00 own cur Public Utilities Vote On Financial Issues Rrpmrnlotltu oI OnIIrIoI It thelr Ilm recorded mualclprl Ileelrle utllltlu In when on ltnInrlIl thueo whleh the condo hluolclprl Eeetrle tlr numu IIld III III not ArroolItlnn Iouldenvllrltolhe Ill utlo In muntlil ullllo More at the nmlnelol Ilortrle Helllhnuld Ilwm Ital Illh um Wt Hlllll Indium Ipeellle IlnI rouII or when WW Illl ll ll MINNIE one at tho mIln prupoula Int the In lod Ontarlo Hr Ill Jail lm 11 Dmntnrtlnmhtttleol and rely development It eIpllIl tire 51 they All no II 41 Mu Ammo Irehlledtuol draltlnIIrldtllllIr mm or runlrlbulloa II merIlI Ind lrom your own 0an Md IMllmmlam unptnrlllhttchuwero Ihnwn out nmuIry tompon III IIIII It mammal 19 900 lII tho boyI Irdlnn uhleh IIIo bat to lbI wholrm noel ol It Demo 11 no on mu ludukd Iomo II dlnlln Il WEF Th tlIl Waltld it ilt In hd reuloluro worko girth Into tho Ironworth to Amer 5mm mm 11mm Np mm mm Imhuked on om In IminMI gt tantrum mourn rntnw ammo IL on rotor on PIrtJollelon mutton or In IornI olber uy pun1 oIm lnrtnln $751ng 73m mm mllm menu lorontulo Hyuno eon Nbfleulroal 4th omgot Fm tho OilII Bmlu lollIth to IIInII to publl nllmy to provldo eonrnutor Ioteh out be thormln day ol Ilznllggn um Itruetloo mum on to dot on thdmI new it run IXMIINEIt hearqu In July Slum thIt oervlee It the opplleulen were the Mr Don Ellaee ymldeat mm Tm 12 TD Iollorlo lIhlnI plm nurlullna promm by Ed gm mom thin rommlrreo ItIll hm ueeouul than could tollou at tho Mme Mtlllulol mm 1mulll Wm WI In tony lot It least llnmlh mm orb MWWNWW vawulmh melted pullout ottrotlun 0M The Ilrrt vote VIII held It mutcum lrInoport mm and mum wka vlottoro CW to on or mm mm you olyIIorI In no In my It durln eetln In so am In cm Wu AW you 5P mmml Wm It mod will III model who assembled around xlln nay ltuaelpat Elerule IIld the while III on eneru equmIItIon IhI Georum nay Inocu tlon Iltctul born at Ablaton It prttldeot III Irolotoloroolo tb doelolon II betna viewed prnvldo lm It need II trom hula MmlnL Etory mm by dgxmm guru IIooIItIon Elrht othtr bot mod IL mum at Thu rooutIt baited by her It won one how elonrly ohm Ith kl dun lrorn II Inblomolaotul Iou Illl be held In other dlo number It commuter rrwnI at the orrcodeol It could eolobv turmoth ottleq sold Ibo lee dollleI to Sauna CIIIII onlerI ti cgiMImi mm between now Iad tho end nfuv motive Indhdvtduah hrouxltthorotl ltdt The eunmlsotou boo never tloohodnever hoot qud III the polotluer on velvet Ind ultobInI 1ch mum memny ol October ThI resqu oul nol mm In Sound out Cm WWIMdthm betorI boon led to order am town In th dlsploy It qu bI romlrd untll Ill roll bar on or menum to man mm mnde been molelod Il preuuru In record your yl mldmt other munhm Wm Ilu Georrtut Boy meetlnu anI mIdI ublle omlclpaunn Ixeeullro lll Aubrey funnpmmdd mu graham Inbound lmrIngi tutlllllll Iotli he rolled on the Itmollrnoo Wllonn mm mm mmuwmmmm mum mm BM mmmm NT multitude who outlined Iolvrd la the promo lord uncommon it lorlnelol utIllI oululc