Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1973, p. 17

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WuADI no tie ere erg dievhwrieae The IMmdthedoudtIlnootherodandthe oittoed dtyadmlntrtratir annthtntratteaauaaedtere wittmbernovedtotbeeoe mummies nndoorotthedtyhailet volatbemplavhld panda mono renovation pro wagging Ironing lm mayor Icy 0otartottyrhvaratlt edtlnnwutvooorloltbe en in and the mom and the Idmlnlttratinn arto hareruottedthelr ereneer otndnienuleehomldpo were ieoteeha mandateMM lrItlontpeopo themayoroet mmtmoeahmoeea Inlhrithltdhoormmndlioorllllhetnrned etfleetadtlt the cit Ichlh lnloaeomltteereonnanithe tratoronthe el melaminelineal BoththeWIndurerIl be torutteamallroom Itiemea alum with will MWthmndtrhIm tor the road at lm In utmion the mWI who to till Nil CouncilOtrays Land Purchase Forehead To little lake Park The eventnat developmt ot carried entby ionner alderman little late armed little Ndson Garrett new chairman at Mb will thlrweekyhtn thiJJttid uh Plli develop eotmllthe lgd telytoormaldr Wont od not wtshlp Three2m will be ptndzared trern ltwaatl PIrtrtdze It price ntttopoo per aue The Iddtttooal area to Wt the new read atlt be purehued horn Erna Pertrldde tor ti Ernest Partridraa art was landtooked untllthe lttlI Lakl Part IN Knit Bay Development comttee came up not Mahler the mesa road in new route mitten at In met to irepart Indira me tolu tlon in mint Illl an expansive ttvnlor the development it Anotherroute which the city ind eenstdered would have cert an enttnteled tinooor Aldo Mlalld he lltlt ill pt acre la ll but Idtlcd it Ill the best the toil could do under the drum eteooeot no uh new ot with the leeeoetoed tempo and rotd t1 Highway 100 exten hL Pltttltle his mod to pelt lion dot net uduie tho poodlh prottded be then access to thy oi brdidru Icnond road in the park mod Nerotlltlcor tor the domedpmmwi diase Plans if 2E gii inee if as ie eeee Egg 222 Baytield st tlpadment Plan ttearing To Be Held tier Ztl Tbetlurtethtoolnzitwdhu the antenna occasion are eetltovtouthedatatera deemed oeooornlealty oner while burial into pr oled Ihte an to tho topeyrophr nlltNtotl apt ire otdtnu ltd no the nut aide et Bartlett Btrrie dmioptoent company steel between Welhleton Ind ndoer variances earlier thin aireett yearbxwttaoeddoanhy The belldiar in lo teelode tn thettoo ol aditntnaeot at door pool tame indoor parlr the mime lm couldmd and ed mites proposed meter to alth Ipartmentt The bu hm dropped tram the plan ltaendny nl Thomaatment tramktnnliy floor am the epeeed holl appmed in new prior to par din within the requlaetmnta are at the elm elbow plan nt aanlnshytutmiaptbllr Inda below andwute be header in necessary held Ilia plan phloh new IllI plane stipulated eaaetty lta height and alta pleat ran be printer ot Ipanmh The hearing all be held prior Rona mmtilnw the the to the render board meeting plan erehooded hInde aererIi whedoled tor that date Parking Ban 0n litany Sheets or mildtth elm wtwmmmooth to nemhtr pt amend ddce Mm tttnpleAveme and menutolhedtytralllo Itxtt Dnlrylnnotthotmhllde tit uhaddts Under the newIm leronaIdEtreethctween Sophia mdmull parking hilt be pro IodOemrthenorthatde hibtted Imthneonuieietloalon to tor icet ureetntthennathalieolltotlh rc Spring yield sign the norm ol Outlier and Bartlett met lOCill GENERAL EDUCATION lltlrlltD hill The Silicon Gnarly timrd bl Education Will will deal nlttt wowwoWevvyvtrmWmmiwmwmmhe Nev 13PubliclHariegsietedf mnreranhtertm reportenaetuiyrllhw MuhBIrriehelara meettnr My nlpht Memo Mvweewweeatwee eweneweeed but Libra lhcorpornted IBM letter men the pmizlal in architect MA hour the term peter Allie demmm enthehraryholdaeeule ow Photo Trend Toni rdLarger Libraries Public Librth Meeting Told trutle is towards tan lzrer and ma Grace Butler at the mice dd it In in at thth puhhcmlthran lira Butler sold the rod ot 17 tinart atone rrro mum tool to 40 pt tom