smuntnmumnirmraurt COUNTY SPORTS Midlandtndians Make Strong Bid to slsit two to male rd rm to tram all amtbeir drInimd It tint rural cm on in on gicrioos stile dented the lsttae Gm bell Midland to seven hrs hard low and him um it flJlM the riders wry hr uni kite Gra hm gave one less bat Ian rrei seven and passed only me but from received better I03 Itth the Indians making on lollies to too for One re em Larry Greens as one mart for two outer Midland Greene In as first but Along with lorr1 Golan 1am tnrnod In total good pitching thorns for the bitttiiu Graeme Bum vlit stopping Barrio Bed Boa to earlier to flu Irek when Gordon Judson III the tough lud loser after Idlevia start or Neil lteed Orriftrlder iIII MMIhe finances white hammer orist Ibo Britida membranous metinaegeordeyment main duel still rI Ill trading Hid rosl over Ctshsmddeuned bettehrafl animations 32$ he marshal young or to promo In hurting the indiana In to trimmb om Ooh to tineood BRAVES SNOW PITCHING STRENGTH Gavin toirvatnemmerBelst loDoumnonForaierpltrb er tor CrttIlI parlors in me showedIgoodinIittirenrpuhb Rickvuthevlonlngpftebereeabdsbouldbabemiltotbe Barrio taint MINI llnlorl All In front with tie doirndtng champion lry deals rirbt or their heels plate us Kevin perform Itib avenue tncrorm Iba Cat to the interwar Irena Imde for Itutyearvulatbeontleldvuh warm to Gregoire Ird Helm Brace mm to prettiest at the inane are our Itlh To mum nod tan remit1n in tool terrain and ltrs Jinn Ihoh enlist Wt 17 Greens trewrsr for her third the old with the warmer weather for playvlf drive The Gaels vetmn of may hard in the turns in Three hockey players from Barrie Bob black Greg lernur aid and Keith like Ibo Irrro notpxkadnptntbaduniarh draft hive hm Iignrd Ia tlY outI rntb the Toronto Marl herorrghi liarray Vabquetie said today Vallourtte Hmlie rootrt for tbtr nrrs said after Iigntng them tr borne than boys Iorcit draltod 111 then are so many players to choose from BIslrIin the iinrtles are look tng for players to stock their JrrJoe ll riob the Markham Warm and new Ttor Torn Junior team being formed to play In the Provincial Junior ctrtrtiL more no only Ibvot It or seven spots sport on the liar lies Valiqorlie raid but there It Gll EMMA Marlies Sign Three Overlooked In Draft boys have good chants to make the tier too rlub Ar of next season the Cat Irto llorkey Association Halor Junior tennis Ira Illourd to have tier IIo affiliated loam door with the clubs Black played gerl Inst Iearoo for the limit Junior Colts in the lttdtlatnrio loop Ian is no overIra mldgrt Ito bad In Im prurtre pinolf series Igolast the Coilingwood Blast and bad hnpavvrd steidiLr Is the seen on protrrssed noi ihlte Ihd McDonald play nd Iith the Barrie Coop mid rtts of the Barrie Minor flock ey Association Who played to 59 of the teams it gators raid scored 71 rootI and stain for to points 1er dotescrnrsn who played several grmes for the with ie Ird the defctr worm anti Iain scored Mm mm lm my may ruling the man with 011th and gillY IieldlernPIni allhdmm Gm Fl in him Nine in slam Ii pill 1m um him by atomization Ellfllhlleh been Milo any an Barrie the Braves earl for in the more to lrbra ml John Johnson gave up only five The schedule bolts for Berton ufctleg and fanned It in Brother to visit Barrie tomor duol iinndy lladiotlan Randy row with Ortltla Halon UlYfl Itm out to but was picked for bug to Cottonwood Bantu stilts Itrt hits six of them to the Midland on titles strains last turn frames when Barrie shite mentor oer to Baton land the this for the teams and IV tests Iys the its bne win so In In no games org It OrIlIla Mienhrm Bern played are scheduled to Iy here In The fled Sox lost Ioui one Barrie on Wednes ay evening LISLE AND MANSFIELD ARE LEADERS Usle lends the north divttlrn field 0th are In front with we or the ElmMom hostde vine and two losses followed by MMMttllttili base for Bentonwell onitrw tloa tn the Barrie lleaa lteerexo tlorral Fastball tesgre II the leading bailerIn tho leagie II Constmiion hitter Fred ltIsr ot Wedrtisdii wording to Its lap tIstIrI released today etaltstteIIn Gerry Bea ey times at bat for an average of followed If Jaek Fahd also of Bootorswetl Coaslmalnn itsrrrtlold mail Union Ire the Sid ArmatageL Recreational Batting 514 ArmIrIge playing third Russ Bessie Boa Robinson and Glen Bldwell ot 0m lilouudr