KIWIIIIIS PEANUT DRIVE UNDERWRY The salient Barrie Kiwanis club peanut drive rot under was hloriday nlgili with canvas ring oi home cast at Day ireli Street Tonizht the nist sellers will be war ag west oi Rayleld Street Club member Goren llItlcahouse meets hit that rtntorricr ias lI titans nt Grove Street im minc Photo An Area Planning Board Suggested By Alderman The Iatcraiuaicipal committee which utilitth controversial tarsalgarwatlon pro pose with Innlslit arid Vrrpra toonshlps will modules pro posal iaom city aldrrmon Ior Greater Ilarrie Area Plan utnv Dourl Aid Ilols Ilenticy the only alderman to object lo the csiys Inraigamatiorr proposal which was tuned down by both toun ships told the city development committee Monday night the rig might have to lind hirothrr tmutivo tn amalgamation llo suggested the inter mante Idl liaison commith explore possibility or establishing an area lnnrdug board in ct least gel to municipalities concern ed talking about Iourt simian tor the good ol Ill It you provo townships can coordinate and plan on this lev cl he raid maybe the town drips will eventually consid cr something like amatgamstmn With Joint area planning board the things which really malice to people in the tow nshipa are being done by points they ETIIOW and who they elected be sad The area he turned Included all oi the Kcmporlcll Dny water shed IrichIitng some oi 0m and Inalstil lownshipn and part oi its1 Nollawasaga Valley Whitf CLISSIC COUNTY Ours is classic county which Is too big for rcglrinatism he said Stnrcoc County is not sensibly dclinui maenllepolrl test system The essence oi amalgama tion as the long run is on in CHY NEWS TIIF Mititihi EXMIINER TUESDAY lUNtZ It ml literslslniuredanespralire Ii container oi gasoline Ignit burntog building and was able ed by spark irom an electric to remove haliton Inxk drill has been listed as the cause or an 130 tire hlonday mom niobium lircrmn who as driving st the garage at the ing which seat Icspra town Ihrie olt lire longht the blaze ghlp man to hospital with garden here until insult Lewis Ratcer was taken to trons hlidhurst and two trucks Royal Victoria hospital where he lrom Itliacsing Irrivcd on the was truatedior burns to the lace recur Illti later released curd tlyern laid damage in Vespra Filo llath Robrt the blaze incle I750 damage crr said llr Itniceiy had been to the house nearby thooo In using the electric drill to stir the garage and 590 to the cons paint In his garage on Highway tents oi the germ which la Naear Con la oi Vanna Town chided comprised and power ship The explosion when the tools All were insurer herald gas Ignited bcrv llr KNIin threaten hail the run under irorn the garage control in approximately tenure hlr Kniceiy returned to the tiles Us VALLI ii In trkLlnl Downtown Barrie His Summer Job What ltrwco Farrow envisages tor downtown hassle to the nest in years is renewal which would Incluric invest and lighted walkways irons parking lots to the street partial niali tor Dunlap Street strccl lornlluro Including trees and benciscs im proved signage and improve ment oi buildings with historic backgrounds liruce Is the downtown more gathering Interruption on all past planner The zsyvarod grurirr ate oi ltyersou iuiyteebnieal In stilutrs degree course In urban planning began his top with tho commiatee June it Since then he has been busy gathering Inlorrnalloo till past studies oi the arch and drama is base map outlining must til the buildings in the area lotto man on his other wail outlines the am at contem an area bounded in port by the wnicrlrorit projection nI their street an area around the limokdslo Paris inn Parksiuu nrlro Ross strait Collier street around city hall to Poyiu street llrucos tirsl lob was to set up his rliiee in the Chamber at Commerce complex on Flori Grant Street Once that was colahllsllswi he started gathering Inlormailriti Itis Ilrsi surprise came when he wrut to city hall tor base map oi the city with Florist outlines City hail till not have one so sat storm and hogan to gather in lutlrtation to drew his own Thrrughout lit study think hurt like that will crop up he blushed Iio said us he starts tining his lnvcatn deus start to take mitt ever no denite TIIT gesttrms will he ruado until he intUal studies are linished Ile emphasizes any ideas at the present are merely his own and have not received the an proval oi the rlorrntown manage ment committee and none oi them will be acted upon until they have received committee uppraral truce has had some expert encu with irrhan redevelop mail and snails In particular no worked with the parks dr pnrlment in Torarrlo one summer and hclptti with the Yowgo Sirccl nintt design under city ercIri toct Frans my previous experience think it mall structurei could he applied to some sections oi the downtown