Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1973, p. 14

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Arena RatesiRaised Flyers OutOi Tourney Ey FRANK sronr Other wearer tn the the Imitarr him Or Thellanllbennttheon mindeMmm Awierhavehceniumitn nixeiat lurid have lixruied mateyteperaruovuthe Sm mummytutme melded Brute ngrlowr in media MIX Ltlt ml at Illa lien more per germ NJ ther the omlor rluh my lot in reruhr am Top ranted Swrdt ltrmixr and Curhoslovntixr cm well the Neonatal one dim lien rm LIqu me the lltrnrlt til tie OIIA Saint idpiiru In the mend Iunru erect Sim the Barrie duh would hiehmdloprtyaninimnmot IL in the Caution Amateur Iiodry Ami13m toe each at the lot pent It wild hart nlhirewlrunlhoartatmub tertwmnl bitchy lornlmoarlr mthemmraD erieeruuiiorthalnu lhemramnbdmeelthe memdlwwemm ow noun nnutr nrnrrorr The time hxl oticeod the wrurnlnlon Iii artliteral it per rent to over my extra to the tenured Iiotem the ewan rrorl raid the iornnunert to excuse to rotor itr moi yrteet ior pint rum cannot leth rtriarupmrnaty ere nm were oi the nice at no iterationti moral to the rerlderltr ot the city than the Iuhroriliu here leelow continued In In riled to male the tamrum tirmdnlly vi obit the Ellie ohm had rmed to play tor Lei rte 1he htemlhtd m1 emit have Included emu In Neale mi Gldetu hum which the Flynn would not received Id TCVHIE We tried not but to been the mm to Ernie tot the rim presided In um at our Wei etperlarrl Int year we we louktny ion word to pinyst Int not hetero our on true lint the eomrnierim daddon to noise am rrnttl lee by or pu com metre Ii iinenclelty Impossible the em tilt we world here had to pry It In too much GIRLS TO TEST STATE RULE heated Bite raid the nddtd ieu Rented try the ten earth million would lure made rho Wm too rirlry inroader tor the noan horiry dub Ill luriilstlfitti he told The Iamrnct mild reuse ery Irttlr militiaat experue to thy man over tomes orn raid Illxriow gt In Ctrrbridpr Still he told uhkh In entrth the tour nry hr the mod rat the Immune end time Deterreira error and in nuclear tourer learn the rerlrllene no Demo urn now their Fr In norm Kathy elrlt Irene Enfmf Itll prettier oer end ere barred imm nzuitr the ntlllllEoluiyllngqrn Recreational purrdt tur lion oi the Itltlhh Volley latnu by Item rthiotle today tAP Moi Soccer League Starts Playolis TI doorman oi the lime mrtalt err the urne ier WA yrnrl VIt mild annex tire erlho the In the city at Million Iiyers Open caning In the loot minutes oI Id teem lilra Rudder in the whmlu chatted to Atom lieucall teen on ii do more on Illlmwoy riot on Him oerleoccrr me it illit on role regular mm mm be lia non lilolr Alan hoslrno am time laicr but Inn it wont rrchHA III or the Iuieiaro iirrlrhert Ntlluul netted panaly that on Coochet controlled the hyyyk whim mu only together one the or lithe tot Mu minim int my end three tier in to routing three on iielr by Jerry War But the Itnhxrr proved nzry manDenDtbiraudllltawrl thin but Wu Wednrtdey ternewr lee Srnlt put the eerie In Seroan Round oi the pliyoilr lrorrt hetero the IlliI on lick btjinl net Rrdrnsd horn rentro tho eoercd over when lientiltld llhill rdwllhtlxiwninridbnrio Italva our bolarrred with and em one no heroud the meantime wot mall lie nil