Cilanie Athlete Harris ly KEN WALLS IE HE ii Eggs or no irorhrlgrleumotmb an min ironing mom or um rims mam mm in nu too roller but that ol mm on still bare Dill Drrnml biLbI TELL mulling Iboul dorm Tlllinr llrrrll Ibo dlzd roomtly Rib II to WW II my born by mt lo rim ol lrlmdr mool the bin bradroll pinyin oh ovu on to co yI it law no lneldzn Billy llluotll mumnmm umnMnmm bIlIciubIblcbImtbomer young madam Ilmdy In lilo trunnion ml lrw tut run or 10 napalm mot till minor league old Quebec lid YOAHUIW my ivy much not younx leton baoobnll layorI AILAZED AND PLEASED In to find out Pm ITIch pooolo mm The Bottle Emilio medal noon tbo ru libido John IM bails lbo summar turn out no mo Nani called 11th dny IND to know oy be the mob WI IreJIc quuDuml Ind JunPlano lloy minim ol hand no rumold horn Ontario ortdsor Dan lllIrlenrriI II 53 5E 2233 outlyiiio onI Septemb provincial ohyoll none Wrb Ilrrrtr bit the torrent born run on romrd In ooullm Onl PIELL IIIAI PACT bu been told beioro but llr rroutcd lrr tho baron at my nontr Iiloo will Illrrlr no AUNllAl riblot nll bio lllo Played Junior bully lootinlt Ind bosoooll to Mr borne oily ol mm below mingle Err nIIIICNRckvlllnt oAlton ownva ottlor or good oIlIr on roIlly poor guy Win our ow arm Horlrlony mdlol mu runan Nib mm PM Ilop Clubs In European Football Gel Shocks In Opening Round III REUTER iloyorn lllonlcb or Wm Gorl 1h gt our thon Oi mo in fem lg Um own rung with In Loonyon liorqreon oootbail mm mm Im II um old 3d the Inwilrbir noun ll um rtrbi wtnnorr but loI other to club Wm IWl Mallto xtwnood lo or not mind Dyottm Drum Eut Germany in in three outlaw Doom mu were Ibodr motto Orjor 100 terms worn involyod tie in It round lintlei Illblcbol oI GRASS SNOWMOBILE iMOSRA SrneilonIdI DRAG RACES SEPT 30 OCT HOOK CLASH MODWIED ATOOH OMAR TAN TYPE IIlIlltll BTDCK cum tIIlEll AIR RAWAIlTIIA CUP INTERNATIONAL GRAB LAND EPIIED lllOIIIR UP Toll CHALLENGE Crrrnr out Ind bollor rituby III bonI born Wibb II It bIPll on PMIIII 11th Irtbo lulul loud maroon by Inolmoblio In tho rm mu Blob Irrot nlil hm loud book no Ior rbIllrIn sorrowMona min or um pnrrIrn on some Yon Initllrr Inlormnllon enllr mortalnit lotion vlitmruoooun Alka Noting canyons ONTAle or CAYUGA INTERNATIONAL soroowoy Fin mtlrr ml of llormrlllr OAIIIII Juli all No llvy Ii eriII Comm VIIuIqu prim tor rotrlItorI lcanlntbdldlrllimlmt they dciealrdrmnloiIre Ajax Al on Ibo rtronrlll ol Iorn rlronn embedding by no llu In other Irma Goordio Grog twiANGELES AP lllirlk AIM Iooroocnoo babe llbtbr my home run room with loollnx lbot min the monk mu be morn yIioIbiI corn mordIlly it while oilyor bod Ow II think ubito ployor would bavo undomm lust flooding at his loot Aim wmrnmtrd my corialnly Routing Rmyiwlooynrtowm dorrommtl maybe otm room one look lorry or mo in tomoorlton with it our inwrrCHIrnIOIs Burl ootrrnnl blin wri Lanny bun Dm Foo um lion DIr rotorst rr mom ilrw llroro on no no Pollln no Joli sumo mono or Sum whom may bu Bury Dionne erbium Pool mother Ll Lamb Ilrn Slum Phil om bimllrid tred anlo Ian lrmte Lm we tbs oIlororm tor the to chII Ind Don Dyxbtu ropliod Aaron Says WillieiPlayer Gets More Commercially obi dent bo bu rccclrtd dil ion bl bom run mull now lust