area he said Problems with mail in down town Iierslc however are RIIITI erous he pointed out No said by eliminating parking spaces otth parking arrangements have to be made In addition pro lneial approval would he need cd Delete the street could be blocked to inside since the road is highway ilruce said row oi the signs on buildings In the downtown section are orildsied and visual ly ugly lie would like to sue uniform signage As tar as the Inqu historic holding our tour corned he said they have certain charm which Is hidden to certain extent by modera signs Ile outlaw md blasting as the lust step in set ilalilirrg lhrrri Ilr sold most are good stnreiurally but have been poorly maintained The young planner said he sees the downtown Improvement pro ich term program It planner Isnt magician look or it as love crurruar It cant be done in months or run yil but it run he done in Ir he laid tcgraicd planning systcni he said You have had two at noa an amalgamation This me thod might prove better way to ill to that point Ilse airmen oi airy planning controls now on lrstisir Towns chip micht Iced to another Torr date at the south md ol the city he told the committee This weislri be Iir hiss or death tor Alisndnlc Ito suggeslrd it would be possible tor the some ttrlp do relopmcni tn happcn In Inalslit as happened on Dhyiicid Street in Vespra Township Aid Irrri chairman ot the development committee Imkcd Aid Iienllcy and said tho suggestions would be tars worded In the littermunicipal liaison corilrhltlce liayor Dorian Iurkcr wiin was sitting In on the meeting prior to Aid Iicnileys prnpos nls tell the meeting shortly ol Ier he started to talk rrndrcL turned in the lerv ltnal moments when Aid irrrl sold the rec muslin would be lurivarslrri to the commillm she sug cstcd was out or or What he hate an intel illurllctpnl liaison corn it the tar rite DSIiiii litlhlr this tornmittccs di on oi this is out oi Inler Aid Icrri drsagrctvl dont believe its out oi or der Thit is within the scope oi the eommiitsc Mill tld Dewtley is going through the proper chase arts We will toward it to that committee llayrn Parker turd no Iurlhcr toninicnt ISCll BICYCLE Lca lleyer oi Vancourer Street told police on hlonday that her son iounii boys std Ctll bicycle serial number Dmitri In the hay Development Committee Planners Hint They Favor Bayclub Project The prupmrd usycias slutt mect noted on triangle oi Lani heralded by Drill Aberi end Collier Strrcts gin thor ecgh gain over by city piss our Ir elth It taint alerting oi the Barrie Plankg Board Ind mmii city tineh oprcsem cenuriiltce In consen susscccncdtnbttbalthelxo ed with let medications with be termed The esty dosulogreea commit Ice mm the project be turned over in the board to con rtdeg permitting the highest pos sihle densely rating no the entire Bsydub prcpeny The twintower IS storcy mules wide run at grand parting and burning poet routs be touted on land toned both an Ind ms The developer St Davids In teslments wants the highest sterility RID toning over the ca tlre properly to develop It Is Iotnl package To restrict the density will make it mimic sliy turntable my spokes mcn say The planners decided there shousl be he commercIII enter prises perniiIel Is the protect Ial rreorrlmtodcd the soon sounrc Icct which was desig nated tor convenience store be deleted Recommends Ilrboreium The time error oi cnnmn Irng lhe premiers at the roar nulrrc Itxl the board nor the height oi the battling the dro Itty Ind the NrnrItIdAI Eoir rpsce SITE PLAN IILIW The pLsaacrr lel that to per mu the now change In to braid the remains under site plan bylaw would provide the any with power to hunt the height Some members oi the board slid they had received lredhark lrorn residents who tell the hut diarlwidbctouhlihbds motion to both to storeys Isa hated out The city derctopnieni rennet lce morrtrrrcndcd the board also consider the mrrils at clause Ihidl would nuke the site plan Ind nmbjummjlsslit the propertyc es snr rvnv sanctionnu the criire protect docs not start within ycar II he Established The city dclclnpsnrut corrrmit tee uitl rteorrunend courted up prove the creation oi Ibocrc srbrretum III suaaldale Park prolctt at the lisrric lioii cultural Society to mark its Mill anniversary The wounlctee passed the re quest alter meeting with Nelson Garrett ehninusn ol the Km pcnluil tiny and little Late IIrl Development committee htr Garrett met with three mailers oi the society last month osri told the committee lite eliy will prohahy only hero to pay tor walkways through the orbmtum The society has asked Ior Irrr acres in the park along the well back oi Kinds Deck and the ra rtnencar throttles lload it it doesnl have In be ten sounre acrcs said air Gerv roll The shape oi the protect Is unclaimed as yet gt tie laid the society