Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1973, p. 13

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lurw lire Held Evidence Conflicts On Sp Position OI Truck InMar HESPITOHY CHHE SEMINAR leminr no wrmnry nod mpilllllly roro rporuoml the Georgian Ilny Area Debor ouleelr ml Ilospilorr Ier case dreoelollm planed Well nerdoy nod mllnuml May or Ibo Coriblontai Inn Aron doe terr nurses and orhrr boron nl rlrll ere Mlmllrl Ibo mllinur Wind our on on blbll ol hospital equilmnl ore ilIDIl LEII Ilnrry llny owned plrelothtvrnill Dr Dmch Tram OIIIIIA Olen rniixr Armor cl public hoailb nrlrrin In Ilarrle and Ilnrtln Iolcy rl Respiratory Colo lhr Examiner lholol New Schools Needed Soon In Barrie Area Two new noonIo boob will noon mum In Ibo llnrrlo mu Sirocco Cooley Ilo llilll Erllrollo Sepnrule smool Ilonrvl 16M rulnosdey niy rt lir regular board mention all Ibo resold lby lmidbu proloolion oerrrv rnillro rlerlynolrr llro Dmdlor llond rm end area In In nlrlll Torrrune ml or from Dorrie nu rilvr lor the propos lti retrot Ilnry Joo Ouilly ol Illdiund oommllloo rlrrlrmen told the beard Ibo bullrliner mornmmrl rd oro bolb rlx oliusrourn rlrrre tum Wllil rorrrrul ourpoeo re oouror uan Irlndrrvnrtrn rooms Number oi prrnilr Io bu ou roorrnodnlld Ir Iii Corr ol oeeir buildian would be eplwoxlmuloLv 0030000 Ioreibla llurl on Lonelrurtlm would be lilnrvil Ilii ond nonr rrlrllerr dnlo vould be Seriomb Qul rr ol that your sin raid Althouuh the mustroollen would do pro In IVII lilo pro nolal Ir Ior Illll nome needs oi Ior lnll lllr Ibo ruldilen ol rerrrrul vrrnneo on resource roonu mornnwdntlnr 2o prrollr ot lilo vermin school In Angus 000 COST Curl Ir osllmulvd Ill NOON and romplriion dole would September 1010 For loll rrn nrldiilun will be nrrrlod lo noromnrodzlo lol nun llr er the reprroio rrbnel ln Col linnwood nl loll ol IIWAOO mend normal iur loll Ir NonTeaching room ill rerourro mire would be Inclu lbe rorutnulion oI new rebool on Anne model no Vilplld munoi mum rial Oriel Aimed oi ISM ooou llrlb MIMI vould he onl pblnl by SIDIIIIIMIIVII llw romrnllleor report rur oenie tho primrose ol rl rile on Anne Siren limb from Ibo Armory ollloo Aron ol the rile Ir lire error rend be pureilaeo uould Ielo place next year lurth rrrnroetr Ibo been unlrlr Ilidlond rloeniy Ior Ibo uvailubiilly ol rilo In in Nililllfllbl all oi tlrc Ionn In Ilil llrr Quiily will Ibo lilnlvale lirea our eululrlorrd bu nil Iullurr Irwrouvu is not rulleionl Io lurtlly oxlvmrlon lirnrlnrlnll up Ibo rlnorl Iirn lry lolrl rho bonnl ll ml bound by the rrornl In nny way and lbrl ll conlnlnr nroloollonr AUIIIM lo yrrarly revision Abe ruld lilo remmiloo iurrrrrre lullr prrnnlonlr Ior Ibo roonlys ll norvlr on lluuovyerr IAIN me by Ilrolr rxriuro lllvy lilo nol lon rlvll lUIILii IIUSIII Ibo eold Ilwro Ir no vvpurlrln Irrwol In Ibo Cunrllor ilend OTCl be lard