tiltiittttwiittmmtr 501 Published 33myc xTnylimilld ragic Robb Pubiichermnl MIrIIpIr WIllr Editor EIMII Will tuI iii Itll in my he Answer Emerge In with Managing Editor From Transport Hearings The 10 North Committee is one oi the moot purrintrnt local lobbies This week it WAS revealed the Carin minder Cm nss dun irrnrpon Corn in Ivor oi commuter tutti transit trdt conic iron Icrnnwcrk trial service operated int iIll Pro this claim the II III hi than the well Rhcduitdlilll into an application 5mm dmmgvhfm HP ti by Gil North and or immqu groups in hm minmutcr romeo eslsll be between Brrric Ind Ttmnto The groups hrio been messing tor rich tmios at turt two years Now it will have ohms to cont be as withtts demands On the other side oi the icons will be Innadlin National Railway which will argue the mvloe would position on trrge scale dailysis have been getting out at the prisocngcr bunlllerr tor quite some time now Ind 11 should be expected CNil still application GO North tr not the only group tnvoiv cd in tor the Khim Boosters oi liourit Albert Ind The York Centre Commuter Committee and others lilng on the pressure ltiudt oi the ammunition Irom rigorously oppose tho 1ch been pu Centre ND leader vice Ind the Stde tnintte 1WD elected oieiclc who sum the term Ire Slnrislr Storms Yortstrnooe omits stitch Doririd Deacon trYork btephen 1min Ontario One tirure inst rtmdr out in the Mr ments is the approximately $3000 yier CNli charged tor the trial nor vice That it IiiInto ice considering tinti road Boortm rented train or trial run for H500 day Whether elected oiitrislr udl ru commuter grouytr Inr romrtnr to be seen but It is likely some will What the issue boils down to is udiethrr the thosd tornrmitcr run to Toronto bciorc the CIC enr pubilc Wants to In WHLJIZTILWWLKIMWKJ mat QUEENS PARK Lewis Staying On is Welcome News By DON 0mm Gurus Pm Bums li amid bo welcome nets in Ilitlbpwlooimlsrioth WudrlrrtIyinIonu Ni tender Ya oven lo lit UberIJ to trim cl cosine Iir tewir It probably tin blucrt Itnle mus tbrcrt to their itdtsc mm For this two rrun it too Ills thinlan nr rood but it wasnt brlrnrtd it won cod guys IrIinrt bod yuyr crr III run iobetwcen Iitiirie Iwmlliion thIt ererytblri iIcit blIfI Irid while lilil mwlm In to run then ha been when mlr oi tndry hnmil tho shitty It in yeIrI good ilo IWA not be tort to Iti but In Iblttty list has bern onwmiitied recon homo Ind pottrhed to rnrtu Herbert ttrrt tum lilyohm Ida NWIWII uni lily Ind bitter mismatch hurt trons mtttI old In NI obtioueiy hid yrrrt Ibll clrrrr or room mterr he is not rutiriinr tool It Ionic ysrtleu Erin then then Irrrrtt do lIr morn ballet in soy petty who could come dwtohrn ent it nu dortioped trio It ttre rltrcc whirls an perre 1dr choice It wordl trlr elo throuyir thI two Iidcr oi ours rnee lJI iInlIrlic rnermry lion Ind corriI up with In so in deJvcry Ind hir lhttllbe rwer iilr uuwcr but Inc dl Ihlp III at rrssiiiy to bo Iciopnd through ioctc mmrllod It And they was ti 17y Ailidlilm And with thI mIitbii thm tends to this them little Ib But they were Ipoile toner oi room Int rynlclam which he ittvuthly tired AM Also devIl into wit hutcedI rnoiiorttny st to lilTERPiiETlliG