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turner remaining Snshntdmnn Romrldort end tlknonlon Iran are tied to the Rosinn gtIoohboll Ooniomtxe lord and the FIR oottle thrl dispute nort uoelrend In abortion the Beltane ere et Grlnry In the only It tome today the starterth Itth tire too enouth hm ere clinging to third place ahead at Ilimlrl Blue Borehole end Brltbb Cr Tumble lion yin mutiln lilo HIM starkly in when Sundry rune Ilnmllinn TigerCol are at Star InithomnI Cobary one Inn Wood on title in e50$0 ehnnoo run Josie Nina trill be It to today The nnrne at be hurried on the hill UBCINeuInion notqu run painiul Stein rem Iloue tho here some Wu eburtrrx it wont hour until lnlzr about line bader Phil hitnnlrt end ntien eite guard NIIII Uperesn tile iltuiloon In Winnipeg coach Jim Soartill the attitude ol hie pleyrrt In goodbut ntIdI tint homing this liontml tituntlun in ably no1 It That situation tint hiring on lope Io trontmi he Sunday brunt broke a1 and tour pinyore were INHI IIInnlpog protest wen to Mon by the eorrnrnsrlon er the looting oitbe Hone ero etndrnt In Miami by Ilhooor en attentive LtdI9 retitled lo dolonce other torult 110900 Mnlo Sohtuuutzfscoresofr grog Esthm 53 35 gr r52 Egan if muchmend minim nIehe 273 EB lecdyri Guerre Rondriu nth with he the remext torm erty at London Knirtle In the Ontlriu II dtheiint rrocrttr srrrrrrrrrrrrs Nelleel moan Buiitln Toronto Vemrur NY Rupert NY lrirndzrt Detroit HS=BEEEEV assssasagt nae855 ouoc aae nuuuus an2 unu 3e nut1833 un Rienlte inrxotrtnr Dew tum Ollliunie BMW townie on out NYRemrutNYInhnIm Motilith new Phi hiieelPilIrtarrch Center Boldly Toronto rt Ilium PillowIR II NY rl NY stallion at hmoeoiu hi Boeton Celliornln et Phllndolpile Genoa lttrtriey rut or titles new be Angelou et St torus Onterle Inrrler IT Purim London thrdbtly Dalian St Ceth Merle Iinmllton liltthetoe Oiim Kingston gt B$E3$EISE$W 328228385335 s=====u ooo Reunite Pride Petorhurouzh tilentttiont hinathluinoetxttotmrt Gmeefodey Oshm Germ SniitII Iago Treyl decided to not ohilheSnmpletendhrtn Inrdrnnlnz et 10 pm 571 bank Orrtln Wetter ohhhleihmhmnndlhe Kluhencr el St Onthanney Iinrnlltun ei titan et lhmto Wesionjllir Cushion Vehicles make vcomtthatlr at it like Come notice and ride our ternin sized rrovhrronnrn th til roanonn Coffee Hotpllelllynnd Our latest Hovercre ernorvshlne Sunriry0et28 muskoxn SANDS INN were Domonitration and Flint to em mo enriz pm for additional Information It 016 7660707 Muskolra recreational vehicle ior It Film on View riront or II EDDIE MAIL nho hi nem hdm hen Soc rttnriet In 114 Iii ride Innntop Routine truck thin Etude mole helm ted to nhn Secretariat Item oeywoltl Itrpnrhorte irstol eonrel rldtn Ihen It harem elitist that meter rrla Ron We eru not darn It the den to Ihoto Sererdrigrraooured In Championship Race rnnorrro tcrrh rrm mm Hortonneutrino Ihn Irv end thtnIIl hurt Me the wirtm oi trninrr Osa Dinhrnnn the hill nddle 0001M mullet By 111 WATER Im The who bottom to Angelo turn and turmoil Viking on dont tell that to 17mm stretch ltd Cincin rttti Bounty The item end Vrhtr IN the Nellml Foothtl Iteruee my wheelie teeth In the non ron reaches the heliray mark hunky napalm will he in that nice It not lor tub born Ontiunrtt dorm couple at InVhII paved the my to 197 upset by the were result the Station ere or Ind Just one game thud at hath Geclnnelt the Cleveland Emma in the Aperture Commerces Ocztrei wow triturph phi the Sieelrn II rlrelgli regulereemn win ni home nekit health on Cincinnati conch Perri Rmne mind Wo Ire uniting into we driikuli titrationil be sol We not IIIiICIIICIItI more test y1ur TIIII Itan were we 40 Along pith the RenoWhen