Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1973, p. 4

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Ohrtiwnoliiiromtuer Published by Canadian and Company limited Id Iayiiatd Strut Barrie Ontario Robb PublishIrCenmi Manager II Walls Editor Emeritus TUEWAY ILNI In Kendrar Managing Editor PAGE Board Sides With People On Cookstown Bingo Vote These bvmcoe County Board at tldue alion trustees who voted 98 to anw bingo at Cookstown public school are to be complimented lot Jud nation on its merits Both the borne amt school agodation and the local Liam club argue they must use the school tar ihur luridraising bip gos because It Is the only worthwhto in town to conduct such Iunctierts plate everyone knows with execution at the eight iruccs who valv my both Lions dubs and home and school associations are usually involved in worthwhile community pr The Central Home and School Associ ation at Cookstovvn for example wanted Cookstown gm sit ihe possible ojects use at the school in help it raise money tor the minor hockey program Is growing community and the pubic halls have not kept see The logical answer In the space pro tern was to use the school Trustees who said no to the proposal shouhi remember they can word board policy In way that such use would be allowable only it they deem local iaciiit ies to be Inad9quate The argument that precedent had been set is not good one All situation should he judged on their merits Besides at Cookstovvn as in other parts at the county it is the ratepayers who have built the schools so vvhy should they not be allowed to use them DOWN MEMORY LIINE 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Iune Ill 1033 John Rogers CNN Allandale division supcr linlendent since lull promoted to same positionai Ottawa succeeded here by Paul II For Irom Eastern Ontario Speaking at St Andrews Ilev Dr ilugii Ilunroe llodrratar Gener al Assembly said Western Canada at iers serious probicuv to rest at DOIIIIII lon All western kirks have similar prob lems he asserted as heresics exist in mens hearts liaior Gordon barman Barrie Iawycrland DC Grey and SImeoe Foresters appointed polite magistrate pro tempare For second time in its history wedding was prriorntod at Sim coo County jail Governor Ed Garrtly pro sealed bouquet to bride 22 23 awaiting transier to where he was to serve year Local min later at that reluscd but nally consent ed to prrIarm ceremony Frank Craig elected president lions Club Ruck Jones and Bill Arnoit rie Iunior stars completed with Iiarrlngay Racers oi ice hockey league Jake Gaudaur aI Onltia young scuiling star now cam missioner Canadian Footbaliteagua had bwaiati xvi4aclru nu ivvn impressive wins in us Bobby 21 Church ltt hIICand with asiry Groom was relormatory Hardy Iorrncr Bar drew good reasons new English tut WORLD vanity The Franco Era Is It Continuing ar JIIIIN invnnivns Iarelgii AIIIIrr Analyt Thomson News Service Tue change In Spain where they are all made by tirneral Issima Franco appears to be backde sicp The Innovative Flumocanorlonictl yvt very Catholic Icchnuloctatr oi Opus Del have been sidetrackcd by Admiral liuir Ciincra Blanca as premier whose views at Spain are not much diiierrni than these at Franco iilmscti In the early ycars at his rule It to Ill NpJnish Imcral who rrrrialnt at head at state and in tact still in supreme puver at to has appointed Ail miral arrero Illuncn younger and totally reliablu vrtrty as premier at it who can he countch on to continue the Irartco era It an it this is tlciieraiissimn Francos reasoning alter TIE Opus Der mrxtrrnistiv hatt broughi economic boom In Spain uni sumo nccvptance in stronger anti Spanish Europe tuma T1171 dip ilurrie Exurvliur Ii Baylictd Street Barrie Ontario Tcleplitnte mm Second Class Iind Registration Ilu ibcr out Iieuro postage guaranteed Dally Surdayaand Statutory Ilolidayx excepted subscription rates daily by earlier ate weekly tiara year it Single copies Ice By mall Illrrle may yearly Simeon County titan yearly balance at Canada vireo yearlyi All other countries that yearly stator throw all moo year National Advertising vtitirevt as Queen St West Toronto MI ITIII bid CJIIItAIt SI Ilonireal Itember at the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau at Circular lions The Canadian Press Is exeius iver entitled to the use tor to publication oi all news dispatch rs In this rper credited to it or The Associated Press or iteuter and Ilao the local news puhllab riI therein the libido Examiner