Strodetinny ltemetm eon renew Wth ve been telleltttdthelertrnu Watt Wme utter vtlhfnmtoetmlhthl Wmthptttkulertettred Wwmhmm cud Blitylltrrtetetnt IIIkO Ith In home mm It Inhr em until It gett breve tenement Ittrnetllt more than treat Itlentlott run Ittr tinny heeledan hm bten wondrrhx tied at ion thee e131 he retrth NTIL Toronto Lute tn lha not at dram Toronto mm the opener an age mean the tht1 um up that tilted nth eolr bwt roe rtetnt teate Am lane to ed lhlt Clrletont mud In Ind drIII helped the betting Tom gtln hit eter tt per rnelt ltnterle am or the trotting hockey Igor It aortte whit III were IeIm he were epht Itth other It Corleten word Itth had Inetmtgoe monitor to N1 ot roun Ievertt may netlree In sham There are team ranted to more In Bee omen TEAMS oerrmo READY not her Dlor DIIA rate tn the wt Item mm but othrr eIDbe here been bottling to get teeny tar another more to errata Ivatle tterdunte ore mg learn readying atten rotated by Rev 07 errheatr test winter Intel on Ilreteten Geert urennodlete moo II we I1 It tin tttte rtyert Ietuzll lull tune with or bnt tonne1e to on Ireenue at III Elmvela dumped WOW rprteng Ionrtlrottee Penelang Itemth hetero Inn entlInIhtI the newton hruelnldge lWhile titer Widern tIIt wtrr Qr Itttllrlr good reason hoe key In It Elmule Itmett Irv tartztrty will hrtaz no the loot learn durtnr any Mottled oetey eenvertetlon Ihte reorder the Ittute eotctdng IlIrv Marne reached alumina It DNA ute and milled bringing the Elm IIII elites the ItIOntnrto themglonshlp the honor eventually went to gn tine thereto tilt better gottteeerd pot the Immune rterolle No Inotlter telttlttr nIIenIIrI luIe Drmm Ituthtee Ilthmh Ehrl rud them down In rm to none It one Im end then not to pteeee alter mentor In to tolurtu In the exciting eemlIInIII that tame tetron the tlerchtatn the wetter to to Fletch glared IIVNLI drew In motherIII mud to eta out three tamer to toe rattanm at Met tent tell Interested thtt Ished III stlyner tmeetnarewlnurerroop nail the mute turn temp led Baton Beehivee tour retort to ten In the group ltnIt the Elm rale teem Iranwed heelen nee hlrer tour Inlet to two In the tint round oi OHA eter extort Pat Mouton Into this to mom wtth Rm ttohtn wu to rd lhlt trek to treteee Ken Knee rm Immediately reunited wtttr ht tatm tinemntet rhrterzn Irmnrnru Jerk smith tta ttrht Iotttrrl and John tlttllIIIn lhtllrta Ir IllIN Eurntner leortt Editor Two DI the premm ehnngel hr the Berrte llyert ptld III Frtdny rite they notched vtrtory over Brmtlord For tn Ontario Iloeley Atroc Senlor utter It the It rte Irene Prank Illnekr Why Adults Itd Bell Hated relied tor the Firm while lton Woodhotue and IlIlI Oraulm regiied let the For IsmwtththeFlt no heirde vmtnr goal In the third ported tlonrtlan nee recalled etrtler vm returned and he dtvnIthI1ItIrnInIted my to me the Iemtttnttearatntttteten 01 team but we Ieel the OULDIBIYIINIII told long ohtt Woodhooto Itorl tloeltey Aeeedttton Sale notion tlrttllnn Iomerl with Butte eu tept ott Ierd eeptttnt locker tar peel ttoo In Irnnt ot the Bertie Ityere net mm In OnIIrIo Fllyrs Defeat Parenters For First Victory OI Season assessed Itttt mttt rrtttnt three nan erI mttthot Bmtlord the end Itohlneon had good ehInce In hreIIIler tut Worm III In the cousin md stopped In the third period Adnm broke the tie It the lite mark ICING teams W5 Plltlnl doublo htrh railed late In the mood Patterrml perlarrrlanre drew Belrd rare the Ilyorr 31 protre Irer 51y tho Iatd lend at the end hit real prom eertIlnIy in the ruling tpet ed to he the winner Orattarr galore Welland Sunday roared tor Brwtlord It I510 weve got two good rottlu Baird tatd llgtelt good rod were going to In thorn retire hle III IoII ot the tee Itll The Itrl and 30th He the hardest to let the HM eltzr the