thinnulbtfunfmumlnm cum Ill WWW Irtklpallenr roor lblht lnlII dunno your ul Ir Ilo Gordboutr Port NV mm glonnln ol brviwxenorlllnf lln toner11hr Inked hlunlelpll Etna II Morphy ot llmlo WINNIN IlnnII tnmmlulonrorrtlotl ullllllrt mlIhl dotelmloo when on ntmm uerrlIry ti APIIIOX MT 111 per IontIlten ho Unlvero lty Women Cl mettle on the pool mu ot thhrloo to Mom concern At Highiise Meeting Tmo Dntldohn Iummod the orxumem tor Iml ohm on the Ipnrtrnrnt butt In but oponlng mnorlr at 51o Unlvv erIIty woment cluII Ituul ItlqussIm otuwrgkut College may nlghl Should hlotho IpIrlrnontI on my Item for develop nod to Iboltth them Ilto tothor II or my ottywer tor rolcvuyerl it IhI lornyrrt yor at Hull lure told ll fraud illlhi um uor Ian Vntment butldtn but not onlr Irtlllng to hemll to the extoot that told the Inter anl oI on thy It not In otter lor high rlto INN th Glyn norm ellt plume IIltHW belltm there would Iton toelety oI Illtllll modulon Itotlahle In llmlo In ltu Iuturr told Iho uIly hut nlrnnrd totpurmll Iportmont mm to he does not thlnltll Molauot orroortmrntr with In or the tlmo Don hlllla doth Wtr John unset In Itvrn Ll oPuflunty to expoIII bl Vltttl It became Iplltil the mm not mooted ltclub oromylox on Dunlov Stunt bottom ulolto Ind Albut Strut lo ukrd the Iudhnre wld Wlllurobllo Alum rooms to mmwoototodo optxttrnerd bulldttus whleh woe held Enroll College IIrIrIdIy otzhl Alanna ihl panel numbero were mull who ot property More they lute the Land was toned thot III lut qulto Iottutlmot ho Hi It you are that mneomol you Ilnud Ioolt up tho ooan hy laut Dont well uutll mom has Ipont Ihounndo oI dollm on nrrhlteetInol ontl rnylneettnl plan before you ohterl M08 EXIIleSllE Mr Blue onld Mohrho or warm thou whh II or more Itorlrt on tho me ex tto type ol HEW to our utro luh mIIln order to ma them ocooontl col He sold the loot that many people llvo In In hrl Iport mrnts Ind on loo Iloorl utdrh on the meat rxprnolyo Inlteurr dun tome pool on than cm lone are let oxponlvo to bold Ind lowIlse wutrnente II Ilh lo thon In Itorloo on tho gt1 allowa hcbullbct there ll IMIortIolmtmlmed homo loll the ope tome Ivnlloblo today IllMlII lot noon room then In people not were the Iotpomthllttynl onnlny hnrm but our to III to luxurtotu or mnlluxutlwt III mybaml told hWIVI LIIII Iuln Doml doubt oper from Don lllllla Truo Dnyldam Innrtor moyor ot Hut York Thelm Coelt thut Ilullcoluvo proton the lnmrthuoortmmtlu Ion er tho mum out the more bulldtnuo there In on non lot burn member of tho Unltrr Ilty Womenl gtth one mod onutoe and tooth Gray elly olamer outdoor Photo Pro osed Bavclulb Complex In Barrie docI not requIrI tool mon lM Witty lol rrmlnx III told tho lar to olroady tone on or nocturnal Ltrxo worl thlmlktlylhotrultknll on to led on Ilmtlty utth thelr own home Ilm llotntoo member ot the ltdmlotth curmuttoo uho has event the to tour yeorI norklnI Ithh rertdentt In the Ontorlo ltouelnI oortlon at it Janus Ioon In Motown Tor onto sold ho door not thlnlr there ploco Ier oporlmorlo