Till NINE House Of Representatives EntetslmpeachmentDebaiie THE LIGHT TOUCH lly 51301101 KITCHEN IirCInrltey younl CIlithnIr iirpuhiirrry who up and NEW YORK tCil For wuitr thI ourntnn ni whrthrr Pmldrnt rilxnrt Inc or rirnnlrt Wm Mm Ml he impcarhrd inr tnvnlvrmnnt in tin Wntmtatn niinir ilfiy fijuflf been debated by Inrnn rrrilmtr llittln ilrnrtn nllrmptr In cntrr oi the Armirnn lrerr tilt Wit nyr tlIIr Iooultrtn It lbrnocrtilc in mid Piliiiilirtm Now tho tlrlintn has arth thI iinrtr Iii Iiid hrttrc n1 Ilrprr wttolircr thn only nntlmrlty in the Unite lbiblei hitilll thn power to Ndn et tr oi ersi Mitcinl Ihtnilli in 1m WU rhrd htilillrliint Ltit June it is untiircly ihtt Conmrr wtrilrl mnlrr my mnrr nlnitlli titer presidrnt without rill rlrnr ctirirnro ni wrnnrv nl hrubltr opinion polls ilir rltrttn bowlerin rIItnl hi it in hem intruiticrrl PM Minn stilt mi wits Conlrorrmrn inrli Wi ctillfttllrri lnlhI rrtirtiry Ind thn mrrI Iri rtl buttinr thn orrriitnt on trlIl would he estnciyrmt event titty Altrrtr and it tiryilrid street llIrriI OntIrlo Telephone 7mm Second Clrts Itnll nrpitlrrllun tturbcr dint itIIurn posuyn yucrrntrtd Drliyr bundIyI Ind Stuutnry Iiolldrrr excepted SubIcrlpilott rotor drlly by that would rrrlt tltc mildtty Ind perhrpr do lrrrpornble hand NO Mlllli MEAN impeachment tr thI only nrrnnr Ivrllnhln In tho Cori Itll In mill is prrrldrrit Tito Amrrlrtn pntttlrri system it nothintt cnmonrrhlr to tho nnrn rrwiiirieMd rota whidt pnrllI rrtrrunry tlrirutcrrrirr an in lutrpll trovmrment The prohlrrn with lmrttrschu curler tic wrttir titti rur mnnl lr ihut lt lmpiitr tximliiIh Hindu copier 11 117 mil tty For thst rrcrm thn motor iirrrir rim yrrrlri 51mm dilinii Milly turd norm County mot vrrriy iirlrnrt itrti roundr In the Ull run at Cronin mm ynrtr AU Ititlrllon in mm brihrry othcr counlrtrs tum ycsrlii or rlJtrr hirh rrtrncr Ind nitr liolor throw oil moo ycrrly Amer ml lcnrunrn erionri Mvcrttnny Oiilcrrt Irrmt In itmti Inrprnchmrnt in Queen it Will Toronto rharurroi Irrirnlrnlnriurc Add 1710 did CIthcrrri Montreal 51 litrrrrcr conviction in im prndtmrni notwitan lr riot Iiernberoi the donation iretr Inn Itile rtr trwirliilrm oi Ind Audit Ulllltlll ol Clicuil tillW in rtnirt All it mennr that the pcrron omitted il il Ir mils Conrdlm than it excinr mm up my My pub The Assoc ed therein The Drrrtc Errmtser claims yrlitht in Ill orlpinri Idvrr it Ind Ilsa tho ioccl nnwr publish rel entitled to illII ior it the Oiliiitliim 1r dlrouciiiied Ucrllonoidllllldllblkil itnrn holding on olllrc oi all my credited in it It honor trust or prod intcd Press or iicuttr trnilcd litrlrs Altcr tilt in it llntitn Ind Iuhiocl to in iunderthI dlctrncni trini iudrrnent Iiid nlsirrnmt Immiim to lIrr The comlttutton Iirer thI In Ind rdllorlrl mrterlci cronitcuic oi llermrnlcttvrr Iir Itcd by lta rrnyicycu Ind ro Int pcrr produced in tldt nrwrprpcr Copyrirttt nryirtrrllon Numv bsr inlaid rertrlcr Ii or in Impeach rev ernrneni niitccr lllti iii only by meiorlty soil The Scrre Itll II court to try thI inn mmnmw mum odlcirl Convqyion rd eiriiIt Yrr lid not the rrdleti at to yum syn NO should outleulrriy thunk llI Hutton tint mu II min on