hildrrrr In lieu nrrn urn lelrrn by Inn to SI Ilorrllor wheel on srreio Slrrol Hydrate reboul vblldrm Irom lnnlrlll Towroblp um loilon lo SI leirn Vlrruley In Albndnlo llorrlo Ir rrnwlnu ro nulrk Stall Salaries For 1974 Approved By Board The Simone Corully Ilomun Crrbolie Soneruio Svlroul boar Vlvllloslloy nllllrl nunrovni roll Iniary reanqu Ior rronoe rdumlo slnll IIlluror Ior llru poriiirrrr uro rbonn wlllr rolnry more brook tiori IO III Olliol amnion mono All 800 HIM Aloeumut Tronrrxnlnllvn ollilll lldim 01000 SAW Inyroll luperrlwr limo IIOIOOI IMO llrrlldlnrr Ilruundr runorvl rer SOONSIMON AIM llneoulive council recrolrry neloonowr SLOJO Iuyeoll elrrlr Illloirldlwl TOIOO Senior wrllnry iolenrenlnry Li IIOIDOI llldillrllIDOOIl $6000 71le UPI IIISOOIOOOOI Si 000 All relarier will be luIiuIlvll annually new cloned nllewrlot lour neolrr IloIIrlnyr lor employee willr In your rorllirrumlr rorvlre Hourl Ilorulny und Ilerrrom brorwo Dry vlll bo lmrirlaml rlell boIIdJyn only ll declared Ilirnol holidays anIdIIir In Olbor Ilolulory elude Now Yenrr Dry trend Friday VIrIorir Dry Ilomlnr Inn Dory Clrlo Ilulidey Labour Day lbrnlrr vIn Dov Chrllllt anryIn Iiox uDuy Custodian Salaries Approved Tire Simone Corrrrly Itrnrrun Cornell serious Scull IIonrli 101er Wednesday rim lirInIlr ol nmrnllmontr lo lilo rem roemonl belwoon lire nonteerlr llru rlull rnlnry eumrnllloo and tile rurlerlinri oonunlllce Ihoboy Iwoyenr noel lr el lecilin lrenr Jon lllt in Don ul 1075 New IIIAII whalqu Ior IIll nrovlrllr Ior Iolorlor oi reoeo to IIIIII Io IIM Allen three year orporlonoc Ior III oust oIII riord ri reroo going lo morimrurr ill will loo Iiueo your Ivyer Ionro Ilinirnunr lileriol ronvorenl llil Inrrvnre nl Iron nnil IDJII over 1m Ilw nllxlmonur ere Ineron roe el run Ior enlir you over IOTII Annqu rick leave irrrreurrd in II day Irom Ill duyr per your Ilorlnnlrn erounrulnllnn Inereol all In III do lrern lln deyr llornlvlorii en el lino In 1le in NM In lull uill be mi lo ono cudAllen In roeIr to lie vnrrr litAiillL nlwlrr In Ibo urn nlielirlo tooled urd roourlll rlrorle on wrolondr and bollr dryl SimiNorIbloroeob Iynowrclnola um deeded ore bio raid vllilrurr llodalm raid the board rlreuid amide rlr oonduionlnr nlren bulldinr die eddllon to the IArIiInyooorl Ilhoul you belong we ly Illli lnille rurnrner and the our urnh Is bdlrr Imldo Ibo build Ind iliM wieldo bo raid Ilr lIodrIn void Iiloro Ir no rose enllillurl In the school Ibo building prolodierl corn miloo also prorcnltni Io lho board rwrd ul bulldinx yon nlitrler roridenllvl unilr lulled lIIIIIIlI Jon uni Aud ll el this your ll lbmrr llorrir lire runrwny lender ullb leer pernlill Ilrrd lord second rliih III nrrnlilr Coliinvrroorl llllrrl urnl illllillli lorrrlh IOCIII GENERAL LlIliSiIiiATlliN Ilalrio oily police or ilIVIbIl lelinrr brook In ul Sudiorv Swill IIlAlre on Ilrrullonl Slrroi