les are who In the top ten along with the third Denlorivtrll lergur Convertible Pools Ind and have one hatter ends to the Annotaga has nine hits to it top ten Gary leon of Convertible Pools and Ceorgm Csrre of although themedhu ier percentage rotor Liala hIa tour Irina Ind and lie for third ltoooywood and TI losing to the Mil dhitioh Hane In th taint stInd Everett and MW with Thora mend monitor dragging one DIII Scott has been leading loss fill eight points two more bitter for Mansfield along with than New Iorrell still three GregcreerJlrIIsthonIlthog Int two themorrhIItwowlhl er hires and Dave tattle For with title Gary Basteradie Mike Idle MoCahe Ind Doug Anderson have been going rtrung on the mound Early Reports Favor Eskimos By THE CANADIAN PRESS Wrih training camps art to open the talk throurrhout the Western Football Gendarme II that Edrnrxuon Eskimos are good on to M1me the West in the GroyCup for the first limo snrce ram On pr WFC walaberi any the Esllcrfnos have the best rkplh in the What plus the larg est tori Irma should last years Injury tins strike again Altd two experienced gunner backsBrute Lommermao Ind Tom Wilkinsonare on almost unbelievable luxury for tooth tray Janch lint Innoh who doesnt like all the talk about his teams clams picks Saskatehewtn ltoogiurders as the top team They were Writsm chant pilots last year werent they Because of their experience especially to key positions with quarteslioek lion thruster and ptaeekltltrs Jack Aborrdselnn Ibo itoughridm have the habit sol looidng good tn the playoffs BTTIONG 1N PLAYOFF In last years recolar season Edmonton and Wimipeg Blot Bornbal frnlrhod with too records and the Roughrldrrr were on only three tons more than Iastplnce 110 floor But itorighrldtr erpericm two close ntddortdarth layoff games away from horns lb Idvmcu to the Grey Cup lIv not losing to Hamilton hger Cats This year the ltoughits have thalr third changeot head coaches tn four seasons with John Payne replattrtg Dave bitrlen llrrnrrlpeg ttgurrd to late good run at first ploca ogrlrr SELFSERVICE but with the release of running back Meek Horror and receiver Jim Thorpe both Canadl Dornbees chances wem hurt Interest of tho Item Into the playoffs Weekend Sports SATURDAY rte City Dorrie Ely tl Tottmham Newmarket Barrie Irrnior arrrIy Baseball Benton NIEIIIIIS Barrie lied Sox t2 pm tI grounds SOFTBALL N31 tron pm them We do 11 right the frat time irusrrs SPORT CENTRE rollrl North at Barrie on West side of 21 Hwy 7113451 thryItrI OM and Outboards PIIII Bervlre ICII Tops truII Ill CIneeI from AEMIMTIII IloIt Fterrre Weakly Eta With not on to hits la it than leading home run bitten with Imp srtcz against one loss lino bar me me to pttrhsdlaodib tit Italian Lame all the the first In Innings Harold Norm led all the tint lining for tho Carmen wittharInabIllrandwt to stand on duty Wangbr astrlflra grander Colts donor the reason played it gamer for the Coon squad brfrrr breakink his ankle He hid it Tonia Int II urtite tor Wayne Rolling then Ilnrltd Irma ltorrer and Don Calla Midgets It points In it genres The three lust ligntd rid iota several other playIrI from the Barrie are Ibo sore drIttsd by the ILtrlitl this Bullock and Fred Jones also from the Colts were draft ed along with Kevin ltoekle look for the 0m Bound Greys iron the lUdtlntarto lex Grrg Itothanr defensrrnIn from the AurorI Midgets III also drafted by tho llarliu WIB get good look It there kids come trIInlng sump VIliqoette sold and think theyre good enootr to on to the NIth regainin eading Mthough plinth still the top at the seventh losing the Barrie United newton Worker lUdeeII eitfered or defeat II the bandI of timid Friday night The UEW squad took In early teId In the moi the first Inntn when Laytock rfngv tad soured on thigh by Landry lilwettt Blsngrova tuna badt In the bottom of the first with two runs and peter look ed back Is Btnurova batters scattered it hits off the Barrie pltdilog eomblaatton at lurk thlindtrI Ind Thornton Elmrme reoroi run In the third added Into man In each Benortwel Con Queens Hotel Mansfield Cr Union tianforth finds Formou Brewstirs lending Batten ADRII BA Sid AmrItIgeB II Ml Jack Fahay 11 its 56 Fill Brown CF to 51 Russ Bananath Ill stt Iloh Doitne aw it all not 330 III tto ITO tilt Recreational Games Played Friday Night Threegames were played