urns rumour miniomen mvwhmmroo wmmmtnrudwh AlinlrtnliyolWIialoorm Esa trio MAID HAWAII Fuel Shortage mum ran rodent Donald 55 it gr gr iii nighad iris ii it riiir EcaiE Record Setters WA on an in Iiniont common IIIrriod It tin IiIrptll had 11 childrrn III at whom Iro Ititl ilnnr tier hudrood Gauge tiled in 1m to It IIrnt nod to tolIl as tho nurrberwwoi her ueodrhlloreo and mi mod children Itrl TtIrpeil Idrrdtlrd to trying to Irelt ltllllm children Plowing Chomp Anvnvmw all tom muuudn mm PM won the CIIIdtIn plow mo in tile conumntit Iii mitIIIouiheIltol roll IlliiI Icored it oointe out at to win the million over it other coupetiiorI trorn IiI Rhino Witiii rI oi out end will Robinwo oi Mervn Ont tlnlllod Itc ouiond litrd rvcdlteiy Atlantic Illliance OIIAWA rm Foreign Illnlder Writer kiwi oi Will Gennarr iur rIlicd ter conttn trod Ioiidlriiy in tho IltlIniio Aiv IiIncI Ind mlinteoonco oi North Armlun mittIry tom in Western in rooeeh Tinrrodny to tho dolomite ortohliohrnoot III 0mm Germs mainly ho ootd West Hermon doe not intend lo crate In iIoiIlionlrt thrown itinnd or growth flrademarir Forged arrnwi i0 out lndhalllirrommduoooto on It oourt littr oiendlor wloochlrooi ring rtnoodu do we to min tredoroIII mi Med thIt cIyilIi MTruu limit lid Iollt 11310th tmwmmm or on then Margot iiu wood with nor more mo OlowuAt my line may aid tho mull wII tht Ionlo belowwdo win out in the WI Pound Not Guilty WAWA Be Violette wII locust not or McIollIi murder Thursday llmiiilimni gory Awarded $75000 ho III one oi three met row on or Arie Prion to ot ilrurlelI out It idi shoppe no Mr hat on My my Ms Ierded moon drrnIreI gym runway lhurIdIy tor in hole nuttetod linger Clemmt or 34 when mow the Iiew oil iirI Slmuri It miter trod krona chorurr It Iorrico elation Ind culity to Mnpit murder Ind Itoka him in the on were untamed to mm The udtorrmlt ruched ln gill tho iourtlr dry at on Ontario 5o Iouetlu doierloo er that more Cowl rivii Iction lied rm reread It amount iorthodomomlohopaidby Mirna to drlrw the netmy two dciendorltr iii CInIdI dim tho throat thIt it he Ltd owner oi tho service Ill ilurrleot nouii blow his ttm in oertortir on when the Icoident occurred cod no riot Union III the rIt nut In to rItity the mount iiIttonI Genenl Amrny in In tho liniil tor demotion Ind Ioebi prorrur no so riot Union NM tile comm loIiIrdwimtntiitvuI nightly not retitled until Ir Parking Meters Mhnlhllhnnhnthoilrrt Windsor Irm Council has ruled almlnolrd Guy lolly by roiurlru to worst In Idvcrtlremroi luiy it tor it time tor honoreruI the publisher It novintoer ho the ridri to decide on the Ioocotooility oi Idlertiromrntr there war In urlieir din orimlnelion in the retired in mm IirrlniI IdwrllIemrni tor rectot print to live the will lorvm to exotic torroIIlntI obout The SlIrI nth and IdtertlIinl ornat can the diet rm molded by the Ontario Illli Milli lioon to one oi the uteri nIyI oi lorlnr threw putrid wrrir This dirt hwd on milk intro trio Wildern tion wtntrydr trim Without thono rrIwrtiII Milli diotlni run htoonta loom tho mm Ion SWARIIGA induItriol Nomi Cleonlr Whlio Prcroni Sunolv Lem Clellrronn ll tin 595 tin 4on 30 lb hog 1403 keg lO75 lug tall he l590 tier my 795 INTRODUCTORY OFFER FOR NEW USSR Dlrponm lie tine slucor oxrcru thIIED 210 BAWIEW DRlVE mien Grbwing wmdvGraps The nrdsiln vPQ umiaslmmi rhetoric fountain no nlmm Drill mhmh ordeal tlolodaIl mammal oIIriIoIntIlchoro Wuiuluivr hold nid mo try tho United lilo raring to icadni mic EUDHUIIY Ort it El and in his battle with thlI cityI Mint moons Ilo pioadod not llttlly iiruro Wm rdolI onrvtoiod Ind IIINDSON Out Ilit that lito ItIInIt star lily Winde nre council rulcd thIt white PM it the late council lI MVP EATING TORONTO CPI Ool dill Woodrow AWOWIIMJ when It tho IlontreIt IIIIAWA GI the hi lenient dentin annular Ihiy mt that ml not in PM Carleton tinlrcnlty pdltlul Identlrl raid no mired It hie rm or Iddlnr too out niiiiol spent mid Doctoral Oillm IoIor It mood on tho moInIrIi common at the role Ini II II umaini Ill million room the tour ooiltlal puller their lltI cmdldalu dont think HIM bowl tho whole trth Ihout tht It Ion not even the initial pIr tier dormolm he IIld this It In ibionned nixtr Flori Poitlri rIrI he relic heIrtly on lilo political parlleI tharnetmhlr prime mm It