elalma Copyright In III original rdvrr tli ng and sdilorial materiel era rited by Its employers and re produced In this newspaper Copyrlrht Registration Nunav her about register it new then he is dangerously taming hack the cloth least at all who Opus Del an Intentsly Catholic brat Just as resolutely modern movement In Spain be the one it bring any radlral change uticr Franco was gone It was assumed their nutomatic allegiance would change IIuII Juan Carluv Francos personal candiote tor the monarchy when he has tell the scene Cnrrcro Illiuicu is the model at the trudillorvlst admiral once tound In abundance In any navy his views and leIItIdct severely restricted by the dis ripiinary code at the sea Add in this unawcrving Iny ally to ride at state Francisco Franco and mine at the less savoury elements In his regime hit the Fulange party and tin choice It vary hard Inr Spain watchers to understand IIXTENIIS II AIIAIV In Iati Ibo modernising In iIiirnce oi llpus llel believed to have extended Into the alt prviierlul army Iiseii where Spanviv cluvi ol iiall liter AIc turn has been our vi Spains iniva progressive iniiiltuy Icad err And thats ruyiwi wimctlvinu given the intense conservatism nl Spanish wcncruii iJItI iiirlr suspicions oi rconomlslv In cab Inclrmakirlti dcclions Itost critical ai hpalnr Iuturr predictions to reenter rai ropc which meant uiiimurly Inn lhc European Common Market Iv Francos removal nl tr taper lime or his iwclgn minister Ila hart broken the Iitvinrle loglam March the Franco re gime and Communist states rooted the dispute with Ilrllnin nvcr iltibiailara iuiurc and BIBLE THOUGHT And said It than will dil Ilrntly hravkcn to the voice at the lord thy limit and will do that which Ia right In his right and will give rat to his Itatutes will put none at these diseases upon thrr which have brought upon the Illyp Iirnai Icr Im the lord that hrairtb lIirrr leodur Iiitl lie has always been prevent leave God ready to meet every need at everyone We do Ilitll honor by hcdlng ilim to tilt Word lard help us to acrrnt and an en ti IiIr Word bill not return unto me void in crash near Ivy Member Ii5 Fighter Squadron he Camp Borden tor summer training and was Ilylng solo Starring movies at Banies three leatrea this week were Joan Cravviord Spencer Tra cy Ronald Colman Shirley Tem ie Claudette Colbert Dorothy Bob Powelis altrattod record crowds to litlriets Paint dance pavilion Itobsona bread was priced It Or loaf In Barrie this week and cake also reduced Will Todd mens wear altered summer suits at alerts striped chockod or plain Co paca plaid $1375 cwt dressed hut weight on ra today for hugs highest some time reported by lion rLsan general manager eii Ileircc world pro champion roadie Gaudaur Pilot Ollieer Peter lilrkcsci at it No had been at In ieature Lamour ay Melody men allwoal breads and nor prlce In Edmund to Oshawa tbnve oil had given Spain great visibility thrnvigt constant pcr tonal nllicial visits chleily in Latin America Ilerc Spain remains the mother country oi host at Iatin American states They are loyal to the country which gave them their laugmgc and culture though their political systems are alien in strong up pntillntt tn the Spanish For the mumcnl these prog ressions ul authoritarian Spain have rtopprd at the determined and narrowminded admiral takes the number two position and sonic daytoday pach Irnm Central Fransn who is old but apparently still in line Iorin Ivriiaps events at the IchII and months immediately ahead will give an answer why len crnl Franco turned hack the Spanish clock one which tirkl away all together too slowly in any case where Spain and the modern age are concerned INVITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Eximlner Invltrl enIIi IrlIiIitIunI to III Letters III the Editor column on the editorial page when Dmalltlr Iritm Ihnuid be restricted to toe to tilt words and they Iiauuid Iirned Ind Include the writers addrrvv and late phone number Writers mar unr pen name it Ihry dreirr ATUIIRNTII IIIllill HALIFAX ltfiI Stnthnt Aislvluncr email organisation operated by Itudcatv to help and give caunwl In their eul lriigucr It In operation an on experimental iiavlt pl tiriiham Creighton high school in Hall qu Sister lulrlcia Kcliy uidi arwe counsellor at the It WI raid ItvI main auction at the program was to listen to prub em in gun wliatcvrr help they can and It the matter It serious to rcicr the student to pioicsslunrl help IIILrI IVAEIIIII MANILA lAIi Church