hr 93 To Elmgrove Football tongue Illstars the Both men face charges of poo union of rrotiiunna and the elub said this week the decision to release them was In the best After their mt Grey on do tory ovcr Montreal Alootttrs Calgary Slamptdm fell Into forirtb place last season and eoseh Jim Duncan laces some rebuilding And in British Co lambia coach Eagle Keys will be pressed to guide his learn not of the NFC hasemutt and lilIlor Clatklon tidal II Pri eritetoo Sports t7 pm Owens Fina at illrttvtie lfernlraota illio pmJ Base Borden Brav et at Sandy Core Marine mo Recreational Convertible Pools It Ptaeottr Petroleum Cometr tSee1et ltansfitd Cre dit Union at Bentorswoll 17pm Shear Brasr Ind Glenn Saints It Formosa Spring llrrvory II bat Three turns have three bat tert each In the top In although the first place team Peacock Petroleum CometI has none Brass and Glenn Saints In third place lit have three liar ry fluidiesl Doug hitter Ind lion Osiriaboll Three gutters gialitird Friday It the Barrie Country Clot to represent Am at the Ont ario Amateur Golf diarrrptonrhip to be hetdat St Georges in Toronto July xtLl 0f the three trying out from the Barrie Country Clth Albert iappcl thot it to guilty long with ltth Frazer lrnrn Blue lloontain Collingwood and worthy Fostty from lake St George Crtllia Fraser and Foolry Illa shot its The other twnroifera from Barrie Paul Goddtn and Brian In at DNDON GP Wembtey Stadium Britains shrine of sorerr Is it yearI old this year but has never hid crowd greater than on It offi cial opening One hundred thornand tans gateorarhrd their way be tween lilo twin domed towers to loin moor others who had purchased all seats and stand IIgroom rpm for the ltm Football AIsoctItlon hip Fla not The players themselves joined the polite guards to hearing Ilrt industry nsw Widen Largest Crowd Soccer Aurora United at Bag HEARING AID SERVICE Now touted Ii Medical Arts Building Ground Floor 111 Wellington 51 Sulle 1112 Serving the Hsdd of Hearing sin 19 We represent the most rIrperIId names in the For those the hear but cant understand try fire II Always 30Day Money Back Guarantee Repairs and hIIIIrIIs for III makes For Home or Office Appolnlmanlr PHONE three each The standing as of little it Ill HI Peacock Pei it and 11 1O Convertible Pools tr Brain and Glenn 01 51 ll 11 liloulditlrohiels II ltolellan shot In at and respedllely Propel Foster and Frazer are among totII pl so players trorn 3m Ontsrto who qualified Fri All tod 161 goiter from tr areas In the province played on counts in their own area The low uallfirr was litke Drtulllnrd had on on the par 7t Ctrlngnarousy Country Club DrontilIrri pinI out of the Board of Trade at Wood bridge IIcIr Nortth of Catt find so Opening push the great mob off the field and to Isttntrter late the game started with well of humanity marking the fourth lines The huge oval stadium had been tornpeted only few days earlier in what was then lrthqutl undo ruburb hut Ilr strength had been ado quiter tested battalion of Infantry and hundreds of workmen marked limit on the fitness for It minutes with out causing aollapso 7162561 Ilatry Undiest 21 no Ail Doug Nler B0 in Alt ltnhtrtlm ONT 01 Glenn Bldwrll it Did Ill 11 GtIrloboli BG 17 tlt Frrdllaatings 411 ternd Bentonwetl Con alllldlun or Convertible Paon th Oro llooidr Putts IIO Brass and Glenn Salute Three Area Golfers Qualin For Amateur It the who out no Coumy Club whlob Is part7 ensure BOB blllElil AT 69 Iiob Street who lays out at the tint Eaglo Clo It Bolton bad 69 It Chlagatous whllo Bob Kennedy of Bear rough corded tho son score on his home cornse They were the only players of the to hopefuls who pen to the our Highest qualifiers were three players from Pttarburnngh Tarn Henry ir ioroma lIoCuteheon unrl Shayne itin dall all had our on their borne course par7t layout Players who matched or broke pny were Fred Wilder of Woodrtotlr who had par it It the Oxford Golf and Country Club htuve Koncz tilt and Bill Warren rm both of Hamilton on the par 11 GleodIla Golf and Countr Club Sandy Blilyard of Fanthlil with par 71 at the Whirlpool Golf Course Ernie Hansor of Kitchener and Steve Pllra of New Dundee lamb with oneunder 72s at Veitmtnntt In Kitchener Ind Raber Don of Brampton with armoundor 7d at Ctr ngecousy anrniiy rrettad be protected pools lingual llendgtleerlatioaat