III rtrr Ind shove Anybody ellI titlbic in tits yrrty par tcuirl latter ArIl tridicsiinnr Ire thrl he will probobiy Idrninlrtrr put IItllc it badly ncedr hitch he Innoan hr was Illyitt on tents IIld it wordd boot Ions condition Irtlc ulIriy that he wrrnt to to com hiynret with tilt Ipiw toy norm tlhddlmwirvmu the prrly Thrt in iltett could be the but tlw thIt hII hr ed to itr poenilrl Miner yurr For thI hDl twr believed In buddybuddy Everybody hII hrd trite III Wine which intern hm tell attired In in ten And some pctt mrtty oi the nicer hm brert city The lerder now Itcritiy In tentiorr they merit lilctiAlil NIXON Iryycrl to Conrmw It vote oi iwothlrdr oi senators learnt II presi dent is omitted Ind thus rer IMAM ircrn oiich the vicc ptrlldm trleI over The Iinuro hsr voted inc lm orrthntcrt only it timer in III 191er ltlrtory at tho rcpuldlc Teri ll the error involved 1rd Ii illirer Ind oi their only In wm convicted 0m renn tor my one Ibtnct mirdrtcr wcrI lrui Int Icqtiitttd ONH mmurnr Tilizi Only oriI prerldriitmnw Johnsontin hem irnpmhcd Joltan trIr tried in Ibitl on chutes tater thoryitt to lure been pulttlcrily irupted oi Vi min the from ol 01th Art corrupt urI n1 vrto Torrey In letimnco with nlcciorty In other hlrtr rrimer Ind mir drrncrnorr iiI wII Ic ullted Idiots thI hurts veto one short ti tin twothlrdr neces IIry tor conviction in thy brcitrround oi the mo crlrc lIy bitgr dttier oynon Ivor Iptttttl trIIlrnertt oi thI ConttitrItI rlrtca dtlrrted in tit Animus Grit War Johnson Irvnrcd udder trIIimtni lilhd that pro rrmyc pmm Kerr cur tdlittoibttfwllhoxliikok Ind WWII limil porrd by Ilrotty the right to tits Supreme remover lirrrn irom oiltts ti and utter tth Ire toyed guilty B1 11 DOYLE um 10 blititr most with the internde peter rtncrvirory Iqu tars not tlnl proctritrcd lull In tinting kisser the Viet nary Inc South Vietnm III Army Inits which my tut reverIl nwntlir Inst rnoIi recsn Irritated tbri Iomrtlmo in tho but Lem the Viet Cour will Illlior rIIrrIivI Iimcrl It scrutiny It tout one doeywnlrr port Ind Irilior ctt yucca wrrvrtnni with in Lsrisns in THE EDITOR P051 BOX with to publicly thrnir Tom poIimIIter ior the bur Iir It bcrrt rant Sundry ntdrt yfcteir loin to port ltitrr iottnd thno er nu onrt box Ittlr mornlti Juno It tho null oilrI to lolnod Ibmli trrid MI told box Ind ticcn Arlen liorovcr our Iiilclcnt police iound it Ind II it er um the null wII tool on its 00 That led will be int It to wini ur intern til AI driidrrn we used in be Ltrue In llrrn Ur nylrw To Sricrturd 991 will Iii tired lie cut dIndIlirnr Ind Item trco In son to mom But yott cant ieIre now rrurc training or drum teruItlonIl 1Iw tend to cup port tblI vlcw They Iry the Viet only mitt hm port Ind idly In order tor thctr air to rovertltnly otrr pIrtI oi Boron Vietnam to vac Iny kegcdtbglyH ntrnr Mawmulon oi Control Ird Mention roost Into iiirictoo soon lyIlIo indi cII tht IrIIIorlr yurh III the Viol Gun is mutt It to or two in tna Iota em port It north VIII IIm poutbly tn the Ilrtcny Debs rcrloir cantertr bcionyrd to lbs reign to control Iomccnr ItrII or Queen until it wrr rrty it this our treer on oilI own iIhd il smartly dietuit No doubt