at are it EE if 325 At Crash Scene Described By Witnesses All 35c ornr 29c OI Til 22c Ply tir Tie 83 to TO PRESENT PROPOSALS Downtown Area Board iPlcms Oct 17 Meeting The Million improvement urea board at meant he collei mat meoioz tor AM it to pom III pinto one raleendioiearonyeemo otamermzesmlbamem bmmidrtlute tliU in chairman et Clio Norrie Examiner CITY NEWS EON DAY OCTOBER ml il Sevrage Device on In volt City Will Receive lielund It doriee dch to tliicllnn by the oil rnylncerioz depart tibiae at the eityr wolrr wt monitorp eelnurncroiu modi lotion roetrot plant ant Inetoll ed at the plant In 197i till it naly been deemed unsuitable Ind retirncd to the leCr tutor The public worn moittee manutecluror Simon Curves Ce LitL oI lonrnlo In weed to into back its eleottoilwt uvit and relrrdnrrre the city wrote Inleton 82AM Aid ltoei Archer public eorb chairman told the dtlke lust oolitd rot hintiion in to the opeellioottrnr set out ttearione com tortteens Aid Miller pollution oxitroi equipman and Iiitwph tbe devhe had proved Ialtiiadory In other error It Icamed tIonday ntrbl that the wax uruuitrtbte tor harrleI mo ole We alimremi that ever Itldpulity her uniquely rill erent oi Irvine uld Aid tinrier sewage mm my maples TIA tree end the The city now add loal atom to the some lor the limited thicttallty riled LOCAL AND GENERAL NTCA MEETING The exncidlve committee Ndlrweupe VIIiey Conservi lion Authority viii meet lonirht It the IulhoriiyI Idmtntslrallre eltlre in honor The median elr underlay It pm OAKLEY MltK Porrnli el etuimte Oakley Tart ediool are Invited to at tene mortiiix lordth to die euu tho turrlcidum elm Ind orgzdIeLtmr ion the year The meeting eels motorway at 150 am In tho retool oudilnrlum host will Inrludo distension times with individual treehen N0 CROSSWALK The public works romeniltee Ila decided Intuit request to install trosswalir on line sheet diretllv arm lrom lloy Ii Victoria iioepltnle main one trnnee The hoepital boned re ouored tho mmollt in llev mm oi the Imeasod trellis on Rose Street The module distorted the overt Mentor itith Ind viii mmmond to meet that it into no ettlm Tho eomrrule ice polrled not that out the time bl tho hconpltolr eomplolltt the trottie liIhte lLIl trot both to ttuilcd at Wellington and Dry iieiti street and that the neon rtnrtiion ot Anne Street was In irrvottng tho traltle on their st NO 5101 SIGN request them eouneil to the public wortu in that outdoor lnstnliliu stop tire on Anne Street at Corlo Drive will be held over until Amie Street cltd Too comndttee dimmed tin reenter but let that envoy oi the truth In the em when Anne Street is opened Nlll dctrmiine wireltur sign to merely APPOINTED Aid Tbomoeon toil been Ippotntei to IWlbl eornrnlt teeth ore meodbi 0d WW onendtiienelira miy matte byiow Aid Thompson loin Aid Alex Arthur on the oerronltiee seven cnn Domain was estimated at it our toilette tingleerr Hilde er on ill on too at County Read it II Im itimdoy The driver lnvoirod we Allhur Diet mrn et sumrd THEFT OVEN 11W Police on ltlvesilmlnx the thett el lull length ml len ihel eoal train Stephen licoe liter to Duuioo meet but Wesley tines Stephens repaint the theil nt ltrli In the root is vnhrtli at on MULCAATER CODIIINGTON ltoner Dcoeer et outer street and lineuotite Boniveiie nl Elite 9th were the driver oi vehicles involved to In trident at the corner ot ttukaster rod Codriarton street It aotl mm ESSA ltOAtJ John lloltri oi Adelaide Street and Kenneth Ferguson et Irri were the dilute involved In In occiderd on Fm head In trail at Illimlnie Terri It bill pin tuoodry GLOW DAMAGE itozor Shelsooli ot Shmty Ely tattered minor Inletice In rlnr Io ear Accident on newly read to between Carmela and oi Dro Tounihlp It 050 plan