lot The Iverre eott pt mall enunty hunch ll HIM Add the average root at hole that to moot Alter viewing etidu of live ot three new tihreria the deliriu eea at the Barrie rattle liinr bemme ray widen The new tltxxtee re tnvrtnx ulna modern buildlnza Ilth rarpttiox eurhtnrtahte ltnnltne and lot mdtn roam the Albert implicit district Womb which rlmttob Ant Drop an rerun inc pt Toronto awn wred onedny nominal three by illJ lle Mm H10 Youthful Seminar items main item aim um Mom M1 aererIl nnnrt propanqu ot the limit YliYithA receive the undividedvattention ot Srnan linden llarahall street Neday atCentral Untied oneea durinr hiolh nanry oi ail charges to tend er melt tor mtenloti ot classrooms lrto library resour ct centre nt Prince ol titties gt Kine Edwnrd ma Oddlozeood aenior ptth Rhoda the meet ing cot underway at pm It the Perth lnne educator Cen tree Ni liltEAttlN1 to are probing an Ioar merit breaktn at Dodrlnrton St The lottdhlo My Notied It Ihotx pro We tried dee err Ititernoeneut premmt ertbed hate tnihetr Lite Examiner Photot teens or early toe are nought The lint nun Lt described having bill blond curly Rd and tat teen The mod horn in on the back Wiley New Program Features Iteth It ths Fun For Mums And Kids chitin mothers1 the titr rle htt WCA may have tort wth wre looting ter the hm it mom ol tun to the Lida and extrrlstnz turtle or plain eli artuatim tor the northern pill cuttintto every Theoiey alternoon on they Ml more intereel on tita Wt cl mothm ltitll ml lylcl limit canal United Witem ploorwith pirateene and the tea eett rotlnd nahllrdure tnhlee Gm Dagrmlt ot the said mu the tenth work tor the madlyn week pmdrem and she been it ntll wartime She said din twee more where pith presclmtt Wilt girlish their diaries rim to the lll Militia tor the roan hrarpht include drumtong linger till Modality etilnrlnt Vh mmwmmhtm Elmlgmde gt set One ntothtr aall hnhystt with fgpl teddltea under threeeon oi ape each week it thele are on mm ltlTANDttutt ouzh DeGMtltheYtJNt Police are tooling inr tit Trimsle uttttliet driver ol the ear that tor the vehicle owned by Danny itraDIyneauitsatithaYpro enaem parked in innit oi Ina turn at the limit be Gnnn Street mldtmc The hltA were it dlterere tram ether Indmn htmnod It too pm rrurnm hunted thelh nltnrhy We between Grade and Grade it the have taken it least one drlohnereased by hi per rent inoyenr permd mt study done the led vernmenteA ctton ite Iea Fooddpbon The theme in Grade alone trottt ion to rm was to es per eent trom it per cent Iceord ln to the rrpoet tanned last December Young people trout the are oi it tnrs to 11 yeara were involved in 3000 Ltqoor Control tint violation in Toronto lest der little to persons were lnvoittd to don eltcntea Those are some at the tens ons mothers oi the eitizena er thitilhllhll boom no Alcohol and Drug Coneerru the are in the road tor is to Warner and limestone around the prer lpre every year ittesdny the Toronloharei mop sponsored undnar on chitin at Hope Acres the Solution Ami Alcoholic ite hablhtatton Ceniro near Glen rairn Approximately it prrtena heard premium on drug hunt Ilcoholinm and ABC pro arna derirntd to prevent proh rm More they arise itonald iterator public Nil Mtheo1nteted coat Mott it has hook enpaeaty at 0000 roadie ream cap Idty at Int erection room capacity no nun In wt lnx entitle toe to core The library acme population at MM 1h mtinzton pthhc library ablch men which nl 924 we and 3d Wilts it located landscaped rite Itll harm and our Indexer there are lam potted plank on the first it three loan it has aminoodtyot Mohamed Iranttnrthenarrle llbr Kid 13 in hit at mid Itall whiny rpm an then rhould be very little realm spate nn Entering lecithin tor month no ethicatlmnl derision me no ehlldrena all on art tvitts name in mental mtlee tine am mill dim depart meet my little uaitlnry space mull Irean hall and arty home metered portion the rpm added