has receiv rsi commitment Irnrn Dr Dob Ililten director ol the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph to come up and design the IIIXII runs at no cost Tho society tests the arboret um which Is in rlltcl lien sanctuary could be irsz by both the public and the school and wnutd be valuable asset to the city and would help replace largo trees whim are slowly dy lng all along Ihn top oi the savior The protect hinges on the de sign submittrd by Dr Ililloc The commltce looked to later on extending the arboretum down lite west bank oi the ravine and out into Sunnldalo Park to width of about 2ft lccl Dr Ilittou will meet with numbers oi the Iloriiculturul So ciety to draw up blueprint lor tho protect Thc barrio Civilan club Int CIIRII radio station sponsor cd the annual SowDu 100 and ralscd trees which was pro lrr amoral by the Ontario Nu lmpsl llosrd George Orly city planer tell the board be him the ides oi the prvicrl on ext ire ticnILy unt be too crush Ier Barrie It the present tune tic ssli other Nghdcmily pvt ltd Ibch lhrariircd In Toron to sriursl yours as are not wortng on Is Ittssisctonly they wrre expected Is The rristirr oi the height oi the towers ml nirr Ill decirly is still armeltrd II it Im racing is grub at his Gray said the project might ony get abou iti traits richer than the ii shown on the pans were criminal Isht not only he eats oi the adddionsi pcopie hither bustling mil ammo date but Incitle it iall block all Ilsc icw cl rcshleuts Illl on tho tsp oi the IILI directly to the north itrtjrsyrunteioatlhtesc1 it the darn opers were ordered Is lower the towers by three storeys they perill anti mock the new trcm the north FATORABLE INPUT Crsydoa IIKDlnIsull board member sail he bed In tsvcsutshie trout Irom prop itsqu st nah sort eithelune her come tort to shot little inugiaarion Hillel iIhuc skhsinnan ol the bani uni careiui consul rabon has to he IIN the gro lt ll rte sell precedent we hate to be csrclul dun lure other deselecan thin the city who could build IHue strip scam the treat in down iowa George Ilarpcr rhnumao oi the board rig rd in derel eocr only her arm with the city Inc he can get no on till concurs russrruo rooted in the llnrrio sheltered Workshop Iiondhy nlghi vlloii erlr Isiil Dobbin club director Rusty ltulher IBSD INCREASE SUGGESTED Development Committee Orders Study Of Increase In Lot Levies Aid Perri chairman oi the development commit Ice is vacating the city crinv sides raising the condo wnlri butiriu tcc tor builders irorn NI per lot to perhaps $1200 Perri told the committee that trans questions he Asked It mot coolcrcnco oi uiarlorle lorrn he learned that itarrie has one oi the lowest capital con tributle Ices in southern Ontario ll hot lIII lwcst tie songbird Ihc coniirrlilrc courier rmorruucudtng the chi administrator do study to the tvrmirre how much money will or acuity by the oily tor serr ILVJ This money can come entrie ly lrerii what is collected its lot levies and be put aside In special Irlnd he said lle pointed out that Whitby has capital contribution Ice vi 200 which enables it to pay oil all its cortices Illriiister lot levy it $150 be Said No wnnier there IS pressure to build in Barrie lie agrcwt the Increase would probably be reected in the price cl or home but suggested why should the people who who hoe been paying lor years BRUCE FARROW STUDIES PLANS HE HAS DRAWN Draco poiniwt out urhun re newal and development is never really liaishcd since ehango luv the better should always be con trivial lie said he hopes to have the plans tor tho ltrst stages strapped out by the end at August or curly September It Ienves his poollIDII Soul it to return In school to study tor his masters titTree ONE IIIOIELI lie plans to get an idea for one prolcnt going bcloro ho icavvr lie sold It the one protect is wrrosslui lhi management committee can use it or on im petus II the tint proictl Ir tailors it can he bad omen tor the rest at tho protects to wine Ile said let his reason plea deal oi plansringhar to he done bolero list pro lett is undertaken linrce pointed out the manage ment committee is also rcspon sible only tor public land and cannot taste store owner in ft along with its plans although is hopclut most shop owners will cooperate Tile planner who spent tour months last summer in northern Airch and Ioolhrm Europe on working holiday collecting photographs oi Impressive arch llwiore Ind planning said none oi his plans are law by my breasts Ito said his lab is to give hate to Itch Paying more tor Suctich iust btcotrse new pro pie more in Will GENERAL Warmer More Humid Tomorrow With Chance 0i Thunderstorm RIELENUACIIILII SINGERS The public is united to at tract concert presented by hirs June lilclcrsbanhcrs scninr local ant piano students at lrra ity Anglican Churvir ttall at