Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1973, p. 44

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IMimum mm ISriouslv enrs EA if rs If vs gtng E35 is Efir if ii 33 it it in 15 Ii 32 is gi IE it or $3 nannurbannonspnztnhingm in IIIIII cwpyscausc IFctattroIdpolldax ottdwm eygmwup II IstnInor Thcymngctoutoilmndandnimostotcrl wimwmufammwkmmmtg pontrthuverypoopiethatgivethcmhto CIIIiCII besubsidiudtnthoegtlentoIII IIgrwammdmodan WMEM aIIonIyIIhontocndenareottentrInsporl 3221applymgthoGOURBIIIIsystemtotherrtI fIltldItIOtlIht$lubijSlItitIpp0lIIdnlIt Conandtmchmubooomcmcnaoes highway nodroadstumingboltlcnochIVSubways Notmitngnurouteontnmnyourw canjamandbuscssimptyrcrusetonandtean Impioamtpuuuiboundanuoopglm cvcrinmsingload andcoordtnatromn uroortImumItyimsrt IncanommuniticIlravcbccudoing PiIWFliimimwbwmImgmmmrlmm thdrbcsttolmaheodoithoprobtcmut unenuo III nmhclpiso binfornowoudtortlretutorc Yoursovcmmenttssutoogutthntfou Peoplecomelirst ImdrmwdmmmmuquI Pooplcrcnllydooomerst WWBWPI IItatIwhytheGovcmmentoIOntoriois II WWIIer cnoouragingonurbantrnnsponntionsystemthnt DIABugunfomof II wiliserchntariopcopicthcwnytlreyshould II Ironsportguonthrthu bemcdcmcienrtyoomronabty MMWRW II ptooogndmonunnI inexpensivelyondwiththelcnstpossiblo vwmtwmrwm II ltdoesnptopemeonnxed disruptionoinaturalsurroundings WmWm Wmswmpdmmm II It It IrvmutnuuyooumromonautIIiIIIII NII II IWWI CommunicationsiruinslitutedGOANEW Smggedhouni PIIFIFIEIIII um VIM rumba Whilwwbummtimrmoam 1I19Vcnt Ariatherwnytoredubepeakload oongcsI MW In or the may hold on moduntmurtsystcmsrnIourtownsnnd ntrurnd on is mmmmnshoun and 31mm and ntmtallow 1me tunmnonm oi tint no my WWW nimauir woollyIratttcpattcrnsltptgsscngerdemanttscan TmmdhmitamIm Newtronsltvehlciea besprcIoIovcrlongerpcnodIpcoIccnnbc momwwmtrm IIIII ComkfortablovchicicsIndoonvcnicnt mthnIIMfIqIIIIiIIIIIEIEIWIiIIY III It ttcsmaepubltctronsttattracuveSoth Stoggmdunrllnglouu Iturcsw SIIIIIIIIxI II III mammw govcmmzntispayingilolthecostoi QMIVWIIIIWIMIIWI uptown mum II lugwmk municipalbumsttcctcarstrollcybitscs MW IIIIIgovemmcnttt Ina IIIzII WWII Indrclntodfocilitics III or on MotInd on GoUrbIn Still mm tut tam 23 Somethingvcrytrightcoingignhnnpcnto Iimlcntcntinomcrcd III SIIIIIIoIISEigIgIIIIIIIIuImIIrEEnIorI II that per Will mung II panther will benet from IIWiitii Io or will Ichwll no made donation to tho Mimi tne IVHIG donation In Ibuut mwouo tho um Ibout our Ilawovagr bribery II rIrI In too untrmltlu with ma mm man in mammal or common mediatmpacity lmnsit system is being develop Ior largo urban municr palitichhe systcm will be fully nulomatcd quiet and cmrsstonrchtismuchlco costly thnn subway or cxprcsy ways may use exoting IIIILIfrntlinyl Computer controlled traillc In MctroTorontoo computer nontrollcd trafctystcm has provcd that substantial increase in load capacity foth point suchI as mainline transitrtation into limited area usually tchsidentlal Pomona are not required to board and IcavotltIe Dinl Bit at bus stops thIo bus comes right to their homes when rcquestcdtodo so Dial Bus is now operating in Pickqing Strattord Kingston Ottawa and BromaicI lnii will III mm Ioanbcoclricvetl with beoperatingsooninnonh MetroTorontoIT nIIIonIIIWIIIIIIIINI IIMMIN II oomputetIIIhIesoving II GOANEWWAYputIyeopII Simian mount Iiih mmpolrirtwnmuwm mmlmmm NahumAndrew II II III III wmtiorthotlnttodsutm lurtynrrthOANEiVWH oosuumanyttmcs avcto invov to wmm theoostotthenoocssaryoomputor mokeilworkr nuamcu Intuition WW WWIW Iramoto IM Mom SoSOZIoftheoqurprncInt andtinanoesnre technique at mind tub and forimullinguamc II wmomymm oonlroldcviccsitbcing winsurpqss anything moot ltnotltr muInmmld WI nrccssaryItorrmpIcrInInungII avaIaIIrletoIthpurbzn In Wm WM III II orcxpnndrngcompulcr munrcIrpaiItrrsrn wpmtmgng systcmsrn urban may Ontonobuiidtram mm motlv Wm 5W4 13 IIundcrwnttcnbythI clscinortotcnoo todmt am an erttnul at govnmmcnt Andproyotitat Iannou mum woot GDDMLABIIS ItiIEWl to mints Ibout Apontitrmplonwrl Wlmfor mminyrttlrrbarktapropl pcopiu Steam Engine lovers Pull On orwtamuu on on III on No no two to nunnnuonn II AM mm bemu IUrbantraruportotloutyliibeonecyt ramoderrrtransportationprogram iliii my themarlrlgnIcanIchallengerfttclngyriheneedIyDntarloconummitlen IIIIIrutretacorwlvoou mallfaryearstoconte In Tirebenetsofthtrprogmm by nmwm orm IIIltoanttttho mutant llmtswhytireGavcrmmntofI arreavallablctoanymtmlcqmllgllnI IPIIIII ytod Mrtulunrui menu It Otttarlodarcio dGOANEWWII IOntartowlrlrm too IWIIIIIIIII IIsItuunsI llllibi tomilo row Ichm on mm with Mailman IltradtonIlo on nun mt no ttodbylmrhrml IIIIiMIWoch II III tno nrgInIzIUoo pin to Iw MI etanIIIImIITIIIquIIyIIW OntariorncwUrbanIlanrportatlonlragmm IrinmclMItInd nu ImI MmirtryofllamportatlonandConmmnIcattonr liner an Imemco Itmguamyggmmiw HorthtIIrnGDaviaPrrmtheoGordcnCmonMinltnMCItrNslnDputyItlrbm IIIiItIIImItItwouyIrutInaImnnr t0 mov tIouIIrmzot twelth Io motto ttu one Mltrmn Awevwr gtIIDIV

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