be pleyiit itII wine on lire with Ron chi It Bait Baird Itxltmen will be me in the not vacated I71 Ihr woody lrA Hurtful Willi tilt Dorrie mire the Rablnm lint Iiii hid ridill revitath irnmxcrihrrioriuhmoi Ihletniot at end All ieel the harehndmootthebee rtrr rtwut yearn with all Loren mun done well Ilrrt Rm Farr Prim lid All Lille Patch Arline ti Weill Grimm Bey Drrlru Pry It Quininn lirttail Grailen ll Jervlr Johmy Admin amth II Iloiper Ltwwrr Emma Scamp II my Itoan Dulnie Ruin AE Emblem Drinker Loch hoot Alii Dhtt Dmrrlriou TBA Armd Rue iIu Puree Iidt One Lille ills Moire Rrunton Inorvpllohter line it Tereno lnruzoel lidrel RenalJr Hudson ii Ctrlxtt Shp Gler II Gemil Itoyul Only It lumerr Illluddy libel weal Rnnnn Gnlorl All Garrison Cull Coil filtirri litre Troi inne Iliil tine iirla gt Dorm Baird Null Nobel irlre edited Cope ilne Itorwiios ii IIrIgttrt it Drew Iinmvcr Stiran Spendinr Spurorr II lloyalrd tr Belly Enema ll their Hook Iliumorul II tinihrnltli Rldzomo lat ll Yarn Prince lImry Inwuorr Jimmy Von lioir tourlh lure Im Ium tile Itine run Nil the Town Avery IIaryLorrd Why It CUIVIII tires liirrz Iritt r4 latrricil II that All Almnl lirrmurrrr Debby II II Imy Kiwi Belinrlu lirrlrirrsun Indy Curl Ii Quinton AEri IIrli lrrurrrnil AEi The Arlen llurrlr Law won tiltil Race Port rum rile One title it Iilo tit1r Silk Carrot II thrmin Runncy Dillon iI Orrintl Unroln Lurrd lien IIIcArlIr IIT 3i iiiehty lorry lily I2 Iluller rA Ilondy Dew Wnin Jeemdn II tiugiieiml on Head Up OIlozen IAEvI Cori ll Grottarr ll Siren Emile MEE Jeruurio Clay Doleo jslrih Rm Part lntrt ISM 0ne title It Illrrl Brilliant ll Ilehuit In Spring Creek Gill Troy Armin Jute Dixon 17 Cnptutn Rod term Dmnye Nobo liorrott try Emily Troy rs Fooorarl lilo Mir IIrEEon Ole Dunne Rollin ill Troy Prince Smolro IIeArtlrur It From BI Limaum rm oi lad mom Moisrmmi onuu remeze IIyrre player toad Darryl W91le ORANGEVILLE PROGRAM told lrrtrl Ii Oulrrlnn Against The ionic ilyur will oprnr the regular union oi the Our Lorie Iluriey Aseocldiou Sailor ior their desire the learner Itali roived our toll pluycrt Play In the Ieaxue been ll rtvnlt the Alien Orv champion timer the union Sly Ital dedded to with the Wlag urnallrlelarherutdutlmt uwwldivlmhmw lite Rectier Anteriormr Inst WWW Sinday nod will be working in WI the new row on the rluh rm Immmm Itre deterlien will certain rd $ng ernrrt Darryl Sly Sitte Ely mm IuIrSrrutit tuition Thornpron went on on mom the room he tried the lam dime lot at rredil Sundarrnrne OEAIHLI RocheJon lerlitr more at their torture hut Item vmctltloelhle weolr The phrerl therrueivee dr md will be In the brew verve rredt tor wrruiint to tit AI ltoclrm the moorold lht erereiu Ind trill out qulnd Imrn Iirrniiord latere do ruler lhlrlvel rt home In yr oilmm trade will be tell IW liver the txrly Mrritiltf drilled tor We our them All the errech ha blueline round toe my run at out In the no tornrant tom out be relu iodine trod hy Dori Aeomlr Ron lint Inierr and Dave NIeholirlrrr Aronb will here Ernnlr IIIotIrI on riyhr wine on Dolby Meme nrr IrIt whle Rohiprerl will be plIyInt with Iloh Baird on lino nnii Jim Iiucihtwrl in The third lint rertrerl by NitIn olishm In iompletcly composed newcomcre to the lIyorI Iirtrl Lurrrr will he playing