pm today Included in the pro gram will be group of songs by the Itelcatxicher Singers RROIIIIN WINDOW liarrlr police are inrestigat ing brokers Ircat window in iiikos Mills on Dualop Strcct East lvporttti about am to slay STOLEN VEHICLE Larry Ferguson at Dell Ewart told Innislil notice Monday his car was stolen lrunr his resi dence ahout 110 pm Police nrc looking tor this Iluick tuppcl color licence AYD oso PICNIC FOR RETARDED Iho Ilerrie and District As iociatlon let the Mentally llv tented will hold its annual nic tonight or Grit pm at Vincent Street park The picnic Inc all age groups will include lent club rtecprcsideot Al Spence club president lluss Built president oi the Dar sic and District Mediation have always soul the city Is hitting the resident as both lutpayet and ratcpaycr Ire said No said the lrgure oi H201 ir only starting point to get the committee ttisenissing pos siqu Increase Aht Jack hlorrison partly greed with the suggestion but said the theory it shared costs between new homeWills and residents only works in deben ttrrelree system It would be trrcdrc Ides it we were in debenturetree system he said but dont btlltlc its this lli make new comers make capital eonlrh hution when they list more in arid then make them help pay oil the debentures lie agreed that so tiltilJSi in Although stics were tmtlld to clear this nlrernoou tor brict period cloud will move in lonig bringing with the pos srhility at thunderstorm Wednesday wrl be warm and humid with low showers or thunderstorms The overnight tour will range between 60 and 6t with high tomorrow belian to and ti synapsIIFog was cirpcrlrd to give way to surv In most areas oi hilario by midday miwtttre nl cloud and sun was expected weather system west oi the Great Lnch is mov ing slowly eastwards bringing unsettled warmer weather and increasing humidity to much at the province today and IVtilillsv day Ilamillort Ptoedeerowih Loire intone Niagara southern Georgian tray llahbortvn lloolly sunny today chance ol liirrnicrrtorm tonight Worm advice to the management ruin dinner and rum Orinrim and humid Wtdnciday with mirror which it in turn can we sent or select II he were aIvd In deliue exactly what plasmas Is liruco said he could not devise char dolinitien Ile said plumes combines shill and practical screo to some up with an Idea that can be im plcmcnled Bruces training in economics urban design turd computer work along with his artistic and holographic Interests will help or devise eooerclo plsns tor the city Ire hlr arid list George Bradley lrrv showers or thunderslorms likely iligll today 73 to 80 but rhurk the Import at the proyect on the eLy until be high he szli does It amid III the any do til ItiLllni oil um hl caa derelsp under RAJ We hate lairly good bylaw Icts Ippiy it tic suggested the descttprr resist rcrhseo the total number ct lions the towers mi le2 the bet not Iurry Ibeuttbe loss nl lcw liners he salt 1th xi mill rt mmaitcslly li sac The WEI will ttiwcuss lhc Ialt pa trim the city deretonmcnc amine It in cut Inertial hat itsuhys discussion lnir ulti rarer Ilitri City plan am in general seem in be In later til the protect they ob Iect to any rvrrurrrrrisl stores the moist it It is Ippny ot under the plan bylaw the name it buit promptly tor the lieoteily Retarded Itcrt Trcr rcprraentalivc oi CITED binarier lhrinl the to lcry would not price tiarrio out at the market dist Janice Likirut suggested that whaterer tile increase lhl city could giro more thought to increasing the diiicitntls soul the lot levy paid in the Parks and limitation Cumrrricsioo Aid Lattiag said she learned Item Gary Stones director oi barks and recreation that air dtltItllbllTI in per dwelling place last year would have pitch the Wnlrrilshlcn tnnoe no committee voted to in struct the city administrator to conduct study at the lot 1er charge Lust tall eily cwrcli armored ii increase in the charge lrvm ll5i to $150 and us eriiicircd by the builders hd developers on doing so iooirr near the lake Loiil tonight so lo 63 high iedncs day so to as Iligii Lowlliicii Today Tnnlxht West Windsor Bi 33 rria 83 RT 33 or on El Kitchener ED 63 SI iiount luresili so to Iiingilam no on as Owen Sound Ta to NJ ileslroka 73 or Ill llatllltbn TI BO 3s Catharinesla to Its Toronto 73 to DJ Trenton Ti no In Kingston 60 70 Pcterboroogh 73 to or Petarvnwa 90 or at North Bay 73 60 If Suzbury 73 no 73 Doritoh is no is Trinmrrrs 70 55 70 Kapastasin to SI 70 55 llarie 7D 5h 70 Chepteau 7o ii at ihlze hirer It 55 it Geraldtnn 7o it hloosunce SI SI 63 The wsalhsr is presented daily II public terrich by Dortmund DOWNTOWN EARRIE COR COLLIER CLAFPERTDN 5T5 7263971 3TO MEET ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS riiruiiiiza lrdvr Whhtli TDIEI use on our roars srniu STEIN REAL ESTATE Ltd III Dunlap IIInII