41 EXAMINER reunions maria mars an ore new from Will lMth Yearle Two or er team tram King Wild and Warrants schoolI corrpite in who at isiw Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday June It HUFFTNG llttD PUFFING Foothali the arm or which nuuwrcusonnrbzlo tho ogponents side at the mat ximnitiy junior and Minion sirxicoir trorra tau admls participated in it strata liar gamcedirrrog play day at Shear Park Monday otter nonn mariner Photo No Breathing Sounds Heard Pair In Stab Believed Dead KEY WET Ft AP hascuosa decompression ihpmbcr pt midget aubinarino that had been trapped under water hrs hours said lodll gems men still inside it are heat tdrrrlral John Mather corrunnnder oi the Key West Navy base said We have re mitted word train the Sea Diver the nannies panther ahtpt that the two men in the roar compartment are in tact dead The two men Gaston Link it roar ollha lubmsrinoadn vudnr Elialts Ural and sort Stores 51 veteran diver and HOUSTON it Getting an early start Charles Conrad and Paul Wells stopped outside the orbiting aylab spam slitlon today to retrloronhr canisters oi that With Impatailolrs ahead Inhrdtlic Cured Asked Minion Control What am little early going cull See no reason why you cant came the reply So Coo rail and Weill opeer on sir iodt hatch about 556 am EDT 45 ndoutce early and moved outside wearing bulky space soils and ellnehedlo to Wt lltciloes Wins threehoto spa Ormmardcr running arrhrrrArhru pilot had been rm conseious since use am EDT Monday and breathing Iotde had not been heard iron the charadoculnco darn that day novy spokesman said the Minot lothea link min tTlD was being brought to ltey West by the Sea Diver and that the hatch mo gr museum no is opened The apolesmnn said he does not know how tuas deter trained thrtltbnimtu are dead fl mums the doctors had db clarrd them dead the spokes errata added Mentor said he was no th Walk in Space walk aortas was to climb sarenrrorg lrddarto the loo cl telescope mount to remove him cans and riplste went with new supply tleiia stood in loot restrain lust ornride tho open hatch to asskt tuith theliirsr 3M The third crew menthol Dr to scph Kerwin monitored the walk irom inside and took tole vlsloir pictures Dont toll its long way Wilts courstional as they slipped outside while Skylab orhlicd at 17000 miles an hour its miles over Washington state ctrinane CONRAD tear it Lt long way 0on rnd said look atlho sun hitting the top oi those cm to the tow tops Where are we My Wells asked capsule atmpamtaror hrnty Se scl or Dead Girls Father Seeks Meet VlCltllttll FALLS ithndcpla lltrirtcrl The lather oi one oi two Canadian girls killed by Zambian near hero last moth mm the Victoria borv dcr bridge into Zambia today to moot President Kenneth by Kauuda Oscar Drlibcr ol Itockmod Ont whose daughters body has never been lound sail he asked for an audience with the president on business basis and not in tho aonmony at any wile to obtain the true about this bloody mur ills trite Estelle toil rewri ere her husband wallscd to the centre oi the bridge and was met there group at rrmev Zambian so lets who escorted lists to the other side When he had crossed the My Wine he was met tr govern mot representative while hlrrccdra was waiting at the cttd ol the brld assumed it was the carer at would into him to Lusaka Mrs Drlihst added ller husband will meet tilt talesth in the Zambian earl Driller retired school teacher corn to amiihrrn at To Learn Facts Behind Shooting rica shortly alter his rosterrid daughter Marian and Chrtnlrre Sinclair to oi Giroioh Ont were shot dead llay 15 Reunite has said the shots that killed the girls were tired Zambian aeotry who thought the Canadians and two American tourists were anim srdng tho Zanrbezi to attack Zambtas livingstone power station Search Continues For Fisherman Criteria Provincial Police at were from Midland and OPP divers trombownsriew contin ued the srarvh today lor the or Vital Gautier 41 ot Pcnetangutshcno who is believed to have drowned while tishin in Penclamrmo nay stand Ill Salas leader was tlshtng atone hr lore his boat was tound chill in the buy just char pin in OPP cruiser rein Midlrnd searched the area on Saturdhy and Sruiday belore the divers lronr Dynsisrlcw were called in for Assistnrice on Monday Sca Diver about arm and at the time the rescuers consid ered them dead lie said 0t course iron legal standpoint tor it to ho hunt determination there has to be physical examination which has not been possible yet but it is the doctorontho scenes mmidercd Judgment Ito ldeoiilicd the wicker as Dr David Yotntgh oi tho Smithsonian Inslllctlrm in Washington which sponsored the arsba rrrissions FATHER SEDAIED Mourer rail he believes the elder lint has sedated and retrial iio set rune hi got Mycarold son in the repairs is any as in ThreeFlour some business John hlaurcr Jr is on olfm on new no clear submarine The admiral said E2 on ehanbcra TORONTO tCit