liottsc Iui lntgr this tall will ho film It lCPi have 222$ dewmooddkm own wows mucosa motto mow Itrr so tn ugha inning COlillT BRIEFS thtdliassc3nywuoliwcd of 10 or not sketch oscisl provision to to ioII him to dim Minx working hrcrtth ior tnsiyris Judie John iLani ptc out Surya ins stowed Pldiddes mLrunI II no home thI out uh II normal II can then tor this In Iii1 maxim mutrtidudim sou Im IltnoLicr drool Mm silmio rIlochool Ida nurro Wm WITinn RN ctn oi mi Borden In lined total ct an or do In in MM intimiciuu Wthvhludrr ltuuuo uh mum flllmsgnrhsrm nu Niko charm huts dining arousal lb hm II In lined trio it bombed will my too hr rot in luxurious rm Ihurytooi numtr fluid tho martiuooa in iwoplsstlc in on Bury Itlor routino rm limit Mio irviod millionqu it was Bury to Ian ow It FINE 5m In tinrd when gt Isotouvicledinpmv indnirum Woduosdao oi im patnd dllinl lmthsiyrcr imlclrsdaicu worms ltd Modlhioodhiodsoicoo Wan obumd rrnuldg tho rI lino in tho south bc luloiliutleid Simian iunIlto It lm tzlo Im EXCBS ALCOHOL Drtid ii burger oi 12 blui mslrr Si no movictod Ind lin Id no In om proliuciol mud Wuhiondrsy ohm hI pint et guilty on drugs oi mm mar vehicle thlng hiood Iicohoi colaingrown oi ooblny ii aha 1le Inn on lindlcfd Sincl IRE ho rm oddrtvlnx hit which at wrmmq pit humminrr int Indi mortal rer lcnl John Anlo erdcred Slums oriiinx iicenti Ilsprndcd iur rix months but rs no JAIL uncommon will s21 illsd am it or III days won he pleads guilty in Bars rlc provincial court to charges oi imam drlrlm not refiti ing to provide it sample oi his holy ordxrd GM to Iorvo his mm on commute week rnds tram moo cvcoiu to hicndly morning Gossl lican wt Iiw suspended ior tLt roo mod nlhs Judge Anio turned Got Prlzr or Girl Ehnoaie Fair To Peature Oct5 AndOctbi ultimatum 55 mum grinning2am Em Mhmxu MW newrdolhllolnchl lumrlmudmu Mairdammit alumnusth IbUlrbmdeeonini idqdthldhshcsldhmu Im to tho Eli 55 sin is EU so gal uEEEE 35 an H5 ss 13 so WIN Edwins will mi Iliumth RI highschoul It will procredlmh to sun Stud out on Stool sum to bilgth II Ind unit on High IIy to tho mu interan tr It tin non west on Sit into lhI IIir um Milo Ior tho parldo will he don rim the rods Ind at tho yhooi Mon the pnrndo begins The hit builtPM ililh most exhihl held scl up list WJbzyviiIbImnio tho Wilt Oct Ind Dlopiur Iiil inthula ballot Martin Irimitunl cshNu Ind mm It cxhihilionl Consistla iu Imind will in Scar hI Ilmoll cocciswig min chiraltone oil mud rt ESEE Iv aluminium godlin 150 34y LOCIII GENERAL mitts to Bxd wva MPADINXIR usand mhmtdqoturelou Prior mallde Prior mow Wag bong oi Ihruuto will he rust mn 5h spetmniIdiuscrmcetInzol hm muwmmlisg tho hrdttsirinl Accident Proverb MW lion Allociniion It tho Coulis mtrmmsa II ion II 115 om 5ch lm rill open on lndtulrill My mu mm uniseprohletm ud control giv mm Cob itng slid no movie presentl ocrtl coco occurs ho had been conutctcd will tblxyoor on HEALTH rssrsmus The sum county District similar churn lIcsilh iioitI inspectors Insurr WWE Mulls ammo Gordm rut oi no stmdmnmhnduottm mqjgggggvc ll $33333 COIIMUNICAELI DISEASES oi impaired driving Ind re ScirrIi mmlcrtdr min to prmido IornpiI oi tinsel blistmmhnhimnidli iilii over it outright on June to nod 93 in III also toxic