lino lily bl RotbI III rm oolnled to tho monument opoortnnllloi livm Inimmu Mark Spill III and won sold lord Ill Iulnunlnx nun yoortln llll Olympic ind the onde roolty mo in AIron Iain Dill blmlry Will rnnlro lot on mdnroomcru nbor his lot Ito lm burial VIIII llllltll III Note mml motor bust In no NEW IN BARRIE crioSs CANADA AutomIlIc Stondrrd TrImmInIonI Clulrhu DIIImnIIIII TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS Slrvlud RIlemI ExrbInoId Towing Fm cImkop Fm Ertlnulu Illlb Prrlormlnco TrIIImlulon ll nourIl Illrrnbtr ol llrllrr llnrlntu DurrIu 7263152 I7I Burton Avon BITTII DONT FORGET Em Rd II Gomn DURACOAT CONTAINING DUPONT ACRYLIC RESINS LIIollrnI Gumnlu KERV JOHNSTON MOTORS LTD Oaveiworld DOWNTOWN DARRIEI COR COLLIER CLAPPERTON STS T263971 TO MEET ALL YOURTRAVEL NEEDS bouillon 7288321 Dalton Salon and Rentals IIT BrodIotd St Iuvmo NEW CAR nusr msunoucrr TIMI pm tor the lilraco cord Is not lor Monday at it pm It Siroud Community Hall Pork to Sunbury on Saturday to like ptlro In tournnmonl oil my Count rt unborn mi Ind stm Ion llei Brno coach Sooll lExunioor Pliolol COaches Referfes9Ur1defedted For The Third Straight Game Coaches Ind ltrlererr went loorod tour goals to pm the lorMIx limbo root Itory undoieolrd tor the lblrd rlrolobl Old Timon lo or III orrr Uri who onnlloorly lnnlrllrod not Wrdouday birth in him ilIIiI Ind Junior ll movldln lbI AIIx Illukur III In our Recreational Sonar Icllou to lirrl oinro with nlo Itrolob Ilooood Milllllcloltlb rbouolllrlntbuomotmo norm om Armin GIlio Iod lllrk lllnridl DIrI erbiltrd counted lulu lorJonlor blotbolmlo our blrnrllrld Ll Jolln Dun In tho IIlterI role mornm Next Wednede II tho ll yrmo ol the moon IM boati rr or outrun gums limo bu been rrt tor onolbo ml Iltrr plIyollr rurt with Ill lrrdu Win In Iuddondutlr tooot ool roundrrbln mtom lbo ihru olonerr Itbm born will oorlldoalo In looond rouodroa bn nitb lb Iumoioo bola Ibo ono into on Ibo mort lnlI In Ibm yomrryticr Incl mnolxoo or biolor on at moon lirrry Morrison lot the filth Old Elmer goal ybllo llllll goal on in Illudooco Al Lr Ill lIolI In In Lon Angelo Ind millmod ho IlAll rooriyrd lull ooI opportunity iomdono producto bolloryr To Insertion that ho mlg bnvo lino morn oodorwm op Miller be had mo in ow Yuk tho llrIrrr liuyyrr Mod Jltmy Enoch doeml plny in New York limb tbo Cirian ilodr CW dorru nunibu ol pmdncty AIronI momrnlr Ill rnrnn Inmvwor to matcrr nob rl Ayn it to 0d Timon it it HIMIIEIO II 10 OoIobo iI l0 llIliI lion Not to SMMIINI Browloo Aoroiel om wodmdny niobt woo the Allor tlA long lit to CallomII motion In tho day Anron did not ohy In th Basketball lorguo slrrl tonight It Enitvlew mondriy school II 730 trillion Brrrio Firsts Toronto llorbrrilnr Seconds Victoria Squaro pm Barrio Seconds to Toronto lilolstt Toronto pm HARNESS RACING Oranyovillo Raceway 54th day of mtolloIl timouz HOCKEYM Barrio ilyorn practices oro Saturday lrom 215 to 415 pm and from 730 to 980 pin on Sunday Dorrlo Coilr ploy King City It the Barrie Aron SAI urday It 730 nm GOLF Barrie and District Untied Ao not Open is slated Ioi Shanty Boy Goll Club Sundry on oil limos Iro lroni vilod MINOR Hourly Annurl mrollnx olstroud bllnor llocltoy Aorodltlo