llnlry wnr ruined by rear window Ioiioo rrlrl uuunlily all money woe nrleliny MILK TRUCK IIIISllAI Onlurlo lrovlnrlol lelleo llur rlo rIoluvbmvll pilwcd dormer rellmnla ll Irrnoo Ior rlnrle velllrIe Illiihnp Iininoollny Al Illn pm on Ilwy II II Sirlo rolrl Jnil Poliro raid lloluid ilIlnrrr Iilril rl Orlliilr drivrr ol trunk llde by Noribluy AIIII lvnrnlierl nor Inlrrn In New nilnl Nu mer on iirilll until lion wnr rrvuiloblciiris rrwln IVIIIlI1T LUST lurvil Sulldbud oi llll Illn erinlr told when Ioinendu nil bleeir Imlbor wuilrl rorll nilll no rrnooy but ooroorrol more nus lost In tho rlawrllbrrrl rm IIICYCLII FOUNII llulnb llnrlor lrI llnyllrlll Slrrei lold pollen Vkllmiily in leund IlIrlI Iloynlinlr bayolo on his lronl lawn llle blue blryeio bar mini numbrr D00 IIIOI NIKEIN STOLEN Duvid Ilerlln oi Ilolllrrglon Silent WIN ioirl polloo bir Iurr nbilo llrreoelml boyr bleyrlo valued II III we rlolrrl over nirbl born the rover lerulbrr oI rho onevtnronl buildinv The lilo old II II llnlvorrnl Donnl llnlLun ol on llery Slrrol loll polite We l0 mood SulrIrl llleyole anilld at one were eol on Irom bir rrrldvuoo ovornlvlli IIIIIIIliO UNIT HTDLHH Police are lnvrrslloolinr iiwll nl rlrrro lullt worlb rroo lrerrr Ibo eldermrhllo oi homo Suwdrd ul Sunlulrl Slrrel IIATIIZIIY STOLEN Arlorln bloom oi Prod liord Irirl rlly puilre lVrlInorrIry bod anlery wur oiollrr Irom her cor NATIIIIAUIDIIY CONDITION Iiruto Nurlr oI Syruco Crescent nnd Ilm Ilnory bl VAiloll ere In rulielerlory million todey In Iloylrl Villoria llwpllel with Irr Iuriva rullerrd III lllllilllll Wod norday nl EION yum on lllrbwry loo nl Dillon Sderoed dump llulk driven Nliil ind non rlrrnrnro end ornore lotrllod lrneo lo rlr end lrrllor own III by IIMK ea EEe egg KFzE air I12 with polin rm rrru mi Lean mm pur Wedbl htbe mmhblzbny mwmnam rnnu Ibonuub dd Imellllebu bu eremommy be Wannabe fl mum In wildly bopoimdorl AiItbnrbklumNniu rnerneibrrllnrlihme rrud mil ray may be laid Viriy Ior are roamed rru rlere to llr Boquurr ltilbod prior Io tin xeldrnl the bus bud been the rum In No rho all be lexvrrzur In bus III All ol or you No lowud the 153w nib Gm WA lino itaillrd limo NW Ibo lurk driver radix Iosiillod Ibo tuILnr bad boon weir brim lboy rm lril by the bull hlr Illllb lold lbI Iury he hld born travellerx AI Ipprorlmraa ll miles per heur prior In Ibo widen Tire boa drim raid be never were Del the had been ll milled oboed ei blur and raid be more et bellowed van vlrldr an to up between Ibo bus rod lire pop lrnlltl oi Ibo lumber lurch lILl rblon we blooled partially lrrllllod by row cloud rmr rd by the true be loliorrrd it llo also raid he did not no nertlbouml lruelr llublnhf lie Ilfblr bl naming Air ow rrld be lull been IND In step broom oi urmlnl be lied nollcod by mnlmrl lrucb Ilr llootb loll Ibo lino broil oul lnlrmiiuoly Illor Iris bur rlruoit the lumber Iruok lie