modicolimior hroth law lie VIII dhscnld mm 11 Lot tnth the Slmcoo Iinlol vlng hi1 vrhicir which ind collided ii pork rd truck could minor dorms it 13 it trill iii mills do at imam IN tors ILrod drivtul Ohnrgcs oi tiriv ultiio undtv otation Ind leaving the mo oi I1 occldmi oer slimliner Muirwugivenmdnlo lheilncs UNDER SUSPENSION David Coop id of did Brnlicrsi Street was lined 8200 In pniibclli court Wednesday otter pleading gun It driving Imctorvchlclov standernus patriots Oops In moped Zisi mm Mk WI rt ro ltiiii Mil lie itticd to product license lnril odd out check by pui icorcvcsicd hnd bout lusgcn doti in lebnlnry when own All cd to claim under tho Mott Vehicicnmitas Act itch to pay the chins in cool chmday ad I1 Iiioucd to nonownsooo summon Ihil sinco this wtu his third Cool iiir TolVlove lnITonight Extensive Frost Ootiicr air will more inlolho rcloa tonight resulting in the cxtcnsivo troll Thu chthcr mud to torchsting low tonigic ucilrglydclzrcuyl tvi rtnnd cold thinly runny Ilirs Ire tors unwitting betweentirud 50 Silopin iiosl 10 Nurthcri Ontario olilqblirmolcu todo Ind Friday with toms lewuotooom is Forecast ing to is Highs Iodly 45 to lows tonight near to mcruivs irost Sunny Friday wilh higin Friday to to so mvrmn Windsor of to Samln iqodon Kitchcnrr hiotrot Foer winghsor includrot FREE Oliohlcsi Imus millim Wrsioudoy diam hm been reportri iii est mm from Cime Distrch lieIIdt Unit rmsmcx BOARD inuisili council Wednesday night Ioouizicd linuricc Krcgh its ilolrr Johnson Ewood Webb trill Cococrolcn Scrvice or any iiioore Isl Sonny Chaim diucl tucl Ind gzscilrc icr the In to ill PImeh hmmuc itcozshli vztc Ssriesuir rel ily 6min Bound to rrpinrc Tcti ilUDiTiOiiS HELD or null onovc night It Simcue Punting Ibo IN rrxigulng DIET GASOLLVE thy lptice lac dirsri that was ml major technological advances matitc Panasonic Quatrcculor beautiful PanaSOnicniakesmanybcoutiful Euch beautiful Quutrccolor TV has four major lily VIr liayos Bill Patti copr plot and 51mm Diy Ooimu moon to intiron Doris Tolucnd and mu tricl my no price or gm Its 191 cents on plan The ttrxlrrs um Iocryiei no vacant tho condition on comla VII mic mm the in iuulsiti coincii hos couditios in mi Ind mnioinln III the Mid Isl ted in realm cg murmur cqulprmni including to submit Ind Strum Din Win93 Ini storm Itnincr Pluto is up to cannot PLLiNING nosno lnnirili council has rotivcdrn TRY BMW Wm ADS pirotinns irrm IIIJuhnsLI PHONE lidiiii wa chmg iim lion ml mirdrh Wills cut In tho inniihi iocre will he tum rhcn GI ru ways Tholililrlillilnhlcnhrid productions nu tear roon virus or the on usownnd task on El cm itcth lt Ind Jenn 5m Kiotcy Ind dirctior llrplI iron taboo tor their Gourd reed ruin the play he million it ISIII whim Ipyiicutlun to any hulk msetisb belles It um Ixi tin Uolad not but Lowhorsmtrr dint cured in acidan propeller ii the units oi is miles In hour Houston IrimoIdrr the ymi in building tor Climb Swmhlp ltd lizmul it to in ind tho II II Griiliih CARNIVAL RESOLUTION The city has Izrtctl to on dorro lhI rasciuiiuo oi tin Ill Winder Ihich mutt Valium traction mi ncdttion ti III rnidwry tut rumIi rlrIII WW ihs pmiin Tho re solution irzm Wisdxcr rttnt 21 rrlm nulnv accident ht Lint city inst mouth non WASTE