au thorities annealed to the nation not to throw rice at weddings To prevent shortage oi the grain the government said It was Imporiin tit million worth oi rice Is year No via Iitin could be tuned on haw much is wasted at weddings tOClI NESS uovsrra quagmimauscuatangamas ILLm hrbn by booed OIIEEIIS PARK IGMOFe IT uusrr sour dmr ornam iLtUSION Parkway Belt Merits Attention IIy DON niiriaurt Queens Ilrk IIurcIrr Planning legislation has been perhaps the avail vigniilrant to be processed iii this icsslon ani oi the various measures organist and choirinaslcr SI Air one whim rrvcriiv more alert Church cii on extended rm to lion outside oi Toronto then It Western Canada where he trill be music examiner tor Toronto Conservatory oi PM Wm NI Ilusir Dance pupils oi llr and Airs George iultes presented IIIiII actual to big and parkway trial in Barrie has born gelling II the bill to orwncra at the parkway belt The Iptclllc purpose at this or green Ii around Ilelra To ronto Ind extradingnrst to Itainliion and eventually cast At such It doesnt have any immediate interest In many pranc ouvldr at this area City Life In 50 Years Nasty Brulish Short Ily IAIIIIY SIIIONIIIZIIG nan YOItiv nun IIIIM are really desperate In hrw Yam City in the year 1022 Matt at the std million inhub Iants ile on stairwayl or In churches Ideal Iria largattcn luxury Strawberry any costs Still let tile It nasty bru tith and than Docs Charlton Ilcslhn whose Inest movie Saylenl Green paints this picture be lieve it has to go thlt way To say that this Is the In cvllable More is bit harsh he said In In inter view the comlari you run IuItI ls its not W22 It lbiil Thrie are aitps that can be taken Ilcsian once Inmaus iar hla cinematic explorations at all cicnt hliioiy has starred in alriny oi movies stealing with probcmv nl present and luv lure ilnnrt al the Apes Skyiaclmi Omega lilan Soy Icni Green The population crisis It vimelhlng that struck me long beiore It got lkshlonablc iieslon said citing his work to publicise Planned Parenthood naivilles One at his two cIiII dren ll adopted have Ior Itvirr governmehl planning policy iuch parkwayr will eventually be established around most major builtup areas As such It should be noted that the legiilatlon has been at tacked by the oppotlllott both parties Ant the that route at their criticism seem to have merit gIIIICItm about by bath the Liberals and the NDI rt rcntlally II that the parkway It bath too little and too lair Original proposals tor tho plan now being adoptedand they go back so yearstum that there should be auburn llal green bell rraund Tuano Under the tint concepts IIII Iianci oI the Aura tor turned out to be set in New York oi the iuiure it doesnt quite have the rperIIIr mra tare till one has Iiesion sold AaI what Ia that met rugel The city It desperately in danger because at the pres autc oi numbers The indillercnce at people In their Icllawl ta already vvls dcivt Ileston observed and the comiltlnn Is not limited to New York Whats the prolicm In Iiel iasil Ocrlulnly religious can Illcl but all titasepeaplc crowded Iagelber in Iquu 1n Saylcnt Green Edward ttobluson provides the only lie to is past where culture and hosts load were univeraal etperiences The character he plays remembers the rlghlness oi the cast in we bomccllaleiy on virus liesion said Its at course tragically Ironic that It was his last rale Indeed the very last work he did as an actor was his death venue lie was lovely man Topicallty the scene where they buy the meat In the speakeasy gets wry laughs is fine Iletton re marked but he said the dim NORTHERN IRELAND ECONOMY Visuoi Impact Oi Ily IATIICK vvassuv IIIIIIIASI Ileutrri lie putting the evunvtny oi NuiIIl rrulrrund ancr the charting bitrpt may not It in dillicult II It seems Irom Iirrl glance at live ravaged vtrrels ol Ilellaai und ibmlondcrry The ritual Impact vi the damage is large Iald an oIII tilt at the ministry at cam niertr tiui the overall riiecl on Industry Ivuv bren corn paratlvriy small 0n measure oi the destruc tion It the amount at cum prnvallon paid out by Northern trrlnnd authorities Ivr properly damaged between August IWI and law ilarih During this period tuna unl liim was paid It ronutcnrnlloil Ior twilldlngs burned or blown in vehicles hilaritva and overt rd and other hvltdvnct IOuI Itast ut the limited buildings were private houses bars and billPI Factories lrIeCIud as bombing targets were usually Imall OIIlclalo said in do tiicc live damage to largo Iaclary