itlnor hockey registration Is at tho Stroud Arena IromiD rum to noon thlr Saturday and on Soot 29 IIISTBIILI Third KEITH ol Ionlor Inllbnli tlnol botweon comb bio bllo ilomos and Lairorlow Dllry ls rlrtcd tor Quentin Parktonlgbtll7301borcrlorlsliod Lokovlow flay Cambridge in tho lirrl yrmo oI tire 0AsA rom llnolr on Saturday It 800 pro ll Queens SIessor and Porlnrd lnsuronoo molt Delnlwlill In boomsvilto on Saturday in tho roconrl gamo ol tboblr 0A Junior lion Slmor won the Ilrrl yamo to litiroo series Isoccrn Barrio City In moot Nonmarket In sudden dellb tomllinol on Salunloy in Notvmnrlrel It pm mosquito and II noowoo lIIrrio Solocl loam lrivoil gtltgbq if WEEKEND 15 SPORTS Tryouts tor Barrio liusllorr ol 51me County liodo rm to noon lion women and junior notion are in 3r 232 as 25 Hitllo MIIIJllullrrl Mill Moron Harm on Girl Ii VIrooo it In OBrlazt WJTDT HOW bonny Ooh IJonnyr Gumbo IIIan Jody CAI Ii nlwrrdnon OII Drn Tucker lIIu AEI Prorrrollrrtor Kronor limb ll Pm Plan on lKllII Mind Olrbroion more brook burym lambo Anal LIIron Duke PIlly ll QuLllon Pardon Boy Murmdo Dru lilo II lieu Timmy Allin lillltri DimoJJoz lotto ADI mu tor Jrrrylw blow Imub ill Pm Pom one blidlul WIIIIII Corbell crispy ho Armbro loom ll lomnnoo tby DollyW Troi Elm lim norm liooogbot PIiryL mlnr The mu Soblrlor bllnor am Eorarul AD NorIl RoyIi Ilonsl Limit bury it DImboIIo Elxblb ill Duo Pom Tl Hone AllIr WIll A1 INNER biorlIrin Lin Row Gil lowroo DIIbDI Mil lro DlrtclVioor ll lb Elwood Olly Yoony Sobbro or argon llbl x1 loo III llul Blyliold El ry AND trunnion Mr AIM smr our Wut End Plru thorn Errgrog Rollie Hustlers Holding Tryouts myouru IIuIllm ol mom llenI BulrlbIb Dunc will In all ocular Ionlnbl II Ioouduy ubooi aiming on of Iolziutrd nlrnrr In lnrttzd to tumor Inrtbor tnlormrtion olurn ohm BllUerlecrItmiIL originnus Tonbislinols Totde Eliot II Ourenl PIrl tbo llnrrlo trunk bIdlbIlrllnIll lo menI llanI lonCIl lubm dzlrrlrd llao llnnrd lino only In tho rnrnI doubch CIInrrmIs Iod Germ Doom Ilrld ddnlod Len CIliIx Ind Iro llIy loom On nroyiouo mulanbI ladies dooblrl rm deridad oilb IOAllIlll lllmoinInd ilmrddriullnx bonnie III Ind illinI llorn EUIJJ mil mlouco PmUIlOIl AP ans pilrbcr lnr PitLLburgb tum or ruori or divorce winnerday II Allerbcoy County common oleol court by mlr union bin 111 millth oi IM Ankolor the ooupo III inrrricd In mi km or drurblrr SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $2500 ooM conocnrn gore2m FOIL HUNT ONLY ii SIIOIOUNS Dtlun somMololnItlo ll our llu rm SALEIIISJS llblu Ill Ion DelursImIAutomrtlo II III blrrrl II MS SALE All llrmlnlon llnl Muir Into bump button Ybent rib bImL blodrl Im Roy 11 HALE AISLIT blorbru liq no SALE um Otbrr nlrnllnr rIviruI oI Ill Ind ornnnlrlltton Loml Prim In Town pornoname SPORTS co ulc 275 CLEARANCE Ion Aluwrsrmouousn srsnoos goAnnirry SALES AND sritvrct crnm 1n onuuou or rIloNo noun PM Till AILb Pilt 2010Ili ALLTIRESIN STOCK orynunrlbssmn robnon nus wrnrs srrciAL HOME DELIVERY No only It Cbrlllioo IGA Moritot squm DECORATION WITH noun THE PERSON IN TOWN WITH TEARS OF EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO HELP YOU OUT WITH ALL YOUR INTERIOR NEEDS DONNAS DECORATING CENTRE Pbono mom