an more xumn mm rm Im 421 PROFESSIONAL DRIECTORE ACCOUNTANTS MUSIC LESSONS HULL I1 ROSE mom my aim rmtmtmmmn to wow XW rrvatary Twain an mum ALL AGB LI 1mm must MUSIC INSTRUCTION PIANO LESSONS hob Inna la lent Matias mam Wau Itd ALLA um um trII sunhr tmnt mill ANGUS 110$ DA RedItem Music Tacho Inunzna In In Inn MUM III lm hr 0M mu urn IO HELP WANTED SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS MEN DR WOMEN tor lhrrie Isl tumult Amy APPLY TO STOCK BROTHERS BUS LLYES LTD It PW SL BIXrZI 72845941 WON TO THE BAYMART MUSROKA atoms PET ERREINO SPORTS WI TUE mm For lit you end mm 4mm LARGE SELECTION Em wotuvlLLNSIIIT Mm la GUAMIIEED Wl mm Ionic that PaterReina cm THE BAYMART is just north on Dnyeld on Highway No 26 It 21 HELP WANTED ROY SCHUEIT thrimd Amulet SAL Ihpl Arezne Barrie 72H 19 THE MUFFLER SHOP No Bird location to me you better in DENTSELL ST mm AND NOW UIITJIIN AT THE BAYMART mm TI 10 HELP WANTED PAPER ROUTES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Do you live In the near or on one at the street ILIted below ANGUS HOLLY MIDHURST you lIrI ln or Irouad the unremittqu area please All out the Ippticlltrn below Ind return It to THE DARRID EXAMINER EXECUTIVE SECRETARIES THE GENERAL TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY Ilu two dulknztoy Ind mm positions available In their new wan Dead ot Ice La Prim We to top MIMI The Ianelm be 963th Ind Irrth III II rainin that mm Int podtlm Imam mm It mu sun IN WIN with experience not oulittutlm Rotting condition ere cx celleot loutioo Dorrie Marlo humid 3th Dad dcullod hand lTINlO mum to THE GENERAL TIRE AND RUBBER CO OF CAN LTD Personnel Department ZIS WICKSTEED AVENUE TORONTO ONTARIO M4H l66 ARE YOU mm IN RAILS CAREER We have openings MENS DEAR AND TURNTIUTLE 000a More with prowling to department runner OMuIt he mmle ODe Inll groomed AM Primed Dept Vt VIDOLWORTII $7 Hayfield St Dam II WARD PAlTlNlS common nmotrrrrnrrrs Doctor 5L Darrin 5qu tot mm ltd PWr OToole JESSIE BRYSON luehl or Snotnn may WI rum kl Imlu In lent mom oi MK Twin mum ARIJ moan marl mutL INSURANCE Tlll INSURANCE For our SI year Ooddcntnl lite Imam On Inn provided Canadle Ilth Term mum on tho but tutu It you III In LI mNrIcI tor ttto lotunnce ALI Tom Delaney In DJTLIOO SCOTIA BANK BARRIE Indra lnlnediiteiy person tor Management Trntnee PosrtIon Previous comm credit or business experlrotv accessory Tchpltone MIT TOR INTERVIEW BARBIE ERABDNHI WANT ADS mm WORK WONDERS zzTI TZMIIA lI LEGAL l2 TENDERS In NOTICE TO CREDITORS moms mmwv AND 0mm TOWNSHIP OF 135A Name Address Trlcphone to HELP WANTED Io HELP WANTED CREDIT Management nplrly rxplddlttl nallooal re It arunlutlon res cred norm and tr mull Ilitcon Applicant Will pa pro llye oycdlnlhe consumer vIJI nnml boom Excellent tow beneIIId Elem rend time at your work experience BARRIE MANUFACTURER requires EXPERIENCED KEY PUNCH OPERATOR on parttime basis during attcrooons or evenings Write Box Est Barro Examiner lysnttnptttwt atrium wMtIutI unmo lilltl STREET MARIE Illlltl SECRETARIAL ASSISTANT tnlt tr an ruclcnt upwdnity IIlIth will provide LII Incesst 3139mm tor peer vishlm to advance In the Iocrntorlat The messhtl Ippltcnrt will provide drncal Ind Iqu mice in our sales Apartment Ind enorle until the Smelary to the Presldcul ol the Oorrvpatvy Dormant ls multinl AppIIEItlqu ohtoinahe it tho security otllee or III to Em ployment nlnrugrr no John Street AB