students By EVELYN BALL Banting Memorial Commencement exercises were held Sept 18 in the auditorium of Banting Memorial High School Nesbitt prested the Sec ondary School Honor Graduation Diplomas and CWilsonpre seated the Morrow Banting Awards to DagnijaXninins and Robert Bulleni The valedictory was given by Robert Builen Mason presented the com mercial certiï¬cate and Steph ens presented the Secondary School diplomas Owens officiated in the Academic Awards General Pm Sciency They were given as fol lows Grade 1X Joan Eeliord Grade Joan Chanel Grade Xi Catherine Williams Grade Ruth Weir Special Commer ual Patricia Dohbs Grade XIII Robert Bull Grade XII subject awards were given by various teachers or me staff to the following English and one language Mary Dem laniuk Math and Science Jean ette Falls History and Gen graphy Jean Porter twin of strumental Music Award by Harvey Anthony and David son presented the intermediate certifies The speakerA Morrow was introducéd by Pearson dance organized by the Stu dent Council was held in the given Liked Play is YOu Like it stddcnts oi Banting went to Stratiord to see the play Ac You Like It ihree buses pulled away from the High School around 915 am We stopped at the Kitch ener Park for lunch then pro ceeded on to Straifmd We ar rived about 140 pm The Shakespearean theatre is not like the modem thehtms of today It is of Shakespearean detail and outline However it is quite modern on theinside with low level of seat and balcony The seats formed semicircle which surrounds the stage The actors lare quite close to the audience and there fore it seems you are actually acting out the play yourself We all enjoyed the play and doubt many wouldniind seeing it again We left Stratfotd about 12111 andsiopped ata restaur ant on the way We arrived back at the school around 945 pm Woman Man D1 rilestouLwomeLandm man Wednesday night All five were occupants of th car which collided with van loaded with cattle The dead were fdentflied as Mr and Mrs Levesque of nearby Price Mn Ernest Belanger oi Rimouski and sisters Yvette Edith Lavoia and lsola Lavoie of Gaspe Provincial police said tha oar auditorium to the music of the Music Makers rMondny Sept 14 about 150 apparently ulled suddenly ut tanlaéikdoroadpintothabath the munsnn sar FRSM zi snce then been dodging back The noon sand moans Contnnwood mu collegiate Montreal Kloucites can keep Hal iPntlasowbecauu Collin wood has Chuck hlcNichalthe towering but fleetfoohcd wing bnck fronrthe thrith metmp oils of Nouawa Last Thursday with the entire school watching Chock ton wild for three touch down as Colllngwood scored an impressive win of 3449 over Bar rie CentrnL The scoring opened early in the first quarter when Barrie player was trapped labia end zone following punt by Werner Zolter Shortly after Walt Berth wick scrambled over the goal iine on quarterback sneak from three yardsout Near end of the quarter Chuck cNichol racked up his first td oi the ailernoon on 35yard and run Werner Zotier kicked the con vert boosting the score to 10 for Colilngwood BarrloCenlrai shifted to an aerial attack during the second quarter when John Doherty snared long pass on third down and went roaring untouched into the end zone to put Barrie on the score sheet in practices prior to this game Collingwoods strength centred on passing offence but after testing Barrias line they ed to groundattock since the backfielders found little llunc in breaking it This was evident as the home teampowered their way deep in to Barrie territory where Me Nichol ran reverse play to ac count for Collingwoods third Mark Initiation aysusAN oanccnr st Josephs High School Lots of thihga are happening around St Joesl Groups of grade niners still laugh as they recall their initia tion day Although their dignity was lost when they were forced to BIperform amusing antics in Lh the student body theyrecovercd it in time for the dance that ev ening Sept Next morning they arrived at sdlocl full fledged membersof St Josephs High School which was climaxed kéeprinénan gpcoilingoood mgusm About five nunutm to the end of them Collingwood charged into Banin end and muck now becoming accustomed to this reverse 11W tore through for his third Ld Halftime score was In for Command