no doubleheader mitenr and one game It shear Park in the first game at miners Formosa Spring Brewery drub led the retro on Beotorswetl Constrortion 1H and In the record gIIas Queens Hotel trom eed Doritoth Radio while It rsa ig Efi ml to third 0mg Ellis then walked load on the bases to Dan romeo bit Into double play radio the inning The Less med Iri othurmantrohnsshltsio eodzdlllalrd in lbtsecondlortnmadthu both second MW as up ptirhentaor wrrtbmrtorshnl ilL long end at as am ort ball for tha ml of the tIiklag to the lookout pistols Ifttf the time It loud but llLBCORZd it that Dave OByrae the took part promoti am in Coilinrmd tooooootss lrylruil rrotosxrra record of eight hint and two FROM THE DUGOll Tho brave relaxation In of league phy =9 Egg 32 tones to unirqrtiy baubril this ream monsoon their very rIpIhla first barman has hit tryout with the andailtl Reds of the National Baseball tensile The Iotkpcn train all be In Ivy to July II to play Inotler dooer liesder Igsiut the beats The learn has very busy week earths up Is Mrhr In Tottenharn on Sunday in noon at oclock In Orlilla Tussday nltbt at too In Croe mora on Wednesday nesting oclock Ind then had It borne Igshrat Breton on Friday night It oclock WRESllING atttnta ARENA ear soon rr us Lose It the fourth filth Ind lelh innings while holding the UEW sound Wteiasl The Barrie initiated to It runners on bare todadtnr two to the top of the third and three to the fourth Ind firlth rapedtvv utrrntag pitcher thtla ely Ibis getting tetra hits oil in the top of the seventh leIdoft batter Brine PtarrIIl got on base on an error their Idvaaeed an rtetders dtolta tearing Layooa on first Hepburn the third hItter flied out to the third basemin nbtla Landry Itso tired Io error by the Elmgrova third baseman to get on base Pearson and Link stored but the inning en ed with ten dry Ind Timnilrrs on base The rrdd eta next game it madly entheyhnat Midland It the Barrie Fargroundr It phi Giant Tag Team Toni Angela MOSCA and Carlos BELAFONIE Tl The WILDMAN Ind Bulldog BROWER MIDOZTG RETURN LADY 1111551112113 Pins On Big bout TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mutt Nona Tho Ilorria Mirror Hockey Association will retain applications until June 25 for the Shear Peacock Petroleum Corn Its hammered ltIarfletd Credit Union 175 in tho FormosaBentorawetl garne Formosa look In 114 lead to the ftrrt two innings scoring four In the first Ind return in tha reload Bentorswell managed three to the first and one In the rec orrd and added pne In tho sixth and one In the seventh to com plete the scalar niter Formosa added run In tho third Formosa went to town In the second when every batter got on hose and the team started through the order second time Walker till the winning pitch er for Formosa while Bishop took the loss for BsnlorIweiI In the DnrdorthQneens game the itotebuen scored III the not they needed In the fftrt inning lioan to take lend They added two more In the third and fourth and one In tho sixth in tomplete the arortnr Dnniorth managed one run In the tint toning and one each in tire rlxth and seventh At Shear Peacock Paroitunr Comets scored runs on 19 bits collecting seven runs in the fifth inning alone Every Corns bIItrr rot It least one tilt and most wars on base at least twice Mansfield scored not run In the first one Irt Iha third two In the filth and one in the rev enth but the Comets were In complete rontrol TRY EXAMINER WANT All This bylaw applies to Inground pools and PHONE 77412114 SAFETY SWIMMING POOLS Bylaw soil of the City of Barrie requires that any public or privairiy owned domestic lnoi rommertlati outdoor swimming pool rantIIIlrg wIter ever to depth perm by fence The protective tents shall be of bright of It letrt four Ittt and of such design II will reasonably deter any child or children Imm climbing over It Any gale ln tuulr frnca IhnIl be oompleird with lock and IhIII be locked It all timer errvpl when tlrI area In actually being used by the owner of the property aboveground positions of WACHES MANAGERS for the 197371 season Cashs Ind msnrgers requirod for all minor ego groopx For Information pisIrI eonlIeI EUGENE WALDEN 1268873 SCOTlY KELL 7188812 Guaranteed Investment Certificates rrnlor 71m tampon arm rIrIrrbv Ia rrrvbrg rlerrpfr oarrrolb WCvaltriallEY moor COMPANY since rnao Orbits at West at