rerulres great risk and high vkl Government spokesmen brought out statistics to IIIOW that Ilse bombing and tooling vhlle exacting ii heavy humiin toll hII done little to slow pro duellan IW JOBS IONIC their Iigurer showed only about we labs wristw mentally iovt result uI bomb damage Northern Ire land italiviici lend to be with riled In terms at loll lost or created reliecilng Utiteri pre occupation with chronically high unemployment rate Unemployment It generally remoteness Otii Loaders Answer Wititilaoute wont have been at least halt mic wide at Its narrowest aad viabslrnllal areas outside oi It would have laser toned Ior agri cultural use oidy The purpose wuI double one at ensuring that growth oi the melropolts was maintained while at the value time muting the uallty oi lie which green It provides Bu the paritwa pan which has llnlily been submitted really doesnt iuiiill ihla pun pose in many pieces it Is little more than ImportNW rldor tScineane said high way with broad Ibouldcrtt Ind rather than restraining develop ment could actually accent ii hrourh the rervcrs It provided rutecss tltpcnia on audiences not ing thrown into dc You can tell In an IIIIIII trap with is tint on an ell larval ht laid which brought up the cans travrrty over CostaGavrus State at Siege lllm about the two murdrr oi an Ameri can polled adviser to Uruguay by ltiparnarii guerrillas that was drowod Irum the Ameri can Ftlm Inslliulca opening Irstlvat at Its Kennedy Centre prendset Ilcttori ls AFII board uI trustees chairman Iii hasnt seen the movie yet iieslon said but he be llcved George Stevens Jr AFII director was right In saying it rationalize lllll atnation as valid political tool Dismisslhg suggestions the showtny was carwwlled be cause at tears at attending the Nixon administration the actor said To show tltvt iilm on the anniversary at Martin thither Kings assassi naleiv In theatre burned or prcsdeat who was killed all at this items to add vrv to me that showing II in the that week at our Iestlvrt Is inappropriate VINCE LOAN IIILII Ill mun AIIIIn Alli hearse News Service Iiere are bola rocked in another rim oi inflation like mother used to makeand all that our Ierdrra ran route so with In soother rppieatina at Itlog Cahuta urinates borrowing the 11 la him back wont do us any more than did Carma The arm behind todays lriiatiua are too great and nu NtIKtiIg will to guilt ts too weak Its true that polls bath lien and la the United States have shown IItIi Ibe current ties to prices especIIlly oi tool the tbl Ibal Mole are most about The roll at living In Canada has risen 11 per cent during ie past at months his evidently our concern about tnilatlvaa doesnt go to deep that we mid be willing to accept my admit coupler measures Finance Iliulsler John Turners upped lost Feb ruary Iur Canadians to be reasonable to that demands Ill had litth eIIrcL For rxv ample machinists working tor eurIlrIioaa consider vvawvu able to demand lit per cent more pay tomorrow to prriurm the urn work thcy are doing today Mr Turner made his own contribution to IiuIaiIon with his Ftbnnry budget which re personal Income tam modestly and linked retirement beaeiiie here as the United mates to the cost oi Ilviny Those steps all be decoded humane and as politically clever but they teed the tires at ination First the budng has Increased our IIJWIIDIC in coma at time win over rpriicllng by taosumm Ir push in prices In Second by pro vidlng degree at IhlIluiialivtt Insurance ior retired people It iurthcr erodes the public will to resist lutlatlou quLUEucru at us Canadas economic about that we are loeviiubly tn ilueueed by US trends can we then took Irr any rellei Irom our problems In the 60de selective rice Item that Press Ident lllc Ird Nixin announced June Iii President Nixons narrate glitter store nos lIIdolIlll ought Americana excessive prico torrents rltb midday naeat serious rarrgy sbrrtv are and two deraiuadcoa iia outer or time dreading won your interpretation it mention aWy Iiork mar rt lib Ialrri mutectr more Ilulurma likely Is adl the economic hm riding price ceiiiou on many luvlint in so on services itae prrtldaril Iiaarre deel rich to strict tar HIOII tooda rill bit Davis directly III II telling us in riierl while we may ram US dollars by selling our raw nu rial the Americans we may maiden II Ire IIJtr alum that grow in the United Skates but not heir meorary roairuir ea Ingest and prices are IIIwIc dramatic and quite possibly ultimately useless beetea as ma