Political patronage was out lactor in Canada Square Corp Ltd ri cellmg Hindilion ivotroct to build new Ontario Iirdro headquarters here says Ger hard Moogcompany president But the controversy over the deal has soured his lnrrriLvs 15 ycor lrrcndship with that oi 0n inrto Irvmlor lilllnni Davis ho said in weekend interview An tttnrrnrber legislature committee is lnrcsiignting on position allegations oi political patronsilo and laroritisrn over giro ricol tor the lnstorey build Mr Moore said ityrtrn re coired the best available doal tor itsmoney unit that tho Brezhneviiixon WARNINGTON thl Alter agrcetrp there is no aileron tire to policy at peace Pres ldrnt Nixon and Soviet lcndcr lcosrlti llrcslrnev turn their summit talks today to the thorny Issues at trade and eco nornlcs nrst however the leaders planned to witness th mid momutit signing by State Secre tory ttlilsmtltrgers and For sign hlinlslcr Andrei Gromyto cl agreements on air trons portaliott cultural exchanges agriculture and oceanographic research The records were reached on lower level in tho ueclrs be iore boron and Brezhnev corn vinod Monday tor thrlr mood set oi aurnIrrii talks in 13 months Even as arrangements were rrrado tor the state department signing ceremony the Senate Watvrrtctu committee voted or our our no stepson ruodtsod or ging scandal until next week nller Nixon and lirerhncv con clude their tails hotter Monday night thortwo lenders titted lhtlr glasses in their hlosrow dammit List tiny demote Swimmers School he said he believes the body oi rich man would be plated In separate charms and navy risetbr and medical corpeouo would enter each chamber in preterm iha necessary exam lnattsns The suit was tread into itch dsy alternocn item the wreck oi as destroyer which had to attend it tor St hours The out was trapped in sir icct ct we let it miles southeast ot lily West Two men to the lrrward chamber ot the sub were pro nouth loo per Mot tit hrrily hater the jail rte Tearull 21nodhnghluai laminate lJrrk nod Stnrer did not re spend to radio calls alter too am Monday and breathing sounds in the ehnrrbcr were last heard about six hovers later lit glittering White llouso least the acromphshsncnts oi and their hopes otsucecss in their new talks llreahoev told reporters at tho iy that not rtrtntrr that rsrgoing to learn here the on it was learnt carbon dint rde trad rcaelrcd toxic Hydro Controversy Has Soured contractor uDavis Friendship building will end up costing or much or to square toot more than llydro is paying Canada Squire said his hioog obtalnrd the antitrust bo ciuso lt worlrd more aggten sirva no its prenatal than to three mnprtitoru and not bo cnuso oi political eornrcetiorts rrnt Lhanew headquarters lsom Canada Square to an annual ill million to to years The public corporation will then as some owncrshlp Mr Moog raid ination and llydros hard bargaining have drircrr his potential prolit on the deal to betwecrr tioopoo ind 7300000 nirnuaily email afnount on an investment oi this one Talks Switch From Peace To Economic Issues United Stalrsl it very good mm Todays talks locus on the So viet desire tor what ltrrrniin spokesman called tho large realo and longrraogo economic relations Concrch term as potential stumbling block to increased USdovict trerlr The Soviets interest in overcoming eglsln tire oppmlttoawas evident in ltrezhncvs imitation to mem bers oi the Senate mien rela tions committee to have broth with hurr today hostile uovmnu t0 nerve meet in prrnraaia was an early torts on new contract httlccn Air Canada and the hrtemtionai atsratr allm oi Nuhisists tLtiIl which represents aroo machine lets buzzer handlers and raise srorters The arsrermnt sure at too am EDT alter to hours at almost nonstop negotiations ut der the sunrrtirim ol lateral mediator Eduard rrhon dep uty rrdnlsler oi lshrr John liaise lader labor minister took part at the citation oi the populations here which were deeiilnsi lor the linal loor blurs on hruoguala ism issue Details or the agrcernesi which Mels rmre than so wag and conuses issues are being withheld pining sniiitea lion by MT members vote on the proposed con tract Will be held next Thurs day lithe Pitehtord ebsirrnsn oi the it negotiating cum mittm told aLvs coclereniv otter rho annorrnicmcat more we rourv Mr Pitthlord raid the series oi rotating striker which had been scheduled to caution aralsrst the airline inlay hare been aloppcd pending the vote An Air Canada scctcsman said service will tutter to no WASHINGTON tAPl was being rotorcd up hat much tcadcr Imnid Britishci wocrrrenL lion VICTORIA lttl The luau prtmiers vi Western Canada longstanding grievances tor Prime Minister Trudeau this third meeting has alien Premier Dave usrrrtt oi British Columbia told news conference otter the daylong lisichcwao and Ed Stthsr ol Manitoba Common positions were draltrzl tor the main items on the arcade oi the July stat cordcrcuce in Calgary tron