Collingwood with Wayne Noble pulling path to the goal scor ed from five yards out Barriol aerial attack functioning well struck for yards and was fol lowed by touchdown by John many The lounh quarter saw Barrie produce the lone touchdown when the quarterback handed oil to Colin Sukierland Dohcrty made the convert lt Collingwnods coach Mr Pa ton played his second stringerl this quarter to find theirpossl bliitlcs they played on par with the Barrie team Final game score was one ior Colllngwoud POSTSHE COMMENTS possible reason for this score rests on Collingwoods dc iensive team the Korean Krooks who did superb job of containing Barries backlieidcrs Collingwood seemed to relax during the second half and this was the point of the game in which Barrie picked up the ma lotity at their yardage both passing and rushing Two Coliingwood backs Wayne Noble and Orval Thompson car ried the ball for large gains The fact Cuttingwood was penalized 40 yards suggest that the boys wordplaying asoild and rough game ill St Joes outlandish costinnes before lastSundhy Chie oi Police Edward Tschir hart honored us with visit he spoke to us about civil laws they are enforced He told us the Criminal Code and the Highway Traitic Act era controlled but local bylaws are made by the city council He also put to us for our on enati what we wear reflects what we are our personal getup forces opinionsotliers have of us Elections for class represent ativu have been held and ehu es fell on Judy Smith XII Bang rie Mike Rinnsard XI Oriilla Joey Saso Barrie and Barry Beluko IX Barrie familiar aoun none from the corridors of St Joes the rustle or many crinolines Last Friday the whole school donned uniforms The new style hinics are vary amart will have pictures to illustr rate both styles later OUR REPORTER Susan OBrecht who writes this column for the first fall was born in London Eng land during the blitz andvhaa and forth with her family across the Atlantic Her father is hi The Canadian Army Judging by her accent the English part of her education has won out over the Canadian she hasAbeenmgninlame velyears now and is going to be child psychiatrist ahesays when she leaves school At themoment she Minced where 127com from and how SUSAN bummer naming as she heipsher mother announc locks on Méérismpaign Shodn MacPheroon Camp Bordenlllgh Monday morning our assembly started off wilh man Mr Johnson our guest speak er kicked football into the aud ience to start our campaign of selling magazines rolling Our school is putting onthls campaign in order to raise mon cy for school year book Unfortunately last year the school didnot have enough funds to publish one Lets support our school get out and sell some magazines Prizes will be given to studean with the largest number of sulr seriptlons To help cheer our teams along cheerleaders for this year have been selected They are Diane Nixon Diane Nathan Noreen Hope Dianne Revel Pat Cul leton Carol Burch To prove they have been cheer ing the boys along the first foot ball game of the season was won with score 70 against Barrie North Good work boys and keep it volleyball is now underwhy Watch out Your school may be next to challenge ours Anart club hasbcen formed under the direction of Mr Smith our schools art teacher Stud ents willactually be finding out what modern art really is Since our school is new we are just beginning in do things like an older school would school blazer has been de signed hutaa yet is not on sale Shanty Boy Girl Breaks Her lirm enemy BAY DoreenGreen halgh had the misfortune to break one arm intho schoolyard last week cooxsrowN sanvrcn Lightbourn took the giving service RESIDENT DIES DouglasCoihurn resident at Shanty Bay died suddenly last Thursday theral service was from Stockleys Funeral Home and was conducted by Dr Lighthourn Interment was in Stihomes Church Cemetery Sympathy is intended to his widow and his mother Mrs Col hurn Sr Mr and Mrs HerewardMar out during vacations at Willow tin hava returned home after Nursery Morning School Susan is 15 lives on Shanty Bay Road and is in Grade 11 Hobby listening tothé Hit Pat ade motor trip to Western Canada going as far as 30 Mrs Ralph Hickllng was the Womens Institute delegate to Orillia last ltlesday Evory Thursdaylliiight