Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jun 1973, p. 6

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gee 325 In re 57 Eig I3 I5 EFE mn mun In rocoln ed her Bachelor ol Am dam In Soddou rum Ion wwdm eI modem ln Inh Imrjloen II dweller PIwI III who cub lhdllWLNlld dlel II III Wilmvoflorv am eoIo We RiegentJEnterlaids Chapter Ill Pot Luck SupperParly tweed Kermullell motor loDlZ held pot lurk wow II the home Mr AWN Io oiled up III teuar lhoso prerenl were Iln II II um Mn Illxll IIII It Wheeler nlro Cameron Iln Mum Mn Nell Madonlldl Iln Iloey lIrI Wolendax llll II II Eunhlm Illa m6 Elmo Ion llrt Don Manure III go err 235 E2 IIIrI III II II hairdresser GOOD ONE Bum Schmh Idvuxzd Imth IntJoin Inn to null ple Iul Al MIm IIIde In lmIl Ibo world or lleo lo you In home Willa or new Wotwe Bmuly Schools Dell II III Illoor TunII mom wg ll ii more ol III romanJen be In lley tho now III Illa mm wlll be held In loo mm Ill reporledby Mrs IIon the three Merle from IIII Ioeul Ida will be II II the Unllod NIUooI Seru lnIr cad II II WI III Unlrmlty ol Wellm 0o lIrlo London Those Modern uIII report on llzo IemlIII III Odober medial llrl Bedlam Sets Record Saight Knocks Overweight DmAwmtlunl Ilnvumlpedlo moltI Mich Ibo volMAIN eeh mind Iv pnlenb Wrntwllhmhdl on Evauxas EEKiglEJik Esaessesu haul inanimate sausaa 17 rii use2an Mood needy 500 on 0d tam outed lira pIIallI llmuel but Bold IndiuerolDIJM wilme res mm nmuuulumeo mammhmebol oxymlarlrlldrmllnlllle mum mmwmwuuo MWQmILrIm mplzllo mm nu Wm ol Inland ohmic OJ Ir Lt Borden mm led II Ibo than cm ymnzdg FINN IZIIIIIT Ann Merl IL In llal 1m brimr ulthed ooo not Int lrelllnu Id IIII lo Isl III your mom Idea Ilmole melon II sold myoel Nom lIhVIhII Ind ltl Imderbacklolhelmemre name be la lllt you In Manelbodlvwnblllr room romodo or In Ind VJ ol IeIr or IIwa wheeldulr 19 II Inc Are gnu mre lhII It be romeo Irder to brellhe when III choker Mr been Ind mu Could you Im IIllIdIl up Do you how Idol lle dul errom to lure IlrIery when In noull oreroom AIX any dxlor Or ml Ann lmOIN MIL In Du mm Your km MIMI Mlou Hahn II IEII llut In no er malt Llum not walemleolwnel oeIoI undl rflod Io led me phyllully uld wu llorrlllcd VII Illrrdrd lo IIlrr III knelt noth lnIIIoouIIIILmIWMII Irqo my lucllullou conceded more Ilnn Mr an Irlw cud my end dluullod ellll em hovered Ir me More Allcr IborI llme rlormled on the pounds ol heulbr Never lulu dd wd ldeu noun to me Tell lulderu In rIlIod Iome quesllone In my rnlrd lull lure never been resolved Docs thll mi sol lulu lawn to oIIIeM Just Irwon Ind deeplr lII null lhIl dIMeI bomoIImIlI lrvrn lulrroseronlel Would you rIn Io menu enjoy your column Ind IeeI um you could It In my enEIlrlerIneII be qu Im you 6001 km the muer you Illm lrnw Iome om who duetMl Puzzled la OIvIIporI lien Then III very low deed mumInd thin cool or nully II II enllrely normal toleumple ol Ilanl IoeIorr new prllon wIllI In he IllI SIIndOrook II Dear Mn New My lIrI Wallan Rounder Mn Hllylldllll MD Ieln AIM IM IllrI DquI We lllllll were nororned llrn enrion Ind lIrI Norborl Mom um Iour II the rounds MW nju TIM BUEINESS REPORT llv burlnree IeIIIon wu corned by Reselll II llIcDoIIlc Mort om Illen by Ida Wheeler LN Illl pr Mme led SELECTIVE RANGE 0F COLLECTORS PLATES INCLUDING ROYAL DOULTON FIRST EDITION LIMITED SUPPLY muscular anrunllm Ior III III Ihllll will bot Mil IIDMII lIrI IIIrlhIR llIrI Nell MIo Doneld lln Lutheran Ind Idrl room Ior drlieri no We