In horde IlIIold tt II not nteemrlly Wholhldmmm ntthol tr dell nlol to the whim Ilvlnr outdo but the other why slml thoroettrlotln Iueh II elovntorI nod lorII norm cor ridors WORM PM Ilr Iluulon told he bellem oportmeru with me than three darted on tho wml poIIIbII unto have rhlhkon on It whrn the mldrnto ont on tolle hterI ntlph Soolerore one ot Io ptonlmotely to perm II the manor told to bellIm Im moo tbocltyo byltw bo totboboymmor ally won out rotten Ihlnr to do III IIld but no to eoum emu tho prooooed Itrueturo Ituo he llm more thnn I50 ltd my from II III bayeout Ilr Gray also told that uny ono In Motto allowed to ob JM to retooloz Inyyhoro In tho provtmo Nod Batu another member ol the muttnee noted the panel member how they tell Ibote obelan the route by law Ind tonal In eurry nro posol on It morlu thul lung goalpuhllohgtomto WIN the on met Ilmput Iorth Ilr Basel told ho to Ilron ht IIolnIt spot zonlny out od It on Wm ltom Ivoryomt potIt ot vlw hllII Dovtuton Ind llr Iluue MI loltl Ilked tho Idol hlr Ilotuton Iol lll thlnkI common Itortdmly lor dovelo ment on llottto II IItnollolneo It wont lotto on loot to brie now My he told It the oonetmlon ot the meet llr any we Inked how Iltlxuu ton tolm thrtr obsce tlono to hltbelu omtmotlo In Butte III no mood that they thomlhh hz tit on tT tzlpztnotl to euro the otly err Ihrntld rumo Ilomtbo tun llllle Mishap Kills Youth Iorlt Allan leortey ll ol lluntntllo woo tilled Thursday nlIlII In Ibodln Ieddelt In Itomolntlotl Idlllrlet Ontorln who to at borrtI moot not end too IrtecLI hm ploy wlth rllleI It the home Ito er Wlloou on Ihlp when rltle uhleh the nod klllrd Ytorlty It 150 pm Lt Itilunder In mtllttllob Calm To Honor Early Settlers oolrn In memory of tho curly mum at tho northon Irol Iron ol Elmo County wllI he dedleolrd Soul ol Ilohort blrmortal moron rhureh II loeoteu on them mottled ot htodonto Toumhlp tort north at Illlthay on The ore war ttnt Ielllrd In the ooriy total Tho noneton dalel to lbtl Ind lbo InlIIln church not bulil In tool The dedtrotlon LI bulnr neon paroled ullh the ehoreho InnIA ternary Ioryleo nldt Ilov 1W ert Ulllo ot Illdlond pronoun Deleondontl at tho only tell lrre Irom potto ot the pro yllm III would to moot It the mun Ayoloblo duylny the day Ill be book on tho eorly hlttory ol tho ohmh cemetery school and yentrol Iron The tervieo but It 230 leI Wllhlllltu You lIllAI Alter healthy auction to rolmlnory hearth Ttturrdot In Irrlo nrovlnelnl court Judge John Auto tontmltted Illihoel Ilorvoth 51 at LyuthlI mo rent tor trlot on eharII ol operotlnt motor yohIeIe Irb to on lIIIthy It to erlndnolly nozltzcn monuetv No dole wot Itt tor lrlol Tm IvrrnngIIItIIo 729342241 DONT um IIhlll Ll Itll BUY TllIIU MIN STEIN REAL ESTA LIdI III Dull It lonlo wm cmoslon In Two thottxht WI unleaded wort The lneltlent ultlrh occurred llIr DuroIrd IIId eovlronntrnlv ly hlUluEL LEEPEII IIIllt llIllIISI emblnollon ol stun tomhztor orchestra no on llghtlnz tho Cnnodlon ra Omnnuny nroughr roll Ir no mud and