laid it loomed lo be rornln Irom Ibo lool ronlrr on Ibo lrurI TIIAPIHD lilr Ileoih var lrrpprd In lbr bu and was not rowed mill alowtrulllpllilrdtbohul way Irom Ibo trellor rrd lbo rm Ilia 9mm re willy by orewlln our Ibo bur wlndowr There we rile eonlllollnx cri rim or re the ooolim oi the bus Air Ilomb nld be bud been lruvoilin In Ibo emomo ml lbm rumbled arid nu um All ruler Ila raid Ibo Harries nrrlo Irom the Unix behind Ii Irer oi Ibo lrodor Inilrr orb lIr nu linen em Ibo bra lad tune to don Anotbrr pamnyor Prlrloll Iiulrr ol Amber Ibo one luvcilia with bar dim oldie om be mnemben lool In Ibo bra bruiro ban plred ml the bul obiddmr rboioldrndietindlmom Ebb lrsllllod Inneror IM dlirrr In noi dlrlnx loo lbil Irit Ibo bur drlrrr bad Id lusiod bl rprcd million burr tlnrb Io liner sbe Mid UNEMY llrrurunr rcbaol lrbrber Gary Idle 31 told Ibo coron rrr Iury be Ind blr will lril merry rbeol Ibo opted el Ibo bu prior to lire roillslon Ily rile nu ntbrr blame ed II II rd ol sored Every tiring um compillrly Mai Ibo rim burl lair Up lbrarrlr Ibo Lul Ie mild Re undo Amour Kim limos all Imr Waitedv Allowed were Pelier Hick to truck o9 enior Ior Ibo Ilixbny un Iee mire Ila rud be no ep rmdilx life no Irom Ibdl be ml the mar er so by Al rpeni tl ii Id rruir Per bow Simiy munL be urn LIA truck lth bread to sbde ml no la Ibo ditob Allbolrb he Ith no any at the roilllllxs be Ired Io Alli rome oi ll rue Sailor Domini Imb band lull Irurk overblor and be Iirol saw bomber stewed In lit ruhbrund Line And cloud ol ureoir lIr uni bIr lire truck Io Ir Dr Gum blmum SI Amxl llvm ibt Inn belumr live in and Ibo Irurk rmlrd lwo rrrr II lilo roar rd ibo bun uni moral live and no loll my many he raid IIo rellrmlrd Ibo rpczri eI lilo buonezmllespermJlr too It number ol Impocia rrld tbrrr rrw lumber mine lbrou hlheritbleidrrllbobu lr Lake ml Ibo lire In Ibo rnorrl rm to Ibo Irwin and noel ol the bur lounlr mentor lolrlrk Siam bl oi Coboil Ibo loin Ill Almost lrrunedlrlely More clerk loid III Inquiry loll rolled the bus vru lruvollln It be lwmldudwmlbaeporlmrr lle raid Io mull rllru bro prrl bolero iIa Ilrul Ash lie loo raw lilo lire allot Ibo bur tome Io Ill Dm vmlltlloriebnollorlerr Elle iiieiriodlnuntiner CITY NEWS THURSDAY OCTOBER III ll GovernorGeneral VIUIUII IIILITII lull ririr of Ibo bus Involved In no Ilurrlr In lllyhnny In ernrn IIlIiI lilo Iillllo Devlin Club bur my lrurl II lions um under to Iron Ill lloaLA Ilo aid lb at be low ed way Irom lb rear ol bur mud Imolnly relir rd perm um be removal under De dirmim ol rd 04 min DunnL1 Ioiro tilim llr Copland id Ibm be Ir rimi It the lire pun lud rr Iar brood ovu or ride abrlllrlwndlirebuhadbl lee urea ol pup III THE Ono rt Ibo bet rllltvts lnllly var Reruld mm In III Tomlin lire did rad Ibo mi pan oi Ibo Ilre was mirrrliih Ibo lumber eLe In nIJLl Inolrr lie And Ibr lumber moored Io but been