tout notqu mild mus NATION vim WWIIMIH movement the rtculrrdeoolxtlvilteetn edGrIdIIlItudqutTIr mendcccnblueeeparttlm IrntoerPhote tie Wei Idlepille Terrie ynbwiie Indran cur and tray Iyotrmn there In no Activities Are Many For Youth Of Month eww menu would be even bdorr he Inloyni dimer out at the nice ride llnuiry nldri ltlnnillrtneetIIGrItlett am It crotrIl colleeittr we pert the It the Milne in In lowered le be wIll bl km the rum Illm the poem Inc help prepared en and luck wide yrnu oi uttvitlee beefed Int his cteedy 70 per ren Iverere through hint wheel in it oi the reason the cillr hint Irene Uri oi cIndl drum to by admin boil becIrrtI president oi the Itloilrrletr Ilvrdetd roun inhlr ttrrt year II Iroetrber Ind me be dneInl knew bow lie in Ilse monber ei the 3071 Middle Cornell Itudent puhlrity IdtlIer lurtbndaooil llllic llIn predation to rttn luv rod lrb lot out yeIr member thI drorvn tor lhIt draw Ictlve In the turner club end when the volleyball turn over the pure It Cenlrtl rtu deniI thI uen Scott In loothlil burkrdrall volleyhal Ind truck Ind eld rmtrre Ind unliorrnr He her It been preteet norm nu moon Scott wll born in Windror llvr ed meet at his tile in IiuniwlUI we refute Barrie week he lorI Grode ttlried lilo IIther Bur itrtvet mother Ind Ileomclher Ill live he Incbmcilslrcd the tent in Toronto crrr new Illl Mimi EXAMINER TUESDAY 0WD ll rm fltaveiieis ToOtheriIourttriesw IV Should Check With Doctor First TrIveiierI to other mutter lilllifi be IerI oi nuy direct II widdr have recuva broitrn out in within they wish to claret in km Dr Annbrtlst vleil ndwlrer the Simeon Coun product Ity Ilieirld Ilratiit Urit The unit onI Iliitourh the tibial epidemic In Italy Ina nbeided Ind one otter ranted lo Promo revertiy unlimited Eelellllivl meme Iltouid not rciIud lledlooi nltlcrr of Health Dr Jt mom told to her Mai that veceintltons Irrlnrt Imrttcer timid be rlven tor travel even when lhmmnecertrrry hvdlcetiotl Comidnrnble and to wormer jclimoim will Iceotvtparty vint rrr icy weeliter Ind dioulrl lol iw checking with doctor in your to the West more Sitter tree In oubmt ot pelio thdt has been relttivcly idormurc in corrode lrIveIIerr to Mexico heirl Ammtw hplio lloiy ewe arrre oi the Ilrdltnronem Ind parts It Alrch end the For Ibntld Udhm or metera lint rholen Dr Armhrtut warn that bott led wear It come mdum lt vtllrne mutter which hrrnrt been trerAed Truvnllm tn Atri r1 will require ulller mutation merit In tlte Irco they Ire ru rth iriva it the nearly eluted it uecquI tor the your The executive milder line rhould not be ac centre nor dtoull my delry product or poetry winter cream or roll be deployed eI cool in reirtrernlee tlllill Fruit Ind vrnrubier the nt urlly beat on uulr lunc tlcldre Ind id not be eaten wklrout IirIt belt cradled 20 Children Hurt ln Windsor Crash WIN Out About til ctnldrou were inlured Icrrte whom rerlnutly when Ichool but end two other ve Itlelu werr Involved In rolli eion Jodry on inrenrmd reed Police etid the but crrrytnr rtudcnlr to the Woodtlee ptbllc Hindi Ind Irhnce itiuok were involved in the colit Inn The cIr burst into utter Ind the bark the but our mired ilte drltvr oi the err IMAM uuiulured tint report trad llldlClled that the hue liIIU bed btrtt trite timer rtwmts CLUB or rrmtt EXECUTIVE mall Lttllt iohn llom diet recnnd virerrertde Bruce 0m modeler in Scott laid he preterred binh boot in city like Barrie when the coune Iodine tr meter lle IIIyed on in titr riert the tune Icth Iller hit perenlI moved to Toronto sonic all bit tirnelthte tr divddurlly Imnned Ind tIkI ohm 5201331 bi ml tonnelee bidery any It Ind home ecannmler Thlt Iirunr Icience here in hit edxrtien will prqrrte hoolr tor rdmlnoiog room prnbtbly the Unlvrrtlty et ottm when belnputeobulnldetrrebe Ian joining thI Boyd CInIdiIn um Poll Scott IIld ltorrte ennnornlcr bII um um run It with you built rookiee rte nin lthII wkie Iodnhplnal crepe uI development oi the child ReIlly trim birth In delltL tiereldliilcdzleolhu IW ddericei lnlerret tor him end in note in teh IdvIniIrr oi lt ivr lhI utiirirtenmeni oi the mug pbihotirv oi hi link There He