Awards Presented AIIGAAide Banquet rut MARI ot Direetut ol the any Court Guts nl Burl rII 0min Chit yate sly Salad lrotn Ielt Ire lltrt rim estdeot lth Forster list timtvestdeot studios we instslkd It the Innusl lIrtterson part preside Ire tits Andrew Weismsn June mutiny hell It the Bar ent tin AIIn Itnvrluan treasurer It Irvine Itsrris membership ehslrrlun Ilrl ll Itodrensl NtRlpottdtM sncrrtsry till GIvtn Jamel Imnd wirepresident Ind litre It Bolton mutiny wartsry Bullion Phttol Plan OI Iiction To Improve Status TORONTO CPI plan at notion tor equul opportunity Ior women In Ontario was thIsd nlursttsy In the provinctni let isIIluro by Robert WtItll pro vtndsi secretory Iar IorIII velopmolri The paper lhll patties Ind programs should he desired it AIAVPOLE which rent It ItinerntIIIn and man oi the annual slimline red the min note It the turn eheon rots and at wotII from the have quutotte The was mad to mm the clubs th Innlrernry horn Iclt IN tin Tom Smith dim Mrs Suitslit Ind Airs Itisinr directors IE Imlnet Pilot yr morgue the honingt grammar LIAIth OFPEOPLEM PLACES June Luncheon Highlights Annual May Court Meeting lmltvtnuat llaypotes created Ills Ila rntltan decorated the Iundheonbtyahtes at the ah rntnl meeting and lumhoon held the 1in Court Chris at Barrie on liairmsn oi the meeting and luncheon was ltrs Douglas Tart who made the individual place cards for guests One at the highlights the meetin was main ttallntion oi the Board oi Directors hogtied by Airs Alan Ravenscrott as presidem Among those attending nere hire Higclow hirs lit Button Airs It Ems snowmen hire Former hits in Harris hire Nodgins hire Kirk Ilrs It TIIIKS Airs It ieiierton Mrs hiaunillan ttrs John litmus hits Ross Nlrnl Airs AILlJ Ruvwscrolt tirt Rising Mrs It Sneledut Airs Simmelhal Mrs ttalph Snelgroto tire Idrn Smith ltrs Douglas Tail Airs Geor ge Taylor Mrs Isobelt Thonp son Ilirs Andrew Welsman ll Dnd WhlIE list van Airs II Anderson Yrs limiting new member Ind Airs Mary Patterson rlrs Jnmur mother urn is visiting here item Scotland JUNE MEETING tirs Ilelen Jenkins and her members or ursdny Mother tbs Olive Gammon of Sandy Dore Aues stroud wei cormd to lnelrtbcns ol ESSA Itond Womens Missionary Society at their home tor the June Iliect tog Miss Ilelen Webb presided and led the worship service hirso WI Mush gIve the Treasurers report The indie study taken by Mrs ll spring we in the torm at condensation at the book Ilnodlul oi nice or Kensis llamahdayz This is the story at the Ilte ot poor but honest iiindu tentin in city setting Alter discussion Irising learn the study prayer tor the PW pie ol India was led by hire Ireda PdiIISOIL DECORATION DAY The annual decoration dny sponsored by the Lorri Iioitl cultural Smitty will he held on tires at ltnlrie Union and St Itsrye temclories In the lily Will be motilitth by lieu It Woldoeit hi the First tinylist Church Barrie and Rev It itneves at St hinryl Catholic Gluten llnrrie FUN DAY tun day will he held lItA home at ltirs Pat Solder is thy St Barrie on Saturday Itnru 130 to pm hlrr Souter and Mrs Itnrg Kenny have organis ed Ihe event to also tends Ior the Georgian Foundation The nIternmn anIviiius will inrlurtn and showing oI Iilm We do It right the ltnt time tuslts SPORT CENTRE miles North at limit on West no at my TIME Minster Tlohll Ind Outbonrds Odalrt Pmli derrtrn Clt Tans lrom tit LIncs truth It OAertssorIcI Olinnt stare Weeklyl EIIInnII Sunday June It at pm Ser visits Irons elovnls Ilunsunz especially tor women It there It to be my ttznltlesnt Improve moot In their Mdtlil The overnme bellows theserequiremenlrmnii tor cohesive policy structure toe de eIUlelK Ind Implementlnt pro xrnms Iimed It Irmen In On Mv The ptln It mien Into rev crnt tedious including Wumm In the economy women In edu Icotton and women in the turn is It proposes reexamination nI employment standards in dilian the mumps at equal pAy so It It ludnsd on the Ilis ut untk rnttler than on the nature at on lob pnrison to Iy be mode on At or entgwunIrluy tulnt tween nearly nttrnl tells The return dlIDrl msyln elude whiteeoliu end protes nlonol tieids Ontnrto now has ltiuetl muternity Ieuvu end my ex tend It to lo mill to mbtul Indorul lrtlsinllon Th hrovinu my Alu Int oored towtlmnam II Merl Mon women ureter Icontun time alter the child rn Avudlmtttmtldlttht Grahammhennddmth ta helmet held