Tuoioy Dameoo to his tr ele was estimated It 000 Ltrunnnv little The Writer Gaoaruto TrIil Chrb invites emme Mercer ed in tibiae to well the tutor MII Troll elm the tint illu el Irorn Averier to Oirmoim on Seirrdry The club tilt meet oi Aveniny Conservation lIrk at to Illl tiring itiillli and trlond norm is about line miles Italy very borIIIJvl part at the Genaiulin Troll Aven tl locth between titration NANCY hteitl raid economy is maauladurer oi Iolrdripat the improlemIr board Itil It 0de be the latqu mention the beard hm yet miut Ilare it on termed toutth month Izo We dont blow laxity how many will turn up It could be onyohete loom to to Iner tbeolr raid lir Boeirl What we need iron the menus in Mite madate to entry on with the treepth in phase he hid it It Isnt posited the whole Item pro rem mid be IAwod done The tint phm toads oi punthr wordinateiy iii to to Mont urea ohm Niko Skeet and the board is nexotleb in with eeiemi merrier to determine whim ii the ME tnilahlo deal ill IA Mu laid Lost or times ere edit in the Ir be came time it possibility the city rrdxhi plat the treesvnlth the wisdom oi the public who dmtimti COULD MVI MONEY II this happrrii rail rlr IA Raoul we could Mbe up to Within trl tit cost lie lin the board Le model rotor planing three or tour virtciles ot trees ineludlny hor othor rootlo are noted lee their elicit root system light loitbgo ant rerirtanee to hard virtue and silt htr Le bold rail drpnttdiill ontheclilmmaoltinrt 17 meztinn there is Rood porri bttity tho promm can be too okrway by Deeorrbcr Otherwtre hook on the echrmo will ninth in early Jammy The meeting will be hrli It 750 Nil et cotter Street Unit ed MO lull City Given Approval Tor Filling Bay The nouny watn breneh tho prortodai ministry ot the yimomtnt hai elm the dry sodium modulo Arnold All In Kermmieit liar tor the pur at roclalmld Tim appoint the same at we rescind tor the tilting to oi hideout property tor arrea nlil Port embodies the to teatime burota no in the into between Boltin Street and Illiioastor Street to die tInro at too Ieot Into the buy The deeper were lhm week one mirror Dor ian Porter ohm mobilized the Intent at public ovrlu committee report which approv ed ln principal development ol the bay in members with the my Centennlei Put we de reioped itairr tartor uruiolirtl older men leeroi tho it oould ereIte rnunlrl Ii ad end might eventu be lead loi extebdlal uteihnre Drive notion whieh would hate WIT from or park propose wnr wild down broom it our deemed too uslrtclilr The tor New For notes or toocrtoi in the mo tton Ind it via peered WWWMIM hem Still Writer The tiery and an EW toll blind ll Illicit killed Ilne to omirlolhrt pIriicuiIr Ireitnltrepuznm Torn biotm ol Tm In new at temptation eddywitblbo blow wrt enl told nwrmreltryimwllhitbe came at the dedhi at it it pcopledrateithhendieolthl rite ot the millwhich pile At iii time the lumber on the tram no Kilt titted htr Taylor Laid to than new In Obtlrio NorthlInd Bud which it to be trawlibis It 35 to miles an burr eorne olit or the wrote at lie said the hueun several can eItriet the acre median rail belore to lot 314M lie said he also our the hunter lniek been to site exertion and rpli lumber litter the indoor lnrelr war sirirnz Iv eoubl all times lrern unrlor Moth James the iJlllJIAOllr in ixrrih minagtr toll at to tram Miiiimtl at or crest ot the hill and sector drapes oi Ith often he came mm throw iL iiu illlied to the guard rail ant oltrt lentil he ht ref ahead at turn tit oar lien Amok town the rear retor neur the Thornton elovrrlel think there had been only in other but Itctdeat Im ibit it no outed LI 1W5 oi timer to an omum druitrd wine Air 20 Allill ut roman hi larruly enon dLSNh his Iir lied ilerlnlbodtlm