rii wire ml Holt Rmplurl will he nayint ltII Itrirrn thirtlt will he the enter Iorworrl riveted tor the game one It Siniayr oarno Ir or In dirrnlorr he will liltin to lump anion tluIrrt IIIr Itrrlore lhr Torrierl hit the Irlyerl him number it vetoer In the Illicit Inelorlrn ilrlerrcirrrn Tltuiut Dania Torn lolnnie iluuu Rollinr and iiln Dorothy Illl llrrlrrrg ay mun Solemn IIrno Groom IIIIltr trrrllla rrurvuutrrdt Kiwi Ilrxlren iIeNuit Tenth Rm iIcr Iune moo One lilo Teddy Creole Ilorroit Slow Crerlr hid it Ilrll Jr lp Wyn SternM lr1rpy Well Well Sanity DIIIXL inwrou Side Time Jottrill Orrinm lllrl Ii Helene entry in town it lltClore 1Willi elm er51 mm Im my Illl Irriormlnrr Tn Member oi Reitcr 7263 eril Itm Trot irrrle 500 One itlia Lelnno lluttnn trim Gilli utcr Prince Datum inciirtrl Toddr Lady lluulrro Bdrm To anm ACulmnr Arrhdoirlrr Ninth Rue IIrr indne H500 One Mile lei Attack Aritnltilrl WIrIowI Joe Annmrde Troriy Chedr II lIulion NEW IN ROSS CANADA Automatic Stand IIIIUNUUA titllhllttlllli DENVER IAII Hitltilt Ilnehitliel Iiny lluy Iitlrl retry John little we oiirrlcwl try the tenure Moron In lirtr oi Lrlruoeiloru Wodnroioy Aluy Moot ontl TA Iltllulr wor oh tallied twin Rullirnrrre lhlu Iiita Minit 0M till pouult More In the Ilrrrntrrl Irorrr null Iain iIIlle the lithium nIuI oil normed they Anti rt lenM rit mn entity one noun the itycur pro Ilull ecnrrri weir TIlIl RIGlIEAI AND DEBT IN TOWN ROBERTOS PIZZERIA LOCATION III AIIRVII Dlir limit lil Dunlap ii litlilo OrtiIirr AlherIey Plua tilolil Allrnitltr III littlt Ave DONT FORGET CONTAINING DUPON lztrtrt Anltilt Em Rd at Oowrn IJ4u re dmni aroinrt their termini Cluirlrei DIIImrrllrh Serviced Ronllrrd Exchlngorl III Rurlon Avr Brrrle DALTON RENTMAR 7288321 Dolton Sales and Rniele III Brediord Si Arrrrrn MALL auero new CARI DORAOAT Lilalime Ouartnleo KERV JOHNSTON MOTORS LTD Orillia BRIAN CURTIS to be It lineup have Street end hm ilew DOIII under It Seven oi the Terrier lor wordt nrrr roiurnert nrwl Include Unry lirlruy Iirn Oerm Ellie Draw IInrrlr ilerltrltit Ornnt Moore Orty ilnroh mi Oterlrr Youxlrnn The new Inter our the Orllllt lorwirrl line will be lelr ltrna nedy ItirIr Sutherlnid Mr litm ro ruld Dnyr MrOllluudl Roth orrlllrt portirt our new rorrrrrr Brute theme will Iilrcly ruri lrl the hell with Brett linddr It huclrup the Jim urr lurlrxlulr In hnvlnn Ilmlo iilrller the Irozuer top goalion beet lor another neuron The other Flyor toollo will he Ilm Iutlmon who train ed rmlor horizy experience with the Owen Sound Downtownerl Iuet ltttttxl llrrrelrirluy nlehl itiriii lIIn llnrrie emu BARRIE TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS erd Tummitrlane up Free Eelimtlec nrrnilrlon on troutI IIurInrre home 752 1th 7206302 RUST INSURANCEI ACRYLIC REIINS derided on prmlty Itch Timon 10 while the Gender and Monday Nlnl Ilenl Lulu rind It they toer Ior derision In rental Ihtt wee Icorlrll In MM some hell list not nemdvieoo llnlrherr durLiy the regular amen were ellrnlrned lmnr htther nny llaoollehl rol ei the ltnnredrornploo Old Reform beat Junior II it tor the second week In row Joe uwrencev et both el Il rim to reouollm tlrnn Ie Don Dykrtm and Lorry Elem replied tor Alex with the Duleltrnrn ilrrII ml BOWLING XEIIPVIEIT llOllL LEAGUE