oonlrortetlen the rest oi Sarto nntionnl audwa II Woody hire rece track lllyhrnelnntlinmii mDtrtedM that ntirht rntbe toot mil Inlti Dish rmn trim hone her never umenrrmlbenaei Golden Dar Ior Sturleyr its them It mum trident Inlu thin year tor 31ml Unbeaten Teams Clash In NI1F doyn riaie Int Iloustore nI Chl tezn New York Giants nl St twin Denver II New York Jets Oatltnd ei Baltimore San Diego It dercinnd Dnllu It lhiiedohhie Atlanta or San Premiere Wuhinxion at New Orklnr llinml at New Bos Inrnl end Green at Detroit Iloudny night Minlo peye host In Iinnsnt Gly The Iterne hove lust horn wane snli hiinnosote conch mi Grunt whose Rib Int 00hltnhrvhnwrleI oven iw now been more lmpnNtI try in team dont km ehoe rein to bond thorn oil Ian Appoint also 50 nith quarterback John Iludl tiItIt meim Itnrolei Judson and runn In backs mum ticttrtohton Ird Jim Berietun nre No on hitchco In the NI IIonnl Conicrtnmnrl No tort dolonco The Giants huyehoeien tho Curdtnrth In It oi meetings Qlaltcrhade ILtrtdy Iolmshn who was Ito bottled Norm Snead earlier ler year then quit the learn complaining oi Iudr oi words will alert tor the Giants 1hehrnvyhvuiteolmu Lt Triple throwtimer Som toriu to he ridden by Irhett melottIyDrIdielprnme taint likely to he Mind to end It airborne Tlrnn In lierdudy Ii he urine its tte miiemeonthelinhnlthnt rotrmhaerteriulilttmattis Wnimemdr enriltlirclioeirw the threewa rainyin Monumende nttdBIzItndhuheenlxteIInd the IN main Ine tenorIn toeinibemoeeithouzblll orpdoihoeritgntnthepna niorlriloilins Aireldotlt ullthewIIl theelonerh oiimSSIn the me rt her tutti r1luehitlthm TURN SUSPEND httple mm nntin ting mum KIM 1mm ehn has him Scar urint In het In r1 hie at corner etnrtr We mtlre oi Grand Fells NII end the lcnrhnK rIdu et New Yorhl Aqutdurt Put brill Iln Ich riding to lhmtlhiuh We will he that mlte ttmi race the Jockey Club Gold up It Anne duri today rrtttourrrrr SPECIAL Chi rrrrsrtorswortrrrsrtnoorr Arrrwrtrrcrrtcrtr suowrrorrrr Ari mutt he prerenled rt time oi purrirue coupon per mlrhlne Hillilhi shits SERVICE AND RENTALS an NM ELIAVALE lyVl mourn rrrrtnunropsrtp daymmlonhdnyiorm AII IIASING ROW It MN It CAI WITHOUT PINS Of IMOCOME rnmnzaurmIrmn nnmmmaorowmancnnuu 599 NI IO mt 0er R111 MONTE LEASE i1 ESSA RD BARRIE PRECISION ENGINE TUNING SERVICES Rear oi Beymert Pim Reyiield ISL North OPENING srrcrrr ENGINE ANALYSIS TUNE UP 5409 Intuit 12th my hi comomioe mi heck out Idlttri drive boll Tut Int remain lMteon not host curb Rant dirt point And eir cleaner tt Reset eerb idle rpeed end mixture Iuhmte urn rout InItIni unit It Goon PCV mine It We III Unit Test buttery mditm end den rota ll Test Ind urvtce rthirle emission MRI AND OIL $1495 slits hertiellnir II Rlpniernnnn InIIIn PHONE 7269172 FOR APPOINTMENT ll cotrlcl cost you thousands ol dollars overheated cooking mix all too Iroqucntiy go up In Ilurrrcco And let an npartmentdwolloritcan he paruculuriy expensrllomaiorand smudge may cause eXlDIlSIVU damage to contrian erwoir on to possessions at other tenants Total costrierclaanups and repair could become yourmsts and chances nruyour present Insur ance covers only lose to your personal he ongings Doesnt It mate Sunsethcn to inquire about Economical Mutualo Tenants Packagenu nilrlrrciusruo insurance policy that provides protection agatnstsuchrtsks We designed It cspooieliylorpeoplowho rout sq they oamolttho nestle modest And Its availabiorrghirrow trdmyoutnearhylrtdgpendontlnsuranco uncut IhoTenantsFockagoiromEconomicrl eirprorcrrtcdbyoror 1000 tndtpclrdvrd mourntoo encore eorosr Iknodo 103 CANADIAN ECONOMI MUTUALINSURANCE COMPAN retool mull HOME BUSINESS AM we srrvrrrsou Alum INSURANCE AGENCY LTD vnoreor