htIIEmgyggort iolehuiJurhOntuh II iwmmx II JJJWWMHW WiLWiiaEdiiorinntllur autumn in railr Wm0 ETE of Igi it Whit PM IIIldiCIlIl Status Debate QRenews Past Arguments it in hardly rurprutng tint the Question linwerer the red arguments not do ot whether the indian Art disaintiliateo prim indian women ol their dammit ayatnsiwonieu and aran yevidone mid atatua when they marry nooindiane EEK ii 33 entree ooze rent Ereegg Eggnog II or EE at be made has been the whimoi eonI llect tome oi the eompieaitieo involved IiWV mi Id elderable nirreni debate um um when ii mm may This mid mluniii be crowd in wriiaitn uratinitnna notingolltltrro at mm uh lollow Supreme Court rulingIthat iti mum my of mate 5mm not In III mu titan trained who marry noteloer lose hm to up their mum right weir um Mm 1de M1 154 1m 11 Ml as not having to pay property taxes arid will he dtwtuode hoeerrr rein with Japaa auditor Im with the ponhiity ol Emil WWW lid med ther privilege received wbrri living on on the Ilinal continuation anddvln luau min am amnion to home concerned whileamnlelndlan alto mm mm II gt rIiea Ivthite woman and cIiaoosee to eon Mm um Immmd II It tutu timeout reservation IMHO mid qualify in tmty mm WWW money and other at uliiereharheen the mime the was termed by it to much interma age between whiter 54mIW and indirna through the em thit the II Fm 1tmviitettui mi riiiusteoitendiiiicuiito ene eninilaelureedionoia iviaionot Pii5 PM hm we limit for mum mummy yam delinition houlrireoulrea reon to have in myum WM mm white at least one quarter an blood to ruin it count mat rim mu worm man mu 7m Ilaied eneltlr0datirltviow thin might it nrinrii hihrinmqueni mi in to it trir enwn out has two Ithe whiteEmband thare in reservation Km W11 MWNJHSMUH lb Magnum may mand other such hard and laattruie couid oiten VI euro benets meanierlousharoshipslnlamliy tile II Formalelndiansnhodtooaetoremin Hence the present denition 1a on the rum alter marriage toInitite treaty lndian whloti detinee them onty ill II nutsineactproieoirihririndianrlihts those men women and children regardI in which their nitrite wiver there there lrir oi blood goiter or inheritance who you mIm Iobemrp MIAMI mum meme mun IV VI Irwniciinz views on whether this con hands prohihy it the moat sensible and ilutesdircriminitton against women ieit vI DOWN MEMORY LANE 45 YEARS AGO IN TOWN lot best score on par three holes also Barrie EuminervSepl 20 1028 Prev won by lira Patteraon Oureconr eideni Robert Stephen declared liar mendation Dr little lloH Board irie Fair best ever in entries and roI oi Education apfroveti havingill reboot Iiiinhniiignmrriirih Ithiiiihtitiithiiiiiiiti and team ol norm while riding in trout rniai content Bblliu in punt gKB field durtn aiorm Chicago innn lin under munldpn control tor aeven II 4wmm edlloo Burrieeoiuilorllrhin in montheisibare ain costiDia late Simeon nithoutliceneo whichg heutriotIntilir prodlitzegaylerioue discussing didntiknow war run since Can nitrt ntr in air Due adlans dontrequtrimonefzhii lean to ellorie ght MPP Simone hnaonollttln anoltiartmiibic Centre 5000 twirl trontaineed in omeI IV II VI II vhecialmtti wi dla itldoniiniend onria aililldiiurot threat on and hvertoeomeoacitttrway amen tacit CreekCrown litil lntertrctton Fourinoy and roniidon at itlnesint had on iiiglm ll declaredono oi most narrow ewhen heavy wind ea ht dingorour Ontario Promlird oheeker ii lheir wagongaclt and blew it wuleeI hoard warning aign not erected yet de Barrie Country Club ladies held rpite men accidents thereto past weeir dosing zoil eld day iitrr mwiey Toronto Pinhiera beat Aileltdiie pun non nonittiiv more One Ielruiat neitmcoi in tons nitration mi um in wow it out may with tron enpiaina trophy tor nine hole in ln aoltball or Local la in included but tintiuti helium rmirn min their Mimi m1mL hm EseniedhyblraAIiSrttiihliieaiii Dorie Kearns ind retiring Join Shear tgy tuggm Bum llama emotiveW ultimo WM on In Smith won prize lnr low not donated by Sinila Gillie Agnes eynoids ilario Scott to 10$ The torrent meetings at Imonre nornvirn muntntaruvt wultrrt sun it Garrett urn