llmair mird rub romeo llr Arid saw our innr on Lrirr Will Ibo me ill ubirb llrarnnea Irrme ll lour tired panbdr unkemer Ibo lrerlo The In was born hi nlllr tuliiyln oil on bani urio Ibo tirvllb ul prer ur the ulxirlrlv Iior Muno be Laid lire I1 Ibo run In IMAM Irlbirr lbm nusin be mild INII Ibo i=3 ll ImLI bur bmr Ilrwoorlblo to remove the mole lrorn Ill our mu said Ibm Ii Tlll drwlmm nrm Imvtd In brprrmtolrbobmborm nail on Ibo pup Ilitiivf Teddy in Irrqu no lo bur irlxmonv Irom lloliy Tiuebm Irm cl lb truck Involved In rrxm In lb loll oi ruin Ind meal Im Ibo from Ior Fam Socorro wheeled ubu mound bulb die bus and live Iluvl and Heler ruger ll lmo Innnits Ibo Jury Nu rd plum Irre lo lrrrel lyh Ibir rilrh Aha elmdar be our Ilarrb II minwommmm no lo euunrd mini by lonl Annelroru Iiiil lonlnnny oilvelnl llburr urrr lIrolo To Open Camp Studded Tire Officials At Alliston Park Aooroxlnrrloly WI Annrlrrn boy Iceulr will Invrdo Iho Al llrton rm Ibis wroktlld Ior alrrnilr onmporee unmod SCOPE Seoul Cenlrnniel Illnioriolonnrylvrnnlo Lnpull en The mill rro Irom Ibo Ilrilv rdoIpblr area and will be hnelrd by Ill our number ol rceulr Irom Nellrworerlr Toronlo lllli Illmlbon dirtrlrll Tilly nill Ipend pert ol the llrrnivrrirlnr neelrornl rirll Ii Earl llewo lurk lieu Alllrlon Governordlenoul IIolInd II eironer ls roheduled Io corn lbo ormporro on Sulurdry Ceremonies lrwlull rovlrvl III brrrla rrdio Ilylny rlulJ donronrlralion and nroel Ill oi rloul eIIIrIrIr 500 bed ilr brrinnlnr In IIOA when group ol rerulr Irom lrI Orrlnnd llrllrrlel pble rrlburb rllrndod IIAliburv ion rooul come yrrr later Cenodlrnuroutr rvoro Invllrd to the errrhilron rrnrporoe end trial el Loon rreult torn out It Iliilllr IIIII norlb Philadelphia The lollewinr your Ibo Arn lrlrrn erouie were Inrlred brvl In Canada ind Lilo rroulr Phone Blilz For Travel Series rim bill In new In pro rm oonrernior lbe Iron in ndvrrrluro eerie rpmrered by the Niverlll Club ol Nemrlonlrit Day There will be All Mlnv Control Coiloolrle nulllerirrnr Oil 30 IN Old ll Iiii lob Ii Ilurlil II April llrrrle Cmoert Ilend dirrdod by Arlhur llrrrgln rrlll rln provide movie bolero Ibo rhew lrlxmeooer Md drutnr Iolrrnllr on The udvenlorr rule this your will tell Ibo ludirrwo to Hand Ilene Europorn Aipr Scrollin ovle Alrleon Zamboni Ilawril and more Corolla Irom will lo roorl by rail There Are mov lrr wllll omnwnlrry by Illell pronoun eroerlcncod prolor rioml Irlvoi guide and photo ernlulm Seam drivel boolrkla may be nblulrrod been any Hornoedlrll llry IIIwrnlrrr Lde Doyd Conrorvolion york nerlhuorl oi lolonle IOlili YEARS Eventually it we decided llrui berruoo el Ibo Irrro num berr lnvolroei polled ol lour for rhoud elaroe Ieur yorrr ulrr In Ml mu boyr borrll rd lo bum ind conned out our lhllidelphlr min nro boyr lilonrllnr Ibo clmn erec in lbe rborl loin ol our genre here come ironr more