Jon you It the In IM am 12 51 Jobn IIIrrhsl IuooIiI pro iqu at ltbrery Idem It the Urdrwrslly oi Toronto Ind students Intel rim lmv It Is Jailed ttIl Ind IleM ttomu dls sun the Mon oi the later Ileu About EsrrtIlrhrI Irr riru they conducted III In runullom in Bertie More study eonnurlttee ttmdsy meeting with the Burk yutr urn launcher Photo CITY NEWS eIItussrh For 15Day Term Themes vrlllism minim oi Brsdord Street III sent to Ill Thunder to um today can end will return to court Dot for sentde on it ebergee at our their II to ler Ind tbel Ind lrtIeehlei uroqu Ided guilty to sit cirrus trending chores oi isllng lo er to court Scot for which received the lt dey Ieoleoce McGulrIn shuttled lo perti rlptllog In slrlnr oi brut xlor in eotteree In oro Vrr rI Ind Bu townsth lest Iy end in sterling In Ind turn as sure it urcqu III ornpsnioo broII Into littlewe iiiolorr lrr llsrrle stole nmnerous beyI tor the derlenhlpe ehlelee Ind mm of with two inks Iiocdrrn end his contention sure leter touted no Ddgeblll Drive where they hsd driven lhrlr lruolrs Info ditch Dem Ire to both IIblclrI hu been ertlmrled II poor In June It lloGulrIn hId stolen trudr from much Ilelorslle Bertie Ind Idmltted Convicted OI Impaired Charge Ilwails Iudgmenl 0n llnolher Tho oi three ehIreee Igrlnrt John Block It or timber lend street uere heard by Jodrs John Able to hrrrle provturiIl court Wednerdsy ltlIrtr III convicted oi driv lng while his Ihllity to drive Ivor Impaired by thus Mm hole In reserved hidgment on ehme ol rohbe with riot Into however unit on when BlIrh will line them ct pointing lireIrm BIIrt pleaded not guilty to hngolred driving It It Irn lute rs efler Constable Steven noorer observed rehlrie no oil the mud willie trying to turn from LIlrerhers Drive onto Beyv Ileld Street The oiilrer told the stunt Wednudey lhrt iliIclr stumbled setting out oi the tar thlt his speech wrr Ilurred end he was Id like he was to mother vror Onultblo Iloorer uld he could not wit my Ilcohol on Itlnrts brelllr Ind when he Islred him why he not impaired he eur wered Irrwhellrrtlnel Ile lee tllled he found be oi while grander Ind le needles til the trunk of the III horn breath elyser test was Iubueouently Id mnisiered the resdlng war on My Auto lined Illrt 3200 or is days In toll Durlu the robbery with viol ence Ii hilthrel Greenin oi rushing the truth Into hrldre meantime oi BIII Ioln ll ANGUS ITIEII Alto lint Iveolog lleuigrn III stolen soother vrhirle in AIM time It to Emir some time during the room oi there events he broke Into the Site llIrl Service suitors Itelllng anntlty oi drIrellIs use here Ind Ishltghh biotiulgrrr wss Ilso involved in Its burlins It IreI couri II In which numerous borueh Alllclu were stolen Some but not Ill oi the Itolen property Isz reouvorod tn Wrens re Inienee IteGutrrn told My Jobs Auto he did not how ehere the unmvered Irtlrles were ul orerrvnrd they Int bees tries to dun III III Irrstled II day night in lilIslIsI lrten lo the herrle 1le Judge tn orderedI erro lenre repor to be re itd be loII he purer sentence on lie legrn tor the other chum Barrie hotel on Scot In uh ed him it he hsd In nIeseIi ire lie Irid Bltett to hint he did but he did not out to give it to Greenlsvr on us street rsmlnw IIld he glte Bled SI Ind thuy both ultetl IIqu In Alley tvwmitt the bark oi the inlet In said when they reeds ed the end oi the my own tumootl him Itruetr him In the no on ehrtv he or the Wild he Ilnrted toting him Greenlnw IIld Blunt then took Inlfo horn his pocket Ind thrententd to kill him it he uld withing Robert Norrenn rim of strut ty Bey who was with GreenlIw It the limo testified lhIt he the money It the trout oi the hotel courtrbls Doneld Mmer luv tilled lhIl Greenlsw told him riorliy Ilter the incident thlt him took the mob from his pocket when he IltI on him In the utter Deirdre eowuel hurl BIIII tested that the chsrge teIdI lid by Violent steel Ind that it the money wrs river to lllettc It the trout oi the hotel he should then be Icoultlod Crown Attorney John AlexIntI er dhrgreed Ind IIld nieet should not be Icouitted on lochnlenllly 6hunty tiny terluted that he sporemed nicer