poriatiun agriculture mum and indrrsirinl development capital ltnanrlng and regional linanclnl institutions and the ob icelivcs at Western rcooome and social dcveiepment Mr Barrett said these past tiorr papers will be dcllvcrcd to lllr Trudeau by July rand nude public well bolero the contertrtce They expected re With Racism By TORONTO tclt Stephen Lewis New Democratic Party leader said Monday racism has reared its head on tho Cornwall school board llr tents said in the legisla turo trio teachers had been tired and thrco others appar ently blacklisted The actions against the touch era apparently allowed on car lior dispute in the city over the need or trcnehsneakin high school That dispute undid aitir studevd strike and alter pro vlnclui arbitrator was rest in Mr ltwis said the actions against the tcrchrra were an outrageous violation at all lranrophnne policy act out by government based on what Dean has told uni investigators the some said he is going in some the prestdeut can tell you bran wont get elrrrire to air his testimony until next week however Tho Senate committee ruioi Monday to postpone its icioviml hearings until alter the visit ot toilet The delay was rcrtiivstcd by the Senate leadership which sold the Wake llorLto iiidar corn tart them about the post at least burioi their diltercnccs Monday la lorgtng common position on next months lesicm economic opportunities euslcrcnce with coded in exemplary reopen session with Peter Loughccd or Athens Allan tilaircney ol Sas dlir listen direction Not liters Than ll Par Copy Carrier Home Dalivsry as Weakly in Page that by May the sine meet came too lit to soil hack tin ttl cancellations planed tor today he saldbut sente shotrld be err aor ml by Wednesday litter the tint nor Al Cae ada would dime details at the bilingualism detdtot which do lsied settlement in Air Canada aaskesnwr said the throne dealt sriih hiri ngusl reordronmt ill posh rims rcqtdring prhlie restart by mi nreirrhers QLESTION SETTLE haunting tor the hut llr Piiehlorti said The only dril euiip we had was wrh rte isten pretalion ol the item but that is later he addnl tI and touchy its while there Mr Wilson said this issue was never aerioiu mum to hop srriize the agreement tt the last moment they were lost playing sevrneard stud instead ol nrecsrd There were indications lrorsr the Lut that the union case some grilled on cosmonetary taste to gain on rare de minds Too have to do this is tornI degree and dont think weve sserrllecd any mnior principles in the distill his liirhtorrl said Dean Believed Ready Swear Nixon Knew 0i Scandal Coverup ono merrbcr oi the eonsttttteo aourse close to the Senates Wn and several stall mcnbers tergate investigation says brown to be summed that the tiera Ls absolutely no doubt While llorisewtll use the added that orrsicd tthiio llotsso couner time to shock Deans believa John Dean will swear that has ldcoi Nixon knew tho scandal hllity The WWW came its eolumtsi Jock Andersen re ported that Dara admitted us Astdl how rubbers will rs Iit to the agreement he till tlink they wt look am it as reasonable agreemeet and ya Ire hopedit they ail rarity it in List sage demand made alicbytheihiiwasioran tease at pm sent over looser mired plus man hly psy adjustinch at no to close the stage can or Jim at the unions scmiskiilcd work en List Air causal otter on tar as increase at 13 be firs smash MESat er tnoyrar loop the rennet which expired Harsh us between it and but an hour in slaternrd shes the rub ilnnra Mr rim corra both company and m4 on maintaininga tleabtrln position in negrdiitims which had been going on under lM di rection oi ilr Wilson and list Gray lrdrral air medldilo specialist tor the hat lir rim accono srriucri lltAlR orsrurrs Personal OTTAWA lCP Putin mentary ilngm erer sensitive to the pulse at the electorate the Commons look less than two hours Monday night to approve in principle proposrd personal tncorrre tax cuts tar cry lmm the nearly in days it has taken solar with series oi corporate tax rrduetions The New Democratic lruty bitttriy opposed to the mo rnlo Lax cuts talent the Pro gressive Conservative and So rial Credit partlcr in support at Finance Minister John lrrrncrs personal income tax round menu vote no second reading at the corporate tax ornendroens is scheduled Wednesday bclnre both tax bills go to simmlitre toe detailed consideration and stole change Although the DI is opposed to the cospo ratlur cuts expected Con sorvaiive support means thil minority labsrnl government should be role lrom any throat or dclvnt Tax Cuts pi Gain First Reading rut srmc corporate taxes to per cent horn is will not hetb the economy create tobo The bill would also most com parties taster onteoll lee capitol torutensil in mxhlnf ery David touts hDP trade says the companies will simply buy more nrnomslie cqulpmtn thus creating more rnuxsrploy him tor lgoorlsrg economic ml The proposed nlnrrdti ducttoo would be spoiled