Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1973, p. 6

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Masai SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES The beautiful country residence oi Judge and llreJantrsA larelormcd the setting ior the Juno mootin ollhoBmtoatallllstrlelBrmrthoitheCan 0an Guild Guest rpeakerior the evening ChUddte Le Blane Canadian soprano wlro recently returned from DarV and now melding In Barrie chose as her topic tarshlpe ira the youn like he Blane told MM memberI oi the many iinanclat dllllnslllu that face young Canadian sing er when living In oi rclwlrrsht illtn shown llr Butler Opera Director at Illeimpo undixuanodopunltr human voice and the Intriaa rope She stressed the decently ior our rtudentartlsts color Opera with tie Butler was drama music welding mil those elements Into single wort oi art President him hluriel Ierper completed plans will the membon tor drartcrod bus tri to Toronto during the premier written by Opzra torso to see the Jae Rigoietto Terr live plans are also on or periormanee oi the new hdeah Clintlea Wilson Heloise and Abclard ctr orntanco ol way for the will take place at OKwie Centre September 8th Among the merrihery rrerent not wnw sensor were llrr Jack Cameron and bin Vi Roarherry oi Denvllv Anne CImeron Robert larger la New Jen vlritrng her his and It Dotqu Booth lira Lsnord Ind Ian lanyard llrI Burn and collar Burns lira Douglas tloothnd Ills Bother Ilerrrwrr ltrs Elisabeth Birch llrs Itarsden llr Irsl llrs Jame lllghtor and Catherine lllghlon lliu Martha ltleia lira ll lubhcrt It the rrrulsr nrrrt Klein heimhmentr were under the In Jack Northordh IlrI Joyce Betta Mmmp and Ilrl IIIud llelcalla second Cameron sister birr Ir ry Walker ll Oakley Park Suture JEAN DUPLICATE BRIDGE Air and Airs Walter Smith were winner in Northboth nd llrr Bdn Barrermaa and tin Diana Brown wet winner in log oi leaaI Duplicate Brldra Chin other wlnnar who ANN LANDERS Try Telling Story To The Counsellor Due Ana Ardent PIcase ex cuss the ratchet paper but Im with this letter during still period ant It and In the his grade Your book 5W You All lie in our Khool llbmy and but reld It In RUMU on P3 101 It war letter iron nut1m who lived to Wisconsin She Wrote wlrb our llyelMld Amt would wait or or the tram and never come back Eta war county mean kld tram the min de we brought her ane from the hospital When Illa was three month old she began to look tile my hushand sister who was the term trump Then the mother went on to tell about all the terrible thing her duughcr had done and he ended her letter by saying Please tell us what to do with this girl belore she gets her ple ture In the paper and diagram liorrr doesnt give dImn about me and Ive Irma it ever since war little kid Dad wort all the lime and like stranger have sister who Id and very prcly Ian at looting lion loop tellt about hmv dillercni we look She kmpn saying its hard to believe they have the same mother and lather Itan nineyearoid brother and when Ilcm Isnt talking about my brnutlful sister she brown on this smart kid who Is lure to be President at the Unltod Sinkde least know there Is nothln you an to help me so may the best thing you can do to tell me why wrote tlrt letter when wowtrery well InsA Ilosn CT Dear Friend trim to call you loser because the hall note la Irom llnlshed You are only it Ind this only the second Inning You wrote because you were feeling alone and depressed and wanted to unload or somebody Im gird you chore me sug eat that yoti do some more In dlnaron scbool chancellor Thats what they Ir there for Youll be surprised at how much better youll feel aitcr youve verbalirod yotn Insle tier Please goInd lit me know how It worked out TELL TIER To hear Ana landm have this dear lrlcnd tIIl call her penon ppcllte tar week sideboard with the cake read to be served