here It Mumllneeh vol III HMO OUALIIY POP AI TORY PRICE Come In endure lhlI work every week Ill NRII Doullolll for You Show Conltulruu ll Bulleld II Acton Iron Ill Duulop IIeIldI IO unovllleble rnIleI IIIylleIl IIIII WIDMMWVIE WEDultSLPI Angle can Bm sum wt lg Toe Itm no rm Mam KJl Ihey turned to Ith prll CHINA AND GIFT SHOP mmminXygg In new new Imvlrmu or mud IrIlIlchtloo OPPUIrm woowonll Meow ot mmmm lair romrEdm Mono In at prllon but Ilter they PIIONI 1mm Ind Illyen cams cm In lawman ururnu rtltmd tluy mm min Ilnldorml mm In Ltd owenee 144 In 11 Ibo IIIUIJII Inlemt II luauthelolzconumdem rm W151 muml rcLaIlonolIlp IIIny In Bunk AMI lb pea Emileaouununw WWII vhomd IhlI wlll deny use AIrmI nutrml um In For We run In IIWII IhII II In cl mother lln mm W4 MM loomIllJbrluulo mlodnolr of Burlamdlrls puree pew lauds perm 11 Ind In Irrd Jdlmlon Ibo oI Barrie IDI mly goal11W llro Johnston oI Thornton III In Ible to Illrnd Deal SIurIenIs Move Audience Wm 16 The emo IIWI lmct oI perforrwou the Mammalian den Simcoe Gennly WI Convention Slated For October Ill Creemore llrglllflllllz Meal numlve moellnl ol Illc 15 Ind two on wlll Cholr dilator Rom Odell Elon My Am olllte no comm mmm damnI urn be In often tell clone to men lndllulu was held llto Institute will be km alter walchlm Ill own Board Room Bmlo Ioeacll brands woe Int WY MI 1mm WWI All dlIIrldI were revresutod you l4 Wm IILIdsIruoeIIuqulIIboard Disolm odd eel up in 1mm wlIII body lan mernbrrl home economlrl Ind lubmulbymedlhe dlI III 9WD dukmmolwhdarshlucmrut him well do mlolltry IN AIrlLulIm Ind Food end Mr Olleld use rocordlnll 01 TI Ichnlmhln Iwa were mm the loom lo mommy the renewed and W111 be cute 11 Wt Ippolnled cholr III Icy IhIl II pIIulnI or dlxuwn II In Iron 21 um year to the llusourn lloard II to MINIMUM mIJm nnldr wall In held In IIMIIJImeI llIrllu Porlsmr nol me because of In IuclnI amen Ilullcd Grumh one in no womenrlnrutulu If two Mutilation Imam her ll end Io Rezlllrallon II Elmcoc County will eel up II II no one Is Ilnrlng the 1Pm0t0dldllherewillbe playulllre uscurn In II III aluminum Dnnerod ymullr ol Wrath gaging rouvey nun SPECIAL Salurduy and Sunday Only Mlle Ton Wild HOURS mmI in IIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIMIY Iv JULY WEDDING PLANS MI Imam Harlot lmIloIl Wllllam Scinh The woddiul Ionam the Ionhcomlnx men wlll loll place Il rewood 3195 their daBlgNerDoll Roman dCdLhfIyIt Gundc III III dunno DeDlo cum Ion II MI and Mn Eludlo ruml In hollwuvo When We humld Even on Rte beach The Summer slee eroInthelr bullook bqull Iul OVENTHY IILI now Inohlon wln II nude oI Ipeclol blond modleiyllo Ilbor that tells merllmo nIIIleI Ilka trlulng drooplnll The cIoIeIoIhehold mum and undeleoluble hIIrIIne muke II herd lo loll youro woarlng owl It all And the cup IlnI II II III IIIcooled IIroIch Ior added comlorl ThISummer Sleeper by COVENTRY GIRL III bIIullluI way In heal Iumrnerlrlnlenl Ile8ummer jSleenerIl IIIENTIII III 3II Itputstlro summarfrizzios lobedforgoadl now II me Will BOUTIQUEI llll Illllllll llllllR lllllll ISWlIRI Illunl FROM nutrition Tow COLONY III or lelfop CInI Whllo lIrIy IIIII the Sportswear de rtmentat ayvetteillllllllllIIIIlllllllllllllllll REENWbODS GRILI GROCERY 400 IIIIIIII III llllllllllll lIlIllIIIIlll 50R HOURS 10AM TO 310 PM MONDAY IIIIIIIORIOIIIIINRTURDAY nutllrrlunllurunoutrunrmmwmy 7234343 OUNLOF SIRIII wrsr HARRIE 7mm zoo DUNLOP 51

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