es are unsaved rage rd prices rush abrId Iiie ua through burst dIm chrttbersv Ihiu are indications that lit anlcau government may adipt them It vioiiid be iar mare eilcriive lor Canada to devise Iaitisa Irlal strategy that woud course high sale at creating Investment la provide productive appartuailirs tor extremely large number outta people entering cur arce In the 197m to reduce extreme done on Iercgn trade and to dcv rlilrlrni Iniuairlrs on scale enough to compete lit world iviarker history cnuaniissroavr Tremendous Spirit Di Forgiveness IIy IIOI BOWIIAII The early mlsiionoates taught the Indiana that the way in heaven was through sulicrlng Occasionalb the Indiana would help the missionaries get to heaven by torturing thcnv un mrrullulli and taunting them as they did to One cl the victims was Fiv liter Francesca Giuseppe tires rant ii Jesuit who came to Can ada In tau lie was captured by Iroquois In toll when he was travelling up the Illchcllcu litter and tortured severely lie did not die and on June It tell the Mohawk council do cldcd to let him go They even gate hm In old rquatv in look uItcr him but he was to crippled Irom the torture that this decdcd he was useless and deserted Fulitcr tlrrssani managed to iind some Dutch tuttrailers who helped him get to France by war at New Amsterdam thcw Yorkl Iitrre Iladissou had somewhat similar exa pretence about the new time bvil he was not tortured Father Breaaaui returned to Canada In this and took part in coaierence between the French and Iroquois which was held at Trols Iltvlrres lie mutt have bad tremendous sprlt ui iotrtlveuess Four years later Father tires vtvrvl was set IIurnn bltl In the Georgian tiny to dothat it co loedt when they were destroyed Itequaiv Fathers Iireheivi Lnlcmani wcte tortured death but Bresrarl escancil Then he helped the surviving Ilurunx to get c=lchlisbctt Saintiucph tClvliilan and went to tiucbcc It gvt Ior ilviiu Father Iirrlstfti rrlvtrneti Italy later and died in Florosvc OTIIIZII JUNE tiltChamplqu uni rour drirat Iroquois an rIicu IIIvcr llltIhrge unit at llrntrcul was vlcsiraycd by Ilre tilelovernor Sample others were killed Norttesters and birth at Oaki titanltvhui tailtrail spiki was rivll Tlvuntier Bayrtlitnnlpcg on toooIicnlua ital carprrulcd lllIIiigh level In ItIlC monton was ramplriri tutuCanadas wont disaster at IIiIICItsI killed ltd mrn tiltSir Arthur Currie rcctlrd lord Ilyng us ccivvuiantt lag nllirer at Canadian Carls ttztIostiil workers went strike until June ail liloIaltcd Farnvcrv bertn clcctlvrv with tlrownlre as prrmirr The Damage Is Lorge regarded as is ruoi cause at the ranillci between limo Catli ac mlnarlty which rorurds tell as under rIvIIcgrd and Protestant mararliy ivariul ol loving III oronaitue advantages The oiilrlai gures indicate unemployment Is actually tall ltt Thu Nov total at tonal Ion leis represented per seat at the work lorre The it we where the British llgure out wvvdovtehy below the recent reverend eithlapcrcent levels at Northern ireltnd lovcrnmenl Ipokctmrn clip high level at resilience among the people in actor to krwp Iny economic Iie going dumbed out Ihopkecpera IitIitIy resume trainers in makethtit hula or patrhedup plultdlegt covered with tarpau II Lair numbers at will ployctI have let up to thin as builders repairing bomb damage STAY IIOIIF AT NIGIIT The worstiait buslurtsrs haIu been restaurants bars hotels shops and the entertainment In duslry Fear oi oi IiiIlma gun men aad lack late public transport have kept euslorttcrl awry Otttcias stress the economic bright spots They quote tigures to show the index at Industrial reduction In Narlhcm Ireland is rising latter than In britala as whole The Itarland and WIIIII ship yard and tho Ilrcrali plant at short IIrulherI and Harlan are both thriving The big economic problem Is look at outside Investment Thl government has poured about to million lnte North ern Irelanl Iniuttry tan it has set up trance patatlan with Illa million able tor taunt to key Industries Reduction oi unemployment has government oeonomlc ity The real number at In tribal areas is regarded as prime the growth oi such guerrilla Ianliotloni as the trim publloau Army One big hope or Ireland when perm rciums the prospect at grants regional development the European Economic muuliy We have that when trouble biotil over have lot to alter European dtytIIIIIIIII seeking rru labor sleep pioiucilun costs are low one otilrlnl

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