the blurb collision occurred beeeu Ie drlm here trevelinx too very tart tor the wood lir llehony raid between War A9 ml the eimrieai We bite been to tal at taint uddom In the past ma 0t lhwe nix oer and will ot the utter rite the ol the ooiblme were reor ond Nikita tou were tingle robieb miditor three itMlVNl Merriam one rm uy coiiirton end the 13th on or viiid1 united the median in the am tattooed the two Motto there we no redolent dottinimryalthii year too to toMrory and to letter mow once we taken donn lllhrdi oi the 19 almond Xi mired tituth to Atari oi the Way ellermon Ireland It lite mien the Bomb outing Citdr dont wtlh mobile Ill tile limb oi the catheter waterborne timer oi enlisted Doriin TIerr lier so told the one tendon and torn one In he Ind been tiavettin north in Barrie elite he nor the or III we blotlllil the lovihbouivd lanes No other can then etrvdr this pileup Lilll NALL Um no Itkolion Mi ttVltl to hm traitor trailer or turn bcr that was em out at tit rrww like roll add The mom elicit he tell one train tltriqutlotoionilermhoor than incidental rid the rate and pop hiring in ntvnber ot ears The irit made complete wt Pd then rolled over one the Nuclei be said well at binning anew he told Evidence item witneme ott tered in to rleblilty It the lime mi road eooditiooi however Peter mete to or urine lard raid he coldti ore me no died ahtod born the how oi ablllendwaa troirJituntsi miles in oi the time be noted his brain be Itrdd ed turmd too degrees trod hi set other can uimtho rear tollielo lie Intel hooerrl he not outsider renditions handout It the time at the ne eidmt STILL UPRIGIII tilt Trotter told the inquiry It the time he tell his ear the tractor trailer oi lumber wIi etllt teprllht Illhoorh the wood was blilnintt lle ltd not one the treller tell onto Its ear ul dingrurni indith that not when IL Ruled th John Christie co oi Toronto eat his wile when testitred they tome to mouth slop emotionaler 11W lect trenr Orb mm at the within Their car we then hit by rotten ol rearend wiltiione and pushed him to the death retire lie And his wile erreped lhrnurh err vinbovr Town Attomy Brine Alitoek reid statement to Utt my mini by John Ow ot Toronto Iliortly nItertlie collision tilt Crow ole surrlled Ibo rrmtr war killed later this year in booting acct dent hlr Ws imminent said be but tinned We the mid rail to vodd tailing ditto viri but did Crash Claims Steyner Couple CIAREIIIONI Ont OPT Jack Watts 7A end he wile Amen to oi sterner Ont eere lulled Mdiy ATICO their commotion you rent Gziilmood police arrested Um mm aier Iommld woman war ended and rob bed or her borne Thursday Walter ed Praltclord Minuet ereti 19 roll John iewltt it III at Coir bloom WWW were charm otii NAM viii deem ear collided with yrmi truck to heavy to noon Cnromori about it mile northwest oi Oshawa 7EYear01d Beaten In Cwood Iotetmi col Darrel oleo are charged with attempted not the litter are both boil in evooly and will appear In pm vandal coin hm Westley Hilton iiialbeho Itowl the lie lvn in barrelot with button not rhocll Separate School Board Meets Tonight Diinissiml of the brittle mint WWW stall ml or presentation by the toil nio rti carnalre tighlizbl the ured ol the Sirmoe My Ro man Oehtle Stem School APPROVE WISDULI Danie oily and the room ed the trim module at open other loin her the dtye Ira Itallml Aid Nose Arnhem tobi mmdi At night tin lded Ire Radon lawman limiter Ootrd llhen it melts tonight at eelooit at the Forth turn nioootlron tire The neomdtmle still eat the wilds pcoltrtlon trommte leer meet at oclock prior to the boom renernt nieettnr liartrpon Buyiicld Saber north oi tattoo on tie Mid mi mime retailer in tin city no agreement with the bottle but adrrrititd thorn are