Mn Keener etnlrmm ol the hint limp horrid all the board mumpydmlmmpemwched andme ddtheuailuehehlatoomn Inn room repudty oi an and parktnx to can TDD ML The ante puble library and 990 will too We at til chmeeapowhtionotno in tin eatdlnl mltue neatly media the aleotthenldttnhallam the tor lotmtioor hhrar with mund radiotthe hmrdlomthnexlel tihrnry ltdnan It Kellen and theatre art mire it ddnndl oi the pnuc wine at MN allow each other utymlduhlsmttiorle heapneeutheyncedandtet the patrone tall all over cede etbeelhmtbeuudmheaeme Idlon Wk letting new lurnodvhrn beware the Math Ittnry teenumathamieotm tine amtth theoretioex pandthee hhrery mile rteti mm lttt All Alex Minx poo attend All amid he exorbitant on re ultti Dntld litere ere Mire directive Alrohol Ind Dntz Cameron Ronald ilaro ten ADC whde directori Gtenny Ferraro ADC path we coordinator ttlehnrd nit lord Oriiiia outed Addteilnn Renard ination Captain that Verstegetiope Acres administrators Ex am Photo Alchlibl Use Incredsing At Hope Acres 13 Told lion director call the orm lration etrlta smaller centres like Oranmilte Trenton Gearrotonp Betleaille and nor rra bloom the rural commun ltier are alien notvlod PRElLeIIlE EDUCATION We too preventive educa tihn because there not err ouph ot it in our roriet Mr linietcn elaborated upon talk lien by David Reeve executive director on the dro and alcohol scene It may he the tiart ol til lure shoe with tittiieelties in optltd with tremendoua pece pl lite it may be rebellion be said explaining reason why the drug phenomenon has like en place Certainly thorn in peer group presane on an individual in any ape grotto The pressure at so cial drtnha in there too htr hierston incorporate letter from the presentntlont nt Gtenny Ferraro youth coer dtnntor wtit ADC and Richard Ntord lrern the ortittn ot free til the Mitchell tttsenreh lletlviatlon All chemical htlhylintu man gets hb hands on he ehorea tir hianton raid The only anew totheprohr tern oi drill and alcohol addic than Lt Will attiudes One Ittitnie aideb he to yo it the young dtildren iron to douhle Itnndnrd where it up years at are tlhm phone mu isle concerning adult drinking in decisions and letting resino tiod teenagers usage at mart albitlty tor them and poile en lune he said natural high by enioyinytite tir tierston raid the orranl in our rotten in against both healy Il ii fa Ye 1ng Nm WQWIM andrnatl mg were at it kind in Ft me Last year two rotor person We are cheljntuilyeriep tome toadher to hear more ltd people rho have to learn llJVthlpo lndndin aeruality to late lite aquarely without these thinn Sllllll Snbstltntlcnoi religion nav turn and meanlnziul thinra in or sort ol nnurnl high oil lead to ller tile than starcth tor romethtn one it rot irndrn through run and Ilcnhnl 75th he said The aereer to the iodine in the word at Dr Dlt lino Ind other Ispecta prorraan oi cooperation pith the rennin male mutton in prehntlon leirm tie attendance It eight or to Instant ol conn Ieliiny tor poultlui ottenders nonvtcted et liquor control Act lolalinnne Warren aretghcn ivy Nita policemen doctor and other dnu merit and memos littr betlon odlecrer cock oi Minnesota in in the an ttarston was critical trinity notrln drnzednattoa thoreeentlovernrneni tiltinon or hurnlnl ilexlrnn marijuana the ban on Imheteminto he iieida or destroyind French new be laid their none in herein tactorlea medical attuatlona has not been ile sold the organization In proved to be beneficial motto writable to parents lie uld also he thinks theg booklet onltttcd to Point lot her given too nitteh put Pnrootvterplem About Duel iirtly in out were and beer lltrv We this pill help parent and lidtvt commie lure the iellitttet trod help them meet advertising in publica Kyles1 owe the ot tam lions ltil ll cm the alt til sure the need tor nlhstlttttea uu mpgem gymI whatme tIlIhowtn aetd

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