iacrtarrn at new more me plan in one Ilteaded Montin IWI Intm meet in ltndyinl JLHF baring into the too the mutation miIia Citys TranSportatiOn FStudy rd in turooo allele and IInlId Willi motion to the Itreet tan proporalr taunt leer at Draws OppOSition At Meeting tithdmim rowing district heleouadtheeitytapme norrithetiemptnlo Mnllne Approximately ere ralepeyern army at Item med new tie in mama the yt street portend tethered in illttrrett Inhool Header trip to voice don the hay and to eaeottrare modloo and destiny reeorn the pontoon io btald the pro Irendallortt made in trInoIor board llirbny tot Barrie By htlon Itndr prepared tor the pear tom div mm mm lm IELEMID APPLALEF Judd by the Ipplattee alter mailed itead Vontheei ltd Wain the topic at Wm miter oi thoseht iteratoan unaided the plantainl Marielle one loud in right mite pro Wm he cooper tattooed with terteealipeeihe maroon Ald Perri rho chaired the we MW the aeolian Ilont Iilhlllt amended street pattern and Altar ntr contour and In loudied at not toptee the much at Head notheen 94 or Tm Ind Auodhee mtt head on with some can mu urge the Bernie Social Milan CM barriee eity eorlx bed on the at tome Will Weill recommendation mode in the hintooper oi Polluted Probe my mimmrtltunt in en tloot and the rityt lnientiont mm mm mm For all the opinimr ourttlonr Perri tar earner Ind ton and Imerel ll nt nesIlJvltm to Iiderotion It later hie hour metlint Ilr diet The therein beard two donn catled the remit town rnerehaota tote opposite positiqu on the retorer Fred ttrnpcr rbalrmerr at street plan heme Sort Ptanninrtntrn Doug Grawnood Dunlap purseth pate hrtei on area retailer told the meellnl the rmnmmdrd street plort there really taut any need to itth dullatprd the utnmp do damn thing Ind told the trout in the rarirttlti llrroI re tirelrmatho ttoped mrtcli isnt Milkm titwtbtlt motirarr enrieiltrmnotvgmn calla exlsirry roads that the ollyabantion the Idea oi extend ln1lAltadoore Drive and turn Fan erirttor road into parking the metal pinnrtlnl briel Ilia rerwnrmded the all immedi Itetr provide tree ptt tie tramit and build large doaritm perk betseon Btyiield Ind iiuleaater Itrrtt to be an integral part at hlmull II rotorIto 0N Itor tinted morthoalr lobe woyrnaie Ind to recent the advice at tire maul think Ir haret be rare bit here that dont time out the baby nth thehathtratrr be eoid title in In notional mm purdtau proachntheethana property lhteb approuir llia mil one lawn Indboollrntnthoseoppw to dunner the Iltretpeltrrnr lit limo ILto med the city to audit npld tranttt Another auditor Isled II the anthem lad maldrrud lath lliIhtrIy too to more the dim trIltlr hire Chrepnehn he the attention laiqu tend to be In Mm tey travel he laid Ii waiualiy all the other Itreete Ire contested lrn not more all tree tilrney too but you have to anti ymlven it yet really weird III the other Itmtt ourraated to radiant rnwlnx petpte in mehidiredrottteehetrtelntyen utertei Illornallvb but thlt will eventu Illy elleet land use he told Abotd 2000 at the WW iti ciiy trio day use ttlptr trey too lilylive thousand rnotartete are Nadia more tilt btt rodeo rd ALTERNATIVE hlr Warped Ilto pointed out to Cian Street north Inl Sam Candlla Ibo obieet ad to die propoIed meditation in the Five Points irtertertlon that there Ire Ilterpetltee tleteid the intersection edold remain II it it the ltotr ol trailit torrid heehenotd or the ol timlni oi the it in torrid be It trrrd Ja le uihlr canton elatement the too mtiiy peo pie with or to loose Ire meddling with our htolneu tttr amoeba said hlrtirrn in business to do nod butane Ind he molested that it it it Iltottn that the limb latittrtptinnn do at ppm with the people then Transportation Study giin Overall Blueprint Three yearn to preparation the Dttckttvrtb street be made Itl diatom Read lloarhnei and Al lat route or Mortbeoulh trIt Iodater Transportation study it tie and that Wetlirima Street In overall blueprint lor nortlnr rtther than Grate meet be oot the dlyl trellit Iystrtn by some eneteteest IrtertIl route the year ttm The itrIdiordtasafnllin inter dudyrorummetuttheex bronze would Ileo be in lor traitor at tatmhote Drive