nothing cove erything and probably old can get aw when go to VII pleaselava llrr Ilnt DcIr lave No urn tempt you In rr would he lot cleaner Try It STAEEED PLEA PHONE 16 DUNLOP 512W SUITE BARRIB ONT tiabcll who has heart al gold but her houseleeplng makes me sick When go there Ior cup oi police and piece or caire have trouble uIllowlng any thing because llabel never ares loop or hot water on her dishes or silverware She rlrucs every thing under the cold WIter lap and drles then with dirty Illahtwei Its enough tntltlll Yesterday was the hat straw When went to the kitchen to get the ration pot than was her big llaitcse cat Ierplng in the sink nearly tainted Our cups now and spoons were on the pat sitting right out where the all could have walked over evv should have Ild somethingl What about the nest tlmcl Now with not eating It herl Help me point In Iylnl Inythlng llabcl has probably been looping house like this tor years nd you arent going to change It Tell her In Illenca that youd preicr that she not serve anything because you are trying to rot drawn on calorie and It would be help It aha Condential In No Pnldr But tIorv We strap Itt You cant It beyond your control ll everyone swept In Iront ol hi own front door the whole world and lIlrI liarg Powell and San Latimcr third EastPlant All and Airs Itoy Fraser record and lira Scotti awn and Frank llarrlson third mono DUTIES In the city toda la Itirnd the rroddlog of VI Hoogrn drla Ind Brian lidacldrn at Trinity Anglican harsh Ira III and hire Oollea IIeIcn Robin and llartlr at with wood his and lfsv Hrrtnn llr and Airs llorrL II ed at Parry bornl lire It lIoogroder and lloosrndrle llaatreal Outline Air and lira lidIy and hills liday at Norwich lliss ltlaenrr Illa IIIrrner Ills lilo enrr Caltdollll and Air and lira Illaencr oi Caledonv II All and Airs ii Kyle lir and Airs It Kyla at Hamilton Woods Sodhary Jullkn Port Hope Ill and In Fleming Weston lit and IIrI WWI Don llilll hilt Borisnd Burlington lIrI Van do KImcr Brampton Mir has its and blrs It Hana tl bill Smith Dimbull at Toronto lib blame havaird Air and tits Nib Irchlrr Scarbxough aria wood Alisa It Altman llw Saint llr Ind rm Mr and Airs rs ford Tollo Windpor OPEN HOUSE lit and tire William tlrIItIm at Campbell Avenue will at home to Mead and relatives tomorrow sltgrnoon rant to oclock on the melon at their golden wedding rrnlvrrlary They were ntmlrd It Burton Avenue Untied other mama on SundIy June 17 um RECEIVPA DEC Alired WIndIit BOBtlhIIW ol lir ad bin William Van Der lIurk oi IIR How Well so cclvcd hi Bachelor ot Science degree in engineertns Irom Un iversity at Waterloo he mar rted to the iotmer withendne Van Den Iiarlt IIEIIIAIN CHAMPION Mending champion oi the Shlnly llay Goil Club Johnnie Bradley and Alalroy ltrymoal bail foursome playoli held this In th lthda completion Al GRADUATION Toronto Bart General Hoapllll School oi NurIlIIl tloa allowed It It Ilourr PRIZE WINNERS cIr drIw held It lb Royal Cltl leaky to llmt Canciii Beretta to Ray lrvlng tor mat ll lietller ltd lira lloare to It Perkin e1 lira Been KI Pat Dunbar at Air Den Atom lilila to William ICL SIMCOE l0WCOST DENTIIRECIINIC BY iOCAl aruttsrs FOR APPOINTMENT 7267777 In cooperation with in Ontario Dental Anorlatla Van do linmrr lioney ltar Brad retained their title In the two wrek They were playing IIIrg Partridge and Laureen ltarvry ltlaycr Dorian Illhl attend cd ngduatlon exercise it tho vocation IiIIl when Air Park ers niece Elisabeth Ann Dev ontslr received let diploma tron TCNP TheQuot Club oi Barri hII nnaarmccd the tailoring winner at the recent Beer Text and adlan legion st Vincent Street Tuber llowden number lm Volkawagen Walters 17 Wayne Beddey lion Gardiner It Drake It Bio Qulnn tar lira tier let Lawrence to Dr er It Borden ill and Johnson rot George Taylor ocMIIMWW tow mmlswuw warm when cannon noon Original