provtous opplieatlons nill ILSD roocito romlderatlon EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Tho General Ditto Manager at ltd rapidly millan mnparty qulm In experienced mrvtary The mmtul applicant Will he brlpl nmbltloui with aper Lowe In statistical rcpoxtltty and procient in LIPIIIK Ind short and This position prim tho Inaturo applicant In opportunity to be com involved in the companyn overall marketing and sale proparm Corrpcnsnlion Ill be commensurate with expchan Ind WILL Jim RECEPTIONISTTYPIST motioned toth Ind rmwdoobt rtouircd Ploasaut pcrsontlly Ind Rood appearanco would Apply to writing to TORONTO rgll earl dwla IIIIMREDIeotRFAiINAwN TOR OPERATING It mm mm Inc All tremor having dnirne Wm to mtrnu IIII he received rm Drndtorcl III the dimly ot Sim Irma INLer mm mm to rm tor operatinx Sutton JIM two Itvovd nutm ILIn IV wired to tile pront stop and property SALESILAN REQUIRED My Pfrlnd ot yearn mm mtv moo wmmm Iubrnttted on Me the estate hnvto reurd able It the Township munican nveR ortvn name In am DATED ll Tonto lhll 10L Wat Rm om 0le more manly erupted Murmur mva Tor ruIII Itqu Mn ML Jug on equipment Emun In IIII WW5 0F BSD llll mm mnmomw gammy mm Mb In It MI pm my IRINTINITN mo PILL srrt min prom Inn mm In no Saint Irndrn tIDnrty nurled llMI MM III AITLSINIE ennte at the Above mm mentioncd late ot the hen oi by the undrntxccd ink until loo pm Friday June 29th me who AM It the vat oI DUMMIESTWchan 00 Im vmhgg to nu ms at same Irih the undersigned on or more the day oI mug Iltl and on Nov rm run Iore pigmgm AIID that III the MIC Woe wtii prowl to dxtnh Teodm must be ylmgmmlemm tonm Iupplrd by and mil only to ISL clnltm gt nlurh he Ihon sh lure RI noUre Ice WOODLAND My meet or III under no no Arm mu W1 PUBLIC TRUSTEE DII Ltuwn ClerkDenim we own no hm mm mmraw PO Box 10 ANGUS Ontado mo II Blyvlcw Drive Bnrrle Mm Me own hand IouII Merv III nanotTI For Inmln my mum NOTICE TO CREDIIORS new It Irlmo cum Inqu AND OTHERS 7d III IN THE mm or ROBERT JOHN WIIITRORTII deemed DHIIIDIIM mm In In Tim not against the Eddie ot Robert Orvsymm Iohn mm late or the PM In re uixgu mwwdlt uly oI Borgia in the tnty pt Sinroe Provincn Onto rio who died on or Ihout Match III In mitt min Irwu bmby muted 33 Ignscnd particular o1 rum to For lgtnmmgryym 531 July Inn 1973 lller INN SEALED moms In It on cum canoe Itlll deio the estate wnll he distrtbu Im by wdcnimdlyn now It IF lg DIR whod toI If tender lnltlopd pmvl lo mtmm um Mo to earn pert wMIHHe tor not WILL you lhcn have notlce not the Pm and 1m tor the supply ot tho totiouIIIr Im uodcrslgncd unit not be able one which LEGAL Immer III I0 Tmmmhd maxim cVw Plnsbes nottnate re Rom III new In INvlt DATED abaueimhl um 11D Orteer zmrloal mill tun day June on ENID GRACE ELIZABETH Sgtmmj Tm Simply ot DIcsel Fuel STORE MANAGER lu Jun MCDONALDS fl RESTAURANT hiring tull nitd porttime personnel Who Want permanent loymntWo ottcrtlexlblohoun tree lood tralolnyproprImS llII mm provided Corrtpctltlve wipes cc to turn all phr the ortotlnl Indo at The Darrin Eumincr Typing er uotlIL Tot pontllm otter recurs tuturo Ind nil employee benefits Apply to pmon to MR SHEPHERD THE BARBIE BXAIIRNIHI Otltoe Ian Sit Dar4 With my ulrcupu an tel no dtnind room Wm Also tool routine mooIIIIIio tor no VPMDRCM HAW no II II 1tll0RTll RNIIIIIBIIaut with Will Annexrd to pm dilly Apply McDonalds tcntlous Please sew compete rcsume Io Ivtt