norrt Payne Lillian Kearnn Norine lionnillleAnnle oi Jiiirniih motif gym wmgiyiig Gnil General moment or omuu trim room netted Weri in rllrl Elmer Braden lire George EarlI and EtholGereidnuPlaieu ewaiwtl dimer Mum WWI1 lite cart yeotaoir in train Tofu MY 1min and lira Howird Felt won apeciai him holinowprincipni lngitdwnrd Wm LI loom Primer with atoyerl in wauioayorrttywrtrnm MI lacuna arrived lrltei Mrs John Williet won Ree iro Sohooi Alter into all is are enieriuln Vim We to it 0m dummwmm pity ior irnunp play itrr Potter ed at historian nesgytirtan courier in mmmmhh my my hhrtiniirriiiiiwhnriir mimomitm unwittiztihi non won long driving eonieai litre ll whero Olinrirr Soil ol YMCA led ring oi carpi him in mu iIfinmIi mini which will aarprsr the tart it 751 SKI 331 Inner taoara prth nap Chtttick you point itth tor 30 ML 111 short epeecher by hey n1tiotannnnitntntai returnIr ilnti not Wol in errnth More the Ind Willi On one ooraalonahowent be at cm Fm Rm domed mm mam Anpuh routedcrhlepriernntugiuw mm mm mm mile at hraaii Win im guyhmpfwm to ins aonieiiii more itany oi the concerto ol the mm mwmaim marginsv mew muhmn Emmet cloiety more Maorderii hundred oi delentea abotn Kwwnugm WV 32 mi wt try the WM it Wm WM try not irrrlu moths tilted by motor inpanetr in 1513 ho Ind Prim Wm mumuw Ceilidh mower1W films ioItheit him domuiie mm MM My Vet mauritenetl Ito pgptIIiIa thanwh oIVaVrII satiation 2mG rmiyfng mLMm MI aiPrernler heaven urge ow port on iii vhrwgrpawrimoiwreattm Wm tum be IM mygm m3 lolni torture Melodie in very one eater oi aelitnx reparatn ainzotrn with Printer growth nimoer it item 91 ilpinete node in legitimate The mm It lm it 131 dciduvaiil mmamleo riIn gym iIinanIanItItIIinatItnunt rooms owner without and hit wito pom Lavinia noggin liui the tndintriel the commer 33 labrtutlny Wm my three monthi out liter iron the ailment mm mm qumw Is piiirmaininz the lietouir to hi Im mm MW WW5 mm by my mm Md WWW we mm rived on rent to too mired eeivod telegram iiotn wltitIntn hwgoummrggylm InIit VthmgrrtIIthmiIrVn Emir 50333ng it VINCENT EGAN miu at the rate at to per Sonie oi the Selenee Contractor an emotion neieomo eity Van lioneol the me at IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIII on II Ir IWVIIIIIVIIIVII tloainerr and Cooaumer Altair wit yearid indicator that yroptiiaii would be relatively mm WM mitith tmmrhri mtmmetho oiorteaawlia Anaiyil the cnnaiinr xnvommorn has my to imducoii it rmth unmounted iron New or by loot cit was emu new erntioa it alone ard thou worn ennui lirnmann Newaorrrirr ltitln or no policy on this atnrt tor their political rnrrllirotion IIabgSlinfmb 9111 mg Mm gm my omdmtgomhhle atoll aro chiey ruminant WWII III III live onetime let other arm mi mm our touleo iortnmrnttimryrntxorr train The doomtso mum omtnp in the honro midy the hlldbdl Wiley toward Ono met In the diminn mole and investment than 1th ionhy mount tor her totem ruined aian throuh mm Mu mm In huainm in Imsibil try to lion nt tin 12 tent icderni in mm irndiiiollni poiillui iriduttriaiattlxeu rem oi new imitation Wk point ilil tima toilet for con uiea tax on tom titer hard activitiea oi toreiln ministriea The Ibeart lit mmli lid ha their Hutton inn personal Mmu we laid in oitetherI with the deeitlnnrrtnhiol in N70 in iron tiouri lust initiated by the ionntniital hintxior credit imported pr mortutndured here am ReptiMie ot outta with arm the ilinleItIS oi inter In on rate igpnn by tirimeo Cmrii ot Canada reye rulinnl and tho likeaim Co ottnwa im dubbomiy misied my in mm dipiornitie no national lhtie tridtittr will be the nitride loam at our tornth indiutry it matters rewritten in tin rornnt nritimuita lot roots at him now been rnario which wore handluxiovo wi nntrtuatain OC antes III upiindMI Wm mm IIICIIMV ea WI our trade tax in other haul in Com er teehnoiory tool on The Wm in in tuidod one momma action UEENS mu imam 2110 daring on tartariiirexuintioiumdihy two new Breet largely on the eirertrth usr ml In mm ar Dollrlo Intertilile LeidenML Net medal whim tar monitor Telephone noun Canada nil my other ammo hardware mi turnout