the ontr who Itoin hit to hit Ind room to hi It thought it ciIter ltI rod Ihcr innov thin they didnt in to the old minorit towsrd to In tlIyI let us hoot there rtclyw yountrterl hm rIIliiId thrt iris lot in thI their and lint hind ol punk Ir neither tinny nor dryer Itupid illtrlirmoi to thI incipient Merely it SliOlOl 1110M OONTKOLSY Derr Sir With rIierom to tiiI June IAwrn kid tint the null box rod in This being In Iddttlottrlbyirw Too Much Even For Mother To Love liy iiAir ilOlLl NEW YORK tAlI rm roitrrnrrirt mlrht neiur know It he dltlrii upon his rritIII Kim you dont run It tho min on qmmrn door AI In adult 11 rrnritrr Iron ttmcI in 1dth might it thiI wrrI lruo oi ytnr nivi you hrd hren In nlyltt ind hniry you would now we rm Iir tons to much lltr nrcri mother to low The hcnrtioi nun who lctr it row ntrmhrrr about trim to IltrrI Thcy Inc It dcnrtly oi IJtoiit son pcr Aqum inch on his riwrllr bid pcr tryian llKlI or hit rhlri Know your rrlrsdarr in tho rnclrrri itimnn rnlrnrirr II tied in itnmulur the ycrr had only to month the tort WM cntcd iicccirrhrr interim it came truth word motor to lid when on more monthI worn ndd li VIII Iilil lrtcrri lntt dcrpitc the tort inrm WEM lolrtlrrr npyvroyuirri II ll tttn strum enlied it last month winierrnoustlw Iir tut ortetit hoestirs it cant ncd thriclmnr 011 HINGE iii it isnt direrII Iione that Irnm hotnrnliii rein vtenurlnnr One ni tho nutrirrrt WIyI in extent the Ivrtrin in Csnrdn the iirllisn Nari tour in Con thorn to Arneiicn Art rim lIrtiImcnt rhurdi Ind tIIdi them It tnymch indrrr cl tor IitI Word Iirint Legs court The Crown In the wry that he soul is old he will not ill an American mIlI would hi to Illrnlnrte lbs to that tall at Iodideistr bornl rider Ind llier QuotsbiI notsbirrt Ttsm IN nlcnti at Ilrltlr order the sun tor thorn who have It to rec Oihillll lI dons tinsuy Ind rm olhitil II oonI porltirclr ch coin mm In Iecnrc WWW to per rent oi thI IMIIIIb MI yet to ho MMWM Lincoln Wilton Worth Ilcmetnbcrlsri are It thI rctromro mmr Willi clIIII In keeping Mun IhtdtodIle ll Ira Iirrtd it they open them loot will hit out Foilirrri iiIIrr trorn birch not turn currltvn trow rrr tints born In tho month at My mm mousm it cIt IitI wit iir bruit to tho IIrI erased storm torn Pitt butter on cItI your to AM It Irom rtrIylny tram now house you moyo into It VIM Auitln Oilulier who Nil icmri ior wcrliit by the 11nd oi pcrrott tin Irlcctr In rocelvo Itl nhncrvtd loll slum ll BIBLE THOUGHT In children III In hrrttru oi the Lord Ind thI truit II the womb II tits round Alliil 127i nutshell Ire IiIlI from God In Inrldi our this hi to II an Iron AilIr thI trill dilution hit thrt wc dont and than troy went on to Itrirh his term homo in deyrrt le it torcer oiledle VtcinItnru thr eItIhIi control nor the three north vincu oi Mir Virl mm below thI dchdtllciiud rone Ind that thI Viet cont II result hm oentrrtlnr their attention on Iran lIrttrcr Iontlit DiMOllEl 0N iitilNiJ IIlir oi romlnI tonsils tr itrrrd etyth tn III ot in dlpidInI Iry ciklel It is out at the rosin topic oi converrrllon that white virturtt nvcryorI Ibmvmoer beika North Wu motioned berm con itc Ind mills It In It Itlort lit the ch Wow