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cost at police rrrv IIII ylnnninr And trnlnloc Icaminwoortcdtheldcroh nu Iu dlilturlt to do bdvr lentilntlon beam lttt clngiemrinnd tom In Arcu vbcro roilonril goveran 110 rmttlrt evolution doc are bcinl inirodtde but work ml tor polccooro 111 mil Mann Act In mmlty rrlnllool the brie ctrlmod in rm 11 with nnyrr ilu linll Marni Act IM cited in the trial The Iorrt the July 15 t7 own litter rmvdottbnwtnw mender luv am lion ol the actnbioh provide ltd In tla brlriI tor civil nctlnn AnnlnAt pollen Millet Mutt that lows wiccr he makes An Arrui linutorAuntnrmmclJnd outside provisions ot the Ad tnIrrnin About opened lhir rtrunory ttmt limo lo alga Mt 05wth OttJiOlcoiWlllim which the on Yol tannniuloob Dinner In reuth rntlnnAI unit at low rewroter rott connhnlnn And Mild he rt in tomb Ittbildml nod rrnmcntn nod the III II call tor llllu provincizt tl mmih tr It with trends tt the dawn oi pfbttlllom tor n1 ic provim rd moored thinner outdated 1h Inlet IM rocornmcode not It condom on blli to report to itinttlon Ann thrl the Goblin Police Collrnn gntlodllor he penny to must provide yrcrllcr reccnt court withott wrrrnnt perm rc dcchinuI lnlnrnrctlllont ind leased under the not who pIoltco othcr trnlrJny nldnIto iorces on believe lmbout to or bu no rcrtlllr butt mod Mien nt lilo rclcm lice because It Aswan hrr IIEII within your community Prolect sponsors musthireIailempioyees ihoughCanndaMonpowerCentrm DeadlheforappiicaiionsisOdoberI gt 15th 1973 though Iearly submls II9nsmuldresuhinprojectsstartlyg asearlynsDecgmberlshProlcctS Thisyear$83mllilonlsgohtgto be Invested in helping people help themselves Only this yearIthe emphasis is on helping people help themselvesendIthelriconimunlty1 If yours Is typlrnl community were puttingthe local into Locallnltla Police IorceIllinIaIrIithig Said Concern To Municrpalities ttAlrmON no tnc Ir turn A1 puking control super to pollco innnclnr Wil vision of public gatherings not rAlscti todayInr movinan dcrIcAi duller IIII moment row on nIllc wardm wouiiliwi lldn In IiIitnro resortch lLl new aky car an brch by nuiuonl city HIW council me that Ilnnnciny ot police term In III urgent con ern to many rmnlci ahticl Simeon in in surInmciIIlhrrn Ire no ourn II clnmt In In rnmr tho Inlet In the part its my had note IN Wantther nitgen broIrIrn intodevout nt IllmlI ImI ISIrlrllle invcrltnntion Consult Hid rIItIeIIIInIrInIn rue cnsu FARE ornmcnd in no toIccr inOntnr17 hf tIrIgtllt lrIiIl magi Wmwm SwdtitunlScnlor oiitcm Imuril oireri not troiilc wrirdenAy CIIlumzvgi cum Return from Soar iIlome totan IIvesProgrambysettlngupaConstituenty II II maybefundedloruptosbtmonths Advisory Group or by having LIP staff comniunIIyaifahspeoplehomiooatgov nieresDohYourselIBusliessLiP mm II III consuitwithalreadyestabilshedgroups80 ernrnent and social agencies and LlP tooforcompanieswhldiwanttoprovide worn luldellnct be cttn lshed in view at the loci lhrt locnl yourMIIP Projectsarenottoberelated l0 bUSlIISS qvgullcenillinglrthaurovln IIOntheConstttuencyAdvisoryGroup YotirprolectcouidhaveuptoSTISIOOO operationsnndmumateadditonaliobsI 511 IlugnnglgIi wlll sitagoodrepresentalion from the toworltwithifyotuidealsahighiyqeative SomakeadohyourseiflobArtdhelp cg I31 mm Travelvovs community Includingpeople activein andmnovotiveonebeCausenexttollbcall your community make lot of doIt vItmoaIlmgtw II IthisyeaisLlPstressesirnnginationmost yourselilobs I1 hthihtthfllhlil BIIS INowfotthervies Atlttakestsoneooodtdes lItllIIffItniiihiliil TequaltfvforLiPftmdsvourntoiect WWW mustueatenotlessthanl5ImaIn4months IiIm IIIIIIIiinIIIiIuIIeIrI IolemploymenIIWorkerswiththeskills Winn to the requlrodforyourprolcctmustbeavailable Iihellrnnttordhrlrtnylr GEORGIAN hrbltrntlan Awards in wore mt pmloru given without my ALIA II rernrd to the mnumuItluIInuIvI RDIIII lihixlrlilxllmmu MI MN qunnunsiu iilihl res Icylon IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIIII atyournearest CanadaManpowerCenhie tendny oy mum II IIono IIManponer Malntdoauvrei and Immigration etlmmlotatlon Inonertnndmminntnr noomnnnramtntm 0W 19 help dde Which projects will sponsors homlnst year all suggested by facilities or services for their communlties cotrncllr have littlo or no control most nicpnyerr polo Increased iItlnywnyedermndthyltnpo WM WWI Co II II II II not trnm hltllar Time Matti lotth II Apphcations availabIeInow threaten orn unv WIMIMI Put it ndier routhwtst at AND GEllTGROWING Iho hrictlwzgrrtcd ihntlltrv wlon llco deal only utth lmelue tcotirlty nitlcttl my nonpolka duties