oro ByllALllOYLE memo that motto Wynn ureonnctaunao wait to try to reinvent inn arIIInu than their you love neeirtriunrin iberum partiruur wheel Such orvinum rtrnrld take new YORK AP You mum to heurnpoetozeguaranieed Covernrnern oomqu lite tinmot domestic incoritlver will 19mm mmmmy it MRI and Deity Eluueya and give muchirrhra tenderrlrlp mo of 9me han it nonint mar to you at all Statutory ilnlldara encouragement to Guardian can iiiiur PM 0111th hid lotion ll errrpm vmidoialon in trim in aiiii Him act that your an oiddimer transcription me mo in WWW Mm WW tutu at attttheroweiiitilotheyeouid tintinnit the nitride tied at nutetaoeounlinx moveaurteo You still iron in your it or Dotimlilliliii iiirirtiiiiidhih IndIr or II to nonunion IItIIi thorough itarrto tilio mriyt imeoo 3pr Moment NW WI IIIII or no ntrrbocervedlnaioneaoit Tonomo mmmm IIIpr II mm LVI newin itstti no titiiiiiiiitimitiii no so or inntn salami width Milton 00mm ienroiatbevlrittl it ti on mgr mutthItztIIVW are dimluyhtiiiapiuehtl nurinrmnen out he ahie to you vein moat ltin MI mulnugIgfggcm hindrnniieniood prices IIIIII mIIIIV aooeareo curios went to are in cert oi thinner and mm Wmm 0mm Mm um um Hy mum you mm mm mm in ltitrt hadttivomeiwaathitt itui wasrn avxllebier Somewhere in your desk in in Queen at Writ rtronta mm on mm yct in kt inda hi mm IM moi W441 it Cochin arilr make on lantrol have mum to DV tilian ediniriy alieet Wt mm my Wit NW NW Meow unipynrinionrerrr rlolb tutti 533 gilloihtzprimn WWW Worm to MI MN irrgabtroihcmtiii nettioydain Tia mini mic tlldMll Milli it upmmwmmhnd airliner on rumour ind eunrrtpin rim by wxmphylfw 111 ririiii Kowloon WWI summit atthetn mitten eateeot if are Canadian wit twouinu tum imnniitmamoiuheii Al matter oi tart you Kytfiim$hi Wiff tidifljgrsdmiit uresntitr Amerieeoiishliieaiua lam owner imported not at the rouahly tto llrrni that rarely roek in any woman at their room oi hum protein lb to to tho tune taint roiiti nii iuti ivglrgillilltno grate pm m3 at mi iwulllg hfmiuiwIaiihIm Wto an not iarrrttcii nireid mime aioh it try to try and MI Mdmfg ubiinnllonniliinlwadithiith bu my my mum Tam mm You IkilnumbI oi death iiteit as you are held down prim hawk mm WWMIW introaua do lean then mirth ino cuatotnrra inlormniinei ii 14 am The minirttui eltalnoio it de km Mde PW WmdmmuI 7mm MW iiioptivwmup my riym warming on pottinrioer Fierce limitation eom 1C Min til Null CW timed by Hallowed nire to litibnrier bernt tried to the doctor and you thare we ell know the root oi on are that the Wind ed therein toryrlxhi In all oritinii IMF Frying through the inriiiilta iii in at tho atnrt oi the next Youd anther iihe um reei euro tor whit aii you My 5le Ii 03 00 in it ll ml WI 19 petition mini tlor thoro may bedoinl trotted minim the onomt Whiwa brnrtrii ari on tniiir rt hitr lotion an unspoken mt the pork look oll thin rummrr ap tlirovr not that are the roaiiy wasnt mama to the Horde Examinereioimi pinpbnnkinzaludyinxrrtdhill trim it it ready in orirted tor uyenrr inewleiae that their it WNW mm mm ilhlln rilturtImurttutro ered by the computer Indunry hunestdiy walk in country triteiery tho aimpie orator it into WI tut 11 IMi WWW it iitmtoimvmm led by it moltyeti IM fr rather than thmih toretoiiace One imnotnii ieeiure oi the and look tor untituai roiliht Dire oi these days you are steel irony aimei overnight wherever the Spirit at God it And our more had to produced In illil neWInapth rmtatta iir important in htiVio new nyiirni ii the privacy it at on tombtionei than to to an rain to all right down and tuition lit litmi Milli min wili be think tho Britt cppprlpht litinn Citindlatt orcrrnrr thainetiiv lerr Aceouniiii dotontti rtiitntiie 12M rtno ind iriitiho ihnai yooiehetn Uur Onluilv Itd Clniiim iiiiherlitluitlitmiihl And Wibbhmm her twill Will nilirnni rather than in ely never have the otlire oi the hook at the Nitblllitt tutti oilbut thin Lini the W2 itiliiluil immediately new the the nature oi the old oi nnttruai alcriei in the rymhoiir entail button iltereare more urine in day mtg hating ol rotuie man wilt nitride trim oiIiood prim