colorful wanton oI Tho burner ot Sev Io nI OKrde Ceolru Tho mollrh tromlollutt wot Iood lhua hrlnulno nooblllnou II opera Iona Ittll more into the tut at the mo Cool lornporolum wlll bo tho order ol the do Saturday dtrturbtnet loom the Iron Tho woolherman It eIIllny tor maln ly cloudy Iklrl solurdo wlth tome runny Nlodt Tho low to nlptII ylll bo helmet and to whllo tho hlyh salunloy wIIl bI boot on SYNOPSIS Uooetled weather Mdlllom moved olonly Into Onlorlo todny Is dmwlon movrd northeou Into Itolno Some elonllcnnt rolnt may do tolo In the New Pnutnaulo Ind Wm Lotto DntIrlo Parlolly runny Illet ebtnld re turn on Saturday or the run motel outward Cloudy Itlu and oetoIloIIII rolo wlll oreVIIt In most Moot at tho north There Illtht rluoroo bl Iomo not now tnuohl and Sat urluy In the to north Tem prrottart wlll be hour to or Itttto below normIl to Ihu llme ot your throuohoot tho protlnco wtndlor lentJon tlntnttton GloIIII lento dey Pholoprlyt lhototunl IllIoeolI OPTICM Colller Ind thppertnn noun out they Ihould Iuhmlt brlelI to or Ildorlolly It In mush lnu emu Vocolly the hon orr mot be rhorel by tho Il Ozrnellt Whul The Bar bet it homy Interpret trenurrr The Barber Of Seville Good Opera Introduction orleott tenor John Walker taunt Amotlvo It most rlltetltr oortlmlorly In tho mood nel brtnzlna hum Intended by tho tumour to the prvluo tlnn at tho lommu eolot brlnr loo In No we tumenrlont to tho mo Potrlda Krrn Ilnehh mezzo Ioorono uho tong Roll on dIlIIhlIul ond bewltehlny hIndIIor Ibo tuerlly olltleult Io lor wllh ton and modest lun CloudySome Stumy Periodo Cool Temperatures Saturday Ptttrbrmuh lohe St Chlr lotto IAIII tho lluron west rrn Lotto Ontorto Itnllbunon Iouttum Grogflan Boy 1de wllhrhanro romo rnln today sum cloudy ntth runny rlodo IIIrh today and notur II lone tonlIht to to Motto Toronto Cloudy wlth chance IomI rnln today Sat May cloudy with Iunny prrl odr lIluh today Ind snurday 65 low tnnluht to to auto out lot It our ml motto month 10V STORY 1110 um II ol Count Alma Ilvn tho but tollon ll lovo utlh Ilotlna word at the old Dr Itoole It meet more II no mneder ht lutu IIIrro bron obout we no mo torn ltctolum end the eount enllItI No help In tho mronluno lloalnor hunter lI determined to arm hlmtod Ind eonauly Ill the rosetlly mutlc matter Don hulllo Tho Iltuatlono Ill ltll IIIloll Ind ltnolly when Dr Dan loo luttlo My word on Count AlmIvIvI hm Ilrnrd the mob that Iontrrd ho Ilvrt hlo boo Illlil gracefully oI puttlblo loo ltlkr role were Iho wtr ItIndlnf nth no aront none the oqun AI III latroduotlonto oprr hm II In Iterllont rholw lu uuod ymlntn onlertolnmout tell Ian hluhly recommend Iusr IN summon AA oonus sovutos Accountl ollor BIO MW pm Inlor III eIleulltId on our mln lmum monthly ha IneI Ind led Iomlonnuolly the municipal saVIngs loan corporatton Iym muonmt Illt we own rowm II In ll mm who WM mqu wingthetlnttlyooeytoltho month oem Intoml horn um Illal dtyol lhtI noItlrntounturrnrmonrrn bIG outAccount TODAY ItllllUtllllllll IIIIIIANI HUMAN