and more dlslrlrle to rllow Ior wldeiprord pwielprilen to boyr wllo neull no normally rel lo large Irmberer Iile Arnoricrn mull dill Iln rlve leolrln They moel llrolr Crnrdinn boot 1qu and my lho nlrlri rl hlr home lrlriry lhe reeulr rlIrnll Ibo hellr roboei libero rum rlrl ovonlr rro plrnnrd Ill ll nirhl lho boyr will converge on Ibo ermnrile uulil Sunday noon Ilendry morninr Ibo boyr peril up and bud lor borne lbo rlrn el Ibo umoeroo Ir Io more boiler undonlrndinr brlrretn the rouib rl Ibo Ino oounlrior Seek Chance To Testify The ol luIrIrI lillr lry Im inlvlrrI In lirv II 00 anh Ilurrir ll virilir od I2 rnwurr and nriuml on elbow or will burn vol down on lbe selorlly ll lilo Ildlll rnll rlrbuwylrenl Iniorrrn Tirol Iii mirror nl IArre lletlnie Sid Iud lnld Nd lillIIJ ullIIIalib ul Klnlldillili lnr uni Inui Irr IllIDINMHIIr Amor Iea oi riudr iur IIIII iiurldol llrri lune boon lull nrl in Irrioria an April lull The liver nlvn obo ere rnrxlnlnrn Ilil reronolo in nun rr illl rrlullllrrrlvle wn lillerr um ihr Ibvrlrllrr CIuv orieul luid IiorirrrMiiy niebl INC Lliilhulll lllvy do not Iorl tho eluidrri iilh mold borr uro lrnlrd IIII lilo uveirimls lbry mold Ilrrn vlnl rlrrnr ol the mom lllillv otilil ulrlcb In turn led in um lvrioua rol lirlons lhuy pollllrvl In viiirnlo by oorrroi Wlilltnil lIIJl lhelr veil rIlIlll ill rvl rrrrlrrI rilu Arbor wlrirb would rut hau illL rillan Il lho rm boll Iwr rvnulnred niib rilllidrd luv Anviluriy rloyrlirro rllllunvrr would lldI Iron deerortol rueh lire urn ol blinilrri lirvr llnrr Irlnllllly avoid number oi roarvrnl ml or bl lend oniiinr down on Ihu llrrro rlr ill in IlNIiicnl III Ironv Ilrn they nrry in wqu In levily In Wernber lirly rlrrnt lno dayr moanhm Ibo urol llrnl lllill liwn rvonnell llrrir llnlirnyr In lir II II lrrlrrirn virirl ruwlnv ul Ilrtuvio wlnr IN Al lill lnlrn boy vrur ollllllr rd About lhvrr lrrnyl null null viill llroy Arnold be lillll Iu hilly nr lhn priorAllele Nov liloy Inhl uylwvll they vrill no hr rhino i0 mull rhnr Ilnury Inorrr Ili ruIrI blr rerrlluny whr nul Motion Mood Expressed In My DUN WIIIOIIT Iirrmlntr slrll IIrIirr About to All levelr lurned ul lilo Dorrie public llbrery Io money drill to beer and roll wilb IllA were returnin onl round Median ariirl ulib All lnlrrnallonel rrruo2lloo Ibo eoettlon oI millqu Ills Worm lire closed to rrbbll rro otlnw oxrmldor it her lllenl rnd Irllsilc rllreollen The converse on dlruluy ore pullout Ila noel colorlul ol any erl world yet lo bo duelnyrd ll Ibo library and AN have Ina name choroelerbllo Vobopc AISIII lore Ina convene loe la Ior only one living mollon rnd mod wonl Illoro prlnllrlrr Io reenl Into rpm luid lhe mill lI We Alum been Interm rd In lilo upwind ol enorry In lilo urnml rIIergie lo crow liner but to em curved lime Illbdl very Imor WItNlIII IiIUo rillo dI lilo relive rl lune and too Ilurr uro oridvru