Bridal Gown OfEnglish Lace Satin mrn Hrllday at an or at National secrettier rum party but II to mu Road To highlight or the Barrie do modelled celebrated It home oi Ilsa Nanh Ddll the cranial II the insult tlan oi the man executive Shown above tram loll arc ltrr Dyson treasurer lIrI Dorothy Willooghhy psuld eat llrr Betty Alert virev prealdcnt and bin BIII WW mordlng secretary The chm charter In tho Wound NSII Chapter Marks Birthday Ill Supper Party The Barrie Chlpitr oi the NI tlonll beadsdes Association met It the home ol lira is tha Dyson Pratt Road to celebrate the fth birthday at the chapter bin Csrol Watson was colorless oi this event raid both when worked hard to brake It sat occasion After dclielou potluck rup pur In Installation ceremony was conducted by llrs Lillian Jones Iulrted by Airs Carol Jennay lormalty bonding the mall Executive The date lotion President liar Dors othy Vlliloughhy Vice Preside lant lle lictty Alters ng Secretary llrs ding Secre tary llrs Incite Wesson Irwnsurra lira MarthI Dyson REPORT ON MEETING Airs Walloughby Ind rm Dy roo reported or the Canadian Division Meeting held In llIil Irx Nor Scott attire Lord Nelson Hold Hay in no and Th Committee Chairman ol the Barrio Chapter Ire Ill loi lm Audit lira llae Twoae lindch lira liIrthI Dyson Bulletin lirr Baily Draught bytm Illisl Batty Brtcrr CPS Service and Education litre Jeturla Wittereen llcmber SHIP tlrr Lillian Jones Nom Inatlng ltlra Sylvie Durante Program and Hospitality Illiss Betty Alena Public Relations and Scrap book tire llo Burrows Ros tor lira Lillian Jones Ways and Nears IrrI llartha Dyoo Berer llrs lareills Wesson Illttcrian llrI Carol Jermoy Sunshine lIrI Trial Davidson ANGEIJRED AIARE DEAL ANAHEIM IAP Calltnrnla Angel have otttalard oullleitter Richie smelnblum tram Cincin nati Red tor two players to be named later Sohclbhlum or hit an to 29 gone with the Redd this mr and hit too with Walnut and yellow turned 23 Egg grain egg eEEEE in bsndceu of arth roaru the brides IIou length nylcaa bet tulle emintderwd Inn basqud see and yellow daisies recalled by apricotchatted roses menu It Had babyI arena BRIDAL ATTENDANT The mum at run In Ills llreola Webstenf Barrie Bridesmaid were lira Dale Wood oi Don Alllis In ADM Ede Blower min of the bride of Buttock The bridal Illendanlf iam shamed gowns were indicated or similar lines to the trim rm and lectured empire In Imus were laahlmod oi cotton In rammed more to col great tllda picture hats to shade oi yellow to match their dream were worn by the atlandInir nd they carrlrd banquets oi white and yellow dairies Al Nildscbln of Toronto was best man It IlcltIddu oi Barrie and Pan lioogmtlykopl Barrio were ushers The bride Is the daughter oi lfr and tin Walter Hoosv endylra at too Clapperton 5L Barrie The brldcgroorns par BII DEGREE Diane Beelrn outtter at tin and tin MIrtIs Breton or New lowelt received the honor Bachelor at Art do grea In French Il convocation exorcise hold It the Univer Ilty oI Ilarunln grrduatr nf Barrio Central Oolieglltg lllss mien will continue her studio at Uniterrtty oi Toron to In September GENTRY OUT OF ACTION AIIANTA AP Right handor Gnly Gentry at Atlanta Braves has been placed or the llday dlrnbied lat and tell hander ilmmy lreerosn re called irons Richmond oi the In lernatlnnat league Gentry has more right elbow and III pitched sparineg the last two KAN Qty Ill 1971 Reg weeks inclination lakeslow 7185I5I hi FAMILY morn SPECIAL MONDAY TO THURSDAY SAVORY MEAT lOAF Spanish Sauce with dressing Hournlarocvtctrv err Complete $I 95 complete meal inelude Dessert and Beverage Children under 12 $l20 IAKEVIEW FRIED CHICKEN Dinner liox Special place ehiclrorr Cole Slaw French Fries Tao Biscuit $l55 Wednesday Only $I20 danlirarallinllni mmdnahmtm El E5 Ere era in 595 555 Irnxaamasxasnururarvannvrvrtsritm WENDYS COLUMN Bicycle Brings Back Childhood