white Sunny Slries Through Saturday Ideal Weather Being Forecast it looIrI like so ldIaI lsll noct mi cutting up The uwnttrorsnen ls outline for mrhrly my Ith ttuourlr Sol Iutin lot the dislrltt itll ho it little rhllly tonight Inn Inn rennin II the ton to near Ill degrees Setuniey the expected Itgh wit be between SI end to noduled high pressure em over the lirel Loire mud Ire tiles bridal todry Ind Euler Iy errcor tor the tote or XIII Ind late Elle re not when the lntlueuee ole so trout nuy pervlel in brine lng showers Another week dis turhInee flooding rovsrdI lemet Bey could trigm some rhowrrr In Northern criteria Toronto llelnly runny today Ind SIrurdIy than lousy low cm long tonight beer so high Saturday new In tendon llrmlltcn Ieleroor on North IlIy Sudlm he lluron Late Onlerlo Nin gIrI llIlrhurten GeorglIn Boyr lllIlrr sunny lodur Ind Srlur dist II to to low rto IruI tonight ton to our to merit piesded not guilty to the dome lllgh lwrtllgll Todsylbnlght5st lttndior to Semis St Thorns lemon Kitchener Mount Ferrel Windham Owen Sound hitteltolre lientltton St Calhsrlner Toronto Trenton Kingston Pelerborotrgh Killsloo North try milky Earlier ilrnrnlnr Kepurtrrlng RS IlIrII maplrIn White tiller ilerolduo hfoowneo ssssagssaasacasssssssssaa ssssassaaaaaaasesaaaeraaaaa Thursday lor Iroienetng on then at etlhri damn orerlr In ler Ind theft Ind Mlle null ehlrl Judge nus Ante ordered our Iov ltllllhtt sentenced to so dIyI to tell liter III pleIrltei guilty in Bur rIe orovloelol court Wednesdlr to toy riding lie was Ireultred el soother range of retiring dirturbenee The dleturbenre the hour In incident In return on Me II The can no told lost Imus Ind WM the one that bended Illut little mutton use on the move ibursdry Iitemooo trern its Vrspru annrhlp roe count Museum The ion eIreld umh whirhrrerniv wII revrred lry vIodIls vru given to the muteuot their the hIndIul oi Irish toners derided ll wou refer it restored It the mun rum Worimen irons the Oun Iumerr GII CompIn Onl Irlo llyriro Dell an lies on Townthl rosdr repert rnent end it Iltlrllelry oi MOST ATTENDANCE The people oi iIleIu go to the moviet more oitrn lhIn that or my other commatn mv ItXAllle WANT ADS PHONE Tiltilt tour the IvIrIrI Iilrndrnre per person vru or ll lAllltlI MUN FRIDAY Emil 11 TH Weekend Sentences Ordered For Youlh 0n Three Convictions iterrmnd CIrl Buley ti oi breIlrlu It Atkinson liotors or More senteneedtomul MI dining which two Gui rlIyI is tell when be reversed rm were elolen rim with II nmle Provlnrtrl eourl nurrber eiullomebile tsp rehtll urn one be kit it to ditch toy to serve therrolenee every neurosis restitution be mule eertreod from you may to for the tenure to lie In Iloodty my Irll Intolvetl In stood PROVINCIAL COUNT BRIEFS Ioolier men were shoving elttl utulII out It Ehrmle IA throw Wgm rouc lift on HiSTOltttLCllllilCli iorslten lo It It the hint series oi eighthqu nmrrses derlgw tor Ithnol bus driver lnmrovement will he offered to but driven It too rest thlI ml by the SW 0me Botrd of mention The corner which No for four Iourr over two debts will leId to rortliiott tor errh drlrrr correlating route The mm he been designed by the TrInrportItlon Softty As Iorlsllon oi Ontrrlo who tell yrwtde the lostrurtore rod in strurtlonll mIlrrlII All school bus driven In Sim one 0me rod irons rurround ing reunites III lnritrd to Iiv lend the eourreu in ethanol the tour so rill run out Wednesday Ivenlnt The ilrst rrstlon In held Sept bl In BIrrle thI room will he held It Eertrinw monde school Oct 21 23 2t end The reuse will be held lrl Illdllnd Oct to loud it Ind It Park Street rellrglrle by in will Oct ll rs Ind it in umvele the course bill be Sent 11 end Oct ml to Bred lord will he bet is Ind ti Dourm In Alllonn ultimo Oct so end Nev Inne The We begin It pm He Elm ltly Hurley drove tho trurIr to Ed snysrmrnyommnt truck hldl III limited It Mt thin linden Judge John AoIo IIld uhst sltrteted the mutt wet the bent oi the windowyond dismbsrttt rhet ge on the tlrrt ehnrge the sour was told the llhte took III trorn htm Auto Sales on Brodford Street on tiny to with oti pemllulon It tulltl neutered