film Lin Ind BUT mu MIN STEIN REAL ESTATE ltd no DInlon saris Mmil towatchit remotecontrolPanasonicQuoirccoioriswcliwmth looking into Panasonicishcauliluiwulthittglnhiuckolttiwillleloo Frontaninnovativc dcskmodciwithu3fpopup mm um cioo poriods In extreme northern Iodlonl both days to hem Ontolo thoro will bu vorsthix morning throm out the lower lsires with tho clout clearing out into this Iilcruoonbrkt oorthrmlerii wind oi 15 to to mtch our hour with lists to 75 will push cooler Ilrinto tho rectors iurmuo him will tall near inning voran Ind cxlwsivo trust tmyocwr in many lowin 0er Sound Muslim Hnmiiloo Si Cclh Toronto ircdton Kluan lcrborougit citing Mury EIrilon Ihmilns iiluls mspieau White River Geraldch advances built right in To make sure you get the ncst moslbrilliunt TV picluro available rig tnow And continue lovgct it forycurs locomc 1Modulur Chussls Evcry Panasonic Quutrccoior TV huscomponcnts on vc modular boards Each on snaps out for faster less expensive replacement lfits evcrnccossary that is 2100 Solid Slutc Circuitry Forcoolcr perform ance thats more reliable Bccuuso cool corngonenls stay in top condition longer For more sta to per Qtlmul IIIlIrI ch Ind rnioy yooncil 52a$SSSSS$a scrccn to mod 20 portabicPunusomc makes Black and bite TV beautiful to watch Some in 12 to colorful cabinetsSomc with Sct ciForgclcv tuning Some that are 100 solid state Somol at operate on AC and DC Most with SpocdOVisio And one contcswililanFMAMradtoanqllictwllh buiilid cassette recorder gt Georgian cnlcioudy $635333 litmus stillborn Basil ilIiiburtoo 388888833513853858863335 grim today Wt norlhml tonoguh itloosooco HARTZ MOUNTAIN PET SUPPLIES LTD IIIS TALBOT 5T ST THOMAS ONT SALES REPRESENTATIVE GIMERCHANDISER REQUIRED sgazussaassssaaSgagsagas formanco now and in the yours to come Because thconiylubcisthspicturciubc 3IIIuckMutrixPicturoihbcForabri htzclcur lifclikccoior icturcAnd Ullru Punu utnx Pica ture Tube in 26 Quutrccoior models Combining super negative guard band biuck matrix and new hos horapplicotionproccsslocrculeapiclurcovcr rilghtcr than any 26 Panasonic youvc ever soon he orcl 4QLocir Onc pushbultbn udjusls color tint contrast and brightness all at the same time And even compensates automatically for changes from channel to channel and programmel0 progrummc In uddition manual contro uliow udyusimcnt for pcrsonulvicwing prcfcrcrtcc beautiful TV picture in beautifully designed cabinets Vovc shown just fourYour Panasonic dculcr can impress you with the entire range From contemporary lociussic From 18 and 20 portabics to magnicent 26 consoles including one with Voraciousth our tutor torso Ird require two reorcsr ntnlim for Torontonnd nrrn noth to Orliila and west to ones Sound iicurt thc on his noun 16m ter vlpciu rotoll and wholesale accounts WW be ORDER MAKERS mi ORDER TAKERS They should Iiso be this to sell toms promiloos Ind progm coil ns solicits ordcrsior In extensive line oi mothsudiso Slim1 and bonus on color Iii cxpcnstu paid cxccilrrt on And iiircuii Panasonic TV lhcyrcmudc to look beautiful on or off Ask our Panasonic dealer to show you Panasonic inb not and whilc Panasonic iust slightiyahead clout lime TV with our total to mom uoumnl surrucs urn 5r iiiotIAS our roux