BlANDINGEt llrrnorrr Turner 2i llnrrunrrt welldllllt it Outcast to Curl ndian Tire iT Ttelillarber shop It IIIIII IS AtlSttrltnrrrel IIrurl Linn Ilrotlnx It Unlroyll it OBrien Sportr ii The to rre Pacer Tim Soil IAIII Ill AI Ilernmerl til Don llolmel ltd Ltrr Veinolt ill Jim iiril iii if Ilnrllh illn ry llarnrrrm Don iteltlnzor 227 stIEAlI IIOIII TWILIGHT IllIXltl LICAIIUII ATANDINIII OrIIILI Nod Squnri lit Iietly on Jim lit Dwarer llu Simone IIarn Cienncrl lrrl Try llnrrlt Ill Jlt Nit III Siren om Iii Numnuir rot Ilururrr I00 Syrit 101 New CIKW ere lot hoop Siroth 00 IlInh Stroller Jenniiu Ilurttnl Ell llrlrly lirlhirwlriot ZII their Triplet Riter Drlnlwnr I01 LIA Jeanne Ilrutin Sit Illrh Artrnno JniIt Symet iii mil in Illurtrtt WEKENF SPORTS CALENDAR HOCKEY llrrrio llyorr pliy OrIIIIr lorrlrri lrldry II 880 pm Rrrrlo error The FIyorr travel to Cunt ridge to play the Remote it Siturdu Ilmlo Junior Colte pin 00 and Blue in ifolllnywoorl ltidny it it pro Lotti her OrlIiiu Trovei ways It Burrlo Arena Sundry it 730 pro HARNESS RACING Oronyovlllo Rocowoy ilih day oI meet Post time pm Sundry Ior 10 roco cord EASTBALL Lnkovlow Dolry Irnvoir to North Day Silurdoy ior ilrrr Iirel prime oi the hall at three ell0n irlo Inltrmtd lulu ehrmplonrlrlp LIIIIIIO time Silurnny le pm with the mend yorno autreduiorl Sundry it grit and the third that Inoctrrnry Sunday Kill rt urelr Iiobllo liomoe end Laktvlew Drlry ere rchttlultd to play the IIIIIII porno oi their Iroeroieevon limit and Dtirtct Senior Solihnll liner eorler Ionlyht it it pm Inltovlow loads the eerie 02 LACROSSE linrrlo IIInor errrorro Attoclwllon nnnrttl meetlny lonlnht III the Consumorl lot building on iorrln Lino III FOOTBALL North Colioriole Junior 0an Senior learn it Inti vlow Secondir School their at your Control iiiloolnlo ri ilidlnnrl Irlilny it pro Ilollr Irtnlor iiiitl icnlor Illillltl will he ployerl BASEBALL Gallon el noliimore iriurdly or pm on Sun dry it BRAND NEW BAYFIELD TIMI New elk III Cincinnle Sotrrrrloy ii pin out Slin tIrry it prrr the Gender rooted no lime II they otruelr In the la Iepint ungoaiiireperrh rrlho Hieroiliir MM Garry Owlllfnrn In ploy or next in lhounlliogi IIINIDN rel in the hill i1llrr SPECIAL $79 500 line deluxe pcreonrrl eeororny machine II one chassis Illdr idiotic 27 in loan rltarlled twin Norrirol Ioelr out Ior erey turmeric end enie elnrtr Wild illl EI rusprnrlon Sruloil Illoilme lubrieutttl Driller IIIIIew Italiti rurrerhrlnt olih Irondlbor dimmer rwllrir lenliillr IlIll outwit Corrrhlrullrn Irmlre troll oorl tullllrii covered mine their oil rerrrlollonr 91100419 heron hrorliielt SPORTS AND MARINE ST NORTH OF HIOHWAY I00 BARRIE WINWELL 670 LEATHER SENIOR MODEL HOCKEY OLOVES ermine till titti Lennh nu WINWELL 611 RED BLUE SENIOR MODEL rumor LIII 05010 IIIIIVIi Illth AND lAlIt PETERRHINO SPORTS CO iliyrnari ilen lilyIIrli It DECORATION iTH DONNA THE PERSON IN TOWN WITH YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO HELP YOU OUT WITH ALL YOUR INTERIOR NEEDS DONNAS oreonArrrro cruror Wort End Elm Phone 7260777 20 OER Allllres In Stock INC ihoor norm Alonnut AIIIIAU In DAYMART DAYFIELD ST 7104100 THIS WEEKS SPECIAL HOME nrrrvrrrrr Avelltble only II IOA MIIIlII Squrre

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