It Fellowship tiIil Gotham Unitd mnb Camin oi the mommy ts Ilnxl Parry lian In irs Willllm Roddy Ind hln t3 MeAIIlster Goods Included mothers at nudes Rev ltlIItInl mu htrs lielen lil Iho might the guides home Inning nod lint nu Bron Oil or loath Ind ttvelth Bunnie put WI Willow Ind Tawny Owl sin Poole PATROL COMPETITION TILVI palms toe the year Elli PAIN hoses Cs Women gotten Ilom liroonles Club use unis It in dsy hosted by the unmet oi Shunty Iin Go Club Prtres were lrded to Date Point Ilm tour our In Mllml rst low net Bitty Ilrooit second Iou rrnsr Iicltu Steiner sound low net III oi thi Brooklet Dildos tenet putts E1an illlnt Ind ttIrIon llobillnrd ltdderl Itoto LIurI Baron Itttd iern tirtwtlp Poker hInd Sultry Ioonryter Ind Iltby Smith LUCItV oluns winners at the 1wa drous were out Day Le Culell Ind Frances Whtlts Itelrsrhments Includinr Ehcttl homemade bmds roIlee Ind lee In thuryn at ey Min Prtzuvhiehwehronnhl Iron 0in Illum molt RM to plea to or ll II It Arum the one aim at me em Illemsnd lords lo iodesn Burr Mt ltehnsr Dem Jules Minot his one human Wendy it also rad vmIIudesI to in Brent Ind JInlns Knish Alter pit luck dimer the girls presurted Camille I34 my stairs trnn Welds In on rm Iiith dimsim was held um the mint mo skeleton Like out Innnm EXAMINER rnioAr suns rs rm Shanty Bay Women Golfers Entertain Guests III Fun Day GoIIerI trom the host elub were Gull OBrien Iluby Smith Giddy West ltml my on Iemr IIoIIy Iterrnltton Lee CIvoil tinrlon ItnhIIInrd htnty IlurIitnrnI Ivy Kitchen IttorF Petnldy Int Blossom IJur eeo III rv ey IIIry Partridge Audrey ticCiymoni Fem on rich Johnny Brndley president Gotten Item Brooklet Club were Frances White LIurI tin ton Iictty Brook Dolls Blythe IIeIul Steiner hen ltlsltlnp hem Date Flint t1an To In Dnothy Shun Shelly Voodoo or AIIrs tIryIn rod GrIco NImlnn NA FEW CALORIEA One run oi imh rUIuherrles but about 55 stories Rosseuu Summer School On Bezutiiui Lotte iloseru ltlusitoItI trout Adtvlties July tlh In August lth tinder to II It EanIAhAIIreneh lltlhernetlu Belem FireWork Summer Cotlrse tor Itudents mmhlnlnx htorIsIl Ird Ctsssroom Sttdlts uilh Summer Iltueotlon Ind WIlerv Boarding lor boyIDny rIIttrs ior Iris Experienced Teachers slid tnltrtlttors for interrmth Ind prowll wrtte tor now lllrnnmmn ItosdEAlI alvrAruo 7t RECEIVES LIB DIlId htdnlrk son ide Eamon we Item oi Dorrie dtuted Ill In Ltd times It monitors held It Osmi um vnt valemu Ile bolds BIrhrlor ti Arts de me in pdyrboioxy iron taut entioo University and ls at dunto oi ITIrrIe Centni liv crime lir ttdlhrt womb ly Irtlrtlnx the Inn htenut ttllir Dick Ind ita midon rt Barrie Final Game All our The third emed the Sims nuts County Ileld dny LII ptnyedIr the Dorrie Country Club yester Ths sonretvsre Midland Ittil tiurie Isolsonilis ml Col Iinyzuond IBM The team from Itsrrte includ es Mort Illetllne Gnu Olsen telly Jameson Ede envoy Net en Harden Ulltl Endieslt low gross us lie between limit scores were rst tier Iilclllnl IM Grace one stilt t2 Thrd low mu lieu TImtson so mend low net WI tied by Eds Corby Ind Nelen Ideson with to third tow net titlet Holden 11 Ind Iourth low net 0th Endicetl TL The tidal urns lor the hints ron Trophy will he piuyed It OrliliI on June so TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE Tiltill tIdoln It mm IndIn mo Ammo Lu Warrens Week It We Grmpo well the timid rum omitted ounld Wants Candi IABC ans Artlon erp dew Wormr Sell Cltnlo momma AA and Warmth Ahmton Nepal lion mire vIo Inr supp the mm use the rowdtnnlor hug Ilotoens Resource can to dune hittoriul tlonlolr Ihtth hm nude my on they must tIhe m5 roles to weld ma lmu Mrs rental to elunhtnr the to put teurh with nah nation HUMAN Keep lood tome no pl rItlod IreIs rIeIn my INT Hf WEI Ind other RAlolluRst INN ANTIQUES they ti Whnnl it miles north ml at hurts Phone nut iiiIITY it SERVICE THE PRICELESS IUIILIII IlttUE INGREDIENTS WHEREYOUR FAMILYS HEALTH IS CONCERNED OPEN DAII 900 It i000 PM SUNDAYS II it AJII to still Itt See your Benjamin Moore Latex House Point and will turn ili Wellington Street West BAIIIIIE 7285943 trays dl New ntDmIorlorMooltiard mmtnrvolltmoneu HANDY DOMINION HARDWARE ALCONA BEACH ROAD All No STROUD ONT moons HARDWARE ytllnstallation FOR SHOP AT HOME SERVICE CALL GRAHAM WRIGHT BARRIE AREA TDSJTHIOI IRVIIIE oEcoRAllRo CENTRE 22 CLAPPERTON ST ALLISTON ONT 435 64