mandamus and provenan rxolits and would be Miniature hsm hi the stand om pusnrur Lax cuts Wdii be retroactive the beginning oi this your pub others would come into etk next Jon Ito increase in the basic sonar csrrnpiion to stare trout H500 tor single person out to 000 trom tam tor married couples would be sermons to lost in as wwdd but inunittmh Nun earrtplirl nrmsrmmrcunerron1 turrets in iinsuso his honeymoon last year Anderson iudiraird his tnlorsnatlon earn isom one at the presidents users lle said Dean icit Lil 10 ti At the same time special ia tcrnte prosicritor Arctabaid Cox said in unpoch lo so oysters guestion that studying whether presidrn may legally be subpoenaed indicted But as said ho ruu tloely studies all legal assertions in matters oi interest to him and it nouidbo wrong to draw any Irrlrrr West Forges Common Position For July Meeting With Trudeau that the government proposal to omrrvt iCP Foreigners living quietly but illegally in Canada will be given it lasts chance ollcr to come torrents and legalize their status under bill introduced in the Com mons Monday mm by immigration Minister liobert Andras the icgisision ls designed primarily to cover those caught by the re vocation inst Norember ol recu latiorrs allowing visitors already grant status It will also be available to hllp earlier immigrants who hora been living and working here tor years under lhc threat that one day they may be dis covered and ordered to leave Mr Andras described the leg iiowe Signs 4Yea hero to anply tor landedtruism loleral tss rst pLirt per omtoih with ice rtiou tree and nasalnaun oi Koo tart Chance Bill Introduced To Legalize immigrants Status islaiiur as decent and gencmtn tle salt the vast majority at these who come tirward will have tlrelr status regularized urthuul penalty although no guarantees can be made in ad tJlKt Applications must be made widdn ob days lrum tho dale the hit it proclaimed law They are to be assessed on such toe tors as length oi residence in Canada tamin relationships crmloymcnt reconis and paling compassionate circum stances Those who tail to apply will merit his more has criticized lose their last chance to seek is got status lrom within Canada and will iorlrit luturo appeal rights lr Andrus said Pact With lleros Ilowe said today he has signed touryear doso to million DAVE BARRETT piles on specic proposals he lore the eorlercrrce starts so when we meet we can snake de cisions rathcr than exchange papers said the 80 premier Cdmwali School Board Charged leader 0t NDP ltc soggcstid thnt Education Minister Thomas Wells was corriustng school board an tonomy and racism Mr Wells said there will he board oi raterqu let my teacher entitled to it lie also denied that what was honouring to Cornwall would to terlero with all government ironeollhone policy Mr llcwls said the actions against the teachers had been initiated Millie ot report that contained hearsay evl time No charged that the prin ciplcs oi natural hasttce had been violated and urged that the brings to hrou ht hetero the Dolor llrrrnan his Goin nalsalon been granted by sported panel icrnatlcnot ails Krrvnrnvrn liltclrenanalcrloo and Gtrehbh oi Carpenters primeth Striking Carpenters Return to Work Ont AP About b1 striking tnspcnitrs lit el italics Canadian Bar Associ CAPSULE News EDMONTON CF Former Detroit hockey great Gordie dollar contrnrt with llouston Aeroe asst that his wile Coleen f1 will be part ol the agreement to bo otllcialiy announced at 1pm EDT llowe made the dlsclosuro in telephone interview with Ed Inooton ratio station CllQT saying he has rinsed with lloiuton as player or new and that he will be worting Along with this players on the World lloctey Association club Urges Screening For Court lippeals ornrwa tCi an appeals shared as heard at the Supreme lerrt at Canada in civil court cases unless leave to appeal has utlon sonrrnittie rccommendsd today The cornsnlltto was oskxd by iorrner hetice mlsrtstcr John Turner to study the problem oi the Srmrcmo Courts heary caseload Gandhi llddresses Commons Senate OTTAWA Cit Smaller nations nsssi stand together against the lollrrerwe ol the his powers tndae Prim Minister indies Gandhi told Joint aittlog oi tho Crrmrons and the Senate today Countries like Canada and India which have no territorial am Milena no moornie noise to protect and no ideolong to er port can tale less tellingardiog and more taming view ol to vs rened to work today following tentative agreement with area contractors Monday on looser consort The agreement ended oneday rotating etrllie sailed Monday morning by tho ribosomes Grand Valley District Garrett Brundago To Wed Wednesday ill Resort GARhllStlidARTENKittGlEN titetdcr Avery lirundage biesrold torrnrr president oi the international Obrnplo Wm mlheo announced today that his wetting to Princess Msrlann lid it iii lilniillddi reort to er neue ageniy sy light married at noon in It regstry ottlsa here