game The Flynn trnvrl to Wetland Sunday Itth to play the new ry in the traitor elreIllt the thrreeedl Darryl Sty ru oleteed trim the Wed tint rte tory IN the return Rent timght we had ml teem ettort Ianlrhl he tell delle etnrttnr to play together In the Fly game lent the manner at Non atterwt tn Illettttg penalty The llyerl opened the nor tng tree the rod ot the tint period when Itineu hett Ilrenl Iord elite sttn Woven on paeotrr nIIy Irorrt Jaet Ind Oerby AdImI the were let the Perrerlere with little over at most at the third or Jim httcthennn tine Etnavele heelm enthur tut 1an Monroe Iltll going etronl nod Alvin Smith were the wring Ieet ntth Stu tttttfheg Itenler Btrretl Stan ttltehle Ietthten Srnlth were delenre metnttayt unite Door Poole the Tornere and Garry stutter III alternated It Ioattendlnr FLYERS INVADE WELLAND TONIGHT Ilium tomnur eJIm snmt remolnat tie tlyerl Ire rhodulrtt to eIIInd this tSntetrdtrl cocaine to engnge the meet renter entry nhldl hoe Idopted the me lterdnotr It will no tee met In two eightt Ior both learnt While the firm were htttttnr the Brent ord Forestert It the the rena Value ttllttrr Weltord rhuget were Hart of the fenmlhg Engine It Itetrvtt The tlerehente have ten Icrnlrr Grit lIornttI In the ineDv In ntaytng tenth tItIter her It HOCKEY STANDINGS Amerteen Bert Dtrltlan 141 Art hou Scott Etudean then New llIlen cheater Spelnztteld Welt DIItlIon on Irnsrno Ir littorerr Ire Iltll counted Inrl Peter Stoutenhrrl IlIIII tome InnlorA rradnetelano no It perlenred tntcrmedtele ttIrt tntlodtnr Jerry Itoturel too reor er tn the Intermediate terIet Ittt winter Alter toatxhteeage entent the Ilyere will be orer to late on the cannhrtdge Ilormerty OIII Itnlll Irrltlgarhhltonl IIorneII In IIllt loom er ttIrdout home ettrtelton tttr crmtnr llr night The Nernett won the Al len It 11 to arovlde the min looting ouneh It ctnrtnartl one one Nerthey on WWII trlley Baltimore New IIIth Prortterlee Noehmdnd Jacksonville Nero Beetle tuner Tonight Rochester II Boston New mm It Nerrhey Ornelnnatl It Virginie Garnet mdly New ltIrea Itenhey Richmond It Itochetter pod Inehenvttle Ittchmoad VlrglrltI nrwnrorn HOW TO DRIVE 1m CAN WITNOUT Till HENRI 0V IIUYING COME 10 Ill IPRCIALIm WHEN WE BELIEVE TIIZ PIIICI UNNECEESIIIIY IItttltltltt yon v0 mt cutters er control It out In AN twoelnlertato rId Coach Bill Wylie Ind veteran Th Scum CE Ntrheleoa Henry Itoral ll tincture Iltll tIeIrrder Letty Seoul Gaskell title Green Onrt Itoweon AEI Caper tIdhertort Troy AM Demon TI Dean Sml leeead Ilece Pare Yurte One Mile Limeligth tee toe Cathy Oha Shelly Tet Houston Otrrtton Cell Cote Borneo Gntettel ldr Corhett dSetelly FA Gorthl Storey Direct Sheppard It Getrel tntle ttrtrnton Punt ltlh MO Shore slurp Cathy Porter Menu Gerry Been Beau Vhltwell It 5th Anne AEaI heat Itth Lenten AM Tommy Altttru It tlutler Fourth Rare Trot tuue Otte tltte Chnrnrl lIorI Tolhnrtt lnta GIrl llneKentte Del worthy Il tteClure TltEltIttIIEBT AND BEST IN TOWN ROBERIOS PIZZEIIIA mlnlrtellell In the IlrIIDertod In In IN hitter Root tleleat we Abbegtte tterbert Given Then one the eeend wind ZORANGEVILLE PROGRAM Nathan Newport IteArlhur eClnrtrroolt New Altehleon AEt Cenalla neuter It Ctrng bell one Hotel Am ti ttotr Ninth ltIee Fore Pare 31250 One tlile Ruby Porter htyhe Dlreet tawron Notae Girl holler Vee Chette mkhart Overdue bell tlerene Ttvmerest Sheppard Ktnt Atllelt Arrhdetla Tuctr trlde It Nlath lure Pate Peru Otto mitt till on trnen mu Since tItIelon Well Ivnn Hope Ilia earn Itwa Smoke Fog ltetent Dont Dotlh Trey Deon trend I1 Ntrnnlson IIamto tobelt ll Gttrrtttt ADI Dr Jones Little Snm It Glrtlng AER WI hleedew Lawton Tenth ltreee PIee Pane Not Ntottoty Choke WIIn AM Merry siegerw Carroll one trite AEZ Noble Tnougtlll or out Ileyet