explained title rttrInI eeo MINI dont ritr to tbinrn Ill turn old He obvioth doesnt lull in ley tile in biruitnowurlr but up IeIrtI turd rtudy lI neceurrry lo mrlntrln hII Iver Strallntd Iictor To Be Speaker ertlnrd trier Barry lire Grenot wtlthe the treat Ito er It the Geerrlut Feun Itlnn Innuel dither meeting on Turr dry Oct 50 nu tIceGreror be III blr err eer It In curly Ire Wind in million to tour present II ieodtuy periormerrlth the Roy It Sinkrepeerr armour be Itgt peered there in numeral rIdiu Ind television pronunr Ind tn comet tiltru him hit iirrt StrItlorvi ImteIrIan in IBM he hit perlormed boil on Ittd nit liturdeuy with Ben lrrnrttror Acr red the John rerurid Corn pIIo Title rummrr mrrkrd trlr revertih reason at StrIttetd 0v er the your hit role here to cludee nttvInlo lo llorcbvot or Vrnine Ind liner in llrchelh The dinner meeting wtl be held It the Bertie Drunlry at ll pun Atbnittlnn It 50 Ind everyone welcome Thole within to Itlertd my eIll lirl Derrerdt meow loin tlrei vicepreetdroi Roy Ituklmv Wary AMI when pinion III taken no rally Ievmi ovme Maurice or lmrarlea Ire ImIll Ind emu um or II be me 0N COIN mi Drtto Ovtlnty to the only coon In it rerion that bu lull rdncd Nunly lbrIry Intent mrdinr 1e ttr etIclIrnrir mmmty Item it In meant re ht he Idded dont tneIn tn E1 the dime IyIlern down it notny trunendoue lob llr rrld be Ill Ibbdttd video he metre llrtrv ice brery my the Georninn the rector mm to the litL om lor opendlor in other to dont dont tried beinqu byelltilebtthuiverrrt art out or the victor Och the hetero OnlIrio II rten the eovniiee oi llInlrIw IA leedr Gremlin Dun ornmt Gloomy lru colt hinge Ind the rettnnri microehty otteveurleton Ind mun mhlnIittieI It to not or lose popvdrllun not cure loed into county Ikry Itvteerl motor In the provinci it bury Iervieu report Municipal Pension Bad Deal Nixon rumoured otvperltlne lender Robert Kim rhIrKed Monday in the leylalIlth lhIt mmiclpai ourle tn OotIrie Ire petting bed deli on the investment or their retirement iunde Itr Nixon rrld tilt volition Michel enuloyerr retire noeot ryelem tunde will be rele verted on Dec 1m in de benturnn oi the turbulent ol Orttrrlo lot period oi to yearn 1puyittr between live Ind tit per cent The Liberel lender turretind iitat premium peymrniv trout the peorton money Ire both used to rvmldite the iinrnrlr rtrnclttty or the province rIlher then help municipni erruilny let to win bu been Inrded en RCA Audition Award lntbonrnetnrlquedlverm rivalry proton in CInIdI tobethebddll lubmitted mm more urrr Genre Wood Homeownership Ansistonce Pldn Should Aid Low Income Families Centrrllllorlrrre rod Rotu lo Corporation nu introduced new hmoerrhip Inlet Ina prnnlrn which eeouid he of midereble broetle to low tulleonto Ind elunle pueot im curler Pettone Incline nua Iner or the Demo otllce or fluid Iridtivere bu been lot It revuem to tbe orerrrrn which wII iltlt Idvertived Sri urdIy in mid It Ihouid Ite tiltI the mli$km in Bar by or pur chm borne or their choice wiINolbeir rrteInL Anyone with It lent one de pendent hUd whore IdAtIted yrnsr unurl Income in turn or tern ourliriee under the new prnvlrn tor to $330 rnnurl IuiItInce on their mangle pIyrneatIndIvepereent In tout tttttictttttttt ANNE AND lift1N threeyeldnle million on Tit ih Street cued In elmted rtvoo dame Monday morninr The lint vehicle Involved lrIctorlniier driven by Ken twill Well ot tie DrphnI Oren wII motored TbI nrrr cur driven by ltnhert lt Pontoon et ewnryeld ht contained In recounted root donco Them and ur driven by Gerry Court tin ot Oro Station received In aimled $500 demure DRIVEN TUE Tnuir vritlrd Ii Ibout tilt were trken trortt the tlIrrtI DriveIn corrth durint the weekend The theit war report ed ltotutnyllnrrle nnUte Ire investinth the them TOOL HOLE pm Ihe toils belonged to atqu lien or Worn The their III reported blooded more HOW 1071 Fold Torino parked It the Butte Arena bred it two rent wheat ttntrn llnndIy riot the driver It tie eIr Trudy U1 id AdelIide Sit reported the theit In Dorrie anno It 030pm FIELD NATURAUSII The Brenton Field NrtthUIir will hold titde Ii 30 pm II lldzlttI