mauoemm Itmn mm pourtorn IItcofm noon ml IAIVYITTIR WWIOIIVO dry by her Solicitors MOREBATES Box SH BAIHTId 5L Tl Supply ot Gasoline Specifications Int louder corol opos may be ootalntd It the GENERAL SALES MANAGER CHRYSLER CANADA OUTBOARD LTD Davidson Street BARRIER Ont BAYTIELD ST omen or TILE cm mil or commit 5mm HARRIS Ontnrio await or my tender not emnly mental I2 TENDERS mummy my GILIL ISAIAH wool to mlmn DALI VI 54ml mm INI pm HUI am ltuIItttm PERION Mt day on wax RIIIIKM nowo Mouton and Weill oII st om mm TTSI 1m alter tun am IWKKIIPIR Iccwntent mom tar mvontmmt Raw per our tor mtt up lotion rtuu untv to Don Dime Don sot Bertie IIII rig outtrtuttm motornon DABRID Out AM ET IIzrnom TE PLUMBING AND WM HEATING BROADIOOM RETAIL SALES WHOLESALER EXPERIENCED ALCAN VVIRE AND CABLE Requires an INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN This qualied cicctriclnn will take on troubleshootan Ind pre ventive maintomnco dIItics in new Insulated Wire and Cable plant Familiarity with electrical control cimlltry and SCH con trolled equipment drim and Rood modicdge ot motor ropolr would he an met Electrician not messing those specialized skills Ind experience hood not apply The position with an expanding national many leader III its tlelctI In totally new plant mum salary Ind trinre hIuctit Ire oilercd to the rig person toil ll mum quvlrrd pcod om OI ltd MIIIM not wt trio white AM In WM or amt Tut 7r MIN Dvrlr JuImTlml IAIVIInu vented Tor nu hool rhIIm MITole ported Mt rm our weekly For Rum lrior mtton AII Ituoeto mom ioLI ELEETIOLUX 7m WIV Imn tor mm tel mo 11ml need my to mt the Ni 93 IMM RIM It IgtJngvsuolun tmI Cu Imojlvlzli IV CHIMIEIMATD SKEW DEM any nowII Ml as to onth and III Noun DaIIa Nurmt MRI mam mi Hugo be cetv npneer WAITRIIIWurn mom II II Bl his 0m in Im IIqu IhIlt Mott III tothe mum Motor mt YF rmnlstutton Buldtnz Barrie Timon no Im mu morn mull All 191 more HARLEM Milton JULYS lIl DII IE RI tfmmwwt or WINDOWS common mmtm Itom TEEmt IAERIAL attartctrs IOU IId mIRlmIIIR TumHwm III hm yIIthuI 11 mile radon ot the City ot Barrie COHEIDIRATI IIIIBM to NARA Tong Spedttenttone Form or Tender Imv not Ora mm and Tender envelopes may he INtoi may Ne some two Pygmy It rope NAFRRLHMEMETTI THRIVE than the amount spmittrd in the time NM Am ewe th Temter Ind Dondlnx rcdulre IIIoIL norm ion mm away my mum no ranted ten Rom tender and the mmtul hid off yaw doI Will be requirrd to provide Yntentcrl new Arid III tor Mn 50m WNW PM DItite OI Elinhctlt Strut my Labor and Materials Guelph Dnlillld Teltyhooe Pea Bond upon exertton at It on Attention Robinson oontrartngrecmrot PrchnsnKOHIm The lowest or not PM lcndrn qu ho muted to not manly be moot buildings and their SALES PERSONS FULL 0R PARTTIME required tor repkiiy Expatlllrtl dtntn of retail hroadiooru ware limes location Dorrie am Solnried position and all company heNPIILI Nophono ltr DIwArdR Noomnrku ttooontwo redulros EXPDTUENCHI PERSONNEL ONTARIO MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES Sale ot SurpILS Buildings And Contents exrloding all eon not and masonry work Ind iiort SEALED TENDERS will he received until 300 pm Local Time on TUESDAY JULY 11 197 For the pale oi tilteen Isl Farm Euttdln Ind IBM contents texctutltng all con Erete nod Inasottry work Ind Stlosl 735 York Road RIPIpII Correctional centre Guelph Ontario The buildings Itd theIr con tents shall be removed train