It wt Ilodyn mot ronI tuit iInd Ownntr Associltloii ill will wrter room to be Ind twotild to 1me iurt how tIiId the mInbIrI It the IA roclIlion Initially on Union Iorno It Itrlnit Idditionrl WW lIw1 Iudt Is this tho nsrne II tor web byth most intcrcrdu unwary propored one or ndrht vac rcr tnurclv tuition tnvllcrr III ietterr to column or the rd whys porrlblr mldld in ItrI EIInrlrrr lrlbstionr Idttnr Hard Ind InriudI ddrrrrrl Ind teln lumber trrr my Ian ll thry drrlrr hould III ha writers III ll dilutions sronr Exploring Family One Of The Best Ily U01 BOWMAN The Intioyrlrr oi hlantrtrl or WI worn the prericri rrtilitrry lrmr tly lliildnrtllnnltlrtoryuiid mr itrnr world history it mlrht also ho claimed that tilt in rr endryrs oi Mir lllvirrrr worI thn rrcnlrtt rryiorinr Innvlty Thr inther llrrrr Itnulltrr whirl In Frrritxournd Icrttvi Irrny vrII Irrrry de mm gimbrrit tultll the ioildwinl turned to CInIdI wrern llo cut into thI tur Irrdn in 1711 iii liirttrrlppl inbuilt tnrt distinction All II IIIin brie Iain no doubt thrl ho Isw thI itrri its limit Fort NIHIIII us In trot when its wrr It lied rnIrr preterit dry ctitrltt tVin pm my nut Ind iortrrr iI iirtri ribin potcrt letd riri irte em to it Io lllr thrrr Ions wtrI rrtiur Ilhiltctr irsn tilted or this dulI In iris ntr comment ibrt mmnt bu shod is bililuor to mdoIi sup our AroIrIeII Britlrb or mirth own no IirII tell who roulttwnllltoortre nbldly IiiIiirrIcli rtIlilII rbelhhr At thn IIrrrn ltrne lsmt thrth her mum Lt WIIblnclnr ir rhI coir to rtoo oIbIrI oi ill orln Witan blle TIt to ho AlIb Intmin Bot tutti would my much its lbs us to sell morI oi curb strain to irr Iir torn in runner to mm IlrrId Experts See Short Luil In Vietnam Then Cong Offensive Within Yectr tIdttI bItnI pinned thorn it ilttin wiqu Io Itr on Irbcnitwtlltritcplu There it Irowi boiiIl mum dict tbs VII Con In dammit will tttsrir thI rIlny Icuon which tr Ant Itsrtinrr hIr ended other mmd horttittler itemsWigs oi thI yrrr 11111th corms the Vlct Owl stern to bIIcutIly my mm mm tort or admits in an out mob at months mint mil hint to yd lion oi Amrrtctn WM to In Ittutt Itter Iir mm or It My crrry ten risk oi Ud rItIiiItion Tbs Vlel MI Militant will In itmlut mm ambit lr0 WNW it UXW prillbll tinnt mulnlly tree will this BIIIilI divas Vlelnrrn tn id cll klotth hm rnIdI thI Kurt WI tyrer Wind oi rItItlvc lo etIrnil Awful rrndidrlsr wotl mod trlr clion oi Iiatiiieliit Irtnr EVACUAHW NOW linsinr rcIrrsl st l1 httny it cItIII llIVI $1 the 1005 whose truth com corn with be the shutter ol its tlcid terms Ind Iron tr IlniiIl heldoulmn Itrli lo IIiI Ireu msdlrr niltcirir barrier Icrni rsiItlrIty crririn thI lll monitor could It It orrmlisbtd iIlrly quickly lie thdtli not without outsider Iblr nutty rlrlu Tits obrnt would or In Irrderril nnc II iIr Ir Can IdI iI tomerred within Icw week tbrternnl AiiIlrI Illn Irtrr Elmn hnr Innotrnc nnndr will withdth tram the tutor obiencr term not III thII July It 11in05 hst Ornrdi Inorrrttited Iir opcrrtion with IirrIli csprblr rcrrhtnr rirturlly Iii mu oi Mirth Vietnam The mid oblem with Iir npsrstlonr lI iillnt lllyhtr um VIII Corry oi key The by duller tho merit Milli boluses In rat