Memories Iymnvnrcns Ilonhrdordthewisdowand uerrurnnrldln Ilmgoo bltyrlo For ctr mornent mind to take place to tool the mile movement the broth past my lace the llght resistance to my tool as my Irrl pushed thrrn round and mod warned to recapturlpsoma at those childhood days when bicycle was much part ol life Is chair or table lumembcr so clearly the firat day had bike as amy ono called It It In last ltcr had later the lipid enamlna Itlon although It wont called that in those days It was cIII od Ihr Exam and It was the srcat amt that had colorod all the past than year the those of II who bad to Into It lion oi extra homework and extra work reboot to prepare us Ind It was the examination that de tamlnrd whether we rrerl ta blsh cbool or technical school It rmllmd much Indeed Indlhadvrarlr vorybardlr orch to do wall poutble The results were not let an nounced Iod ntwenvaluing It home one evening ber the dotxbcii rang blotter Irltcd to see who was there and when opurcd the door man was standrng tber with brandnow hiny bleycla tie mllod at me and sIld This luv yos think ITILL REMAIN Th Jay nd rmbelievabta sur prise of that mantrait still with ma today We were not particularly welloll we were not poor either but Item and Dad had to watch their rrroooy anti treat were no part oi the general routine Perhap It the back oi my mind was the thought that It passed the mo might be lucky enou to set bike but it was cert olts mat do lor raven tech So there Hood with the gloriqu bicycle balm and than at happiness down my lace Naturally to side It lmmrdlatelttrptrnd to all my biendr borne to ow Aty repagiglrl mat va pe my nose oh was deitghtod They had deeded that even it didnt pm the cram had worked very hard and done my beat and that was all that mah trred so that was why the tlvcrtme the bicycle Such re and rcnstbl people and that In rtdont has stayed with me all my lite influencing many ded Ilonslmadetrithnryownchlld llavln and own bike so very till eroot troro being IIoI ed to this other peoplel Per one thing It was grta bllre width can that got on by miniong leg between the In and the saddle blast of the bite bod ridden hetero had belonged to boy nd tbll meantIRln oitttelcsbe hlnd and over saddle to vatdthrcroaabar literature In those day mum tautll the trill rather mtso ed dashing telling of coar dinatlco required INDEPENDENT However that was more Item made up by being die to rid whenever Ielt like II No longer did have to Imanb to Gladys IIurrcIl or Jati But hvr In order to get ride up anti down the street Noa was the are with the heady power oi granting mission Ior rides in in bite meticulously or that nd amt rhe on It return and general ly trcallill It in rent roach tlore than royal coach thou it was ticket to th oulade world It meant that Lv wishful thinking and lb ro SIMPSON Sears was mobile sud able to go to lot out 24 Collier Battle moment waldog diatncc Mum which was Dthe mania Balzac anon on berries For In More and where iron thande the bill lira thought we run not lived It was rarely the ray at the sun use in sunburst through old but than was ordla stratbat God could be loud to it ran Ire oi the rear AGINIC ROM There were the wearerind Iancmbera huroscundrto Its grew rye at thrurnr time so lbt the WI we aked Iere masterpieces oi coo eating color There weretbe Icai wood thra we found bhlehell to curing and beech nuls In atom and there were golden cornlleld waving In its ununer breetc All this became plrr mind wide oi it ght with my boost the tub and the gnaw and out two as All brought back heroine woman rode by on bicycle lllti EXAM Nut WANT ADS FIIONIII1IC BARRIE OPTICAI Collar and ctrpperlor lllvltll PARTTIME sues PEOPLE new BARRIE srortr Apply In person to Temporary Personnel Olllto Trinity Anglican Church Monday to Friday III on to pm

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