iniorrnotion Tho on Io urn ioctieo which ended tirnool lo deod heIthetwun the litreth Ind Conunallvrr wu frohihiy the rmnl owl lnh Plot Pritiei run he trier TOWN loo Ilrrm iiiliiIm Dovtr ieodr III Imrito OonIcryItlro invrro mull heclr Into the IcrirlIture Monday It obold lite hoiiwoy point at idr iirIl term It leader Itlrre hole boon romo Itormi timer lor lir Davis Iltd hiI roremmeni cotiurueI Ilnoo the DIle government rot in tirrt mInAIlo trem OolIrto vol ero tn Octohcr mt They have Incith ditch oiinierert drorrer Involving thlnc mlnllterl controverIy over the trnpiementIllno oi In IIIIIIIL golrrumcnlr and dill oi politicIl humour and iovoriillrn lor rsmgelgn contribute on tho Iovrrrunont will It tunpt to mend tom term he tore the next election inverted in iIiSIhd lhIt inrluticr leglIl lliltiil nionord when the third union ni thI ssih lcririIluro hector next wrct PROIIIIEI LAW Lil conwlmer IliIlrI iohn uemcni hlr Ilrrrdy orcndted new law to non docrotive merchandising uiatlorr Ind unnrccuory nrco intiItlon with Ron at too to New lor vieIIlorI And hir Clement miniIter oi conturner Ind commerciri rriI ttoor it Iirn expected to bring in tho lemoeiwyvd icrhtetlorl requiring creditlotcrtieilnr model to open their ii to ARE YOU INTERESTED lN HELPING YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN SOCIAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT ADULT OCCUPATIONAL CENTRE We on Interertcd In loeotlng good hoarding hornor tor the young men and women who lho OotIrlo ruldeolo they III lnverillIltnl John White minister oi inter It Io ploorc call us 7106910 Ext 306 are looting tho Centre Davis Leads Toriesllaclr is Wild Rail in iuerrlay it louc roe who MW monolith tied may Tho Icrliptun repre Mnowumm to minimumalarms lhoil Last Federal Election Campaign Cost $51 Million Protessor Hoerorotdicrotlunthoooo Inl NOT ALL nu Uni 75 on ml at no didnia do rdmr on lied anvIlrn ooItI Int harm ltl oniiIoy told the whoio truth Ilootll heir hndtln Lml Iqu dorm consider the or um llrnt But breakdown or potty in dialed the with Libeth out nt tho ConIerVItlm It tot million to hit lien litnit The thinlotrow New Dammit PIrty roost Ihout 10003 In toddtlul emit tlh mt conduits milled l0 recoding its rniilion oo Iemilm to or ndtiton Ind ND to room the colt pinty ttt rails to ceoom or on ocnru iI lilo SoclIi ICrodi oIrty ttowetnr not Prich would 1M Wt Wood governmental Iilolrl II or peotnd to Itlcnwt to Irina tho Itiny oi rorlonel roveromerlt lrrlriotion in some Irene by lronrlorrlng more power Iwny trorn QueenI IIrh ml to the rertosu munlclpnltllu nitration Itinirtrr nlornar WtiI III will Introduce lolly lItlon pr lhlllnx nuhllo uhool hoIrdI irom renting or relllnr vocIni hulldtnrr to mono rho It wants Iohool hoIrdI need the million No II Ilse expected to In lrlluulnce eIriymin tho Ictliorwnov nIry list on by iorailohiniihonrdlme 10 liOliTFN CONTROLS OntIrlo Iiso olInI to in iroduto ierllirtion to Iorrr errIntier on home IrrdlInreI Ind nulomohllcr will lighten mniroir our the il IuInoI oi rnclhrnieIl iltnm ccriilthteI tor motor vmleier 7th will Do the novel hilt Inrd oi rrportr ruhndtiod In citldlny one expected Ihortiy truth Mint committee In mttrriinr chIrreI lhIt derel ooer tierhIrd Moon triend oi Irrmter DIviI wII turned in the hhidtn tor not MM Illli llon Itydto heIAquIrlerI NIw Dom ocrII under Stephen iowir no cd Iitelnrt to lorce demoed on the hlrh root oi Iood The libeth Ire mectod to he liigiriiy oreoocuolcd uhlil Dot Mic day they Ieieq the mlil to lEIit them protlncieliy with mlrIl will weanling it in oven outhrdL Photo nwvr DISCOUNT ROMUSNELL agar Eigai 223 in 39RF ggggsig air it well noon AUTOMATIC WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AlwaI Frerh Bog Rudy orrdunr DOLENNII Am0000 TISSUE Mt Shorts SOFT TISSUE 67 ML SATURDAY ONLY tolocoltnrv oouestlrll ISCUDNI DDhiIRNlll uolrs suns lltliS Tortrel Poiyertry Drown tiiIrll NIyy GLEN KNIT TOOII NYLON s327 0N ML IAIURDAY ONLY lilto ON SALE IAIUltOAY ONLY WORK soars Isnt DISCOUNT consular OIIOW WILL GRASS SEED tor $247 099 on new Itrunolr on nlocounr StiltDSiiiii our own IOIINION AND IOIINION BABY POWDER 57 IN IND SATURDAY ONLY olocll ror slum that OAL CAN COAL TAR DRIVEWAY SEALER $699 IN SALE DAWNth ONLY ohm lilrJhnittr err ONL lmle MEET Itll smut