some diesenterr VIoIIInri oi the Iebedule ere lithioet lo pronto radon marrith daugldrr we miss ing tie torn tier airiy titer in another on In said he siv the trailer um been our on in NI Kort Burlrw Doormatw re trimt who one irate at the time oi the re IIJ wildly he saw both the truth are the bud thriller north betore lhe Iotidoot occurred Mi were trawling ct OWN inauer to note all her he said SOLE SLIllrllOlt Barter in the ddblihm11 itu rm to ol We the role rur Iitor In Hindi iiivim ear driv en by Peter txdoot termini he had been LIN the rear ot the ear tiling to butaneere SW on time oral Elem tires lie ml Iclrr shorted eimthiru ear blur int then be black rdarl tlyroo whrr was not or in mi bob the time the cubism or thrown born the our lie erotic ddit heun tutor in hospital The in lo hour any inlay lier Or an lira Citron ileum oi 5L Amn near St Catharina darned rw the lnrrtr driver Tutor lieath the box driver Expert hitherto tore Ibo to teeth It time pomrtted JOHN AND BARBARA CHRISTIE ESCAPED THROUGH CAR WINDOW First Of Collegiate Series Feux Follets On Thursday lrirl lolletl urrun lllt 197W cOlillldiL Strict at Control wi lotiiiio mirthtum Wednesday at lzll nr tor lhiv overt are rate at live dollars Ilenetrod llttli hr the entity mili loiix tlril iatmari Wind timenrlrtr ch Imrem turd IIAIIIC Coriral Ctllllldll litian ut tilt or til Vlill be available at tho undrioriurrr bot ulilte at 11w rum rodnebiliy ills Janitor baiting president oi the Barrio Coilootato tiered Astorlulled wt lhir superb series in real gain or tour Merrie not lie enroll most elli ml error will tliuw the tattoo llitltl itt attinnlo enter to date We INTI tellout Alon torrid horror lliol rograhho and dimior hat tillllzil the neon hIlIiiR RutFUD lets book to vibrant heat Tilinn over the artistic dino lorshtp ol PourPotions in 19th Lund lnirnldieieiy Itttlgnittvl the worth oi the wmpuny uno rouely Cunndrart yum end to thtiiluolk Ito toil ecrlv our ritrrl ingredient incline the kind ol lbcetrlerlity in rteytrry nod me In when hot niunyn burr hnl mark oi bind production The dilate dimes hr ex ample he explains Theres in midi color Joy and vrtatily in liIlN INNS The old wmpiny pertorrntd thorn with mil eli thueiasm liin at the roll ei ratio dunno everything it red ow toro Iltd tortoihrr tri tho llii nit dances Into proliueilon number vtuoh mom with great spied in rhureoxraplry node Within mttltimsbtli tho torri FOTIIIII Broazlna air and the mammoth yrandnand limit In Iomnle to gether with immutable televi shin prlxlultionr in 1903 Atari tund enurphl at dirltlor rrt naliuturl stature the Anne oi timer liable went in in lbitOtIIC ironrd bitnine Ctmdian prurient out to win the Lrordoli Ihtutio lttlltl unt ler Dost Mistral el lint Nine other hmltililtlu lutlovl td under lIIrxll mlidanrr artistic dimiur oi the Chariot tillrriri lotlval lie establishcd trolley ol proiotiti oriyinul Cumdinir Inuiteuli uliorerer perr ellrlo Audiences amount and itbllltii box willie groom grow lltVitlily it our line orplvlenuo and rrrprrtiso the Alan Lmtl brought to the poet oi artistic director nl Etlirlvilrli Ills leng and urinlw at tho thw Ire limo bcwme irrurtuiirlety ap parenttn the moanyi otor nrantee is he iuthrrrd lhn re vitalttution ul into most Canr udian ul wmyanies FelixFob lots Coiiee Club illeels Thursday 01y ulininl lilo It Tuni Irlynhiii speak en the totem term ol llxui rormmltt at the Groom Barrio Chamber Commerce roller tilde ntteilnt tomorrow at tho Elroolldale Park Inn Ioomorlbrzviitbedottrw um UM locum tor the nrorrllr cl 0min are Jim Kim recalling on dcdzai tor the hyytront 0d ll Donn ot Doughnroeikin on tumour vhat it La III at Del It and bpcalttf ill to be In woreJ viii riisclns tori to the it rororr ol emu