ItJohmn street Bench three Ilr night lions trlnrgorirllon lild communi rIll0rr supervised the open lion The chureh will be com leiely restored ll its new loertion behind the Simone County Illnequ tExImtner Glnrres tome dry Photogruys Photosvru Illloerlr stilt rsrsrnr ritisiizgt BAlllllE orrrcrt norrr norm rurrr use no not turn mm mm III Clnyprrlen rrrtru STEIN REAL ESTATE ttd mm in Burton it llIrrlI The Barrie Hortlrrtlturrl Soc lesson mutiny II the Sun rtdnle Oomuniti centre The To Protect Little Guy In New Zone Standards Thelllttle gvhy Anl mgr statues WI ro ertog Ime Inroithelitrriellunlng Berri merelel seeingwhich bu thont who opereleo nods It Itryor Derlsn IIrlrer unsorted eorrwnerelri uses Ind Itstses drrmg the deduction she Ind The rues under the Ioenethlnr The little guy retrrred to entomotlventes urtloutluier both the buyer Ind Aid IrinIlI Ind taverns Ind others Perri Is the Inuit Intreorun curuh wants to get slut in trletlug this Ml to rflrlllng by living shove Itlt oi oi tommerelll uses sore Schools In lldvance 0t Health Report Suggestions slrntoe Oomty recommendations to the report It the rest Arm on school health eenlm IIld litre In mustqu Ir Interim It seniors with the Woe Orderly Idlntlon trintres Wednesdsy with the stmrne County Diurkt llrolth Unit Ird various other Ircnrltt throughout the county has Ilrestty initialed some oil Iooorts ldete Ind recommend er In IMII to the brunt hb ilsrrlu lndieeted he Ion tins our WIllIee dlrrdor oi Ixhlic health but hid root to dis tu the they will lAlignmenl Includes sorting Ii roster ember Ind their Ilrgrrlnrly KIN run Elliagnostic IllllliMN FLOWER SNOW Atrium Show luturrd my somber oi the phnts Ind tlowcrr lyplrIl of phre In airy III on one or In tan yur Ilri llth the merry ultith Smolder Ilorley leit bebn lire Elms Photo hululutthowoltbe residrntlrl tree but the rolls Instr boudisrensid lionnierhntherornotlinm die sir roen ItorI uill he stole to tire shove it is up In the Ilr woe to Im out the Little Perri weed or dudo bests resturrInle olile Isld Iisyor Perter It Is hmrrIt homes retIli stores wrong unit man trying to get rim to bidders Ind hm shore his Itorel The bond ls wldrrlng Ald Perri countered lets hInd not nilmlntle that use think oneol lberelssolsmler such uid is convenience rent in we end tor we Illtorrnrny contobes on one thanelg brnGwhlrd board 5533 gmm any eltr elmr mold insoles III Ibsen tro ltndlord 0min tintyeer WM unrqumo on otblu to re rItoI wri III there Inert Irrst year itd In ill lthIt unrnLy humus II operIfor Instr enough rmney to more Where else Although it isnt thrive In que sold Ilr limits it could rsrily Monn one The bond deterred dotte lon on tho ulootleu oi the new as ItIrIiIrtls We nlght but mrdo it eletr tbtl Iny duhlon uhlrh thedtd the bltle noted not sited time merrtn Ints Ilrendy in business in diet typo oi situation Til the ink tom rewrte quee IIIII item on wool medleIl eo ordtnrtor be mom ted Ilihottgh they felt snob In oillttll weld be of grertrr service In the Its oi the health unit thIn diru tly to eehoel personnel They Ilso slmvd intern In the woollen that school with coordinating rormntttce be lomtorl roomnltlee would iindqrs problem Lr schoo till Ir health IerIire would and outlier orewrote for tho dellrr of health union to would Ibviy the prob tents of roosdinsllon heelth services Ind retention Iervlrer Ind Iould Immoral Enlisted DEAN WATtil or specic Whlllotll to pro The moot exposure mined blems oi both the health unit Irtuwutrh it Subs theorist oi Ind the bond oi edtrstllott mens which costing Intro IeenIIlebe yeminedvnneeoithe Bond oi Ellucstloo liorriu told tlto board oi the bond in connection CENTENNIAL PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER I913 LTD FAIL SPECIAL too BRADFORD sr rrrrrr Lir PHONE errors more nus orrrr LIMITED TIME ONLY to hit SPECIAL hrnpettlorr oi lrort brIII Ilnitrl hlyl no SAVE ssoo wmr THIS courort CLIP ME OUT kND SAVE SPECIAL Wale rtr luspedlrn iem host to hurt when inchrder no cheek For in emote II ehuck brm Intent rlottrlrrl Itrort end rrhsurt drir ItrguiIr priorities IsIvroaoo WITH THIS couroN Mill IIItbrrltSMlibbEPInIrIellt