Irirool Tiltrte to be than in clude Forert Forever Ind How To Grove ltUd Rom Ultitan Int Iiudentr Ire wclcornc lnr lniumuidn celled on llrirone Avenue Barrie police Ire preemtiy tn minder the their at tool but eonnun Intuitmien $000 worth It loolt The toolr were in the rear end nt Imrll truck parked on Dulleld The lhcli neonrod lri dry trim between 11 Ind 11 Sunny Skies Ilgain Wednesday Temperatures To Remain Warm hlIlnly runny rider Ind wtrm irrroerrturrv will continue in the dirtrlci lhrouxh Wedner dry the werthermen tr 1an cullnr Ilwr tonight in their on thetdry the expected tdrh will reach the upper nos IerleIt cold Iir purhirtr dWIl lhrouxlt Northern Ontrrle will reach into moot ot the molten restore l011llit Ind eIrty Wednesday their ltIll It will be tormented by tom titorl lived cloud Ind drirtle in restnl the province wUt renrIln mrlnly rtrnny Tornntnz dentin lbiv mornv int muinly runny tedr Ind Wednetdry High Why the mid not low lattice in the told our litre Wednetduy neat to Ilrmitton Peierootourh northern Luke lluron NiIrtrI lib OnlIrlo Inutbrrn Genre Em Bert dentin liuv rnvrn rrtInly runny tndry Ind Wethrrdry llirb todIy in the told me how tonlxht In illl low the in northern texture The Ice Him wormed in the up Jim Motley treasure Ini Irrvtner Photo perttr run Lew tllrlr Todnylulrhled m1 to bilinknkI Nutrition 51 alhrrtnee Toronle Trenton Ktnptnn Peterborvurtr Petmwr North tiny Stormy Eoriton Tlrnrrtlnr Newskaeiny lSS lterle tboplenu Welirlliver GerIldion Alonsolvee EMERGENCY NUMBERS Pin Dr Will my 71W AnibIIIIcI lenlee mum OPP iii 00 dd 8EZESESSSSZSEQSSEEEZGBBE 82388383833$388=8=8$$=Gta caagzassssaa EARTH CltttLAthiitENtB lhe equatorirl clrrtnnlereuce oi the win in 24001 miter milll Ifworktscmatesyou you should catch attract AvisittoaSpeedy Mutller King shop is must for anyone who lever work When other people are doing it The walk lrom your car to your trailing room chair in the most cllort youll have to exert the nrdme erlee el or exist home up in mm Theliomdr need in Idltnt tIrntlyI income dltleert de pending on whether there one or two oarentr in bro Irrnt lImily where the wile werkinr ClDtC rddI both the husband Ind wlier you In nucl locate Ind then mm 010 tor the Ind 100 tor etch dependent child it th wile ie not working CADIC rib lrIttI only me tor eerh de Indeni child lrtrn the lucr IndI intbrn In Iinrio ruent turvly 000 111 on or out dromdentdti tIIdb trrclnd iron the one income ANNUAL ASSIDIANW t1 the odiurted Income tl til it 081 the rpplicrnt tvliiiiu lot in rental unet Im 0i in per cent mort ll Apltornlr with In Idioti cd Inc qrulltv lot It pplchntI Ill In due rd um at or medittliniltliie voted Incorrte ol All or tree nullity lor IItrrlly with two dependcnt children in which both husband Ind wile Ire vvvrkinn Ind with combined Income nt HIM can now buy other home with hunt down payment The down payment in live per none It the tort oi the home The reel in sheer entertain ment Riser Up goes your car on the hydraulic hoistiap tap The trouble is diagnosed Flip llip The price lsrcvealcd Clunlt The old mufer comes oil Zing The shiny new one goes omlssss Down comes your car Silence Your new muiller in action viuv one per ml Inortmu Intruder teetho Imuu not marlin It pn rem turn in Irluai ennui re pryntent lee lnelrdlnr lure am But with bill minimize the tdpxirebi la ruined ill lr IUon than buy more naive house then theyeotdd IKotvi tingle parent with two do retrieve children to notch the Iron innit 1mm none mum home the trmityr Innurl repryment in ctudtnp iuII Ieute betrmo but with the NI InnnIl Inlet Ince tort Ann thed but Innvul repayment The down payment on the bouu would be trot llr Percent nld the boom trust be Ippreved ovtuo be im they quIXy tn the prerrem They more be time turIlly round Ind rule Ind utu Iii on centred tote The Annual Icelritnce will reviewed utter the tint yetrI Ind then every two Ierll rem rtter that Lorne trelur retro For further tnlorrnriiou ron tact the Burlr oiltce 0t mid lleil And all at title so duldtlyp goatyou were so laminated you even get our ma in articiertiehed Oh well thatr show business