Dune tithn The Uttte Ilobe It the hraittt seventh lteeIIIee Pane tom Mighty they Ely Butler areott Seetty It Gemrntl One III Hollyhoet Hanover Trey thdyhllt Item II Andrrwt Windy Stella Set Nleholle Knight ItewIId Lhwren itltl Bebe Mr AEl Brody meet it AEI Bee huh Lee PDST TIME Li ML Calm trot Thain to ltlenty tee met Garner ttelrrtont ttIrryrA Battereh Sherrye III lleyrtt ADI tAlIlwaler Spud Wain Illlh ttlee Pare Pnrta ttth One tIlta treat Stte Vhtlnetl Glentord Nb White Ctrrolt Ion Corbett Het Onmmand It Votlnnt ttrIdtey Otherrt Anton ltrhton Gnme Butler Iwmt Itodner MillirrIy hEtCtpntI Cut Am IIthy llahorle sixth Rue PIeeI Pttm tree One title Carmel Fatrleta Intro tllu latter the It Kennedy ltoIto Bey tthttweit Entter Will ELll1gttte turbo Anne Lenten elohnny Adontl Smith Blossom the ttedptth tleretr Ahhe Lewton tluddy Knlrht Dartllteh OISFHIII motor It Glrtlng littlet anIr It llortltrn rrrersIoN ENGINE TUNING SERVICES Rear eI BIYIIIIIIPIIII thIteId St North cronrosrrorr ENGINE ANALYSIS tune or Test darting Ind turtng entlr Cheelr Ind Idlrut drive tlettt Io Clean and tent etrh air cleaner r111etet enrh Idle were end mixture It clean ICV lyrterrl 11 Street III Itghtt to Test and Iervioe vehicle emneten eentrrte Seooe enItyIIt Cyl contorretloa tent item and retro Inert pttn Test In eeeondary wlrlnl ltetet dlet polrlte Inrl luhrteate earn Retet tntllll tinting 11m battery rendition Ind eIeIn eahlrg CYL $t695r the ctr Iqunrod hett In the tint ported tenth each reeetttnr Itvemtnmoe received one econd the thtrd tatnl ntth Firm he too ma ehort beeaure ol one It not It the hoeeleat war In the dretstng rnnrn alter the tarno to alter eonrrmlt Ilene Ira thomoentree annhle to In to tdtm 7n dogmatth has lay tan Adamo IIIIB Knlth Penitth Corbett lttrt lnrnn Ieuehonrd In the rm It yltdory tEuInlner Photo theme DIM I32 rind dl elm lttkl Cel Srnlth more mitt deluxemu Jlln Thomp ml min omelet Younr and tel no tlettittn Int tlzhl keenllerted Na erortag AIM nth ttlet tIeCIoelI Penatttel when IIIva he tract In normnoel Brmttml mom tttr Doulttt Mot 15m mien we I131 ear Wlwlolt tly ttarrtn By IlrInIIard Itretrttord Woodhetm lttlt mmemt 1d to It It HIM EASTVIEW ARENA MO PM SATURDAY BARRIII ARENA 1t5 ht PM SUNDAY tnsrvrtw ARENA Guaranteed Investn ant Certtlloateo ttmher Cenedt Depotlt Ihturenee Corporttlan omniannr TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1863 TI rrrrler Trutl Contrary drrrrrd rtrtrety to mew rtegrrrle afartrio Nevrmarttet Mn DOWN ch01 new more Burteonortntldreteet Inl Into ttee ii egress it 33 3E tot at ea 598 itr an 3E 35 he E23355 Egg g5 Nola led the moon or mateth DITIW More whomever and lentIlth Dill ninth The two Cantrell run III Dunk Ittarner night In pennltreried ulnar Hotter Aerodttlon htllon who In New heady not no the tet teertag with three Ihtle Mlle Wynn tingle WITDI PenIIIntl reared tone tool In the pertnd when Neemnrtet 20 lead HVI mrhlnr Ilre tin Inr Ind IIII tnertermee tndvnee tetIIgdt rm ntteoeelxt nocrnr rteoortrr Oltlrte titlot Peterhere Eudtetty loaded Ottlera Ottawa turle NInltlton ouco MuBuuqa aueu THE FOLLOWI BUSINESSES otltt suronr FOR YOUR Invariance nruoous ARCTIC $199 the IrItlIDtt tttteent uretee BARRIE SEAFOODS RESTAURANTr Ale Cendlttoaed Deentttelttuderttel Prtlttell30 Altered Nanny It hrldterd srlorltts DRUG PRESCRIPTIONS DAILY no EVERY Inhmthtrtrth IREDS FLOWERS Illnrtr 11 In Inn more OCCASION were assented with mutet reeetrtng heart tttrtter tillath It Dnntett Orttller AIIrerley Pltu ItsInt Minute III Little Ave metre Aatuet It Prater EI wrrtr nxtnos torIoNrrt tetra thATIONletEIIVBYOUI 5199s AIHSTON color Vlcronllt nT11 II mast teem MANAGER Irma 111 OtLh mu Byeelellete In lIIgrrlorntertee Iralltoa PHONE 7163171 FOR APPOINTMENT IIVESSA NIL BARRIE 7156474 ItSill