in lire lrllelr null bri they are Arrrlunrezl lly lilo inulnLlllo vlplrnlnn uI Nilli Allbolrnir hlrr leendro roll low Ill be leonlnr rrlovo Iv vrnrrl luminosity In Ilor color line rrprrlrlorr ul TINNAT lbrvugil Ibo rlnrnle rmlluln ul ruler is read IIy apparent The roller lire uII Iron llnro rlo rnreiy hillIAIrurlrl rrryol blrlo ll overy Indr ruyui blur reconsidered Iodine Inlo mid nirbl bier Anyurrnlly enre Ilrr lellndre rorrrnllrr horrrll lo color II in Iolui DllIlIIII nrenl Iler rrlnnnnr vlrluoiiy drip Irom lhr urnvnr Sine olrn plryr on lnllnrriurt role In Ilrr lolerltiror mill and blrnourlr there no no lingo world on Airplay ll iba lrbrrry en lnueirellvo mind can Inll Imieololoeob orb evonl done anylbblr lkrwand lilo enliven to weep Ibo enlnlior lhnn no Invhor by In lIiIlli In lilrs Ibo ellill nrorl rnare lnrlo nulutlnri brvunu lilo vnvironrrwnl ruiber liven lull polnllnr rlro livid Ir iorrrr In vrento er slurlilo ellnlnlr uni rnuorl uroordrol lu lilo rolorin mi rhino ller drtlrelur iill Iran no borrndr Ilrr AHMED boldr Iillu lo being lilo Ilrrl anLyl Io du nn rrlorloe wnIl nlinllnr on buililnu In Noth Arnrrlou TDIIUNTO BUILDING ln luroolo lboro are mend All her Ilorlr on builllnyr In tho downuwn turd Ilcrbunr Ibo mull ubieblo being lnriiriino on llluor Slow Iud oLuI ol Yum Slroot ll manner on lroi by III lrvl end In one rel obluo Ibo ground domlnrilnr Ibo rlyllne and Ibrn Inr drlly Hilill ruler oi Tid Ind lilo ollrtr hilldill more are all done In bl in Ior lire rrwrror Ilvullhll only ill per mil ll ill Alli nllllivu rnlvr one lrurrr VIII Ilr lllrws IreIrrlcni dimior id liII Allilrbd Lw llmlim Inv iiIIIJrI NIll Irom the pro vrnvlal nllrrlslry ol Ironwor lolnrl vile the nrnin meson lboy IIDIIIbI In Lblnnn ioirr llilbllly nllvd Ibey bad were Iner In liiclllildf wont olow AIIJOM to prod IIllIIlIN rlrnrn lily IllMl ho IIv Irrillnlll will ILL II All nonr llilrrldl to eiurIinI IIIN rilllr uulllrl Ire Irrorlxlll lrr but they would lie llrry Irllopml IliI wrIr billilr violrpin null lure born do by rnullr or ID loll ylou Illdllnl Iwrlrll wIIIl WI Inoo llro building In mmd Ill rolrlole rrml ol lilo Irno Md Ibrll ran Ilnoe Irro nun lu llllrlaniO illl MO color will bill lilo Ilvhl be Mill Ir Illa Io dro oilye on lire vroruul on er pooled Lilo Dru ii rrulrre bor nervous burn in be lhrro nil Ibo lrrrro nlwn boyrb palnilnz ll Iron me In em bul lilo palei vHrnIT an IILlr lo ho mired end lbeeo rxo nlwnyr problernr ihol run only youd to know Ibo unmu very lino roblo brush ran uruylly mo mo Ibo riled want me raid ll reduces or nonpalm Illevi out oppom IlIo Ibo color you loll Irom the lily and rlelnrd Ibo armour The artist Ir to discourage urine Irenwr ylocor lt liIIW Ibo lromes lborr In no liopnoo ol Ibo llow The Ironon nelorliroldorolpro rouion In the writing or Mr linislwdl

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