Premier 1111 Golds iitlr Ind President Nixon ii is little Iinoott obscene dirt on thI letlt artistrrry oi thIondoIthcsDIyWIrtb toot Ind the Initial Irmtd om Irina ner cbuitr rrn inside their Ilti morn Inphlrlkrltd was oi oi destb bosomJll lbI illtrri rule In create to buy Ind tbt nest In Iurt II Irrrrte AOIAL CiNlLiLi rm no tur Il moons tho Amritsar or thI lirrrh who hm IbsIdy sold their ro nomad IiirIrI irt litters until Iliddlo Buttsn nIv ttoiir Irml yuterdyy tth tdey nn dtlmur is thin bier ot Strtc tor bottom told Prrtlunent Isudi Arsblr is to brittrb imp oiu becturelt in illbttdi Illll its that turn next door Kim when than lltolim um their ItsI pretentiybctursd dnllIr thI Iourlrrirh anrtt ruling theith III IyIlnI crurrdcr lot llrhlerr Indy tho Ameililn limit Iirdeltoer Iyrtern The anrilir with tiny Inny at 1000 men Ind It now lcie Iir tom oi Billltlt titrattrt Ilrhierr cirim not to bo worried Ibout dittrnt limit but rent is It willdlid ctritrito IrrrIli eorncr at my PIrIiIiI Gull Ihellltdom And in iron ll III with any tho Irmr me trryrdy onn Ilrr beyond then In uteri rcptesrnirtlrcr oi ilnnIlIur DIIIIult thn ubiquitous French builder oi tltI Allian id com petlnr mind the iluIrIIrr tints who hour minty Irrrltd thc in it Mr 1on with Inclrj Alta11kt illicit hint II III Itirrt ItIllrtch at tho worlds uvrrt powder point is truth mrltltrlitr at chth Irpor trrycd In tho nrcittttlo rotor lots tit Srcond World War um militrnt Itsbcr in the woodr territory crn be msdo iinly mnrpsred to the Inc oi WI Incr motive Idurnrc worn in bu horn yltIn and club Inro Kliliod nut Is our Conrdirn oilirlrl commented ll our petin were in mi drnyer wctl fit anywhere III hrd to in ordcr In bring ihrrn aidMilli or without ptirtdlllon whrn his rty wu Itlrcited by tom younr onr Irirsmrn oi our tlmI tthrt mernlnx cm Wt lit irtiludtnous UN Itrlemrntr Ibt crest Wild units the hubs or oven mor hyprrrlllcrl nnor shout hurnrul tty crtrrtrt up in tests when muons pirnr It indie to oplo llriIO Stilth Al inumd ttlrnditslrt wcltlnynur ltllI1llHIttilll Firm Int loutvinitph Ituiown Ir oi Sou Dnltotr lhc Inscription lncltnicr thI lnitrntrtlon the visit my butlrd iirrrh cltcrtltrrt rnnrlo trip into thI im lerrttory oi the lirndrn Indlsnr mum JUNK MN In tilt Thcy rot ntit 1mm prmnt dry timings la Frrlrtr nil wclii northwest ncrorr the litter Ind did not IiibAdmllri iiotoswrn tented ircnth IhlpI n11 toundlutd Ilihourb wrr hrd brcn drrlnrcd ltlISyrnirrdr IIirId Brilltb rhlpi It risotto Vsncourcr lhnlnr that trip tth Irw Milt lrnd rriolltlltinr in the lilirnro Irtl ll lnofhgluqamrlitirgm II poritbic tht it warn the ow will Itlrn itrrmlsrlun In ertrbl rm 1m WWW in thy rrre they run lnI int Thin wII thn bcyinnlny oi yiziiyliifiyh number It dIrln nIII tbii 1rd to lure IhrrI trionutty CoiiIII not It Windmr Nd tutrrlcni or with rhlnriwrrtlttlod It Out Nollt lithlrl tummy otrrlrt trcm dry lI Dilicinllguuetllldti with my Wm WM its yriirnreir dud Iron tiltlotuth DoulII tshllrbed elm uri Dttrinr tilt VIIIMIYII trip which odorn 1r II well in titirlitl thI ClthIliIt nntlile hurielnntrlnl plitrrurouve orrncd it yrsrlon it wrt blind 111 toll by Doolede tun lilourirltturc ct Crnsdn