the at thhtn sixty not doye 1er the date at Imptnncej Ruther pnrtiurtorn may he ob tnINrd tmm Guelph Renonnl ilTaIIaRrr or NI Representlllv too Ettraboth Strut Outle Ontario Telephone No 611199 Rm code 519 Trndor document my be ob taincd from Goeitit Mimi OOUNIY OF SLIHDE TENDER FDR HUTMIX ASPHALT PAVING RESURFACING AND PAMITNG OOIIIRACT No11 due to III expansion Jim DUETO OUR RECENT EXPANSION we NOW REQUIRE THESERVICES OF THREE NEW STAFF MEMBERS AS LISTED BELOW WAREHOUSEMAN With Ouultctlrn LIcrnco BOOKKEEPER htltyqtlniiltcd lolrlal batm We arc yoonz lmlIVl tim All campany benets Pcate Lott MCDONALD TRIANGLE PLUMBING SUPPLIES 3257MB mun lun ITS EASY ITS FUN ITS PROFITABLE To npply write WORKS ACCOUNTANT ALCANWIRE AND CABLE SALES PERSON Posoox 1657 MINIMUM expericnm II Trout BRACEBRIDGE Ontario CLARK NEIL mm INSIDE SALES llatsrllln timing with my man 0mm mm km mm WIS Calm Adrnlnblrotlon Dulldind Mal my wIIrRIthIm mm mom WET OPIW Im hildind made payable to tit WEST BEND OF CANADA to out In Mvo mum TI MAN 0mm mm Previom salon eweriencehelpnl but not Necessary will be Win1 tonpany each Tendenthls tie EMPLOYMENT WANTED sit wil be mm to muo respoosltin tor Lalo order expedtinl mien reports plus porno wtsldn contact with tho nulomcr BOX REPLIES WILL All IN mitten Ill Ill own Nde Dweller Martin salary aIRl company pntdbencttts home st vowi amt ml ma APPLY III tTllTlhG ONLY 10 DOX E51 BARRTE chlloy spare time IDIIR dependent AVON Represean tlvo Youll meet new people nuke new trleIIds Find out how city It It to Rlnrt Ooll now or Write Mn Dillon AVON DELIVER TELEPHONE BOOKS FULL OR PARTTHIN lien or women with ootomo bile are needed In Dnrrlo and all ourromdtnx mu Delivery IIIILI July l1 1m Send name ndtheos telephone umber typo Pl volIIcIand htntrl Ivnllnble on pool cud Boll Dolmen Io Int one on Mt AIK Inlu mum RN tom Innity IIIlMeaT It mu mum CRIKIIII Ptonle STEIN Tlleohom IIDIIII These are IIIIHIIBO positions with excellent ItIrllno title and compnny paid Ironctth Meohtzno tor Interview Dcelhy 12o BAYFIELD FURNITURE MART HWY 227 EAYFIELD ST NORTH BARRIE DDA ltd TF PO Box no Statlon WORM MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL Itleue do not all In telephone REQUIRED FOR THE NEW GEORGIAN MALL company Immmm Ixrntlyenc wt or cook Job will Inchtdo innitPrint dullol plrUnR lot molntcnenco etc 42 work Involved Mm In In TIIIINI IM Mitt no Inna ood mo Anon WI V45 Good Alttin IUITLWIIII company bcncllu For Ippolotroeot te phone cesslul hidden Ihilo every endeavor will be wlwmrgnm an mm 55 MILE made to toward will plied PER PM GM llLIAILl led in LA MI 5mm own rm LORRAINEm mm mum tho rizhost or my Tender nol Wt icon pouloie lo accept no WWII IMPW ROBINSON lllbltlty ln resprct III in or Pumhuiru Ollleor Judd dnmnxo Iiiexcdto Irtyothrotuh Either IIDNIn or delay In ton NATALIE ruclt replier however It orwlsi PLEASANT SURVEY mutt you Wmhm ominol In Imlc qurI1 in RI PM outh WWMIIIIII OR AMI GUM Wile It Bu SW door to now now term III Em ININ uwv ammo Jot IK MS om IILIAIALI elude Ivetn mitt IAXI DRIVIRI bod ovum Iaxtalvuuom return ovl new toy rorrm Alumni Gott EM twain 91mm VIM 1le MINI Ava IIrte MI IM MAM Ml Its The Season To Advertise III HMO IARIIII molt uItv mt DInIrIIII mm It rodtodmIToettM IVIIII MI AM IILIIMI DIIVIII be rut In fume IM hm lmmoulmrt mtrlnomon AM ALARM INN TOR Inst mum ITIY EXAMINER RANT PIIDNB mm pf MR RICK JONES 7mm not to 11 am Iu