lttloe lanolin ii the pr salt on no tnotorte arterial route trout Ilia corned PM wold aerial ett Point to Dttritworth Street litta Ward Street I1lli Tititn reunite with parkland around Street inlerseettr titan head It theboy Ind pr ruwlnl the right origin The oonyullInlI nyI recrentlme tectlltrer trope to create Intnoth lynlllr It it intended that ltd route flow end dirert tome oi the o1ihelp to relieve the ranger traitir ironr thl Latetirore Di tlon Iraund the Dunlyrtiaytleld exteneien Clepertmt titre Polnttt tnlrrr mlirePuinu ahotrtd become Ioction and will rhllt tome trot Iranway Interteetlon with trai ilc lrorrr batlrlrl Street onto he on lieutenant street to be Dttdtttnrtit street with irom noan to lo addlllon the etudmceorn Iottttbound intends that Bartlett and The Bretttordltldt rtreelt tn termtioo timid also he threat od the marinate feel by in bredlnrd Ind Him Street interred It rirht Indra dirrd ly ItroIa irotrt the main entrant ea ot Writ rollottteie Dttohttortit Street would hoolt tho with the htmboro Dr cI tension le St Vincent Street The ronaultenla have also rec ommended that tlrould Anne Street North and Duekworth meet not Ietlnlnttoril relieve the plume an bnyii street the city rlxtrld latte atone to ott tend Toronto street orrr little way too Ir llIrd northbound Irterlal route The proposal Iutrmte the city tIke tntttacdinle to we nerve th route for tire derri oprnert it needed the oily thwid Idvbld In the next Itternetrre The liml Ideally reoornrnen ded abandon to IMIIY latertettitn rnat Gwperlon atrett newer 15 Emma Eiqigg gag JeannieEgg Inelhbotlnd ill in Street dIIrrr reality usurpation told be rid not communion in Dunk with in Int attiritnlly to moon to mother auto lien ebotd the criteria tor mat lnl Wdlhnon Street In eItt treat Irtettel route Mr Corre pneheuldtbere wttaa rIIl arm except tor the no that tt it already beta tried at In route ftha min In Ii reedyuernmdlthaeto ya lament The ttturr at public transpor ltlloa in hIrlI Ilto received Inore eonddletlonotlinn the with hit Chan the told it mid transitillullllomthnany mediumdead dtypmblbly Bar rinhnttiteheetdtanuloritto happen limit it ran and eIpltl iruwlt Iytinnn halib iarrrtlrtn one he told You have to get the purple who are moving into the city trretnmed to it uhen they Ira yin in It BU The transportation tidy elig th Epftm rityTorh day are made by public trereport The study protect that the boat the city canhope to athlete in three ten hlr Geropaoha raid the oily Iould here to have about to get etet uaettnlpoblintrernport tore it an even dart to think hottt tin tip the idea oi tun ruet one or two rnIior Iri Judging by the turn nut here lanlyht the people have spotter laid one man Int Nthzd Ibmhltht lundinl at the prop ram Aid Purl told it the rondn to be butt In connection ltnltt the province will pick up 75 per cent at the tab who lira miutitipailty pnytny the rest All Perri Ilw raid negotia tlant mid ptde any or elation promdintr but he and there in little chance the ill ttwld tile expropriation proceed last to more downtime porting The ample dlstnnr ol toruult in tlrrnt and their ttudlee de monstrated It the meetin drew only one moment tram tlr Chueanrha about hlr ltrmI role in the plan it Lt In evelnntiort protest and in the and we Ieit he lied to mate anrrte recommendetlnoi lrott In In Iliil iI thtt thlnIteppenr to or happeniny here end you thotild he prepar ed to make tome drainer WIUJNG 10 PAT leck only to wltllnrlg poed to ply tor the rate but add Since have ay Iixputte you till hate to tell trio It nee prom dilate yeIr at tile no can pay let both Then Ier III pIid tor the drink yott tan tttrlt beet lnlo ti TIT dtwlmod hlmteli amour Srlletla oi ore to ute eiitae mil tiIrtrt aIyI rutluiiy ltelloveea yott rnir II troll devil trIpped wider set beanie oI JIckI porn In mired vile tbttld are heir Alter or enroll beep that resembled you The devil ctraetl Ind threet and hot but ldhimotlm In to ple and brl lor hlI re use but it rm only when he re tech another Ict ttienied and rare or very hot decided to ralom to tpoad edto IcltIoulttnot dotiithenbo crrwnrw NB BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY OCTOBER 30 tm up Hospital Board Seeks Criteria we rketyromrite teriv tth tor the in with or not thebosplialrneeu tho nrlterle tn llt reouett lot erotmlk on ltotn sreel Councll raid thI letter to the bond when the request Ill reviewed the thinking lll that reopenlne at Anna Street Ind lot rtIllotion at trellle light It heylield Ind Weliodoo Sireeit would known the trollle roadi tIonI Irthlhd the hospiill Altl Alex Arthur thI cl yt re presentative on the hoapittl hoard uld rouhtll wanted lilili4 llrItlon tor the eroeewett and aid possibly the hospitnl torrid Kenneth Hollior Was Band Director Kenneth it it Holler I0nn er direetor oi hIrrle Oily Cort cert hood died Iuddenly at heart seizure It Bellman Sundry Itttrooon tie Ina dtrertlnr the hurtlnrton colleyitte hand It to tint lie the total not doe to claim hi noel The orirhthlnhlnr lIeI apat ttd ruby to tree hunt Iithblyrod Dont you not applet are the aunt nyrl tor M0 laid the devllrmbul they Itinuw too hiphior the chin Fth an at thoultlm run yeeted hot and then you ran mob than The devil dlib an inch Ibonlderl men in the hre more he had trepped the The devil tried let me an lrIliit moratorium wltor patrol the hospital belot required to mate reboot Ittdtvtlprornlsedtaelt him hi will The boardn view In tht meowit it needed to aid pat Street Iunorel Iorvicea will be held Wrateodry It the hlorden Chan al in Oakrllle at lztio pm Bur ia It TrIiIlrtr Ltwa Cemeta ery hlr Hauler letter till wile the writer Dorothy Vrllila IM children David Chris undo end at Oelvtllo Itld Ilslor thteen titre Leyl meet at Scarborourn tir tlolller III In excellent musician his principal lmlttlr meat brainy French horn lie III vecrIn oi Canadian Army bends and not teeehlnr It Coma harden then entered by the barrio City hand eotrnrtll tee to succeed the late Jmtpb hiritrililr but her here arty irro yetrrt beioro Intepilny the post lion In rnualr director It bur linplon Width to limit tho ital lier iamily retitled on Grove Street Beat Toachnta riiurl Ingrid Motion TI and LVM Joynt it both at hendale Ind noontnntsuttnn lealt rlItl Ind rlaitnrr Iito more the tireet Itter parhtne on Rate It any to Hutch but he no tirme rebelled It the pater he cause at hlI readied an earth CANADIANtllliSKt in pin Theta oiaaloru Ilthnt ernell earn Itll ito pmt tZurntotr tori at On my Yon trltlted into promising not in yotryeotitlrnuatkrepmynnrtl 4on remit utter hell Bil when not Ito en rd Jaet ch Ibereiw tame Irorn mailed the rev th law am to nd my in tho dent The drt Inserted hot throttle him live tool the Incite at hell Ittir pit Immriderloy ember inside nip be one entity end ever Itib this tent Lantern Mt hit Isy bo bat been derlnn the earth teal with an ear in 1M lit Innite reepuaihle tor the him at trick or inp to one diatritt betteen Beiirnottoo Ind Trnbolrea the wintry lath would Wolves out in Ill lorrru model more Indperede ther the dlstritt will Itop It and botrae dcnund tribute in the name block uh pod at tatsh mytholoay pluck Ollae Menswear the styled themsoltor lonl dha consequen erlhodldnntlruotlhemltoi erotuly Not vleblny to lartpt Ollat veamoce lrish terrain liberally are the tiattorrm rerdlm term produce rut trd potato both leaeliert It Northrtentrll ordinal to Teetmeeth Whip In in pond condition It Steven Ian Memriel Hoeptltt in Allin tan alter the vehicle they were rtdtnt ln rlrartt the mt at nortlbnund Nit lrrlthi tth bout lgto this moraine The mitten oeeurred It an uncontrolled eraerlnr on tinn eeeelon it at Teeurriteth Tonal thin about three miter rwlbeett oi Ailislon Pollen anti the lrIln III elon ptd It lettlliter plant Ind bart ed nerote the eoocerrlon to who to Ildlnl when the tenehorl vehicle ttnreir the me at the train Pnlrt atlmllrd the temp to ihetar rt about than and to the train hm trunnion lOltttlttlt or torrent wrrtrttn omen tor tro Palomar All been too It to euro IlrIGethlrierItttl0thaotl at it llltrrlon tractor melv Art lottery drew wiltbe FlintlLEtTr Dr niece lottery nheirmIn tEnIrntrer tnl the cheque It the that held each month for ltrmalhl Druid nheiratanettte board Photo lilIMlIOI the Georgia Four Titian tor lbtlatltty bate hint Judy Gautier tenure