ls Kin Imon Bingo Night one strain IIALI mums acronym same can weanm adorns gauntc SKATING Doors open at pan flewsscxrqrmi mains COMMENCES Thisweekendwu unconc joidnglnr thelboyfd Central nndoneolregrets fortbetlria Ogmailgathleiu came on arparkilngtetnt as points special note of congratulatiooapgoes out to our record breaker Brian Wil hop step and jump and Carl Banting shot put In Monday morning assembly Dickson Bowman ind the track team drank champ tne Meet dem sipping from the victory cup will he an annual event at BDCC Tbegirladldnotflrauwdl Forthscecondyearinarow we loot the Thompson hip by less than two points However than two close defeats will cer tainly spurns on to victory next car The Midis ni 1he Boys Ath letic Society elections are as follows president Allan Drury vicevpresidcnt Konstnn Roth Barrie Bantams Beat Eiinvale 31 Win Was Close rDecision By season prions Elmvnla High Wednesday Sept so the Elm vale soccer team played an ex hibition game against the Bar rie baatams We dropped elm 51 decision This was the first game we have played outsideot school practices This game was to get us organized for the open ing of the soccer season on Wed nesday Oct with Menford at Eimvhle and Thornbury at Col lingwood Friday Elrnvale is at Thombury and Collingwood at Meniord Boys Athletic Association is planning to have dance Oct 23 alter the last scheduled game beiore the playoffs The assoc iallon is going to sell retreah mcnis at all home games Pro gram am being made by the group to be sold at the games ems ATHLETIC ascoc This week in the on Ath was elected as follows presi dent Sharon Crone secretary Mary Grier treasurer Nancy Storey This executive will meet with the Boys Athletic Association and Students Council executives this week Ingmake dainile dates for sponsoring dances Another meeting will be held this week in which the constitution of the GAA will be discussedvandpos as soon as possible our inter badminton mï¬K SUNNIDALE cas Mr and Mrs William Robert son and Eleanor of Islington vis ited the weekend with the Thoma psoas Mrs Gillespie has returnEd to Scotland after spending month with her daughter and family Mr and Mrs Alex Hanna and family Mrs Blake Stayner was recent visitor with Mr and Mrs Herb Culham Miss Joan Wood Barrie spent Sunday with her parents Mr E11151 Mrs liarold Wood and iam WEEKEND GUESTS Weekend guests with Mr and Mrs Mel Sage and family were the farmers sister Mr and Mrs Albert Jackson Arnprior and nephew and niece Gordon Saga and Miss Sheila Sager bulb of Sudbury Miss ClaraWoodwas recent visitor with her parents Mr and Mrs John Hood WEDDING RECEPTION The reception followin the TrainSage wedding on Saturday Octoberser held at the home an sin nome to ELECTRIC Moran 220 volt phaso innona ransom of the brides brother and sister inlaw Mr and Mrs Mei Sage ANNIVERSARY SERVICE The 83rd anniversary services of Zion Presbyterian Church were held on Sunday October With large congregatioos preslt cut at both the ï¬ning and ev ening services anniversary speaker Rev Williams of Bradford preached inspiring ser mons at both services Special music was provided byduetisls Mrs Catherine Walker and Mrs Ruth Adams and soloists Mrs Ken Allen and Miss Betty Jean Green WINTER SCHEDULE On Sunday October 11 the winter schedule for church scr vlces commences Church school néeets at lino followed by church 2311 From 22 Daniel St nary revised We hope to begin form games of volleyball and Atp1vvrid1andrfragk Mee use to their inseam4t score lary MW acumen Bob Bill Mecca Last Friday team lost to Commood and ms maeolian oiffe on as runnng strength Yorke and Sutherland the plgskln for lgood gt Touchdowns woreaoored Daugherty and Sutherland We are sure thattourfoot team will find winning their game on Thursday eaaier they wiiihe playing on homo ground And then therasthe who said Student an coffee 98 per at of the agiv ingredients have been removed from the bean lctic Association the executive the of ovary pt 50 Imp lolx on hand Youll find KISLGlagor Ala the perfect Eartner for your Evangeline tool 511an Phone Pa mungml 5A1 RZANS GREATEST invsrrruoafl COLOUR rLusfl The Man Who Cheatedpedfltff knotr rAI in szl fro ï¬rst to cry canisters BA3R4SPEGIAL cram main PtiMlKlNs gaitnor armor mmr mm 3991i